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A sport pitch

  • This layer is shown at zoomlevel 12 and higher

Table of contents

  1. Themes using this layer
  2. Presets
  3. Basic tags for this layer
  4. Supported attributes
  1. Filters

Themes using this layer


The following options to create new points are included:

Basic tags for this layer

Elements must match the expression leisure=pitch

Execute on overpass

Supported attributes

Warning:,this quick overview is incomplete,

attribute type values which are supported by this layer
sport string basketball soccer table_tennis tennis korfball skateboard
hoops Multiple choice 1 2 4
surface string grass sand paving_stones asphalt concrete fine_gravel tartan
access Multiple choice yes limited members private
reservation Multiple choice required recommended yes no
phone phone
email email
opening_hours opening_hours 24/7


This block shows the known images which are linked with the image-keys, but also via mapillary and wikidata and shows the button to upload new images This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {image_carousel()}{image_upload()}


The question is Which sport can be played here? {sport} is played here is shown if sport is set


The question is How much basketball hoops does this pitch have?

  • This basketball pitch has a single hoop is shown if with hoops=1
  • This basketball pitch has two hoops is shown if with hoops=2
  • This basketball pitch has four hoops is shown if with hoops=4
  • This basketball pitch has {hoops} hoops is shown if with hoops~.+. This option cannot be chosen as answer

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: sport~^((^|.;)basketball(;.|))


The question is Which is the surface of this sport pitch? The surface is {surface} is shown if surface is set


The question is Is this sport pitch publicly accessible?

  • Public access is shown if with access=yes
  • Limited access (e.g. only with an appointment, during certain hours, …) is shown if with access=limited
  • Only accessible for members of the club is shown if with access=members
  • Private - not accessible to the public is shown if with access=private
  • Public access is shown if with access=public. This option cannot be chosen as answer


The question is Does one have to make an appointment to use this sport pitch?

  • Making an appointment is obligatory to use this sport pitch is shown if with reservation=required
  • Making an appointment is recommended when using this sport pitch is shown if with reservation=recommended
  • Making an appointment is possible, but not necessary to use this sport pitch is shown if with reservation=yes
  • Making an appointment is not possible is shown if with reservation=no


The question is What is the phone number of the operator? {phone} is shown if phone is set


The question is What is the email address of the operator? {email} is shown if email is set


The question is When is this pitch accessible? Openingsuren: {opening_hours_table()} is shown if opening_hours is set

  • Always accessible is shown if with opening_hours=. This option cannot be chosen as answer
  • Always accessible is shown if with opening_hours=24/7

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: access~.+


Show the questions block at this location This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {questions()}


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {reviews(name, sportpitch)}


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {move_button()}


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {linked_data_from_website()}

This tagrendering has labels added_by_default


id question osmTags
accessibility.0 Publicly accessible access=yes
id question osmTags
open_now.0 Open now _isOpen=yes
id question osmTags
sport_pitch-sport.0 Which sport can be played here? (default)
sport_pitch-sport.1 Basketball is played here sport=basketball
sport_pitch-sport.2 Soccer is played here sport=soccer
sport_pitch-sport.3 This is a pingpong table sport=table_tennis
sport_pitch-sport.4 Tennis is played here sport=tennis
sport_pitch-sport.5 Korfball is played here sport=korfball
sport_pitch-sport.6 Basketball is played here sport=basket
sport_pitch-sport.7 This is a skatepark sport~^(.+;)?skateboard(;.+)$

This document is autogenerated from assets/layers/sport_pitch/sport_pitch.json