
51 lines
1.5 KiB

"id": "toilets",
"title": {
"en": "Open Toilet Map",
"de": "Freie Toilettenkarte",
"fr": "Carte des WC et toilettes publiques",
"nl": "Open Toilettenkaart",
"ru": "Открытая карта туалетов",
"ja": "オープントイレマップ",
"zh_Hant": "開放廁所地圖",
"pl": "Mapa otwartych toalet",
"it": "Mappa libera delle toilet",
"nb_NO": "Åpent toalettkart",
"hu": "WC-térkép"
"description": {
"en": "OpenStreetMap has the biggest dataset of toilets. Worldwide, over 300.000 toilets are known in this map. And, best of all, if one is missing, you can easily add it yourself! <br/><br/> So, if you need to pee or poo, find a loo!",
"de": "Eine Karte mit öffentlich zugänglichen Toiletten",
"fr": "Carte affichant les WC et toilettes publiques",
"nl": "Een kaart met openbare toiletten",
"ru": "Карта общественных туалетов",
"ja": "公衆トイレの地図",
"zh_Hant": "公共廁所的地圖",
"pl": "Mapa toalet publicznych",
"it": "Una cartina dei servizi igienici pubblici",
"hu": "Nyilvános WC-k térképe"
"maintainer": "MapComplete",
"version": "2020-08-29",
"language": [
"startZoom": 12,
"startLat": 51.2095,
"startLon": 3.2222,
"widenFactor": 3,
"icon": "./assets/themes/toilets/toilets.svg",
"layers": [