{ "id": "toilets", "title": { "en": "Open Toilet Map", "de": "Freie Toilettenkarte", "fr": "Carte des WC et toilettes publiques", "nl": "Open Toilettenkaart", "ru": "Открытая карта туалетов", "ja": "オープントイレマップ", "zh_Hant": "開放廁所地圖", "pl": "Mapa otwartych toalet", "it": "Mappa libera delle toilet", "nb_NO": "Åpent toalettkart", "hu": "WC-térkép" }, "description": { "en": "OpenStreetMap has the biggest dataset of toilets. Worldwide, over 300.000 toilets are known in this map. And, best of all, if one is missing, you can easily add it yourself!

So, if you need to pee or poo, find a loo!", "de": "Eine Karte mit öffentlich zugänglichen Toiletten", "fr": "Carte affichant les WC et toilettes publiques", "nl": "Een kaart met openbare toiletten", "ru": "Карта общественных туалетов", "ja": "公衆トイレの地図", "zh_Hant": "公共廁所的地圖", "pl": "Mapa toalet publicznych", "it": "Una cartina dei servizi igienici pubblici", "hu": "Nyilvános WC-k térképe" }, "maintainer": "MapComplete", "version": "2020-08-29", "language": [ "en", "de", "fr", "nl", "ru", "ja", "zh_Hant", "pl", "it", "nb_NO", "hu" ], "startZoom": 12, "startLat": 51.2095, "startLon": 3.2222, "widenFactor": 3, "icon": "./assets/themes/toilets/toilets.svg", "layers": [ "toilet" ] }