2022-07-18 11:52:37 +02:00

154 KiB
Raw Blame History


Schools giving primary and secondary education and post-secondary, non-tertiary education. Note that this level of education does not imply an age of the pupiles

  • This layer is shown at zoomlevel 12 and higher
  • This layer will automatically load school into the layout as it depends on it: a calculated tag loads features from this layer (calculatedTag[0] which calculates the value for _enclosing)
  • This layer is needed as dependency for layer school

Themes using this layer

Basic tags for this layer

Elements must have the all of following tags to be shown on this layer:

Execute on overpass

Supported attributes


this quick overview is incomplete

attribute type values which are supported by this layer
name string
capacity pnat
school Multiple choice kindergarten primary secondary lower_secondary middle_secondary upper_secondary post_secondary
school:gender Multiple choice mixed separated male female
school:for string mainstream adults autism learning_disabilities blind deaf disabilities special_needs
website url
phone phone
email email
school:language Multiple choice ay ab an de ca az hr eo ba ar he gl el cs da af ga hi bg be gu cy fr hsb fy ak am es bs diq dz co cr csb gv cv bn gd av awa br ee dag dv fi en ady as gn hif ast dsb haw glk gag gan ase cal gil arz ban hak din egl dty fa cnr bxr ckb eu et bar fo frr ch chy ce no bjn ceb ha frp chr gcr gor ext fj fur bss prg ses pko ccp dua tr ur bm ff ru sid niu oj vot bfi bla bbc ctg brh bug pa pnb brx sjd bo bi cdo sw gom mfe zh sdc pdt sty rmc nys gsw-fr zun sms pis nr umu gaa fon loz crs tru agq ary atj alt ta ps nqo ro cbk-zam ovd vmf bto bcc crl lrc akl bpy mic sk sl ryu yai efi te yi tg bat-smg nod lag krj yap ydg vi it bzg pyu guc ood bdr btm gcf srq ins rki wls sje smj kum nui zh-min-nan pl cpx khg fkv fuf jax dtp zgh bgn yav sv azb xnb fa-af qu sei sq uk uz ka pt hy nl rm aln mr mg sh zu is lb tk th ja lv rmy km lo so sma moe sr lt hu my ms xh udm rue stq ky mt mk za ug ko si kk na nv fit xmf aa anp rup vec vep bh shy hz mnw mzn oc id ve min mwl pdc pfl nn nb kw sco mdf sd tt szl kaa jv tl to myv lez cho kl pms crh smn ksh ny mn ks ig rw nds ng skr se ik kjh ne nap lg ht os new su iu ki kn inh pcd sc srn rn ho sg pap kbd or arn om sat ii kbp kab kg krc tum tsg shi sn tpi rif tyv ti tet scn lmo ilo sm ss mni kv ku lad ts st lij mai tvl tn wa nan pih lld ty wo war lbe ltg mad mh mo yrk chn kr tw shn vls pag nso ln zea tay wuu sah jam lkt krl tcy sju sou adx sli als kha mnc yo ml hai kut hoc gsg li hyw esu abq tli trv szy lus olo pnt koi nog wbl tly mhr ruq mwv koy clc fiu-vro frc guw cnh sjm bzs kcg mi aeb nrf-gg lki bej ckt mus pwn kj rgn abs sxr ckv tsu xsy lvk zh-yue tvn pmy kbg rwr ttm mrj nia yrl cak ami krx hil uun sjt wal wym arq bsk bqi hrx ssf mrh aoc tsk luz tce quc bnn lzz sdh nsk akz kri kea dru tzm bfq khw uzs rmf osa cps pjt kjp gpe kiu rar ksw zh_Hant pt_BR fil


The question is What is the name of this school?

This rendering asks information about the property name

This is rendered with This school is named {name}


The question is How much students can at most enroll in this school?

This rendering asks information about the property capacity

This is rendered with This school can enroll at most {capacity} students


The question is What level of education is given on this school?

  • This is a school with a kindergarten section where young kids receive some education which prepares reading and writing. corresponds with school=kindergarten
  • This is a school where one learns primary skills such as basic literacy and numerical skills.
    Pupils typically enroll from 6 years old till 12 years old
    corresponds with school=primary
  • This is a secondary school which offers all grades corresponds with school=secondary
  • This is a secondary school which does not have all grades, but offers first and second grade corresponds with school=lower_secondary
  • This is a secondary school which does not have all grades, but offers third and fourth grade corresponds with school=middle_secondary
  • This is a secondary school which does not have all grades, but offers fifth and sixth grade corresponds with school=upper_secondary
  • This school offers post-secondary education (e.g. a seventh or eight specialisation year) corresponds with school=post_secondary

Only visible if _country=be is shown


The question is Which genders can enroll at this school?

  • Both boys and girls can enroll here and have classes together corresponds with school:gender=mixed
  • Both boys and girls can enroll here but they are separated (e.g. they have lessons in different classrooms or at different times) corresponds with school:gender=separated
  • This is a boys only-school corresponds with school:gender=male
  • This is a girls-only school corresponds with school:gender=female


The question is Does this school target students with a special need? Which structural facilities does this school have?


This rendering asks information about the property school:for

This is rendered with This school has facilities for students with {school:for}

  • This is a school where students study skills at their age-adequate level.
    There are little or no special facilities to cater for students with special needs or facilities are ad-hoc
    corresponds with
  • This option cannot be chosen as answer
  • This is a school for students without special needs
    This includes students who can follow the courses with small, ad hoc measurements
    corresponds with school:for=mainstream
  • This is a school where adults are taught skills on the level as specified. corresponds with school:for=adults
  • This is a school for students with autism corresponds with school:for=autism
  • This is a school for students with learning disabilities corresponds with school:for=learning_disabilities
  • This is a school for blind students or students with sight impairments corresponds with school:for=blind
  • This is a school for deaf students or students with hearing impairments corresponds with school:for=deaf
  • This is a school for students with disabilities corresponds with school:for=disabilities
  • This is a school for students with special needs corresponds with school:for=special_needs

Only visible if school:for~^..*$ is shown


The question is What is the website of {title()}?

This rendering asks information about the property website

This is rendered with {website}

  • {contact:website} corresponds with contact:website~^..*$
  • This option cannot be chosen as answer


The question is What is the phone number of {title()}?

This rendering asks information about the property phone

This is rendered with {phone}

  • {contact:phone} corresponds with contact:phone~^..*$
  • This option cannot be chosen as answer


The question is What is the email address of {title()}?

This rendering asks information about the property email

This is rendered with {email}

  • {contact:email} corresponds with contact:email~^..*$
  • This option cannot be chosen as answer


The question is What is the main language of this school?

What language is spoken with the students in non-language related courses and with the administration?

Only visible if id~^..*$ is shown

This document is autogenerated from assets/layers/school/school.json