
37 KiB

Velopark to OpenStreetMap synchronisation tool ( velopark )

This document details some technical information about this MapComplete theme, mostly about the attributes used in the theme. Various links point toward more information about the attributes, e.g. to the OpenStreetMap-wiki, to TagInfo or tools creating statistics The theme introduction reads: is a website collecting data about bicycle parkings in a semi-crowdsourced way. However, only 'authorized' instances are allowed to make changes there, in practice the operator of the bicycle parking such as SNCB, de Lijn or the municipality. They have now decided to synchronize their dataset with OpenStreetMap, and this MapComplete-instance is set up to help link and import their data into OpenStreetMap. See the instructions

This theme contains the following layers:

Available languages:

  • nl
  • en

Table of contents

  1. Layers defined in this theme configuration file
  2. velopark_maproulette
  1. bike_parking_with_velopark_ref

Layers defined in this theme configuration file

These layers can not be reused in different themes.


Maproulette challenge containing velopark data

  • This layer is shown at zoomlevel 0 and higher

This layer is loaded from an external source, namely

No themes use this layer

Basic tags for this layer

Elements must match the expression mr_taskId~.+

Execute on overpass

Supported attributes

Warning:,this quick overview is incomplete,

attribute type values which are supported by this layer
ref:velopark velopark
_osm_parkings_with_this_velopark_ref string
_nearby_bicycle_parkings:count Multiple choice 0


The question is What is the URL of the data path within Velopark? This bicycle parking is on OpenStreetMap and is linked to Velopark:{link(&LBRACEref:velopark&RBRACE,&LBRACEref:velopark&RBRACE,,,,)} is shown if ref:velopark is set

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: amenity=bicycle_parking


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {linked_data_from_website(ref:velopark,no,,,no)}

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: mr_taskId= & ref:velopark~^(*)$


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {login_button()}


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {link(Matched with bicycle parking &LBRACE_osm_parkings_with_this_velopark_ref&RBRACE,#&LBRACE_osm_parkings_with_this_velopark_ref&RBRACE,,,,)} is shown if _osm_parkings_with_this_velopark_ref is set

This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only This is data from Velopark. {link(See on velopark &LPARENSwebpage&RPARENS,,,,,)}


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {linked_data_from_website(ref:velopark,no,,readonly,no)}


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only

Nearby parkings

There are {_nearby_bicycle_parkings:count} bicycle parkings within {_distance_cutoff}m known in OpenStreetMap.


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only Choose below which bicycle parking you want to link.{multi(_nearby_bicycle_parkings:props,&LBRACEid&RBRACE &LPARENS&LBRACE_distance&RBRACEm&COMMA &LBRACE_velopark:id&RBRACE&COMMA place for &LBRACEcapacity&RBRACE&COMMA covered: &LBRACEcovered&RBRACE&RPARENS &LBRACEminimap&LPARENS20&COMMAid&COMMA_mr_id&RPARENS&RBRACE &LBRACEtag_apply&LPARENSref:velopark=$_ref&COMMALink this object.&COMMAlink&COMMAid&COMMA_mr_id&RPARENS&RBRACE,p-2 m-1 my-4 border-2 border-dashed border-black)}

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: _nearby_bicycle_parkings:count>0 & mr_taskStatus=Created


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only

Add a parking to OpenStreetMap

Use this if the bicycle parking is missing in OpenStreetMap (there is no blue or green pin)

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: mr_taskStatus=Created


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {import_button(bike_parking_with_velopark_ref bike_parking,amenity=bicycle_parking;ref:velopark=$ref:velopark,Create a new bicycle parking in OSM. This parking will have the link&COMMA you'll be able to copy the attributes in the next step,,,,,mr_taskId)}

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: mr_taskStatus=Created


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only

Manually link

Does the bicycle parking exist in OpenStreetMap but is it further then 25m away? Then:
  1. Copy the following URL: {ref:velopark}
  2. Select the correct bicycle parking on the map
  3. Paste the URL into the question What is the URL of the data path in Velopark?
  4. Mark this item as handled with the button below:
  5. This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: mr_taskStatus=Created


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {maproulette_set_status(Mark this item as linked manually. Use this if you did apply the reference via copy-paste or via another editor,,,1,,)}

    This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: mr_taskStatus=Created


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only

    Closing without importing or linking

    This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: mr_taskStatus=Created


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {maproulette_set_status(Mark this item as incorrect or too hard to solve &LPARENSduplicate&COMMA does not exist anymore&COMMA contradictory data&COMMA not placeable from aerial imagery&RPARENS,invalid,,6,,Is this point incorrect or is it difficult to solve? Please provide some feedback below)}

    This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: mr_taskStatus=Created


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only

    Extra information

    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {link(Inspect raw data on,&LBRACEref:velopark&RBRACE,,,,)}


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {nearby_images(open,readonly)}


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only Changes are automatically saved. You can simply close this popup with the cross at the upper-right

    This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: id~^(node/) | id~^(way\/*) | id~^(relation/)$


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {questions( ,)}


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {linked_data_from_website()}

    This tagrendering has labels added_by_default


    id question osmTags
    created-only.0 Only unfinished tasks mr_taskStatus=Created
    id question osmTags
    too-hard-only.0 Only too-hard tasks mr_taskStatus=Too_hard


    This layer is based on bike_parking

    A layer showing where you can park your bike

    • This layer is shown at zoomlevel 8 and higher

    No themes use this layer

    Basic tags for this layer

    Elements must match all of the following expressions:

    1. amenity=bicycle_parking
    2. ref:velopark~.+

    Execute on overpass

    Supported attributes

    Warning:,this quick overview is incomplete,

    attribute type values which are supported by this layer
    ref:velopark velopark
    bicycle_parking string stands wall_loops handlebar_holder rack two_tier shed bollard floor lockers
    location Multiple choice underground surface rooftop
    covered Multiple choice yes no
    capacity nat
    access string yes customers members private
    fee Multiple choice yes no
    charge currency
    opening_hours opening_hours 24/7
    operator string
    operator:phone phone
    operator:website url
    operator:email email
    cargo_bike Multiple choice yes designated no
    capacity:cargo_bike nat
    maxstay pnat


    The question is What is the URL of the data path within Velopark? This bicycle parking is on OpenStreetMap and is linked to Velopark:{link(&LBRACEref:velopark&RBRACE,&LBRACEref:velopark&RBRACE,,,,)} is shown if ref:velopark is set

    This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: amenity=bicycle_parking


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {linked_data_from_website(ref:velopark,no,,,no)}

    This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: mr_taskId= & ref:velopark~^(*)$


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only The question(s) below inquiry about attributes that are not yet known in OpenStreetMap


    Show the questions block at this location This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {questions()}


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only

    Attributes from OpenStreetMap

    Editing below will make changes directly in OpenStreetMap

    Bicycle parking type

    The question is What is the type of this bicycle parking? This is a bicycle parking of the type: {bicycle_parking} is shown if bicycle_parking is set


    The question is What is the relative location of this bicycle parking?

    • Underground parking is shown if with location=underground
    • Surface level parking is shown if with location=surface
    • Rooftop parking is shown if with location=rooftop
    • Surface level parking is shown if with location=. This option cannot be chosen as answer

    Is covered?

    The question is Is this parking covered? Also select "covered" for indoor parkings.

    • This parking is covered (it has a roof) is shown if with covered=yes
    • This parking is not covered is shown if with covered=no


    The question is How many bicycles fit in this bicycle parking? Place for {capacity} bikes is shown if capacity is set


    The question is Who can use this bicycle parking? {access} is shown if access is set

    • Publicly accessible is shown if with access=yes
    • Access is primarily for visitors to a business is shown if with access=customers
    • Access is limited to members of a school, company or organisation is shown if with access=members
    • Access is limited to members of a school, company or organisation is shown if with access=private


    The question is Are these bicycle parkings free to use?

    • One has to pay to use this bicycle parking is shown if with fee=yes
    • Free to use is shown if with fee=no


    The question is How much does it cost to park your bike here? Parking your bike costs {charge} is shown if charge is set

    This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: fee=yes


    The question is What are the opening hours of {title()}?

    Opening hours

    {opening_hours_table(opening_hours)} is shown if opening_hours is set

    • 24/7 opened (including holidays) is shown if with opening_hours=24/7
    • Marked as closed for an unspecified time is shown if with opening_hours=closed. This option cannot be chosen as answer


    The question is Who maintains this bicycle parking? This bicycle parking is maintained by {operator} is shown if operator is set


    The question is What is the phone number of the operator of this bicycle parking? {operator:phone} is shown if operator:phone is set

    • {phone} is shown if with phone~.+. This option cannot be chosen as answer
    • {contact:phone} is shown if with contact:phone~.+. This option cannot be chosen as answer


    The question is What is the website number of the operator of this bicycle parking? {operator:website} is shown if operator:website is set

    • {website} is shown if with website~.+. This option cannot be chosen as answer
    • {contact:website} is shown if with contact:website~.+. This option cannot be chosen as answer


    The question is What is the email address of the operator of this bicycle parking? {operator:email} is shown if operator:email is set

    Cargo bike spaces?

    The question is Does this bicycle parking have spots for cargo bikes?

    • This parking has room for cargo bikes is shown if with cargo_bike=yes
    • This parking has designated (official) spots for cargo bikes. is shown if with cargo_bike=designated
    • You're not allowed to park cargo bikes or there are no places provided for cargo bikes is shown if with cargo_bike=no

    Cargo bike capacity?

    The question is How many cargo bicycles fit in this bicycle parking? This parking fits {capacity:cargo_bike} cargo bikes is shown if capacity:cargo_bike is set

    • There are no dedicated spaces for cargo bikes here or parking cargo bikes here is not allowed is shown if with cargo_bike=no

    This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: capacity:cargo_bike~.+ | cargo_bike~^(designated|yes)$


    The question is What is the maximum allowed parking duration? A bike can be parked here for at most {canonical(maxstay)} is shown if maxstay is set


    This block shows the known images which are linked with the image-keys, but also via mapillary and wikidata and shows the button to upload new images This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {image_carousel()}{image_upload()}


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {move_button()}


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {delete_button()}


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {linked_data_from_website()}

    This tagrendering has labels added_by_default


    This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only Changes are automatically saved. You can simply close this popup with the cross at the upper-right

    This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: id~^(node/) | id~^(way\/*) | id~^(relation/)$


    id question osmTags fields
    last_edited_before.0 Last edit was before {date} date (date)
    id question osmTags
    open_now.0 Open now _isOpen=yes

    This document is autogenerated from assets/themes/velopark/velopark.json