JavaScript promise rejection: Loading CSS chunk katex failed. (error: Open browser console to see more details.

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Special library layer which does not need a '.questions'-prefix before being imported

  • This layer is shown at zoomlevel 0 and higher
  • Elements don't have a title set and cannot be toggled nor will they show up in the dashboard. If you import this layer in your theme, override title to make this toggleable.
  • Not visible in the layer selection by default. If you want to make this layer toggable, override name
  • Not rendered on the map by default. If you want to rendering this on the map, override mapRenderings

This is a special layer - data is not sourced from OpenStreetMap

Table of contents

  1. questions
  2. images
  3. mapillary
  4. export_as_gpx
  5. export_as_geojson
  6. wikipedia
  7. reviews
  8. phone
  9. mastodon
  10. facebook
  11. osmlink
  12. email
  13. website
  14. wheelchair-access
  15. dog-access
  16. description
  17. opening_hours
  18. Opening hours
  19. opening_hours_24_7
  20. Opening hours
  21. opening_hours_24_7_default
  22. Opening hours
  23. opening_hours_by_appointment
  24. Opening hours
  25. service:electricity
  26. payment-options
  27. payment-options-split
  28. payment-options-advanced
  29. denominations-coins
  30. denominations-notes
  31. all_tags
  32. multilevels
  33. repeated
  34. single_level
  35. smoking
  36. induction-loop
  37. internet
  38. internet-fee
  39. internet-ssid
  40. luminous_or_lit
  41. survey_date
  42. check_date
  43. sugar_free
  44. lactose_free
  45. gluten_free
  46. vegan
  47. lod
  48. split_button
  49. seasonal
  50. shower
  51. preset_description
  52. brand

Supported attributes

Warning:,this quick overview is incomplete,

attribute type values which are supported by this layer
wikidata wikidata
phone phone
contact:mastodon fediverse
contact:facebook url
email email
website url
wheelchair Multiple choice designated yes limited no
dog Multiple choice yes no leashed unleashed outside
description string
opening_hours opening_hours
opening_hours opening_hours 24/7
opening_hours opening_hours 24/7
opening_hours opening_hours ["by appointment"]("by appointment")
service:electricity Multiple choice yes limited ask no
payment:coins:denominations Multiple choice [0.01 EUR]( EUR) [0.02 EUR]( EUR) [0.05 EUR]( EUR) [0.10 EUR]( EUR) [0.20 EUR]( EUR) [0.50 EUR]( EUR) [1 EUR]( EUR) [2 EUR]( EUR) [0.05 CHF]( CHF) [0.10 CHF]( CHF) [0.20 CHF]( CHF) [0.50 CHF]( CHF) [1 CHF]( CHF) [2 CHF]( CHF) [5 CHF]( CHF)
payment🎶denominations Multiple choice [5 EUR]( EUR) [10 EUR]( EUR) [20 EUR]( EUR) [50 EUR]( EUR) [100 EUR]( EUR) [200 EUR]( EUR) [500 EUR]( EUR) [10 CHF]( CHF) [20 CHF]( CHF) [50 CHF]( CHF) [100 CHF]( CHF) [200 CHF]( CHF) [1000 CHF]( CHF)
level string 0 1 -1
level float 0 1 -1
smoking Multiple choice yes no outside
hearing_loop Multiple choice yes no
internet_access Multiple choice wlan no terminal wired
internet_access:fee Multiple choice yes no customers
internet_access:ssid string Telekom
survey:date date
check_date date
diet:sugar_free Multiple choice only yes limited no
diet:lactose_free Multiple choice only yes limited no
diet:gluten_free Multiple choice only yes limited no
diet:vegan Multiple choice only yes limited no
seasonal Multiple choice no summer spring;summer;autumn
shower Multiple choice hot cold yes no
brand string


Show the questions block at this location This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {questions()}


This block shows the known images which are linked with the image-keys, but also via mapillary and wikidata and shows the button to upload new images This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {image_carousel()}{image_upload()}


Shows a button to open Mapillary on this location This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {mapillary_link()}


Shows a button to export this feature as GPX. Especially useful for route relations This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {export_as_gpx()}


Shows a button to export this feature as geojson. Especially useful for debugging or using this in other programs This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {export_as_geojson()}


Shows a wikipedia box with the corresponding wikipedia article; the wikidata-item link can be changed by a contributor The question is What is the corresponding Wikidata entity? {wikipedia():max-height:25rem} is shown if wikidata is set

  • {wikipedia():max-height:25rem} is shown if with wikipedia~.+. This option cannot be chosen as answer
  • No Wikipedia page has been linked yet is shown if with wikidata=. This option cannot be chosen as answer


Shows the reviews module (including the possibility to leave a review) This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {create_review()}{list_reviews()}


The question is What is the phone number of {title()}? {phone} is shown if phone is set

  • {contact:phone} is shown if with contact:phone~.+. This option cannot be chosen as answer

This tagrendering has labels contact


Shows and asks for the mastodon handle The question is What is the Mastodon-handle of {title()}? {fediverse_link(contact:mastodon)} is shown if contact:mastodon is set


Shows and asks for the facebook handle The question is What is the facebook page of of {title()}? {link(Facebook page,&LBRACEcontact:facebook&RBRACE,,,,)}

Facebook is known to harm mental health, manipulate public opinion and cause hate. Try to use healthier alternatives
is shown if contact:facebook is set

This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only <a href='{id}' target='_blank' rel='noopener'F>

  • Uploading... is shown if with id~^(=-)$


The question is What is the email address of {title()}? {email} is shown if email is set

  • {contact:email} is shown if with contact:email~.+. This option cannot be chosen as answer
  • {operator:email} is shown if with operator:email~.+. This option cannot be chosen as answer

This tagrendering has labels contact


The question is What is the website of {title()}? {website} is shown if website is set

  • {contact:website} is shown if with contact:website~.+. This option cannot be chosen as answer

This tagrendering has labels contact


The question is Is this place accessible with a wheelchair?

  • This place is specially adapted for wheelchair users is shown if with wheelchair=designated
  • This place is easily reachable with a wheelchair is shown if with wheelchair=yes
  • It is possible to reach this place in a wheelchair, but it is not easy is shown if with wheelchair=limited
  • This place is not reachable with a wheelchair is shown if with wheelchair=no


The question is Are dogs allowed in this business?

  • Dogs are allowed is shown if with dog=yes
  • Dogs are not allowed is shown if with dog=no
  • Dogs are allowed, but they have to be leashed is shown if with dog=leashed
  • Dogs are allowed and can run around freely is shown if with dog=unleashed
  • Dogs are allowed only outside is shown if with dog=outside


The question is Is there still some relevant info that the previous questions did not cover? Feel free to add it here. {description} is shown if description is set


The question is What are the opening hours of {title()}?

Opening hours

{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)} is shown if opening_hours is set

  • Marked as closed for an unspecified time is shown if with opening_hours=closed. This option cannot be chosen as answer


The question is What are the opening hours of {title()}?

Opening hours

{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)} is shown if opening_hours is set

  • 24/7 opened (including holidays) is shown if with opening_hours=24/7
  • Marked as closed for an unspecified time is shown if with opening_hours=closed. This option cannot be chosen as answer


The question is What are the opening hours of {title()}?

Opening hours

{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)} is shown if opening_hours is set

  • 24/7 opened (including holidays) is shown if with opening_hours=24/7
  • Marked as closed for an unspecified time is shown if with opening_hours=closed. This option cannot be chosen as answer


The question is What are the opening hours of {title()}?

Opening hours

{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)} is shown if opening_hours is set

  • Only by appointment is shown if with opening_hours="by appointment"
  • Only by appointment is shown if with opening_hours~^("by appointment"|by appointment)$. This option cannot be chosen as answer
  • Marked as closed for an unspecified time is shown if with opening_hours=closed. This option cannot be chosen as answer


The question is Does this amenity have electrical outlets, available to customers when they are inside?

  • There are plenty of domestic sockets available to customers seated indoors, where they can charge their electronics is shown if with service:electricity=yes
  • There are a few domestic sockets available to customers seated indoors, where they can charge their electronics is shown if with service:electricity=limited
  • There are no sockets available indoors to customers, but charging might be possible if the staff is asked is shown if with service:electricity=ask
  • There are a no domestic sockets available to customers seated indoors is shown if with service:electricity=no


The question is Which methods of payment are accepted here?


The question is Which methods of payment are accepted here?


The question is Which methods of payment are accepted here?


The question is What coins can you use to pay here?

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: (payment:cash=yes | payment:coins=yes) & (_currency~^(.EUR.) | _currency~^(.*CHF.*))


The question is what notes can you use to pay here?

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: (payment:cash=yes | payment:notes=yes) & (_currency~^(.EUR.) | _currency~^(.*CHF.*))


Shows a table with all the tags of the feature This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {all_tags()}


The question is What levels does this elevator go to? This elevator goes to floors {level} is shown if level is set

  • Located underground is shown if with location=underground. This option cannot be chosen as answer
  • Located on the ground floor is shown if with level=0
  • Located on the ground floor is shown if with level=. This option cannot be chosen as answer
  • Located on the first floor is shown if with level=1
  • Located on the first basement level is shown if with level=-1


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only Multiple, identical objects can be found on floors {repeat_on}.

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: repeat_on~.+ This tagrendering has labels level


The question is On what level is this feature located? Located on the {level}th floor is shown if level is set

  • Located underground is shown if with location=underground. This option cannot be chosen as answer
  • Located on the ground floor is shown if with level=0
  • Located on the ground floor is shown if with level=. This option cannot be chosen as answer
  • Located on the first floor is shown if with level=1
  • Located on the first basement level is shown if with level=-1

This tagrendering has labels level


The question is Is smoking allowed at {title()}?


An accessibility feature: induction loops are for hard-hearing persons which have an FM-receiver. The question is Does this place have an audio induction loop for people with reduced hearing?

  • This place has an audio induction loop is shown if with hearing_loop=yes
  • This place does not have an audio induction loop is shown if with hearing_loop=no


The question is Does this place offer internet access?

This tagrendering has labels internet-all


The question is Is there a fee for internet access?

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: internet_access!=no & internet_access~.+ This tagrendering has labels internet-all


The question is What is the network name for the wireless internet access? The network name is {internet_access:ssid} is shown if internet_access:ssid is set

This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: internet_access=wlan This tagrendering has labels internet-all


The question is Is this object lit or does it emit light?

  • This object both emits light and is lighted by an external light source is shown if with lit=yes & luminous=yes
  • This object emits light is shown if with luminous=yes
  • This object is lit externally, e.g. by a spotlight or other lights is shown if with lit=yes
  • This object does not emit light and is not lighted by externally is shown if with lit=no & luminous=no


The question is When was this object last surveyed? This object was last surveyed on {survey:date} is shown if survey:date is set

  • This object was last surveyed today is shown if with survey:date=


The question is When was this object last checked? This object was last checked on {check_date} is shown if check_date is set

  • This object was last checked today is shown if with check_date=


The question is Does this shop have a sugar free offering?

This tagrendering has labels diets


The question is Does {title()} have a lactose-free offering?

This tagrendering has labels diets


The question is Does this shop have a gluten free offering?

This tagrendering has labels diets


The question is Does this place offer a vegan option?

This tagrendering has labels diets


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {linked_data_from_website()}

This tagrendering has labels added_by_default


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {split_button()}


The question is Is {title()} available all around the year?


The question is Does this facility offer showers?

  • This facility does have showers with warm water is shown if with shower=hot
  • This facility does have showers, but the water is not heated is shown if with shower=cold
  • This facility does have showers is shown if with shower=yes
  • This facility does not offer a shower is shown if with shower=no


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {preset_description()}


The question is Is {title()} part of a bigger brand? Part of {brand} is shown if brand is set

  • Not part of a bigger brand is shown if with nobrand=yes

This document is autogenerated from assets/layers/questions/questions.json