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Development and deployment

There are various scripts to help setup MapComplete for deployment and develop-deployment.

This documents attempts to shed some light on these scripts.

Note: these scripts change every now and then - if the documentation here is incorrect or you run into troubles, do leave a message in the issue tracker

Architecture overview

At its core, MapComplete is a static (!) website. There are no servers to host.

The data is fetched from Overpass/OSM/Wikidata/Wikipedia/Mapillary/... and written there directly. This means that any static file server will do to create a self-hosted version of MapComplete.


Windows users: All scripts are made for linux devices. Use the Ubuntu terminal for Windows (or even better - make the switch ;) ). If you are using Visual Studio Code you can use a WSL Remote window, or use the Devcontainer (see more details later).

To develop and build MapComplete, you

  1. Make sure you have a recent version of nodejs - at least 12.0, preferably 15
  2. Make a fork and clone the repository.
  3. Install npm. Linux: sudo apt install npm (or your favourite package manager), Windows: install nodeJS:
  4. Run npm run init and generate some additional dependencies and generated files. Note that it'll install the dependencies too
  5. Run npm run start to host a local testversion at http://localhost:1234/index.html
  6. By default, a landing page with available themes is served. In order to load a single theme, use layout=themename or userlayout=true#<layout configuration> as Query parameter. Note that the shorter URLs (e.g. bookcases.html, aed.html, ...) don't exist on the development version.

Development using Windows

For Windows you can use the devcontainer, or the WSL subsystem.

To use the devcontainer in Visual Studio Code:

  1. Make sure you have installed the Remote - Containers extension and it's dependencies.
  2. Make a fork and clone the repository.
  3. After cloning, Visual Studio Code will ask you if you want to use the devcontainer.
  4. Then you can either clone it again in a volume (for better performance), or open the current folder in a container.
  5. By now, you should be able to run npm run start to host a local testversion at http://localhost:1234/index.html
  6. By default, a landing page with available themes is served. In order to load a single theme, use layout=themename or userlayout=true#<layout configuration> as Query parameter. Note that the shorter URLs (e.g. bookcases.html, aed.html, ...) don't exist on the development version.

To use the WSL in Visual Studio Code:

  1. Make sure you have installed the Remote - WSL extension and it's dependencies.
  2. Open a remote WSL window using the button in the bottom left.
  3. Make a fork and clone the repository.
  4. Install npm using sudo apt install npm.
  5. Run npm run init and generate some additional dependencies and generated files. Note that it'll install the dependencies too
  6. Run npm run start to host a local testversion at http://localhost:1234/index.html
  7. By default, a landing page with available themes is served. In order to load a single theme, use layout=themename or userlayout=true#<layout configuration> as Query parameter. Note that the shorter URLs (e.g. bookcases.html, aed.html, ...) don't exist on the development version.

Automatic deployment

Currently, the master branch is automatically deployed to '' by a github action.

Every branch is automatically built (upon push) to '' by a github action.

Deploying a fork

A script creates a webpage for every theme automatically, with some customizations in order to:

  • to have shorter urls
  • have individual social images
  • have individual web manifests

This script can be invoked with npm run prepare-deploy

If you want to deploy your fork:

  1. npm run prepare-deploy
  2. npm run build
  3. Copy the entire dist folder to where you host your website. Visiting index.html gives you the landing page, visiting yourwebsite/<theme> should bring you to the appropriate theme.

Weird errors

Try removing node_modules, package-lock.json and .cache

Overview of package.json-scripts

  • increase-memory: this is a big (and memory-intensive) project to build and run, so we give nodejs some more RAM.
  • start: start a development server.
  • test: run the unit tests
  • init: Generates and downloads various assets which are needed to compile
  • generate:editor-layer-index: downloads the editor-layer-index-json from
  • generate:images: compiles the SVG's into an asset
  • generate:translations: compiles the translation file into a javascript file
  • generate:layouts: uses index.html as template to create all the theme index pages. You'll want to run clean when done
  • generate:docs: generates various documents, such as information about available metatags, information to put on the OSM-wiki,...
  • generate:report: downloads statistics from OsmCha, compiles neat graphs
  • generate:cache:speelplekken: creates an offline copy of all the data required for one specific (paid for) theme
  • generate:layeroverview: reads all the theme- and layerconfigurations, compiles them into a single JSON.
  • reset:layeroverview: if something is wrong with the layeroverview, creates an empty one
  • generate:licenses: compiles all the license info of images into a single json
  • optimize:images: attempts to make smaller pngs - optional to run before a deployment
  • generate: run all the necesary generate-scripts
  • build: actually bundle all the files into a single dist/-folder
  • prepare-deploy: create the layouts
  • deploy:staging,deploy:pietervdvn, deploy:production: deploy the latest code on various locations
  • lint: get depressed by the amount of warnings
  • clean: remove some generated files which are annoying in the repo