Update to the import viewers

This commit is contained in:
Pieter Vander Vennet 2022-01-25 21:55:51 +01:00
parent fa179af601
commit f09134c3be
26 changed files with 303 additions and 413 deletions

View file

@ -289,12 +289,15 @@ export class OsmConnection {
content: JSON.stringify(content)
}, function (err, response) {
}, function (
response: string) {
console.log("RESPONSE IS", response)
if (err !== null) {
} else {
const id = response.properties.id
const parsed = JSON.parse(response)
const id = parsed.properties.id
console.log("OPENED NOTE", id)

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import LayerConfig from "../LayerConfig";
import {LayerConfigJson} from "../Json/LayerConfigJson";
import Translations from "../../../UI/i18n/Translations";
import PointRenderingConfigJson from "../Json/PointRenderingConfigJson";
import {Translation} from "../../../UI/i18n/Translation";
export default class CreateNoteImportLayer extends Conversion<LayerConfigJson, LayerConfigJson> {
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ export default class CreateNoteImportLayer extends Conversion<LayerConfigJson, L
const firstRender = <PointRenderingConfigJson>(pointRenderings [0])
const icon = firstRender.icon
const iconBadges = []
const title = layer.presets[0].title
if(icon !== undefined){
if: {and:[]},
@ -61,6 +63,14 @@ export default class CreateNoteImportLayer extends Conversion<LayerConfigJson, L
function embed(prefix, translation: Translation, postfix){
const result = {}
for (const language in translation.translations) {
result[language] = prefix+translation.translations[language] + postfix
return result
const result : LayerConfigJson = {
"id": "note_import_"+layer.id,
// By disabling the name, the import-layers won't pollute the filter view "name": t.layerName.Subs({title: layer.title.render}).translations,
@ -77,13 +87,13 @@ export default class CreateNoteImportLayer extends Conversion<LayerConfigJson, L
"minzoom": 12,
"title": {
"render": t.popupTitle.Subs({title: layer.presets[0].title}).translations
"render": t.popupTitle.Subs({title}).translations
"calculatedTags": [
"_trigger_index=(() => {const lines = feat.properties['_first_comment'].split('\\n'); const matchesMapCompleteURL = lines.map(l => l.match(\".*https://mapcomplete.osm.be/\\([a-zA-Z_-]+\\)\\(.html\\).*#import\")); const matchedIndexes = matchesMapCompleteURL.map((doesMatch, i) => [doesMatch !== null, i]).filter(v => v[0]).map(v => v[1]); return matchedIndexes[0] })()",
"_intro=(() => {const lines = feat.properties['_first_comment'].split('\\n'); lines.splice(feat.get('_trigger_index')-1, lines.length); return lines.filter(l => l !== '').join('<br/>');})()",
"_intro=(() => {const lines = feat.get('comments')[0].text.split('\\n'); lines.splice(feat.get('_trigger_index')-1, lines.length); return lines.filter(l => l !== '').join('<br/>');})()",
"_tags=(() => {let lines = feat.properties['_first_comment'].split('\\n').map(l => l.trim()); lines.splice(0, feat.get('_trigger_index') + 1); lines = lines.filter(l => l != ''); return lines.join(';');})()"
"isShown": {
@ -124,12 +134,13 @@ export default class CreateNoteImportLayer extends Conversion<LayerConfigJson, L
"id": "close_note_",
"render": "{close_note(Does not exist<br/>, ./assets/svg/close.svg, id, This feature does not exist)}",
"render": embed(
"{close_note(", t.notFound.Subs({title}),", ./assets/svg/close.svg, id, This feature does not exist)}" ),
condition: "closed_at="
"id": "close_note_mapped",
"render": "{close_note(Already mapped, ./assets/svg/checkmark.svg, id, Already mapped)}",
"render": embed("{close_note(",t.alreadyMapped.Subs({title}), ", ./assets/svg/checkmark.svg, id, Already mapped)}"),
condition: "closed_at="
@ -144,10 +155,6 @@ export default class CreateNoteImportLayer extends Conversion<LayerConfigJson, L
"id": "add_image",
"render": "{add_image_to_note()}"
"mapRendering": [

View file

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ import IndexText from "./BigComponents/IndexText";
import FeaturedMessage from "./BigComponents/FeaturedMessage";
import Toggle from "./Input/Toggle";
import {SubtleButton} from "./Base/SubtleButton";
import {VariableUiElement} from "./Base/VariableUIElement";
import Title from "./Base/Title";
import Svg from "../Svg";
export default class AllThemesGui {
constructor() {
@ -26,12 +29,21 @@ export default class AllThemesGui {
new Combine([
new FeaturedMessage(),
new FeaturedMessage().SetClass("mb-4 block"),
new MoreScreen(state, true),
new Toggle(
new SubtleButton(undefined, Translations.t.index.logIn).SetStyle("height:min-content").onClick(() => state.osmConnection.AttemptLogin()),
new VariableUiElement(state.osmConnection.userDetails.map(ud => {
if(ud.csCount < Constants.userJourney.importHelperUnlock){
return undefined;
return new Combine([
new SubtleButton( undefined, Translations.t.importHelper.title, {url: "import_helper.html"}),
new SubtleButton( Svg.note_svg(), Translations.t.importInspector.title, {url: "import_viewer.html"})
]).SetClass("p-4 border-2 border-gray-500 m-4 block")
.Subs({"osmcha_link": Utils.OsmChaLinkFor(7)})

View file

@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ export default class Loading extends Combine {
const t = Translations.W(msg) ?? Translations.t.general.loading;
Svg.loading_svg().SetClass("animate-spin").SetStyle("width: 1.5rem; height: 1.5rem;"),
.SetClass("animate-spin self-center")
.SetStyle("width: 1.5rem; height: 1.5rem; min-width: 1.5rem;"),
this.SetClass("flex p-1")

View file

@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ export default class MinimapImplementation extends BaseUIElement implements Mini
this.leafletMap.addCallbackD(leaflet => {
let bounds;
if (typeof factor === "number") {
bounds = leaflet.getBounds()
bounds = leaflet.getBounds().pad(factor)
} else {
// @ts-ignore
@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ export default class MinimapImplementation extends BaseUIElement implements Mini
// @ts-ignore
L.geoJSON(data, {
style: {
color: "#f00",
weight: 2,
opacity: 0.4
color: "#f44",
weight: 4,
opacity: 0.7

View file

@ -18,22 +18,26 @@ export default class TableOfContents extends Combine {
}) {
let titles: Title[]
if (elements instanceof Combine) {
titles = TableOfContents.getTitles(elements.getElements())
titles = TableOfContents.getTitles(elements.getElements()) ?? []
} else {
titles = elements
titles = elements ?? []
let els: { level: number, content: BaseUIElement }[] = []
for (const title of titles) {
let content: BaseUIElement
console.log("Constructing content for ", title)
if (title.title instanceof Translation) {
content = title.title.Clone()
} else if (title.title instanceof FixedUiElement) {
content = title.title
content = new FixedUiElement(title.title.content)
} else if (Utils.runningFromConsole) {
content = new FixedUiElement(title.AsMarkdown())
} else {
} else if(title["title"] !== undefined) {
content = new FixedUiElement(title.title.ConstructElement().innerText)
console.log("Not generating a title for ", title)
const vis = new Link(content, "#" + title.id)

View file

@ -25,17 +25,36 @@ export class Accordeon extends Combine {
export default class Toggleable extends Combine {
public readonly isVisible = new UIEventSource(false)
constructor(title: Title | BaseUIElement, content: BaseUIElement) {
constructor(title: Title | Combine | BaseUIElement, content: BaseUIElement, options?: {
closeOnClick: true | boolean
}) {
super([title, content])
content.SetClass("animate-height border-l-4 pl-2 block")
title.SetClass("background-subtle rounded-lg")
const self = this
this.onClick(() => self.isVisible.setData(!self.isVisible.data))
this.onClick(() => {
if(options?.closeOnClick ?? true){
const contentElement = content.ConstructElement()
if(title instanceof Combine){
for(const el of title.getElements()){
if(el instanceof Title){
title = el;
if (title instanceof Title) {
Hash.hash.addCallbackAndRun(h => {
if (h === title.id) {
if (h === (<Title> title).id) {
@ -46,14 +65,14 @@ export default class Toggleable extends Combine {
this.isVisible.addCallbackAndRun(isVis => {
if (isVis) {
this.isVisible.addCallbackAndRun(isVisible => {
if (isVisible) {
contentElement.style.maxHeight = "50vh"
contentElement.style.maxHeight = "100vh"
contentElement.style.overflowY = "auto"
contentElement.style["-webkit-mask-image"] = "unset"
} else {

View file

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import FeaturePipeline from "../../Logic/FeatureSource/FeaturePipeline";
import {ElementStorage} from "../../Logic/ElementStorage";
import ConfirmLocationOfPoint from "../NewPoint/ConfirmLocationOfPoint";
import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer";
import Loading from "../Base/Loading";
* The SimpleAddUI is a single panel, which can have multiple states:
@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer";
export interface PresetInfo extends PresetConfig {
name: string | BaseUIElement,
icon: () => BaseUIElement,
layerToAddTo: FilteredLayer
layerToAddTo: FilteredLayer,
boundsFactor?: 0.25 | number
export default class SimpleAddUI extends Toggle {
@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ export default class SimpleAddUI extends Toggle {
new Toggle(
new Toggle(
new Toggle(
new Loading(Translations.t.general.add.stillLoading).SetClass("alert"),

View file

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import Combine from "../Base/Combine";
import UserRelatedState from "../../Logic/State/UserRelatedState";
import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement";
import {Utils} from "../../Utils";
import UserDetails from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection";
import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource";
import Title from "../Base/Title";
import Translations from "../i18n/Translations";
@ -21,6 +20,7 @@ import Toggleable, {Accordeon} from "../Base/Toggleable";
import TableOfContents from "../Base/TableOfContents";
import LoginButton from "../Popup/LoginButton";
import BackToIndex from "../BigComponents/BackToIndex";
import {QueryParameters} from "../../Logic/Web/QueryParameters";
interface NoteProperties {
"id": number,
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ interface NoteProperties {
date: string,
uid: number,
user: string,
text: string
text: string,
html: string
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ interface NoteState {
theme: string,
intro: string,
dateStr: string,
status: "imported" | "already_mapped" | "invalid" | "closed" | "not_found" | "open"
status: "imported" | "already_mapped" | "invalid" | "closed" | "not_found" | "open" | "has_comments"
class MassAction extends Combine {
@ -127,16 +128,50 @@ class MassAction extends Combine {
class BatchView extends Toggleable {
constructor(state: UserRelatedState, noteStates: NoteState[]) {
private static icons = {
open: Svg.compass_svg,
has_comments: Svg.speech_bubble_svg,
imported: Svg.addSmall_svg,
already_mapped: Svg.checkmark_svg,
invalid: Svg.invalid_svg,
closed: Svg.close_svg,
not_found: Svg.not_found_svg,
constructor(noteStates: NoteState[], state?: UserRelatedState) {
noteStates.sort((a, b) => a.props.id - b.props.id)
const {theme, intro, dateStr} = noteStates[0]
console.log("Creating a batchview for ", noteStates)
const statusHist = new Map<string, number>()
for (const noteState of noteStates) {
const st = noteState.status
const c = statusHist.get(st) ?? 0
statusHist.set(st, c + 1)
const badges: (BaseUIElement)[] = [new FixedUiElement(dateStr).SetClass("literal-code rounded-full")]
statusHist.forEach((count, status) => {
const icon = BatchView.icons[status]().SetClass("h-6 m-1")
badges.push(new Combine([icon, count + " " + status])
.SetClass("flex ml-1 mb-1 pl-1 pr-3 items-center rounded-full border border-black"))
const typicalComment = noteStates[0].props.comments[0].html
new Title(theme + ": " + intro, 2),
new Combine([
new FixedUiElement(dateStr),
new FixedUiElement("Click to expand/collapse table"),
new Title(theme + ": " + intro, 2),
new Combine(badges).SetClass("flex flex-wrap"),
new Combine([
new Title("Example note", 4),
new FixedUiElement(typicalComment).SetClass("literal-code link-underline"),
new Title("Mass apply an action"),
state !== undefined ? new MassAction(state, noteStates.map(ns => ns.props)).SetClass("block") : undefined,
new Table(
["id", "status", "last comment"],
noteStates.map(ns => {
@ -144,30 +179,39 @@ class BatchView extends Toggleable {
"" + ns.props.id,
"https://openstreetmap.org/note/" + ns.props.id, true
const last_comment = ns.props.comments[ns.props.comments.length - 1].text
return [link, ns.status, last_comment]
let last_comment = "";
if (ns.props.comments.length > 1) {
last_comment = ns.props.comments[ns.props.comments.length - 1].text
const statusIcon = BatchView.icons[ns.status]().SetClass("h-4 w-4 shrink-0")
return [link, new Combine([statusIcon, ns.status]).SetClass("flex"), last_comment]
).SetClass("zebra-table link-underline"),
).SetClass("zebra-table link-underline")
]).SetClass("flex flex-col"),
closeOnClick: false
new Title("Mass apply an action"),
new MassAction(state, noteStates.map(ns => ns.props)).SetClass("block")]).SetClass("flex flex-col"))
class ImportInspector extends VariableUiElement {
constructor(userDetails: UserDetails, state: UserRelatedState) {
const t = Translations.t.importInspector;
constructor(userDetails: { uid: number } | { display_name: string, search?: string }, state: UserRelatedState) {
let url;
if (userDetails["uid"] !== undefined) {
url = "https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/notes/search.json?user=" + userDetails["uid"] + "&limit=10000&sort=created_at&q=%23import"
} else {
url = "https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/notes/search.json?display_name=" +
encodeURIComponent(userDetails["display_name"]) + "&limit=10000&sort=created_at&q=" + encodeURIComponent(userDetails["search"] ?? "#import")
const url = "https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/notes/search.json?user=" + userDetails.uid + "&limit=10000&sort=created_at&q=%23import"
const notes: UIEventSource<{ error: string } | { success: { features: { properties: NoteProperties }[] } }> = UIEventSource.FromPromiseWithErr(Utils.downloadJson(url))
notes.addCallbackAndRun(n => console.log("Notes are:", n))
super(notes.map(notes => {
if (notes === undefined) {
return new Loading("Loading your notes which mention '#import'")
return new Loading("Loading notes which mention '#import'")
if (notes["error"] !== undefined) {
return new FixedUiElement("Something went wrong: " + notes["error"]).SetClass("alert")
@ -175,13 +219,18 @@ class ImportInspector extends VariableUiElement {
// We only care about the properties here
const props: NoteProperties[] = notes["success"].features.map(f => f.properties)
const perBatch: NoteState[][] = Array.from(ImportInspector.SplitNotesIntoBatches(props).values());
const els: Toggleable[] = perBatch.map(noteStates => new BatchView(state, noteStates))
const els: Toggleable[] = perBatch.map(noteStates => new BatchView(noteStates, state))
const accordeon = new Accordeon(els)
const content = new Combine([
new Title(Translations.t.importInspector.title, 1),
new SubtleButton(undefined, "Create a new batch of imports",{url:'import_helper.html'}),
let contents = [];
if (state?.osmConnection?.isLoggedIn?.data) {
contents =
new Title(Translations.t.importInspector.title, 1),
new SubtleButton(undefined, "Create a new batch of imports", {url: 'import_helper.html'})]
const content = new Combine(contents)
return new LeftIndex(
[new TableOfContents(content, {noTopLevel: true, maxDepth: 1}).SetClass("subtle")],
@ -205,12 +254,12 @@ class ImportInspector extends VariableUiElement {
let theme = lines[trigger].substr(prefix.length)
theme = theme.substr(0, theme.indexOf("."))
const date = Utils.ParseDate(prop.date_created)
const dateStr = date.getFullYear() + "-" + date.getMonth() + "-" + date.getDate()
const dateStr = date.getFullYear() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getDate()
const key = theme + lines[0] + dateStr
if (!perBatch.has(key)) {
perBatch.set(key, [])
let status: "open" | "closed" | "imported" | "invalid" | "already_mapped" | "not_found" = "open"
let status: "open" | "closed" | "imported" | "invalid" | "already_mapped" | "not_found" | "has_comments" = "open"
if (prop.closed_at !== undefined) {
const lastComment = prop.comments[prop.comments.length - 1].text.toLowerCase()
if (lastComment.indexOf("does not exist") >= 0) {
@ -224,6 +273,8 @@ class ImportInspector extends VariableUiElement {
} else {
status = "closed"
} else if (prop.comments.length > 1) {
status = "has_comments"
@ -242,15 +293,23 @@ class ImportViewerGui extends Combine {
constructor() {
const state = new UserRelatedState(undefined)
const displayNameParam = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("user", "", "The username of the person whom you want to see the notes for");
const searchParam = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("search", "", "A text that should be included in the first comment of the note to be shown")
new VariableUiElement(state.osmConnection.userDetails.map(ud => {
const display_name = displayNameParam.data;
const search = searchParam.data;
if (display_name !== "" && search !== "") {
return new ImportInspector({display_name, search}, state);
if (ud === undefined || ud.loggedIn === false) {
return new Combine([new LoginButton("Login to inspect your import flows", state),
new BackToIndex()
new BackToIndex()
return new ImportInspector(ud, state);
}, [displayNameParam, searchParam]))

View file

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ export default class ConfirmLocationOfPoint extends Combine {
maxSnapDistance: preset.preciseInput.maxSnapDistance,
bounds: mapBounds
preciseInput.installBounds(0.15, true)
preciseInput.installBounds(preset.boundsFactor ?? 0.25, true)
preciseInput.SetClass("h-32 rounded-xl overflow-hidden border border-gray").SetStyle("height: 12rem;")
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ export default class ConfirmLocationOfPoint extends Combine {
// return;
bbox = bbox.pad(2);
bbox = bbox.pad(Math.max(preset.boundsFactor , 2), Math.max(preset.boundsFactor , 2));
loadedBbox = bbox;
const allFeatures: { feature: any }[] = []
preset.preciseInput.snapToLayers.forEach(layerId => {

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import {LoginToggle} from "./LoginButton";
* A helper class for the various import-flows.
* An import-flow always starts with a 'Import this'-button. Upon click, a custom confirmation panel is provided
* An import-flow always starts with a 'Import this'-button. Upon click, a custom confirmation panel is provided
abstract class AbstractImportButton implements SpecialVisualizations {
public readonly funcName: string
@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ ${Utils.special_visualizations_importRequirementDocs}
// Explanation of the tags that will be applied onto the imported/conflated object
let tagSpec = args.tags;
if(tagSpec.indexOf(" ")< 0 && tagSpec.indexOf(";") < 0 && tagSource.data[args.tags] !== undefined){
if (tagSpec.indexOf(" ") < 0 && tagSpec.indexOf(";") < 0 && tagSource.data[args.tags] !== undefined) {
// This is probably a key
tagSpec = tagSource.data[args.tags]
console.debug("The import button is using tags from properties["+args.tags+"] of this object, namely ",tagSpec)
console.debug("The import button is using tags from properties[" + args.tags + "] of this object, namely ", tagSpec)
const importClicked = new UIEventSource(false);
@ -193,23 +193,6 @@ ${Utils.special_visualizations_importRequirementDocs}
private parseArgs(argsRaw: string[], originalFeatureTags: UIEventSource<any>): { minzoom: string, max_snap_distance: string, snap_onto_layers: string, icon: string, text: string, tags: string, targetLayer: string, newTags: UIEventSource<Tag[]> } {
const baseArgs = Utils.ParseVisArgs(this.args, argsRaw)
if (originalFeatureTags !== undefined) {
const tags = baseArgs.tags
if(tags.indexOf(" ") < 0 && tags.indexOf(";") < 0 && originalFeatureTags.data[tags] !== undefined){
// This might be a property to expand...
const items : string = originalFeatureTags.data[tags]
console.debug("The import button is using tags from properties["+tags+"] of this object, namely ",items)
baseArgs["newTags"] = TagApplyButton.generateTagsToApply(items, originalFeatureTags)
baseArgs["newTags"] = TagApplyButton.generateTagsToApply(tags, originalFeatureTags)
return baseArgs
getLayerDependencies(argsRaw: string[]) {
const args = this.parseArgs(argsRaw, undefined)
@ -226,7 +209,6 @@ ${Utils.special_visualizations_importRequirementDocs}
return dependsOnLayers
protected abstract canBeImported(feature: any)
protected createConfirmPanelForWay(
@ -286,6 +268,23 @@ ${Utils.special_visualizations_importRequirementDocs}
const cancel = new SubtleButton(Svg.close_ui(), Translations.t.general.cancel).onClick(onCancel)
return new Combine([confirmationMap, confirmButton, cancel]).SetClass("flex flex-col")
private parseArgs(argsRaw: string[], originalFeatureTags: UIEventSource<any>): { minzoom: string, max_snap_distance: string, snap_onto_layers: string, icon: string, text: string, tags: string, targetLayer: string, newTags: UIEventSource<Tag[]> } {
const baseArgs = Utils.ParseVisArgs(this.args, argsRaw)
if (originalFeatureTags !== undefined) {
const tags = baseArgs.tags
if (tags.indexOf(" ") < 0 && tags.indexOf(";") < 0 && originalFeatureTags.data[tags] !== undefined) {
// This might be a property to expand...
const items: string = originalFeatureTags.data[tags]
console.debug("The import button is using tags from properties[" + tags + "] of this object, namely ", items)
baseArgs["newTags"] = TagApplyButton.generateTagsToApply(items, originalFeatureTags)
} else {
baseArgs["newTags"] = TagApplyButton.generateTagsToApply(tags, originalFeatureTags)
return baseArgs
export class ConflateButton extends AbstractImportButton {
@ -299,10 +298,6 @@ export class ConflateButton extends AbstractImportButton {
protected canBeImported(feature: any) {
return feature.geometry.type === "LineString" || (feature.geometry.type === "Polygon" && feature.geometry.coordinates.length === 1)
getLayerDependencies(argsRaw: string[]): string[] {
const deps = super.getLayerDependencies(argsRaw);
// Force 'type_node' as dependency
@ -350,6 +345,10 @@ export class ConflateButton extends AbstractImportButton {
protected canBeImported(feature: any) {
return feature.geometry.type === "LineString" || (feature.geometry.type === "Polygon" && feature.geometry.coordinates.length === 1)
export class ImportWayButton extends AbstractImportButton {
@ -498,29 +497,14 @@ export class ImportPointButton extends AbstractImportButton {
name: "max_snap_distance",
doc: "The maximum distance that the imported point will be moved to snap onto a way in an already existing layer (in meters). This is previewed to the contributor, similar to the 'add new point'-action of MapComplete",
defaultValue: "5"
doc:"If given, this key will be read. The corresponding note on OSM will be closed, stating 'imported'"
}, {
name: "note_id",
doc: "If given, this key will be read. The corresponding note on OSM will be closed, stating 'imported'"
canBeImported(feature: any) {
return feature.geometry.type === "Point"
getLayerDependencies(argsRaw: string[]): string[] {
const deps = super.getLayerDependencies(argsRaw);
const layerSnap = argsRaw["snap_onto_layers"] ?? ""
if (layerSnap === "") {
return deps
return deps
private static createConfirmPanelForPoint(
args: { max_snap_distance: string, snap_onto_layers: string, icon: string, text: string, newTags: UIEventSource<any>, targetLayer: string, note_id: string },
state: FeaturePipelineState,
@ -539,8 +523,8 @@ export class ImportPointButton extends AbstractImportButton {
snapOnto = await OsmObject.DownloadObjectAsync(snapOntoWayId)
let specialMotivation = undefined
if(args.note_id !== undefined){
specialMotivation = "source: https://osm.org/note/"+args.note_id
if (args.note_id !== undefined) {
specialMotivation = "source: https://osm.org/note/" + args.note_id
const newElementAction = new CreateNewNodeAction(tags, location.lat, location.lon, {
theme: state.layoutToUse.id,
@ -553,8 +537,13 @@ export class ImportPointButton extends AbstractImportButton {
if(args.note_id !== undefined){
state.osmConnection.closeNote(args.note_id, "imported")
if (args.note_id !== undefined) {
let note_id = args.note_id
if (isNaN(Number(args.note_id))) {
note_id = originalFeatureTags.data[args.note_id]
state.osmConnection.closeNote(note_id, "imported")
originalFeatureTags.data["closed_at"] = new Date().toISOString()
@ -569,7 +558,8 @@ export class ImportPointButton extends AbstractImportButton {
preciseInput: {
snapToLayers: args.snap_onto_layers?.split(";"),
maxSnapDistance: Number(args.max_snap_distance)
boundsFactor: 3
const [lon, lat] = feature.geometry.coordinates
@ -580,6 +570,21 @@ export class ImportPointButton extends AbstractImportButton {
canBeImported(feature: any) {
return feature.geometry.type === "Point"
getLayerDependencies(argsRaw: string[]): string[] {
const deps = super.getLayerDependencies(argsRaw);
const layerSnap = argsRaw["snap_onto_layers"] ?? ""
if (layerSnap === "") {
return deps
return deps
constructElement(state, args,

View file

@ -1,73 +1 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="375px" height="375px" viewBox="0 0 375 375" version="1.1">
<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-0">
<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.515625 0 L 9.515625 -72.296875 L 51.140625 -72.296875 L 51.140625 0 Z M 14.6875 -5.171875 L 45.96875 -5.171875 L 45.96875 -67.140625 L 14.6875 -67.140625 Z M 14.6875 -5.171875 "/>
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View file

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"id": "preview",
"render": {
"en": "To send a letter to this address, you would write:<div style='background: #fcdf94; border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 1rem; padding: 1.5rem 0.5rem 2rem 8rem; margin: 1rem' class='flex flex-col'><img src='./assets/themes/uk_addresses/stamp.jpg' class='self-end w-16'/><div class='subtle'>Name of the inhabitant</div><div>{addr:unit} {addr:housename}</div><div>{addr:housenumber} {addr:street}</div><div class='subtle'>Suburb</div><div class='subtle'>Town</div><div class='subtle'>Postal code</div></div>"
"en": "To send a letter to this addres, you would write:<div style='background: #fcdf94; border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 1rem; padding: 1.5rem 0.5rem 2rem 8rem; margin: 1rem' class='flex flex-col'><img src='./assets/themes/uk_addresses/stamp.jpg' class='self-end w-16'/><div class='subtle'>Name of the inhabitant</div><div>{addr:housename}</div><div>{addr:unit} {addr:housenumber} {addr:street}</div><div>{addr:place}</div><div class='subtle'>Suburb</div><div class='subtle'>Town</div><div class='subtle'>Postal code</div></div>"
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View file

@ -318,11 +318,11 @@
"importLayer": {
"layerName": "Hier is misschien een {title}",
"description": "Deze laag toont kaart-nota's die wijzen op een {title}",
"popupTitle": "Mogelijkse {title}",
"popupTitle": "Is hier een {title}?",
"importButton": "import_button({layerId}, _tags, Ik heb hier een {title} gevonden - voeg deze toe aan de kaart...,./assets/svg/addSmall.svg,,,id)",
"importHandled": "<div class='thanks'>Dit punt is afgehandeld. Bedankt om mee te helpen!</div>",
"notFound": "Ik kon geen {title} vinden hier - verwijder deze van de kaart",
"notFound": "Ik kon hier geen {title} vinden - verwijder deze van de kaart",
"alreadyMapped": "Er staat hier reeds een {title} op de kaart; dit punt is een duplicaat. Verwijder deze van de kaart"

View file

@ -1074,43 +1074,6 @@
"shortDescription": "Kartieren Sie alle Bäume",
"title": "Bäume"
"uk_addresses": {
"description": "Tragen Sie zu OpenStreetMap bei, indem Sie Adressinformationen ausfüllen",
"layers": {
"2": {
"description": "Adressen",
"name": "Bekannte Adressen in OSM",
"tagRenderings": {
"uk_addresses_explanation_osm": {
"render": "Diese Adresse ist in OpenStreetMap gespeichert"
"uk_addresses_housenumber": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Dieses Gebäude hat keine Hausnummer"
"question": "Wie lautet die Nummer dieses Hauses?",
"render": "Die Hausnummer ist <b>{addr:housenumber}</b>"
"uk_addresses_street": {
"question": "In welcher Straße befindet sich diese Adresse?",
"render": "Diese Adresse befindet sich in der Straße <b>{addr:street}</b>"
"title": {
"render": "Bekannte Adresse"
"shortDescription": "Helfen Sie beim Aufbau eines offenen Datensatzes britischer Adressen",
"tileLayerSources": {
"0": {
"name": "Grenzverläufe gemäß osmuk.org"
"title": "Adressen in Großbritannien"
"waste_basket": {
"description": "Auf dieser Karte finden Sie Abfalleimer in Ihrer Nähe. Wenn ein Abfalleimer auf dieser Karte fehlt, können Sie ihn selbst hinzufügen",
"shortDescription": "Eine Karte mit Abfalleimern",

View file

@ -1263,87 +1263,6 @@
"shortDescription": "Map all the trees",
"title": "Trees"
"uk_addresses": {
"description": "Contribute to OpenStreetMap by filling out address information",
"layers": {
"0": {
"name": "Inspire polygons"
"1": {
"tagRenderings": {
"uk_addresses_embedding_outline": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "The INSPIRE-polygon containing this point has at least one address contained"
"1": {
"then": "The INSPIRE-polygon containing this point has <b>no</b> addresses contained"
"uk_addresses_explanation": {
"render": "There probably is an address here"
"title": {
"render": "Address to be determined"
"2": {
"description": "Addresses",
"name": "Known addresses in OSM",
"tagRenderings": {
"address-sign-image": {
"render": "{image_carousel(image:address)}<br/>{image_upload(image:address, Add image of the address)}"
"fixme": {
"question": "What should be fixed here? Please explain what the address is"
"preview": {
"render": "To send a letter to this addres, you would write:<div style='background: #fcdf94; border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 1rem; padding: 1.5rem 0.5rem 2rem 8rem; margin: 1rem' class='flex flex-col'><img src='./assets/themes/uk_addresses/stamp.jpg' class='self-end w-16'/><div class='subtle'>Name of the inhabitant</div><div>{addr:housename}</div><div>{addr:unit} {addr:housenumber} {addr:street}</div><div>{addr:place}</div><div class='subtle'>Suburb</div><div class='subtle'>Town</div><div class='subtle'>Postal code</div></div>"
"uk_addresses_explanation_osm": {
"render": "This address is saved in OpenStreetMap"
"uk_addresses_housenumber": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "This building has no house number"
"question": "What is the number of this house?",
"render": "The housenumber is <b>{addr:housenumber}</b>"
"uk_addresses_placename": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "No extra placename is given or needed"
"question": "What is the place or locality?<div class='subtle'>This is additional information if the streetname alone isn't enough to find this address. Typical examples are 'Technology Park', 'XYZ Terrace', ...</div>",
"render": "The placename is <b>{addr:place}</b>"
"uk_addresses_street": {
"question": "What street is this address located in?",
"render": "This address is in street <b>{addr:street}</b>"
"uk_addresses_unit": {
"question": "What is the unit indication of this address? <div class='subtle'>This is the letter or number of the letterbox here, if multiple letterboxes share the same street and housenumber. If there are multiple at the same location, add them here with a <b>;</b> between them</div>"
"title": {
"render": "Known address"
"shortDescription": "Help to build an open dataset of UK addresses",
"tileLayerSources": {
"0": {
"name": "Property boundaries by osmuk.org"
"title": "UK Addresses"
"waste_basket": {
"description": "On this map, you'll find waste baskets near you. If a waste basket is missing on this map, you can add it yourself",
"shortDescription": "A map with waste baskets",

View file

@ -104,17 +104,6 @@
"shortDescription": "Az összes fa feltérképezése",
"title": "Fatérkép"
"uk_addresses": {
"layers": {
"2": {
"description": "Címek",
"name": "Ismert címek az OSM-en",
"title": {
"render": "Ismert cím"
"waste_basket": {
"description": "Ezen a térképen megtalálhatod a közeledben lévő szemeteskosarakat. Ha hiányzik egy kuka a térképről, te is felrajzolhatod",
"shortDescription": "Szemeteskosarakat ábrázoló térkép",

View file

@ -117,16 +117,5 @@
"trees": {
"title": "Pohon"
"uk_addresses": {
"description": "Berkontribusi untuk OpenStreetMap dengan mengisi informasi alamat",
"layers": {
"1": {
"title": {
"render": "Alamat yang diketahui"
"title": "Alamat Inggris"

View file

@ -916,11 +916,6 @@
"shortDescription": "Mappa tutti gli alberi",
"title": "Alberi"
"uk_addresses": {
"description": "Contribuisci a OpenStreetMap inserendo le informazioni sullindirizzo",
"shortDescription": "Aiuta a costruire un dataset libero per gli indirizzi nel Regno Unito",
"title": "Indirizzi UK"
"waste_basket": {
"description": "In questa cartina troverai i cestini dei rifiuti nei tuoi paraggi. Se manca un cestino, puoi inserirlo tu stesso",
"shortDescription": "Una cartina dei cestini dei rifiuti",

View file

@ -1045,28 +1045,6 @@
"shortDescription": "Breng bomen in kaart",
"title": "Bomen"
"uk_addresses": {
"description": "Draag bij aan OpenStreetMap door adresinformatie in te vullen",
"layers": {
"2": {
"description": "Adressen",
"name": "Bekende adressen in OSM",
"tagRenderings": {
"uk_addresses_housenumber": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Dit gebouw heeft geen huisnummer"
"render": "Het huisnummer is <b>{addr:housenumber}</b>"
"title": {
"render": "Bekend adres"
"waste_basket": {
"description": "Op deze kaart vind je vuilnisbakken waar je afval in kan smijten. Ontbreekt er een vuilnisbak? Dan kan je die zelf toevoegen",
"shortDescription": "Een kaart met vuilnisbakken",

View file

@ -530,12 +530,5 @@
"description": "Нанесите все деревья на карту!",
"shortDescription": "Карта деревьев",
"title": "Деревья"
"uk_addresses": {
"layers": {
"2": {
"description": "Адреса"

View file

@ -652,14 +652,6 @@
"shortDescription": "所有樹木的地圖",
"title": "樹木"
"uk_addresses": {
"layers": {
"2": {
"description": "地址",
"name": "OSM 上已知的地址"
"waste_basket": {
"description": "在這份地圖當中,你可以找到你附近的垃圾筒。如果地圖有遺漏垃圾筒,你可以自己加上去",
"shortDescription": "垃圾筒的地圖",

View file

@ -91,6 +91,14 @@ knownLicenses.set("na", {
sources: []
knownLicenses.set("twemoji", {
authors: ["Twemoji"],
path: undefined,
license: "CC-BY 4.0",
sources: ["https://github.com/twitter/twemoji"]
function promptLicenseFor(path): SmallLicense {
console.log("License abbreviations:")

View file

@ -1,24 +1,4 @@
import {Utils} from "./Utils";
import {FixedUiElement} from "./UI/Base/FixedUiElement";
import Loading from "./UI/Base/Loading";
const features = []
for (let lat = 49; lat < 52; lat+=0.05) {
for (let lon = 2.5; lon < 6.5; lon+=0.025) {
properties: {},
coordinates: [lon, lat]
const geojson = {
Utils.offerContentsAsDownloadableFile(JSON.stringify(geojson, null, " "), "raster.geojson",{
new Loading(new FixedUiElement("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.")).AttachTo("maindiv")