Merge pull request #123 from ToastHawaii/master
Add more german translations
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 307 additions and 156 deletions
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
"en": "Bike cafe",
"en": "Bike cafe",
"nl": "Fietscafé",
"nl": "Fietscafé",
"fr": "Café vélo",
"fr": "Café vélo",
"gl": "Café de ciclistas"
"gl": "Café de ciclistas",
"de": "Fahrrad-Café"
"minzoom": 13,
"minzoom": 13,
"overpassTags": {
"overpassTags": {
@ -25,7 +26,8 @@
"en": "Bike cafe",
"en": "Bike cafe",
"nl": "Fietscafé",
"nl": "Fietscafé",
"fr": "Café Vélo",
"fr": "Café Vélo",
"gl": "Café de ciclistas"
"gl": "Café de ciclistas",
"de": "Fahrrad-Café"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -34,7 +36,8 @@
"en": "Bike cafe <i>{name}</i>",
"en": "Bike cafe <i>{name}</i>",
"nl": "Fietscafé <i>{name}</i>",
"nl": "Fietscafé <i>{name}</i>",
"fr": "Café Vélo <i>{name}</i>",
"fr": "Café Vélo <i>{name}</i>",
"gl": "Café de ciclistas <i>{name}</i>"
"gl": "Café de ciclistas <i>{name}</i>",
"de": "Fahrrad-Café <i>{name}</i>"
@ -46,13 +49,15 @@
"en": "What is the name of this bike cafe?",
"en": "What is the name of this bike cafe?",
"nl": "Wat is de naam van dit fietscafé?",
"nl": "Wat is de naam van dit fietscafé?",
"fr": "Quel est le nom de ce Café vélo",
"fr": "Quel est le nom de ce Café vélo",
"gl": "Cal é o nome deste café de ciclistas?"
"gl": "Cal é o nome deste café de ciclistas?",
"de": "Wie heißt dieses Fahrrad-Café?"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "This bike cafe is called {name}",
"en": "This bike cafe is called {name}",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé heet {name}",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé heet {name}",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo s'appelle {name}",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo s'appelle {name}",
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas chámase {name}"
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas chámase {name}",
"de": "Dieses Fahrrad-Café heißt {name}"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"key": "name"
"key": "name"
@ -63,7 +68,8 @@
"en": "Does this bike cafe offer a bike pump for use by anyone?",
"en": "Does this bike cafe offer a bike pump for use by anyone?",
"nl": "Biedt dit fietscafé een fietspomp aan voor iedereen?",
"nl": "Biedt dit fietscafé een fietspomp aan voor iedereen?",
"fr": "Est-ce que ce Café vélo propose une pompe en libre accès",
"fr": "Est-ce que ce Café vélo propose une pompe en libre accès",
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas ofrece unha bomba de ar para que calquera persoa poida usala?"
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas ofrece unha bomba de ar para que calquera persoa poida usala?",
"de": "Bietet dieses Fahrrad-Café eine Fahrradpumpe an, die von jedem benutzt werden kann?"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -72,7 +78,8 @@
"en": "This bike cafe offers a bike pump for anyone",
"en": "This bike cafe offers a bike pump for anyone",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé biedt een fietspomp aan voor eender wie",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé biedt een fietspomp aan voor eender wie",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo offre une pompe en libre accès",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo offre une pompe en libre accès",
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas ofrece unha bomba de ar"
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas ofrece unha bomba de ar",
"de": "Dieses Fahrrad-Café bietet eine Fahrradpumpe an, die von jedem benutzt werden kann"
@ -81,7 +88,8 @@
"en": "This bike cafe doesn't offer a bike pump for anyone",
"en": "This bike cafe doesn't offer a bike pump for anyone",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé biedt geen fietspomp aan voor iedereen",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé biedt geen fietspomp aan voor iedereen",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo n'offre pas de pompe en libre accès",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo n'offre pas de pompe en libre accès",
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas non ofrece unha bomba de ar"
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas non ofrece unha bomba de ar",
"de": "Dieses Fahrrad-Café bietet keine Fahrradpumpe an, die von jedem benutzt werden kann"
@ -91,7 +99,8 @@
"en": "Are there tools here to repair your own bike?",
"en": "Are there tools here to repair your own bike?",
"nl": "Biedt dit fietscafé gereedschap aan om je fiets zelf te herstellen?",
"nl": "Biedt dit fietscafé gereedschap aan om je fiets zelf te herstellen?",
"fr": "Est-ce qu'il y a des outils pour réparer soi-même son vélo?",
"fr": "Est-ce qu'il y a des outils pour réparer soi-même son vélo?",
"gl": "Hai ferramentas aquí para arranxar a túa propia bicicleta?"
"gl": "Hai ferramentas aquí para arranxar a túa propia bicicleta?",
"de": "Gibt es hier Werkzeuge, um das eigene Fahrrad zu reparieren?"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -100,7 +109,8 @@
"en": "This bike cafe offers tools for DIY repair",
"en": "This bike cafe offers tools for DIY repair",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé biedt gereedschap aan om je fiets zelf te herstellen",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé biedt gereedschap aan om je fiets zelf te herstellen",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo propose des outils pour réparer son vélo soi-même",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo propose des outils pour réparer son vélo soi-même",
"gl": "Hai ferramentas aquí para arranxar a túa propia bicicleta"
"gl": "Hai ferramentas aquí para arranxar a túa propia bicicleta",
"de": "Dieses Fahrrad-Café bietet Werkzeuge für die selbständige Reparatur an."
@ -109,7 +119,8 @@
"en": "This bike cafe doesn't offer tools for DIY repair",
"en": "This bike cafe doesn't offer tools for DIY repair",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé biedt geen gereedschap aan om je fiets zelf te herstellen",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé biedt geen gereedschap aan om je fiets zelf te herstellen",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo ne propose pas d'outils pour réparer son vélo soi-même",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo ne propose pas d'outils pour réparer son vélo soi-même",
"gl": "Non hai ferramentas aquí para arranxar a túa propia bicicleta"
"gl": "Non hai ferramentas aquí para arranxar a túa propia bicicleta",
"de": "Dieses Fahrrad-Café bietet keine Werkzeuge für die selbständige Reparatur an."
@ -119,7 +130,8 @@
"en": "Does this bike cafe repair bikes?",
"en": "Does this bike cafe repair bikes?",
"nl": "Herstelt dit fietscafé fietsen?",
"nl": "Herstelt dit fietscafé fietsen?",
"fr": "Est-ce que ce Café vélo répare les vélos?",
"fr": "Est-ce que ce Café vélo répare les vélos?",
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas arranxa bicicletas?"
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas arranxa bicicletas?",
"de": "Repariert dieses Fahrrad-Café Fahrräder?"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -128,7 +140,8 @@
"en": "This bike cafe repairs bikes",
"en": "This bike cafe repairs bikes",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé herstelt fietsen",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé herstelt fietsen",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo répare les vélos",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo répare les vélos",
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas arranxa bicicletas"
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas arranxa bicicletas",
"de": "Dieses Fahrrad-Café repariert Fahrräder"
@ -137,7 +150,8 @@
"en": "This bike cafe doesn't repair bikes",
"en": "This bike cafe doesn't repair bikes",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé herstelt geen fietsen",
"nl": "Dit fietscafé herstelt geen fietsen",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo ne répare pas les vélos",
"fr": "Ce Café vélo ne répare pas les vélos",
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas non arranxa bicicletas"
"gl": "Este café de ciclistas non arranxa bicicletas",
"de": "Dieses Fahrrad-Café repariert keine Fahrräder"
@ -147,7 +161,8 @@
"en": "What is the website of {name}?",
"en": "What is the website of {name}?",
"nl": "Wat is de website van {name}?",
"nl": "Wat is de website van {name}?",
"fr": "Quel est le site internet de {name}?",
"fr": "Quel est le site internet de {name}?",
"gl": "Cal é a páxina web de {name}?"
"gl": "Cal é a páxina web de {name}?",
"de": "Was ist die Webseite von {name}?"
"render": "<a href='{website}' target='_blank'>{website}</a>",
"render": "<a href='{website}' target='_blank'>{website}</a>",
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
@ -159,7 +174,8 @@
"en": "What is the phone number of {name}?",
"en": "What is the phone number of {name}?",
"nl": "Wat is het telefoonnummer van {name}?",
"nl": "Wat is het telefoonnummer van {name}?",
"fr": "Quel est le nom de {name}?",
"fr": "Quel est le nom de {name}?",
"gl": "Cal é o número de teléfono de {name}?"
"gl": "Cal é o número de teléfono de {name}?",
"de": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer von {name}?"
"render": "<a href='tel:{phone}'>{phone}</a>",
"render": "<a href='tel:{phone}'>{phone}</a>",
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
@ -172,7 +188,8 @@
"en": "What is the email address of {name}?",
"en": "What is the email address of {name}?",
"nl": "Wat is het email-adres van {name}?",
"nl": "Wat is het email-adres van {name}?",
"fr": "Quel est l'adresse email de {name}?",
"fr": "Quel est l'adresse email de {name}?",
"gl": "Cal é o enderezo de correo electrónico de {name}?"
"gl": "Cal é o enderezo de correo electrónico de {name}?",
"de": "Wie lautet die E-Mail-Adresse von {name}?"
"render": "<a href='mailto:{email}' target='_blank'>{email}</a>",
"render": "<a href='mailto:{email}' target='_blank'>{email}</a>",
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
@ -200,7 +217,8 @@
"en": "Bike cafe",
"en": "Bike cafe",
"nl": "Fietscafé",
"nl": "Fietscafé",
"fr": "Café Vélo",
"fr": "Café Vélo",
"gl": "Café de ciclistas"
"gl": "Café de ciclistas",
"de": "Fahrrad-Café"
"tags": [
"tags": [
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
"en": "Bike parking",
"en": "Bike parking",
"nl": "Fietsparking",
"nl": "Fietsparking",
"fr": "Parking à vélo",
"fr": "Parking à vélo",
"gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas"
"gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas",
"de": "Fahrrad-Parkplätze"
"minzoom": 17,
"minzoom": 17,
"overpassTags": {
"overpassTags": {
@ -27,7 +28,8 @@
"en": "Bike parking",
"en": "Bike parking",
"nl": "Fietsparking",
"nl": "Fietsparking",
"fr": "Parking à vélo",
"fr": "Parking à vélo",
"gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas"
"gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas",
"de": "Fahrrad-Parkplätze"
"tags": [
"tags": [
@ -39,7 +41,8 @@
"en": "Bike parking",
"en": "Bike parking",
"nl": "Fietsparking",
"nl": "Fietsparking",
"fr": "Parking à vélo",
"fr": "Parking à vélo",
"gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas"
"gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas",
"de": "Fahrrad-Parkplätze"
"tagRenderings": [
"tagRenderings": [
@ -49,13 +52,15 @@
"en": "What is the type of this bicycle parking?",
"en": "What is the type of this bicycle parking?",
"nl": "Van welk type is deze fietsparking?",
"nl": "Van welk type is deze fietsparking?",
"fr": "Quelle type de parking s'agit il?",
"fr": "Quelle type de parking s'agit il?",
"gl": "Que tipo de aparcadoiro de bicicletas é?"
"gl": "Que tipo de aparcadoiro de bicicletas é?",
"de": "Was ist die Art dieses Fahrrad-Parkplatzes?"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "This is a bicycle parking of the type: {bicycle_parking}",
"en": "This is a bicycle parking of the type: {bicycle_parking}",
"nl": "Dit is een fietsparking van het type: {bicycle_parking}",
"nl": "Dit is een fietsparking van het type: {bicycle_parking}",
"fr": "Ceci est un parking à vélo de type {bicycle_parking}",
"fr": "Ceci est un parking à vélo de type {bicycle_parking}",
"gl": "Este é un aparcadoiro de bicicletas do tipo: {bicycle_parking}"
"gl": "Este é un aparcadoiro de bicicletas do tipo: {bicycle_parking}",
"de": "Dies ist ein Fahrrad-Parkplatz der Art: {bicycle_parking}"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"key": "bicycle_parking",
"key": "bicycle_parking",
@ -70,7 +75,8 @@
"en": "Staple racks <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/staple.svg'>",
"en": "Staple racks <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/staple.svg'>",
"nl": "Nietjes <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/staple.svg'>",
"nl": "Nietjes <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/staple.svg'>",
"fr": "Arceaux <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/staple.svg'>",
"fr": "Arceaux <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/staple.svg'>",
"gl": "De roda (Stands) <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/staple.svg'>"
"gl": "De roda (Stands) <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/staple.svg'>",
"de": "Fahrradbügel <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/staple.svg'>"
@ -79,7 +85,8 @@
"en": "Wheel rack/loops <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/wall_loops.svg'>",
"en": "Wheel rack/loops <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/wall_loops.svg'>",
"nl": "Wielrek/lussen <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/wall_loops.svg'>",
"nl": "Wielrek/lussen <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/wall_loops.svg'>",
"fr": "Pinces-roues <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/wall_loops.svg'>",
"fr": "Pinces-roues <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/wall_loops.svg'>",
"gl": "Aros <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/wall_loops.svg'>"
"gl": "Aros <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/wall_loops.svg'>",
"de": "Metallgestänge <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/wall_loops.svg'>"
@ -88,7 +95,8 @@
"en": "Handlebar holder <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/handlebar_holder.svg'>",
"en": "Handlebar holder <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/handlebar_holder.svg'>",
"nl": "Stuurhouder <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/handlebar_holder.svg'>",
"nl": "Stuurhouder <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/handlebar_holder.svg'>",
"fr": "Support guidon <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/handlebar_holder.svg'>",
"fr": "Support guidon <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/handlebar_holder.svg'>",
"gl": "Cadeado para guiador <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/handlebar_holder.svg'>"
"gl": "Cadeado para guiador <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/handlebar_holder.svg'>",
"de": "Halter für Fahrradlenker <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/handlebar_holder.svg'>"
@ -97,7 +105,8 @@
"en": "Rack <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/rack.svg'>",
"en": "Rack <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/rack.svg'>",
"nl": "Rek <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/rack.svg'>",
"nl": "Rek <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/rack.svg'>",
"fr": "Râtelier <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/rack.svg'>",
"fr": "Râtelier <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/rack.svg'>",
"gl": "Cremalleira <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/rack.svg'>"
"gl": "Cremalleira <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/rack.svg'>",
"de": "Gestell <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/rack.svg'>"
@ -106,7 +115,8 @@
"en": "Two-tiered <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/two_tier.svg'>",
"en": "Two-tiered <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/two_tier.svg'>",
"nl": "Dubbel (twee verdiepingen) <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/two_tier.svg'>",
"nl": "Dubbel (twee verdiepingen) <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/two_tier.svg'>",
"fr": "Superposé <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/two_tier.svg'>",
"fr": "Superposé <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/two_tier.svg'>",
"gl": "Dobre cremalleira <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/two_tier.svg'>"
"gl": "Dobre cremalleira <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/two_tier.svg'>",
"de": "Zweistufig <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/two_tier.svg'>"
@ -115,7 +125,8 @@
"en": "Shed <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/shed.svg'>",
"en": "Shed <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/shed.svg'>",
"nl": "Schuur <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/shed.svg'>",
"nl": "Schuur <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/shed.svg'>",
"fr": "Abri <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/shed.svg'>",
"fr": "Abri <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/shed.svg'>",
"gl": "Abeiro <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/shed.svg'>"
"gl": "Abeiro <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/shed.svg'>",
"de": "Schuppen <img width='150px' src='./assets/layers/bike_parking/shed.svg'>"
@ -124,7 +135,8 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "Is this parking covered? Also select \"covered\" for indoor parkings.",
"en": "Is this parking covered? Also select \"covered\" for indoor parkings.",
"nl": "Is deze parking overdekt? Selecteer ook \"overdekt\" voor fietsparkings binnen een gebouw.",
"nl": "Is deze parking overdekt? Selecteer ook \"overdekt\" voor fietsparkings binnen een gebouw.",
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro está cuberto? Tamén escolle \"cuberto\" para aparcadoiros interiores."
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro está cuberto? Tamén escolle \"cuberto\" para aparcadoiros interiores.",
"de": "Ist dieser Parkplatz überdacht? Wählen Sie auch \"überdacht\" für Innenparkplätze."
"condition": "bicycle_parking!=shed",
"condition": "bicycle_parking!=shed",
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -133,7 +145,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "This parking is covered (it has a roof)",
"en": "This parking is covered (it has a roof)",
"nl": "Deze parking is overdekt (er is een afdak)",
"nl": "Deze parking is overdekt (er is een afdak)",
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro está cuberto (ten un teito)"
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro está cuberto (ten un teito)",
"de": "Dieser Parkplatz ist überdacht (er hat ein Dach)"
@ -141,7 +154,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "This parking is not covered",
"en": "This parking is not covered",
"nl": "Deze parking is niet overdekt",
"nl": "Deze parking is niet overdekt",
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro non está cuberto"
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro non está cuberto",
"de": "Dieser Parkplatz ist nicht überdacht."
@ -151,13 +165,15 @@
"en": "How many bicycles fit in this bicycle parking (including possible cargo bicycles)?",
"en": "How many bicycles fit in this bicycle parking (including possible cargo bicycles)?",
"fr": "Combien de vélos entrent dans ce parking à vélos (y compris les éventuels vélos de transport) ?",
"fr": "Combien de vélos entrent dans ce parking à vélos (y compris les éventuels vélos de transport) ?",
"nl": "Hoeveel fietsen kunnen in deze fietsparking (inclusief potentiëel bakfietsen)?",
"nl": "Hoeveel fietsen kunnen in deze fietsparking (inclusief potentiëel bakfietsen)?",
"gl": "Cantas bicicletas caben neste aparcadoiro de bicicletas (incluídas as posíbeis bicicletas de carga)?"
"gl": "Cantas bicicletas caben neste aparcadoiro de bicicletas (incluídas as posíbeis bicicletas de carga)?",
"de": "Wie viele Fahrräder passen auf diesen Fahrrad-Parkplatz (einschließlich möglicher Lastenfahrräder)?"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "Place for {capacity} bikes",
"en": "Place for {capacity} bikes",
"fr": "Place pour {capacity} vélos",
"fr": "Place pour {capacity} vélos",
"nl": "Plaats voor {capacity} fietsen",
"nl": "Plaats voor {capacity} fietsen",
"gl": "Lugar para {capacity} bicicletas"
"gl": "Lugar para {capacity} bicicletas",
"de": "Platz für {capacity} Fahrräder"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"key": "capacity",
"key": "capacity",
@ -169,7 +185,8 @@
"en": "Does this bicycle parking have spots for cargo bikes?",
"en": "Does this bicycle parking have spots for cargo bikes?",
"nl": "Heeft deze fietsparking plaats voor bakfietsen?",
"nl": "Heeft deze fietsparking plaats voor bakfietsen?",
"fr": "TODO: fr",
"fr": "TODO: fr",
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro de bicicletas ten espazo para bicicletas de carga?"
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro de bicicletas ten espazo para bicicletas de carga?",
"de": "Gibt es auf diesem Fahrrad-Parkplatz Plätze für Lastenfahrräder?"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -178,7 +195,8 @@
"en": "This parking has room for cargo bikes",
"en": "This parking has room for cargo bikes",
"nl": "Deze parking heeft plaats voor bakfietsen",
"nl": "Deze parking heeft plaats voor bakfietsen",
"fr": "TODO: fr",
"fr": "TODO: fr",
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro ten espazo para bicicletas de carga."
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro ten espazo para bicicletas de carga.",
"de": "Dieser Parkplatz bietet Platz für Lastenfahrräder"
@ -187,7 +205,8 @@
"en": "This parking has designated (official) spots for cargo bikes.",
"en": "This parking has designated (official) spots for cargo bikes.",
"nl": "Er zijn speciale plaatsen voorzien voor bakfietsen",
"nl": "Er zijn speciale plaatsen voorzien voor bakfietsen",
"fr": "TODO: fr",
"fr": "TODO: fr",
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro ten espazos designados (oficiais) para bicicletas de carga."
"gl": "Este aparcadoiro ten espazos designados (oficiais) para bicicletas de carga.",
"de": "Dieser Parkplatz verfügt über ausgewiesene (offizielle) Plätze für Lastenfahrräder."
@ -196,7 +215,8 @@
"en": "You're not allowed to park cargo bikes",
"en": "You're not allowed to park cargo bikes",
"nl": "Je mag hier geen bakfietsen parkeren",
"nl": "Je mag hier geen bakfietsen parkeren",
"fr": "TODO: fr",
"fr": "TODO: fr",
"gl": "Non está permitido aparcar bicicletas de carga"
"gl": "Non está permitido aparcar bicicletas de carga",
"de": "Es ist nicht erlaubt, Lastenfahrräder zu parken"
@ -206,13 +226,15 @@
"en": "How many cargo bicycles fit in this bicycle parking?",
"en": "How many cargo bicycles fit in this bicycle parking?",
"nl": "Voor hoeveel bakfietsen heeft deze fietsparking plaats?",
"nl": "Voor hoeveel bakfietsen heeft deze fietsparking plaats?",
"fr": "Combien de vélos de transport entrent dans ce parking à vélos ?",
"fr": "Combien de vélos de transport entrent dans ce parking à vélos ?",
"gl": "Cantas bicicletas de carga caben neste aparcadoiro de bicicletas?"
"gl": "Cantas bicicletas de carga caben neste aparcadoiro de bicicletas?",
"de": "Wie viele Lastenfahrräder passen auf diesen Fahrrad-Parkplatz?"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "This parking fits {capacity:cargo_bike} cargo bikes",
"en": "This parking fits {capacity:cargo_bike} cargo bikes",
"nl": "Deze parking heeft plaats voor {capacity:cargo_bike} fietsen",
"nl": "Deze parking heeft plaats voor {capacity:cargo_bike} fietsen",
"fr": "Ce parking a de la place pour {capacity:cargo_bike} vélos de transport.",
"fr": "Ce parking a de la place pour {capacity:cargo_bike} vélos de transport.",
"gl": "Neste aparcadoiro caben {capacity:cargo_bike} bicicletas de carga"
"gl": "Neste aparcadoiro caben {capacity:cargo_bike} bicicletas de carga",
"de": "Auf diesen Parkplatz passen {capacity:cargo_bike} Lastenfahrräder"
"condition": "cargo_bike~designated|yes",
"condition": "cargo_bike~designated|yes",
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"nl": "Fietspunten (herstel, pomp of allebei)",
"nl": "Fietspunten (herstel, pomp of allebei)",
"fr": "Station velo (réparation, pompe à vélo)",
"fr": "Station velo (réparation, pompe à vélo)",
"gl": "Estación de bicicletas (arranxo, bomba de ar ou ambos)",
"gl": "Estación de bicicletas (arranxo, bomba de ar ou ambos)",
"de": "Fahrradstation (Reparatur, Pumpe oder beides)"
"de": "Fahrradstationen (Reparatur, Pumpe oder beides)"
"minzoom": 13,
"minzoom": 13,
"overpassTags": {
"overpassTags": {
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"nl": "Herstelpunt",
"nl": "Herstelpunt",
"fr": "Point de réparation velo",
"fr": "Point de réparation velo",
"gl": "Estación de arranxo de bicicletas",
"gl": "Estación de arranxo de bicicletas",
"de": "Fahrradwerkstatt"
"de": "Fahrrad-Reparaturstation"
@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
"en": "Bike repair station",
"en": "Bike repair station",
"nl": "Herstelpunt",
"nl": "Herstelpunt",
"fr": "Point de réparation",
"fr": "Point de réparation",
"gl": "Estación de arranxo de bicicletas"
"gl": "Estación de arranxo de bicicletas",
"de": "Fahrrad-Reparaturstation"
@ -67,7 +68,8 @@
"en": "Broken pump",
"en": "Broken pump",
"nl": "Kapotte fietspomp",
"nl": "Kapotte fietspomp",
"fr": "Pompe cassée",
"fr": "Pompe cassée",
"gl": "Bomba de ar estragada"
"gl": "Bomba de ar estragada",
"de": "Kaputte Pumpe"
@ -81,7 +83,8 @@
"en": "Bicycle pump",
"en": "Bicycle pump",
"nl": "Fietspomp",
"nl": "Fietspomp",
"fr": "Pompe de vélo",
"fr": "Pompe de vélo",
"gl": "Bomba de ar"
"gl": "Bomba de ar",
"de": "Fahrradpumpe"
@ -93,7 +96,8 @@
"en": "Which services are available at this bike station?",
"en": "Which services are available at this bike station?",
"nl": "Welke functies biedt dit fietspunt?",
"nl": "Welke functies biedt dit fietspunt?",
"fr": "Quels services sont valables à cette station vélo?",
"fr": "Quels services sont valables à cette station vélo?",
"gl": "Que servizos están dispoñíbeis nesta estación de bicicletas?"
"gl": "Que servizos están dispoñíbeis nesta estación de bicicletas?",
"de": "Welche Einrichtungen stehen an dieser Fahrradstation zur Verfügung?"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -107,7 +111,8 @@
"en": "There is only a pump present",
"en": "There is only a pump present",
"nl": "Er is enkel een pomp aanwezig",
"nl": "Er is enkel een pomp aanwezig",
"fr": "Il y a seulement une pompe",
"fr": "Il y a seulement une pompe",
"gl": "Só hai unha bomba de ar presente"
"gl": "Só hai unha bomba de ar presente",
"de": "Es ist nur eine Pumpe vorhanden"
@ -121,7 +126,8 @@
"en": "There are only tools (screwdrivers, pliers...) present",
"en": "There are only tools (screwdrivers, pliers...) present",
"nl": "Er is enkel gereedschap aanwezig (schroevendraaier, tang...)",
"nl": "Er is enkel gereedschap aanwezig (schroevendraaier, tang...)",
"fr": "Il y a seulement des outils (tournevis, pinces...)",
"fr": "Il y a seulement des outils (tournevis, pinces...)",
"gl": "Só hai ferramentas (desaparafusadores, alicates...) presentes"
"gl": "Só hai ferramentas (desaparafusadores, alicates...) presentes",
"de": "Es sind nur Werkzeuge (Schraubenzieher, Zangen...) vorhanden"
@ -135,7 +141,8 @@
"en": "There are both tools and a pump present",
"en": "There are both tools and a pump present",
"nl": "Er is zowel een pomp als gereedschap aanwezig",
"nl": "Er is zowel een pomp als gereedschap aanwezig",
"fr": "IL y a des outils et une pompe",
"fr": "IL y a des outils et une pompe",
"gl": "Hai ferramentas e unha bomba de ar presentes"
"gl": "Hai ferramentas e unha bomba de ar presentes",
"de": "Es sind sowohl Werkzeuge als auch eine Pumpe vorhanden"
@ -145,7 +152,8 @@
"en": "Does this bike repair station have a special tool to repair your bike chain?",
"en": "Does this bike repair station have a special tool to repair your bike chain?",
"nl": "Heeft dit herstelpunt een speciale reparatieset voor je ketting?",
"nl": "Heeft dit herstelpunt een speciale reparatieset voor je ketting?",
"fr": "Est-ce que cette station vélo a un outils specifique pour réparer la chaîne du velo?",
"fr": "Est-ce que cette station vélo a un outils specifique pour réparer la chaîne du velo?",
"gl": "Esta estación de arranxo de bicicletas ten unha ferramenta especial para arranxar a cadea da túa bicicleta?"
"gl": "Esta estación de arranxo de bicicletas ten unha ferramenta especial para arranxar a cadea da túa bicicleta?",
"de": "Verfügt diese Fahrrad-Reparaturstation über Spezialwerkzeug zur Reparatur von Fahrradketten?"
"condition": "service:bicycle:tools=yes",
"condition": "service:bicycle:tools=yes",
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -155,7 +163,8 @@
"en": "There is a chain tool",
"en": "There is a chain tool",
"nl": "Er is een reparatieset voor je ketting",
"nl": "Er is een reparatieset voor je ketting",
"fr": "Il y a un outil pour réparer la chaine",
"fr": "Il y a un outil pour réparer la chaine",
"gl": "Hai unha ferramenta para a cadea"
"gl": "Hai unha ferramenta para a cadea",
"de": "Es gibt ein Kettenwerkzeug"
@ -164,7 +173,8 @@
"en": "There is no chain tool",
"en": "There is no chain tool",
"nl": "Er is geen reparatieset voor je ketting",
"nl": "Er is geen reparatieset voor je ketting",
"fr": "Il n'y a pas d'outil pour réparer la chaine",
"fr": "Il n'y a pas d'outil pour réparer la chaine",
"gl": "Non hai unha ferramenta para a cadea"
"gl": "Non hai unha ferramenta para a cadea",
"de": "Es gibt kein Kettenwerkzeug"
@ -174,7 +184,8 @@
"en": "Does this bike station have a hook to suspend your bike with or a stand to elevate it?",
"en": "Does this bike station have a hook to suspend your bike with or a stand to elevate it?",
"nl": "Heeft dit herstelpunt een haak of standaard om je fiets op te hangen/zetten?",
"nl": "Heeft dit herstelpunt een haak of standaard om je fiets op te hangen/zetten?",
"fr": "Est-ce que cette station vélo à un crochet pour suspendre son velo ou une accroche pour l'élevé?",
"fr": "Est-ce que cette station vélo à un crochet pour suspendre son velo ou une accroche pour l'élevé?",
"gl": "Esta estación de bicicletas ten un guindastre para pendurar a túa bicicleta ou un soporte para elevala?"
"gl": "Esta estación de bicicletas ten un guindastre para pendurar a túa bicicleta ou un soporte para elevala?",
"de": "Hat diese Fahrradstation einen Haken, an dem Sie Ihr Fahrrad aufhängen können, oder einen Ständer, um es anzuheben?"
"condition": "service:bicycle:tools=yes",
"condition": "service:bicycle:tools=yes",
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -184,7 +195,8 @@
"en": "There is a hook or stand",
"en": "There is a hook or stand",
"nl": "Er is een haak of standaard",
"nl": "Er is een haak of standaard",
"fr": "Il y a un crochet ou une accroche",
"fr": "Il y a un crochet ou une accroche",
"gl": "Hai un guindastre ou soporte"
"gl": "Hai un guindastre ou soporte",
"de": "Es gibt einen Haken oder Ständer"
@ -193,7 +205,8 @@
"en": "There is no hook or stand",
"en": "There is no hook or stand",
"nl": "Er is geen haak of standaard",
"nl": "Er is geen haak of standaard",
"fr": "Il n'y pas de crochet ou d'accroche",
"fr": "Il n'y pas de crochet ou d'accroche",
"gl": "Non hai un guindastre ou soporte"
"gl": "Non hai un guindastre ou soporte",
"de": "Es gibt keinen Haken oder Ständer"
@ -203,7 +216,8 @@
"en": "Is the bike pump still operational?",
"en": "Is the bike pump still operational?",
"nl": "Werkt de fietspomp nog?",
"nl": "Werkt de fietspomp nog?",
"fr": "Est-ce que cette pompe marche t'elle toujours?",
"fr": "Est-ce que cette pompe marche t'elle toujours?",
"gl": "Segue a funcionar a bomba de ar?"
"gl": "Segue a funcionar a bomba de ar?",
"de": "Ist die Fahrradpumpe noch funktionstüchtig?"
"condition": "service:bicycle:pump=yes",
"condition": "service:bicycle:pump=yes",
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -213,7 +227,8 @@
"en": "The bike pump is broken",
"en": "The bike pump is broken",
"nl": "De fietspomp is kapot",
"nl": "De fietspomp is kapot",
"fr": "La pompe est cassé",
"fr": "La pompe est cassé",
"gl": "A bomba de ar está estragada"
"gl": "A bomba de ar está estragada",
"de": "Die Fahrradpumpe ist kaputt"
@ -222,7 +237,8 @@
"en": "The bike pump is operational",
"en": "The bike pump is operational",
"nl": "De fietspomp werkt nog",
"nl": "De fietspomp werkt nog",
"fr": "La pompe est opérationnelle",
"fr": "La pompe est opérationnelle",
"gl": "A bomba de ar está operativa"
"gl": "A bomba de ar está operativa",
"de": "Die Fahrradpumpe ist betriebsbereit"
@ -232,13 +248,15 @@
"en": "What valves are supported?",
"en": "What valves are supported?",
"nl": "Welke ventielen werken er met de pomp?",
"nl": "Welke ventielen werken er met de pomp?",
"fr": "Quelles valves sont compatibles?",
"fr": "Quelles valves sont compatibles?",
"gl": "Que válvulas son compatíbeis?"
"gl": "Que válvulas son compatíbeis?",
"de": "Welche Ventile werden unterstützt?"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "This pump supports the following valves: {valves}",
"en": "This pump supports the following valves: {valves}",
"nl": "Deze pomp werkt met de volgende ventielen: {valves}",
"nl": "Deze pomp werkt met de volgende ventielen: {valves}",
"fr": "Cette pompe est compatible avec les valves suivantes: {valves}",
"fr": "Cette pompe est compatible avec les valves suivantes: {valves}",
"gl": "Esta bomba de ar admite as seguintes válvulas: {valves}"
"gl": "Esta bomba de ar admite as seguintes válvulas: {valves}",
"de": "Diese Pumpe unterstützt die folgenden Ventile: {valves}"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"#addExtraTags": [
"#addExtraTags": [
@ -254,7 +272,8 @@
"en": "Sclaverand (also known as Presta)",
"en": "Sclaverand (also known as Presta)",
"nl": "Sclaverand (ook gekend als Presta)",
"nl": "Sclaverand (ook gekend als Presta)",
"fr": "Sclaverand (aussi appelé Presta)",
"fr": "Sclaverand (aussi appelé Presta)",
"gl": "Sclaverand (tamén coñecido como Presta)"
"gl": "Sclaverand (tamén coñecido como Presta)",
"de": "Sklaverand (auch bekannt als Presta)"
@ -263,7 +282,8 @@
"en": "Dunlop",
"en": "Dunlop",
"nl": "Dunlop",
"nl": "Dunlop",
"fr": "Dunlop",
"fr": "Dunlop",
"gl": "Dunlop"
"gl": "Dunlop",
"de": "Dunlop"
@ -272,7 +292,8 @@
"en": "Schrader (cars)",
"en": "Schrader (cars)",
"nl": "Schrader (auto's)",
"nl": "Schrader (auto's)",
"fr": "Schrader (les valves de voitures)",
"fr": "Schrader (les valves de voitures)",
"gl": "Schrader (para automóbiles)"
"gl": "Schrader (para automóbiles)",
"de": "Schrader (Autos)"
@ -282,7 +303,8 @@
"en": "Is this an electric bike pump?",
"en": "Is this an electric bike pump?",
"nl": "Is dit een electrische fietspomp?",
"nl": "Is dit een electrische fietspomp?",
"fr": "Est-ce que cette pompe est électrique?",
"fr": "Est-ce que cette pompe est électrique?",
"gl": "Esta é unha bomba de ar eléctrica?"
"gl": "Esta é unha bomba de ar eléctrica?",
"de": "Ist dies eine elektrische Fahrradpumpe?"
"condition": "service:bicycle:pump=yes",
"condition": "service:bicycle:pump=yes",
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -292,7 +314,8 @@
"en": "Manual pump",
"en": "Manual pump",
"nl": "Manuele pomp",
"nl": "Manuele pomp",
"fr": "Pompe manuelle",
"fr": "Pompe manuelle",
"gl": "Bomba de ar manual"
"gl": "Bomba de ar manual",
"de": "Manuelle Pumpe"
@ -301,7 +324,8 @@
"en": "Electrical pump",
"en": "Electrical pump",
"nl": "Electrische pomp",
"nl": "Electrische pomp",
"fr": "Pompe électrique",
"fr": "Pompe électrique",
"gl": "Bomba de ar eléctrica"
"gl": "Bomba de ar eléctrica",
"de": "Elektrische Pumpe"
@ -311,7 +335,8 @@
"en": "Does the pump have a pressure indicator or manometer?",
"en": "Does the pump have a pressure indicator or manometer?",
"nl": "Heeft deze pomp een luchtdrukmeter?",
"nl": "Heeft deze pomp een luchtdrukmeter?",
"fr": "Est-ce que la pompe à un manomètre integré?",
"fr": "Est-ce que la pompe à un manomètre integré?",
"gl": "Ten a bomba de ar un indicador de presión ou un manómetro?"
"gl": "Ten a bomba de ar un indicador de presión ou un manómetro?",
"de": "Verfügt die Pumpe über einen Druckanzeiger oder ein Manometer?"
"condition": "service:bicycle:pump=yes",
"condition": "service:bicycle:pump=yes",
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -321,7 +346,8 @@
"en": "There is a manometer",
"en": "There is a manometer",
"nl": "Er is een luchtdrukmeter",
"nl": "Er is een luchtdrukmeter",
"fr": "Il y a un manomètre",
"fr": "Il y a un manomètre",
"gl": "Hai manómetro"
"gl": "Hai manómetro",
"de": "Es gibt ein Manometer"
@ -330,7 +356,8 @@
"en": "There is no manometer",
"en": "There is no manometer",
"nl": "Er is geen luchtdrukmeter",
"nl": "Er is geen luchtdrukmeter",
"fr": "Il n'y a pas de manomètre",
"fr": "Il n'y a pas de manomètre",
"gl": "Non hai manómetro"
"gl": "Non hai manómetro",
"de": "Es gibt kein Manometer"
@ -339,7 +366,8 @@
"en": "There is manometer but it is broken",
"en": "There is manometer but it is broken",
"nl": "Er is een luchtdrukmeter maar die is momenteel defect",
"nl": "Er is een luchtdrukmeter maar die is momenteel defect",
"fr": "Il y a un manomètre mais il est cassé",
"fr": "Il y a un manomètre mais il est cassé",
"gl": "Hai manómetro pero está estragado"
"gl": "Hai manómetro pero está estragado",
"de": "Es gibt ein Manometer, aber es ist kaputt"
@ -415,7 +443,8 @@
"en": "Bike pump",
"en": "Bike pump",
"nl": "Fietspomp",
"nl": "Fietspomp",
"fr": "Pompe à vélo",
"fr": "Pompe à vélo",
"gl": "Bomba de ar"
"gl": "Bomba de ar",
"de": "Fahrradpumpe"
"tags": [
"tags": [
@ -428,7 +457,8 @@
"en": "Bike repair station and pump",
"en": "Bike repair station and pump",
"nl": "Herstelpunt en pomp",
"nl": "Herstelpunt en pomp",
"fr": "Point de réparation vélo avec pompe",
"fr": "Point de réparation vélo avec pompe",
"gl": "Estación de arranxo de bicicletas con bomba de ar"
"gl": "Estación de arranxo de bicicletas con bomba de ar",
"de": "Fahrrad-Reparaturstation und Pumpe"
"tags": [
"tags": [
@ -441,7 +471,8 @@
"en": "Bike repair station without pump",
"en": "Bike repair station without pump",
"nl": "Herstelpunt zonder pomp",
"nl": "Herstelpunt zonder pomp",
"fr": "Point de réparation vélo sans pompe",
"fr": "Point de réparation vélo sans pompe",
"gl": "Estación de arranxo de bicicletas sin bomba de ar"
"gl": "Estación de arranxo de bicicletas sin bomba de ar",
"de": "Fahrrad-Reparaturstation ohne Pumpe"
"tags": [
"tags": [
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
"name": {
"name": {
"en": "Bike related object",
"en": "Bike related object",
"nl": "Fietsgerelateerd object",
"nl": "Fietsgerelateerd object",
"fr": "Objet cycliste"
"fr": "Objet cycliste",
"de": "Mit Fahrrad zusammenhängendes Objekt"
"minzoom": 13,
"minzoom": 13,
"overpassTags": "theme~cycling|bicycle",
"overpassTags": "theme~cycling|bicycle",
@ -11,7 +12,8 @@
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "Bike related object",
"en": "Bike related object",
"nl": "Fietsgerelateerd object",
"nl": "Fietsgerelateerd object",
"fr": "Objet cycliste"
"fr": "Objet cycliste",
"de": "Mit Fahrrad zusammenhängendes Objekt"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -20,7 +22,8 @@
"en": "<i>{name}</i>",
"en": "<i>{name}</i>",
"nl": "<i>{name}</i>",
"nl": "<i>{name}</i>",
"fr": "<i>{name}</i>",
"fr": "<i>{name}</i>",
"gl": "<i>{name}</i>"
"gl": "<i>{name}</i>",
"de": "<i>{name}</i>"
@ -4,14 +4,18 @@
"en": "Drinking water",
"en": "Drinking water",
"nl": "Drinkbaar water",
"nl": "Drinkbaar water",
"fr": "Eau potable",
"fr": "Eau potable",
"gl": "Auga potábel"
"gl": "Auga potábel",
"de": "Trinkwasser"
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Drinking water",
"nl": "Drinkbaar water",
"fr": "Eau potable",
"gl": "Auga potábel",
"de": "Trinkwasser"
"title":{"render": {
"en": "Drinking water",
"nl": "Drinkbaar water",
"fr": "Eau potable",
"gl": "Auga potábel"
"icon": "./assets/layers/drinking_water/drinking_water.svg",
"icon": "./assets/layers/drinking_water/drinking_water.svg",
"iconSize": "40,40,bottom",
"iconSize": "40,40,bottom",
"overpassTags": "amenity=drinking_water",
"overpassTags": "amenity=drinking_water",
@ -23,9 +27,12 @@
"en": "Drinking water",
"en": "Drinking water",
"nl": "Drinkbaar water",
"nl": "Drinkbaar water",
"fr": "Eau potable",
"fr": "Eau potable",
"gl": "Auga potábel"
"gl": "Auga potábel",
"de": "Trinkwasser"
"tags": ["amenity=drinking_water"]
"tags": [
"color": "#00bb00",
"color": "#00bb00",
@ -34,25 +41,27 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "How easy is it to fill water bottles?",
"en": "How easy is it to fill water bottles?",
"nl": "Hoe gemakkelijk is het om drinkbussen bij te vullen?"
"nl": "Hoe gemakkelijk is het om drinkbussen bij te vullen?",
"de": "Wie einfach ist es, Wasserflaschen zu füllen?"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
"if": "bottle=yes",
"if": "bottle=yes",
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "It is easy to refill water bottles",
"en": "It is easy to refill water bottles",
"nl": "Een drinkbus bijvullen gaat makkelijk"
"nl": "Een drinkbus bijvullen gaat makkelijk",
"de": "Es ist einfach, Wasserflaschen nachzufüllen"
"if": "bottle=no",
"if": "bottle=no",
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Water bottles may not fit",
"en": "Water bottles may not fit",
"nl": "Een drinkbus past moeilijk"
"nl": "Een drinkbus past moeilijk",
"de": "Wasserflaschen passen möglicherweise nicht"
@ -2,21 +2,24 @@
"id": "ghost_bike",
"id": "ghost_bike",
"name": {
"name": {
"en": "Ghost bikes",
"en": "Ghost bikes",
"nl": "Witte Fietsen"
"nl": "Witte Fietsen",
"de": "Geisterrad"
"overpassTags": "memorial=ghost_bike",
"overpassTags": "memorial=ghost_bike",
"minzoom": 0,
"minzoom": 0,
"title": {
"title": {
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "Ghost bike",
"en": "Ghost bike",
"nl": "Witte Fiets"
"nl": "Witte Fiets",
"de": "Geisterrad"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
"if": "name~*",
"if": "name~*",
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Ghost bike in the remembrance of {name}",
"en": "Ghost bike in the remembrance of {name}",
"nl": "Witte fiets ter nagedachtenis van {name}"
"nl": "Witte fiets ter nagedachtenis van {name}",
"de": "Geisterrad im Gedenken an {name}"
@ -30,7 +33,8 @@
"title": {
"title": {
"en": "Ghost bike",
"en": "Ghost bike",
"nl": "Witte fiets"
"nl": "Witte fiets",
"de": "Geisterrad"
"tags": [
"tags": [
@ -42,18 +46,21 @@
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "A <b>ghost bike</b> is a memorial for a cyclist who died in a traffic accident, in the form of a white bicycle placed permanently near the accident location.",
"en": "A <b>ghost bike</b> is a memorial for a cyclist who died in a traffic accident, in the form of a white bicycle placed permanently near the accident location.",
"nl": "Een Witte Fiets (of Spookfiets) is een aandenken aan een fietser die bij een verkeersongeval om het leven kwam. Het gaat over een witgeschilderde fiets die geplaatst werd in de buurt van het ongeval."
"nl": "Een Witte Fiets (of Spookfiets) is een aandenken aan een fietser die bij een verkeersongeval om het leven kwam. Het gaat over een witgeschilderde fiets die geplaatst werd in de buurt van het ongeval.",
"de": "Ein <b>Geisterrad</b> ist ein Denkmal für einen Radfahrer, der bei einem Verkehrsunfall ums Leben kam, in Form eines weißen Fahrrades, das dauerhaft in der Nähe des Unfallortes aufgestellt wird."
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "Whom is remembered by this ghost bike?<span class='question-subtext'><br/>Please respect privacy - only fill out the name if it is widely published or marked on the cycle. Opt to leave out the family name.</span>",
"en": "Whom is remembered by this ghost bike?<span class='question-subtext'><br/>Please respect privacy - only fill out the name if it is widely published or marked on the cycle. Opt to leave out the family name.</span>",
"nl": "Aan wie is deze witte fiets een eerbetoon??<span class='question-subtext'><br/>Respecteer privacy - voeg enkel een naam toe indien die op de fiets staat of gepubliceerd is. Eventueel voeg je enkel de voornaam toe.</span>"
"nl": "Aan wie is deze witte fiets een eerbetoon??<span class='question-subtext'><br/>Respecteer privacy - voeg enkel een naam toe indien die op de fiets staat of gepubliceerd is. Eventueel voeg je enkel de voornaam toe.</span>",
"de": "An wen erinnert dieses Geisterrad?<span class='question-subtext'><br/>Bitte respektieren Sie die Privatsphäre - geben Sie den Namen nur an, wenn er weit verbreitet oder auf dem Fahrrad markiert ist. Den Familiennamen können Sie weglassen.</span>"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "In remembrance of {name}",
"en": "In remembrance of {name}",
"nl": "Ter nagedachtenis van {name}"
"nl": "Ter nagedachtenis van {name}",
"de": "Im Gedenken an {name}"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"key": "name"
"key": "name"
@ -63,7 +70,8 @@
"if": "noname=yes",
"if": "noname=yes",
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "No name is marked on the bike",
"en": "No name is marked on the bike",
"nl": "De naam is niet aangeduid op de fiets"
"nl": "De naam is niet aangeduid op de fiets",
"de": "Auf dem Fahrrad ist kein Name angegeben"
@ -71,11 +79,13 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "On what webpage can one find more information about the Ghost bike or the accident?",
"en": "On what webpage can one find more information about the Ghost bike or the accident?",
"nl": "Op welke website kan men meer informatie vinden over de Witte fiets of over het ongeval?"
"nl": "Op welke website kan men meer informatie vinden over de Witte fiets of over het ongeval?",
"de": ""
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "<a href='{source}' target='_blank'>More information is available</a>",
"en": "<a href='{source}' target='_blank'>More information is available</a>",
"nl": "<a href='{source}' target='_blank'>Meer informatie</a>"
"nl": "<a href='{source}' target='_blank'>Meer informatie</a>",
"de": "Auf welcher Webseite kann man mehr Informationen über das Geisterrad oder den Unfall finden?"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"type": "url",
"type": "url",
@ -85,11 +95,13 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "What is the inscription on this Ghost bike?",
"en": "What is the inscription on this Ghost bike?",
"nl": "Wat is het opschrift op deze witte fiets?"
"nl": "Wat is het opschrift op deze witte fiets?",
"de": "Wie lautet die Inschrift auf diesem Geisterrad?"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "<i>{inscription}</i>",
"en": "<i>{inscription}</i>",
"nl": "<i>{inscription}</i>"
"nl": "<i>{inscription}</i>",
"de": "<i>{inscription}</i>"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"key": "inscription"
"key": "inscription"
@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
"id": "viewpoint",
"id": "viewpoint",
"name": {
"name": {
"en": "Viewpoint",
"en": "Viewpoint",
"nl": "Uitzicht"
"nl": "Uitzicht",
"de": "Aussichtspunkt"
"description": {
"description": {
"en": "A nice viewpoint or nice view. Ideal to add an image if no other category fits",
"en": "A nice viewpoint or nice view. Ideal to add an image if no other category fits",
"nl": "Een mooi uitzicht - ideaal om een foto toe te voegen wanneer iets niet in een andere categorie past"
"nl": "Een mooi uitzicht - ideaal om een foto toe te voegen wanneer iets niet in een andere categorie past",
"de": "Ein schöner Aussichtspunkt oder eine schöne Aussicht. Ideal zum Hinzufügen eines Bildes, wenn keine andere Kategorie passt"
"overpassTags": "tourism=viewpoint",
"overpassTags": "tourism=viewpoint",
"minzoom": 14,
"minzoom": 14,
@ -19,7 +21,8 @@
"title": {
"title": {
"en": "Viewpoint",
"en": "Viewpoint",
"nl": "Uitzicht"
"nl": "Uitzicht",
"de": "Aussichtspunkt"
"tags": [
"tags": [
@ -29,15 +32,17 @@
"title": {
"title": {
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "Viewpoint",
"en": "Viewpoint",
"nl": "Uitzicht"
"nl": "Uitzicht",
"de": "Aussichtspunkt"
"tagRenderings": [
"tagRenderings": [
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "Do you want to add a description?",
"nl": "Zijn er bijzonderheden die je wilt toevoegen?",
"nl": "Zijn er bijzonderheden die je wilt toevoegen?",
"en": "Do you want to add a description?"
"de": "Möchten Sie eine Beschreibung hinzufügen?"
"render": "{description}",
"render": "{description}",
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
@ -3,19 +3,22 @@
"title": {
"title": {
"en": "Open AED Map",
"en": "Open AED Map",
"fr": "Carte AED",
"fr": "Carte AED",
"nl": "Open AED-kaart"
"nl": "Open AED-kaart",
"de": "AED-Karte öffnen"
"maintainer": "MapComplete",
"maintainer": "MapComplete",
"icon": "./assets/themes/aed/aed.svg",
"icon": "./assets/themes/aed/aed.svg",
"description": {
"description": {
"en": "On this map, one can find and mark nearby defibrillators",
"en": "On this map, one can find and mark nearby defibrillators",
"fr": "Sur cette carte, vous pouvez trouver et améliorer les informations sur les défibrillateurs",
"fr": "Sur cette carte, vous pouvez trouver et améliorer les informations sur les défibrillateurs",
"nl": "Op deze kaart kan je informatie over AEDs vinden en verbeteren"
"nl": "Op deze kaart kan je informatie over AEDs vinden en verbeteren",
"de": "Auf dieser Karte kann man nahe gelegene Defibrillatoren finden und markieren"
"language": [
"language": [
"version": "2020-08-29",
"version": "2020-08-29",
"startLat": 0,
"startLat": 0,
@ -27,7 +30,8 @@
"name": {
"name": {
"en": "Defibrillators",
"en": "Defibrillators",
"fr": "Défibrillateurs",
"fr": "Défibrillateurs",
"nl": "Defibrillatoren"
"nl": "Defibrillatoren",
"de": "Defibrillatoren"
"overpassTags": "emergency=defibrillator",
"overpassTags": "emergency=defibrillator",
"minzoom": 12,
"minzoom": 12,
@ -35,7 +39,8 @@
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "Defibrillator",
"en": "Defibrillator",
"fr": "Défibrillateur",
"fr": "Défibrillateur",
"nl": "Defibrillator"
"nl": "Defibrillator",
"de": "Defibrillator"
"icon": "./assets/themes/aed/aed.svg",
"icon": "./assets/themes/aed/aed.svg",
@ -45,7 +50,8 @@
"title": {
"title": {
"en": "Defibrillator",
"en": "Defibrillator",
"fr": "Défibrillateur",
"fr": "Défibrillateur",
"nl": "Defibrillator"
"nl": "Defibrillator",
"de": "Defibrillator"
"tags": [
"tags": [
@ -58,7 +64,8 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "Is this defibrillator located indoors?",
"en": "Is this defibrillator located indoors?",
"fr": "Ce défibrillateur est-il disposé en intérieur ?",
"fr": "Ce défibrillateur est-il disposé en intérieur ?",
"nl": "Hangt deze defibrillator binnen of buiten?"
"nl": "Hangt deze defibrillator binnen of buiten?",
"de": "Befindet sich dieser Defibrillator im Gebäude?"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -66,7 +73,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "This defibrillator is located indoors",
"en": "This defibrillator is located indoors",
"fr": "Ce défibrillateur est en intérieur (dans un batiment)",
"fr": "Ce défibrillateur est en intérieur (dans un batiment)",
"nl": "Deze defibrillator bevindt zich in een gebouw"
"nl": "Deze defibrillator bevindt zich in een gebouw",
"de": "Dieser Defibrillator befindet sich im Gebäude"
@ -74,7 +82,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "This defibrillator is located outdoors",
"en": "This defibrillator is located outdoors",
"fr": "Ce défibrillateur est situé en extérieur",
"fr": "Ce défibrillateur est situé en extérieur",
"nl": "Deze defibrillator hangt buiten"
"nl": "Deze defibrillator hangt buiten",
"de": "Dieser Defibrillator befindet sich im Freien"
@ -83,17 +92,21 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "Is this defibrillator freely accessible?",
"en": "Is this defibrillator freely accessible?",
"fr": "Ce défibrillateur est-il librement accessible?",
"fr": "Ce défibrillateur est-il librement accessible?",
"nl": "Is deze defibrillator vrij toegankelijk?"
"nl": "Is deze defibrillator vrij toegankelijk?",
"de": "Ist dieser Defibrillator frei zugänglich?"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "Access is {access}",
"en": "Access is {access}",
"fr": "{access} accessible",
"nl": "Toegankelijkheid is {access}",
"nl": "Toegankelijkheid is {access}",
"fr": "{access} accessible"
"de": "Zugang ist {access}"
"condition": "indoor=yes",
"condition": "indoor=yes",
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"key": "access",
"key": "access",
"addExtraTags": ["fixme=Freeform field used for access - doublecheck the value"]
"addExtraTags": [
"fixme=Freeform field used for access - doublecheck the value"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -101,7 +114,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Publicly accessible",
"en": "Publicly accessible",
"fr": "Librement accessible",
"fr": "Librement accessible",
"nl": "Publiek toegankelijk"
"nl": "Publiek toegankelijk",
"de": "Öffentlich zugänglich"
@ -109,7 +123,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Publicly accessible",
"en": "Publicly accessible",
"fr": "Librement accessible",
"fr": "Librement accessible",
"nl": "Publiek toegankelijk"
"nl": "Publiek toegankelijk",
"de": "Öffentlich zugänglich"
"hideInAnswer": true
"hideInAnswer": true
@ -118,7 +133,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Only accessible to customers",
"en": "Only accessible to customers",
"fr": "Réservé aux clients du lieu",
"fr": "Réservé aux clients du lieu",
"nl": "Enkel toegankeleijk voor klanten"
"nl": "Enkel toegankeleijk voor klanten",
"de": "Nur für Kunden zugänglich"
@ -126,7 +142,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Not accessible to the general public (e.g. only accesible to staff, the owners, ...)",
"en": "Not accessible to the general public (e.g. only accesible to staff, the owners, ...)",
"fr": "Non accessible au public (par exemple réservé au personnel, au propriétaire, ...)",
"fr": "Non accessible au public (par exemple réservé au personnel, au propriétaire, ...)",
"nl": "Niet toegankelijk voor het publiek (bv. enkel voor personneel, de eigenaar, ...)"
"nl": "Niet toegankelijk voor het publiek (bv. enkel voor personneel, de eigenaar, ...)",
"de": "Nicht für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich (z.B. nur für das Personal, die Eigentümer, ...)"
@ -135,7 +152,8 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "On which floor is this defibrillator located?",
"en": "On which floor is this defibrillator located?",
"fr": "À quel étage est situé ce défibrillateur?",
"fr": "À quel étage est situé ce défibrillateur?",
"nl": "Op welke verdieping bevindt deze defibrillator zich?"
"nl": "Op welke verdieping bevindt deze defibrillator zich?",
"de": "In welchem Stockwerk befindet sich dieser Defibrillator?"
"condition": {
"condition": {
"and": [
"and": [
@ -150,7 +168,8 @@
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "This defibrallator is on floor {level}",
"en": "This defibrallator is on floor {level}",
"fr": "Ce défibrillateur est à l'étage {level}",
"fr": "Ce défibrillateur est à l'étage {level}",
"nl": "De defibrillator bevindt zicht op verdieping {level}"
"nl": "De defibrillator bevindt zicht op verdieping {level}",
"de": "Dieser Defibrallator befindet sich im {level}. Stockwerk"
@ -158,7 +177,8 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "Please give some explanation on where the defibrillator can be found",
"en": "Please give some explanation on where the defibrillator can be found",
"fr": "Veuillez indiquez plus précisément où se situe le défibrillateur",
"fr": "Veuillez indiquez plus précisément où se situe le défibrillateur",
"nl": "Gelieve meer informatie te geven over de exacte locatie van de defibrillator"
"nl": "Gelieve meer informatie te geven over de exacte locatie van de defibrillator",
"de": "Bitte geben Sie einige Erläuterungen dazu, wo der Defibrillator zu finden ist"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"type": "text",
"type": "text",
@ -3,16 +3,19 @@
"version": "2020-08-30",
"version": "2020-08-30",
"title": {
"title": {
"en": "Open Artwork Map",
"en": "Open Artwork Map",
"nl": "Kunstwerkenkaart"
"nl": "Kunstwerkenkaart",
"de": "Freie Kunstwerk-Karte"
"description": {
"description": {
"en": "Welcome to Open Artwork Map, a map of statues, busts, grafittis, ... all over the world",
"en": "Welcome to Open Artwork Map, a map of statues, busts, grafittis, ... all over the world",
"nl": "Welkom op de Open Kunstwerken Kaart"
"nl": "Welkom op de Open Kunstwerken Kaart",
"de": "Willkommen bei der Freien Kunstwerk-Karte, einer Karte von Statuen, Büsten, Grafitti, ... auf der ganzen Welt"
"language": [
"language": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/artwork/artwork.svg",
"icon": "./assets/themes/artwork/artwork.svg",
"maintainer": "MapComplete",
"maintainer": "MapComplete",
@ -25,14 +28,16 @@
"name": {
"name": {
"en": "Artworks",
"en": "Artworks",
"nl": "Kunstwerken",
"nl": "Kunstwerken",
"fr": "Oeuvres d'art"
"fr": "Oeuvres d'art",
"de": "Kunstwerke"
"overpassTags": "tourism=artwork",
"overpassTags": "tourism=artwork",
"title": {
"title": {
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "Artwork",
"en": "Artwork",
"nl": "Kunstwerk",
"nl": "Kunstwerk",
"fr": "Oeuvre d'art"
"fr": "Oeuvre d'art",
"de": "Kunstwerk"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -40,7 +45,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Artwork <i>{name}</i>",
"en": "Artwork <i>{name}</i>",
"nl": "Kunstwerk <i>{name}</i>",
"nl": "Kunstwerk <i>{name}</i>",
"fr": "Oeuvre d'art <i>{name}</i>"
"fr": "Oeuvre d'art <i>{name}</i>",
"de": "Kunstwerk <i>{name}</i>"
@ -56,7 +62,8 @@
"description": {
"description": {
"en": "Diverse pieces of artwork",
"en": "Diverse pieces of artwork",
"nl": "Verschillende soorten kunstwerken"
"nl": "Verschillende soorten kunstwerken",
"de": "Verschiedene Kunstwerke"
"minzoom": 12,
"minzoom": 12,
"wayHandling": 2,
"wayHandling": 2,
@ -67,7 +74,9 @@
"title": {
"title": {
"en": "Artwork",
"en": "Artwork",
"nl": "Kunstwerk"
"nl": "Kunstwerk",
"fr": "Oeuvre d'art",
"de": "Kunstwerk"
@ -77,16 +86,20 @@
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "This is a {artwork_type}",
"en": "This is a {artwork_type}",
"nl": "Dit is een {artwork_type}",
"nl": "Dit is een {artwork_type}",
"fr": "{artwork_type}"
"fr": "{artwork_type}",
"de": "Dies ist ein {artwork_type}"
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "What is the type of this artwork?",
"en": "What is the type of this artwork?",
"nl": "Wat voor soort kunstwerk is dit?",
"nl": "Wat voor soort kunstwerk is dit?",
"fr": "Quel est le type de cette oeuvre d'art?"
"fr": "Quel est le type de cette oeuvre d'art?",
"de": "Was ist die Art dieses Kunstwerks?"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"key": "artwork_type",
"key": "artwork_type",
"addExtraTags": ["fixme=Artowrk type was added with the freeform, might need another check"]
"addExtraTags": [
"fixme=Artowrk type was added with the freeform, might need another check"
"mappings": [
"mappings": [
@ -94,7 +107,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Architecture",
"en": "Architecture",
"nl": "Architectuur",
"nl": "Architectuur",
"fr": "Architecture"
"fr": "Architecture",
"de": "Architektur"
@ -102,7 +116,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Mural",
"en": "Mural",
"nl": "Muurschildering",
"nl": "Muurschildering",
"fr": "Mural"
"fr": "Mural",
"de": "Wandbild"
@ -110,7 +125,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Painting",
"en": "Painting",
"nl": "Schilderij",
"nl": "Schilderij",
"fr": "Peinture"
"fr": "Peinture",
"de": "Malerei"
@ -118,7 +134,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Sculpture",
"en": "Sculpture",
"nl": "Beeldhouwwerk",
"nl": "Beeldhouwwerk",
"fr": "Sculpture"
"fr": "Sculpture",
"de": "Skulptur"
@ -126,7 +143,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Statue",
"en": "Statue",
"nl": "Standbeeld",
"nl": "Standbeeld",
"fr": "Statue"
"fr": "Statue",
"de": "Statue"
@ -134,7 +152,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Bust",
"en": "Bust",
"nl": "Buste",
"nl": "Buste",
"fr": "Buste"
"fr": "Buste",
"de": "Büste"
@ -142,7 +161,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Stone",
"en": "Stone",
"nl": "Steen",
"nl": "Steen",
"fr": "Rocher"
"fr": "Rocher",
"de": "Stein"
@ -150,7 +170,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Installation",
"en": "Installation",
"nl": "Installatie",
"nl": "Installatie",
"fr": "Installation"
"fr": "Installation",
"de": "Installation"
@ -158,7 +179,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Graffiti",
"en": "Graffiti",
"nl": "Graffiti",
"nl": "Graffiti",
"fr": "Graffiti"
"fr": "Graffiti",
"de": "Graffiti"
@ -166,7 +188,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Relief",
"en": "Relief",
"nl": "Reliëf",
"nl": "Reliëf",
"fr": "Relief"
"fr": "Relief",
"de": "Relief"
@ -174,7 +197,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Azulejo (Spanish decorative tilework)",
"en": "Azulejo (Spanish decorative tilework)",
"nl": "Azulejo (Spaanse siertegels)",
"nl": "Azulejo (Spaanse siertegels)",
"fr": "Azulejo"
"fr": "Azulejo",
"de": "Azulejo (spanische dekorative Fliesenarbeit)"
@ -182,7 +206,8 @@
"then": {
"then": {
"en": "Tilework",
"en": "Tilework",
"nl": "Tegelwerk",
"nl": "Tegelwerk",
"fr": "Carrelage"
"fr": "Carrelage",
"de": "Fliesenarbeit"
@ -191,12 +216,14 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "Which artist created this?",
"en": "Which artist created this?",
"nl": "Welke artist creëerde dit kunstwerk?",
"nl": "Welke artist creëerde dit kunstwerk?",
"fr": "Quel artiste a créé cela?"
"fr": "Quel artiste a créé cela?",
"de": "Welcher Künstler hat das geschaffen?"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "Created by {artist_name}",
"en": "Created by {artist_name}",
"nl": "Gecreëerd door {artist_name}",
"nl": "Gecreëerd door {artist_name}",
"fr": "Créé par {artist_name}"
"fr": "Créé par {artist_name}",
"de": "Erstellt von {artist_name}"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"key": "artist_name"
"key": "artist_name"
@ -206,12 +233,14 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "On which website is more information about this artwork?",
"en": "On which website is more information about this artwork?",
"nl": "Op welke website kan men meer informatie vinden over dit kunstwerk?",
"nl": "Op welke website kan men meer informatie vinden over dit kunstwerk?",
"fr": "Sur quel site web pouvons-nous trouver plus d'informations sur cette œuvre d'art?"
"fr": "Sur quel site web pouvons-nous trouver plus d'informations sur cette œuvre d'art?",
"de": "Auf welcher Website gibt es mehr Informationen über dieses Kunstwerk?"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "More information on <a href='{website}' target='_blank'>this website</a>",
"en": "More information on <a href='{website}' target='_blank'>this website</a>",
"nl": "Meer informatie op <a href='{website}' target='_blank'>deze website</a>",
"nl": "Meer informatie op <a href='{website}' target='_blank'>deze website</a>",
"fr": "Plus d'info <a href='{website}' target='_blank'>sûr ce site web</a>"
"fr": "Plus d'info <a href='{website}' target='_blank'>sûr ce site web</a>",
"de": "Weitere Informationen auf <a href='{website}' target='_blank'>dieser Webseite</a>"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"key": "website",
"key": "website",
@ -222,12 +251,14 @@
"question": {
"question": {
"en": "Which wikidata-entry corresponds with <b>this artwork</b>?",
"en": "Which wikidata-entry corresponds with <b>this artwork</b>?",
"fr": "Quelle entrée wikidata correspond à <b>cette œuvre d'art</b> ?",
"fr": "Quelle entrée wikidata correspond à <b>cette œuvre d'art</b> ?",
"nl": "Welk wikidata-item beschrijft dit kunstwerk?"
"nl": "Welk wikidata-item beschrijft dit kunstwerk?",
"de": "Welcher Wikidata-Eintrag entspricht <b>diesem Kunstwerk</b>?"
"render": {
"render": {
"en": "Corresponds with <a href='{wikidata}' target='_blank'>{wikidata}</a>",
"en": "Corresponds with <a href='{wikidata}' target='_blank'>{wikidata}</a>",
"nl": "Komt overeen met <a href='{wikidata}' target='_blank'>{wikidata}</a>",
"nl": "Komt overeen met <a href='{wikidata}' target='_blank'>{wikidata}</a>",
"fr": "Correspond à <a href='{wikidata}' target='_blank'>{wikidata}</a>"
"fr": "Correspond à <a href='{wikidata}' target='_blank'>{wikidata}</a>",
"de": "Entspricht <a href='{wikidata}' target='_blank'>{wikidata}</a>"
"freeform": {
"freeform": {
"key": "wikidata",
"key": "wikidata",
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