
61 lines
2 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import { UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource";
import type { ValidatorType } from "./Validators";
import Validators from "./Validators";
import { ExclamationIcon } from "@rgossiaux/svelte-heroicons/solid";
import { Translation } from "../i18n/Translation";
import { createEventDispatcher, onDestroy } from "svelte";
import {Validator} from "./Validator";
export let value: UIEventSource<string>;
// Internal state, only copied to 'value' so that no invalid values leak outside
let _value = new UIEventSource( ?? "");
export let type: ValidatorType;
export let feedback: UIEventSource<Translation> | undefined = undefined;
export let getCountry: () => string | undefined
let validator : Validator = Validators.get(type)
$: {
// The type changed -> reset some values
validator = Validators.get(type)
feedback = feedback?.setData(validator?.getFeedback(, getCountry));
onDestroy(_value.addCallbackAndRun(v => {
if (validator.isValid(v, getCountry)) {
feedback?.setData(validator.getFeedback(v, getCountry));
if (validator === undefined) {
throw "Not a valid type for a validator:" + type;
const isValid = => validator.isValid(v, getCountry));
let htmlElem: HTMLInputElement;
let dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ selected }>();
$: {
if (htmlElem !== undefined) {
htmlElem.onfocus = () => dispatch("selected");
{#if validator.textArea}
<textarea class="w-full" bind:value={$_value} inputmode={validator.inputmode ?? "text"}></textarea>
{:else }
<span class="inline-flex">
<input bind:this={htmlElem} bind:value={$_value} inputmode={validator.inputmode ?? "text"}>
{#if !$isValid}
<ExclamationIcon class="h-6 w-6 -ml-6"></ExclamationIcon>