
162 lines
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import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource";
import {OsmNode, OsmObject, OsmWay} from "./OsmObject";
import State from "../../State";
import {distance} from "@turf/turf";
import {GeoOperations} from "../GeoOperations";
import {Changes} from "./Changes";
* Splits a road in different segments, each splitted at one of the given points (or a point on the road close to it)
* @param roadID The id of the road you want to split
* @param points The points on the road where you want the split to occur (geojson point list)
export async function splitRoad(roadID, points) {
if (points.length != 1) {
// TODO: more than one point
window.alert("Warning, currently only tested on one point, you selected " + points.length + " points")
let road = State.state.allElements.ContainingFeatures.get(roadID);
* Compares two points based on the starting point of the road, can be used in sort function
* @param point1 [lon, lat] point
* @param point2 [lon, lat] point
function comparePointDistance(point1, point2) {
let distFromStart1 = GeoOperations.nearestPoint(road, point1).properties.location;
let distFromStart2 = GeoOperations.nearestPoint(road, point2).properties.location;
return distFromStart1 - distFromStart2; // Sort requires a number to return instead of a bool
* Eliminates split points close (<4m) to existing points on the road, so you can split on these points instead
* @param road The road geojson object
* @param points The points on the road where you want the split to occur (geojson point list)
* @return realSplitPoints List containing all new locations where you should split
function getSplitPoints(road, points) {
// Copy the list
let roadPoints = [...road.geometry.coordinates];
// Get the coordinates of all geojson points
let splitPointsCoordinates = => point.geometry.coordinates);
// Sort all points on the road based on the distance from the start
// Remove points close to existing points on road
let realSplitPoints = [...splitPointsCoordinates];
for (let index = roadPoints.length - 1; index > 0; index--) {
// Iterate backwards to prevent problems when removing elements
let dist = distance(roadPoints[index - 1], roadPoints[index], {units: "kilometers"});
// Remove all cutpoints closer than 4m to their previous point
if ((dist < 0.004) && (splitPointsCoordinates.includes(roadPoints[index]))) {
console.log("Removed a splitpoint, using a closer point to the road instead")
realSplitPoints.splice(index, 1)
realSplitPoints.push(roadPoints[index - 1])
return realSplitPoints;
let realSplitPoints = getSplitPoints(road, points);
// Create a sorted list containing all points
let allPoints = [...road.geometry.coordinates];
// The changeset that will contain the operations to split the road
let changes = new Changes();
// Download the data of the current road from Osm to get the ID's of the coordinates
let osmRoad: UIEventSource<OsmWay> = OsmObject.DownloadObject(roadID);
// TODO: Remove delay, use a callback on odmRoad instead and execute all code below in callback function
function delay(ms: number) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
await delay(3000);
// Dict to quickly convert a coordinate to a nodeID
let coordToIDMap = {};
* Converts a coordinate to a string, so it's hashable (e.g. for using it in a dict)
* @param coord [lon, lat] point
function getCoordKey(coord: [number, number]) {
return coord[0] + "," + coord[1];
}, i) => coordToIDMap[getCoordKey([coord[1], coord[0]])] =[i]);
let currentRoadPoints: number[] = [];
let currentRoadCoordinates: [number, number][] = []
* Given a coordinate, check whether there is already a node in osm created (on the road or cutpoints) or create
* such point if it doesn't exist yet and return the id of this coordinate
* @param coord [lon, lat] point
* @return pointID The ID of the existing/created node on given coordinates
function getOrCreateNodeID(coord) {
let poinID = coordToIDMap[getCoordKey(coord)];
if (poinID == undefined) {
console.log(getCoordKey(coord) + " not in map")
// TODO: Check if lat, lon is correct
let newNode = changes.createElement([], coord[1], coord[0]);
coordToIDMap[coord] =;
poinID =;
console.log("New point created ");
return poinID;
* Creates a new road in OSM, while copying the tags from osmRoad and using currentRoadPoints as points
* @param currentRoadPoints List of id's of nodes the road should exist of
* @param osmRoad The road to copy the tags from
function createNewRoadSegment(currentRoadPoints, osmRoad) {
changes.createRoad(, currentRoadPoints, currentRoadCoordinates);
for (let coord of allPoints) {
console.log("Handling coord")
let pointID = getOrCreateNodeID(coord);
if (realSplitPoints.includes(coord)) {
console.log("Handling split")
// Should split here
// currentRoadPoints contains a list containing all points for this road segment
createNewRoadSegment(currentRoadPoints, osmRoad);
// Cleanup for next split
currentRoadPoints = [pointID];
currentRoadCoordinates = [coord];
console.log("Splitting here...")
// Update the road to contain only the points of the last segment
// changes.updateRoadCoordinates(roadID, currentRoadPoints);
// push the applied changes
// TODO: Vlakbij bestaand punt geklikt? Bestaand punt hergebruiken
// Nieuw wegobject aanmaken, en oude hergebruiken voor andere helft van de weg
// TODO: CHeck if relation exist to the road -> Delete them when splitted, because they might be outdated after the split