
295 lines
11 KiB

* Generates a collection of geojson files based on an overpass query for a given theme
import {TileRange, Utils} from "../Utils";
Utils.runningFromConsole = true
import {Overpass} from "../Logic/Osm/Overpass";
import {existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from "fs";
import {TagsFilter} from "../Logic/Tags/TagsFilter";
import {Or} from "../Logic/Tags/Or";
import LayoutConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig";
import {AllKnownLayouts} from "../Customizations/AllKnownLayouts";
import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils";
import ExtractRelations from "../Logic/Osm/ExtractRelations";
import * as OsmToGeoJson from "osmtogeojson";
import MetaTagging from "../Logic/MetaTagging";
import LayerConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayerConfig";
import {GeoOperations} from "../Logic/GeoOperations";
import {UIEventSource} from "../Logic/UIEventSource";
function createOverpassObject(theme: LayoutConfig) {
let filters: TagsFilter[] = [];
let extraScripts: string[] = [];
for (const layer of theme.layers) {
if (typeof (layer) === "string") {
throw "A layer was not expanded!"
if (layer.doNotDownload) {
if (layer.source.geojsonSource !== undefined) {
// This layer defines a geoJson-source
// SHould it be cached?
if (!layer.source.isOsmCacheLayer) {
// Check if data for this layer has already been loaded
if (layer.source.overpassScript !== undefined) {
} else {
filters = Utils.NoNull(filters)
extraScripts = Utils.NoNull(extraScripts)
if (filters.length + extraScripts.length === 0) {
throw "Nothing to download! The theme doesn't declare anything to download"
return new Overpass(new Or(filters), extraScripts);
function rawJsonName(targetDir: string, x: number, y: number, z: number): string {
return targetDir + "_" + z + "_" + x + "_" + y + ".json"
function geoJsonName(targetDir: string, x: number, y: number, z: number): string {
return targetDir + "_" + z + "_" + x + "_" + y + ".geojson"
/// Downloads the given feature and saves them to disk
async function downloadRaw(targetdir: string, r: TileRange, overpass: Overpass)/* : {failed: number, skipped :number} */ {
let downloaded = 0
let failed = 0
let skipped = 0
for (let x = r.xstart; x <= r.xend; x++) {
for (let y = r.ystart; y <= r.yend; y++) {
const filename = rawJsonName(targetdir, x, y, r.zoomlevel)
if (existsSync(filename)) {
console.log("Already exists: ", filename)
console.log("x:", (x - r.xstart), "/", (r.xend - r.xstart), "; y:", (y - r.ystart), "/", (r.yend - r.ystart), "; total: ", downloaded, "/",, "failed: ", failed, "skipped: ", skipped)
const boundsArr = Utils.tile_bounds(r.zoomlevel, x, y)
const bounds = {
north: Math.max(boundsArr[0][0], boundsArr[1][0]),
south: Math.min(boundsArr[0][0], boundsArr[1][0]),
east: Math.max(boundsArr[0][1], boundsArr[1][1]),
west: Math.min(boundsArr[0][1], boundsArr[1][1])
const url = overpass.buildQuery("[bbox:" + bounds.south + "," + bounds.west + "," + bounds.north + "," + bounds.east + "]")
await ScriptUtils.DownloadJSON(url)
.then(json => {
if (json.elements.length === 0) {
console.log("Got an empty response!")
if ((<string>json.remark ?? "").startsWith("runtime error")) {
console.error("Got a runtime error: ", json.remark)
console.log("Got the response - writing to ", filename)
writeFileSync(filename, JSON.stringify(json, null, " "));
.catch(err => {
console.log("Could not download - probably hit the rate limit; waiting a bit. (" + err + ")")
return ScriptUtils.sleep(60000).then(() => console.log("Waiting is done"))
// Cooldown
console.debug("Cooling down 10s")
await ScriptUtils.sleep(10000)
return {failed: failed, skipped: skipped}
* Downloads extra geojson sources and returns the features.
* Extra geojson layers should not be tiled
async function downloadExtraData(theme: LayoutConfig)/* : any[] */ {
const allFeatures: any[] = []
for (const layer of theme.layers) {
const source = layer.source.geojsonSource;
if (source === undefined) {
if (layer.source.isOsmCacheLayer) {
// Cached layers are not considered here
console.log("Downloading extra data: ", source)
await ScriptUtils.DownloadJSON(source).then(json => allFeatures.push(...json.features))
return allFeatures;
async function postProcess(targetdir: string, r: TileRange, theme: LayoutConfig, extraFeatures: any[]) {
let processed = 0;
const layerIndex = theme.LayerIndex();
for (let x = r.xstart; x <= r.xend; x++) {
for (let y = r.ystart; y <= r.yend; y++) {
const filename = rawJsonName(targetdir, x, y, r.zoomlevel)
console.log(" Post processing", processed, "/",, filename)
if (!existsSync(filename)) {
console.error("Not found - and not downloaded. Run this script again!: " + filename)
// We read the raw OSM-file and convert it to a geojson
const rawOsm = JSON.parse(readFileSync(filename, "UTF8"))
// Create and save the geojson file - which is the main chunk of the data
const geojson = OsmToGeoJson.default(rawOsm);
const osmTime = new Date(rawOsm.osm3s.timestamp_osm_base);
// And merge in the extra features - needed for the metatagging
for (const feature of geojson.features) {
for (const layer of theme.layers) {
if (layer.source.osmTags.matchesProperties( {
feature["_matching_layer_id"] =;
const featuresFreshness = => {
return ({
freshness: osmTime,
feature: feature
// Extract the relationship information
const relations = ExtractRelations.BuildMembershipTable(ExtractRelations.GetRelationElements(rawOsm))
MetaTagging.addMetatags(featuresFreshness, new UIEventSource<{ feature: any; freshness: Date }[]>(featuresFreshness), relations, theme.layers, false);
for (const feature of geojson.features) {
const layer = layerIndex.get(feature["_matching_layer_id"])
if (layer === undefined) {
// Probably some extra, unneeded data, e.g. a point of a way
if (layer.wayHandling == LayerConfig.WAYHANDLING_CENTER_ONLY) {
const centerpoint = GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(feature)
feature.geometry.type = "Point"
feature.geometry["coordinates"] = centerpoint;
for (const feature of geojson.features) {
// Some cleanup
delete feature["bbox"]
const targetPath = geoJsonName(targetdir + ".unfiltered", x, y, r.zoomlevel)
// This is the geojson file containing all features
writeFileSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify(geojson, null, " "))
async function splitPerLayer(targetdir: string, r: TileRange, theme: LayoutConfig) {
const z = r.zoomlevel;
for (let x = r.xstart; x <= r.xend; x++) {
for (let y = r.ystart; y <= r.yend; y++) {
const file = readFileSync(geoJsonName(targetdir + ".unfiltered", x, y, z), "UTF8")
for (const layer of theme.layers) {
if (!layer.source.isOsmCacheLayer) {
const geojson = JSON.parse(file)
const oldLength = geojson.features.length;
geojson.features = geojson.features
.filter(f => f._matching_layer_id ===
.filter(f => {
const isShown = layer.isShown.GetRenderValue(
if (isShown === "no") {
return false;
return true;
const new_path = geoJsonName(targetdir + "_" +, x, y, z);
console.log(new_path, " has ", geojson.features.length, " features after filtering (dropped ", oldLength - geojson.features.length, ")")
if (geojson.features.length == 0) {
console.log("Not writing geojson file as it is empty", new_path)
writeFileSync(new_path, JSON.stringify(geojson, null, " "))
async function main(args: string[]) {
if (args.length == 0) {
console.error("Expected arguments are: theme zoomlevel targetdirectory lat0 lon0 lat1 lon1")
const themeName = args[0]
const zoomlevel = Number(args[1])
const targetdir = args[2] + "/" + themeName
const lat0 = Number(args[3])
const lon0 = Number(args[4])
const lat1 = Number(args[5])
const lon1 = Number(args[6])
const tileRange = Utils.TileRangeBetween(zoomlevel, lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1)
const theme = AllKnownLayouts.allKnownLayouts.get(themeName)
if (theme === undefined) {
const keys = []
AllKnownLayouts.allKnownLayouts.forEach((_, key) => {
console.error("The theme " + theme + " was not found; try one of ", keys);
const overpass = createOverpassObject(theme)
let failed = 0;
do {
const cachingResult = await downloadRaw(targetdir, tileRange, overpass)
failed = cachingResult.failed
if (failed > 0) {
await ScriptUtils.sleep(30000)
} while (failed > 0)
const extraFeatures = await downloadExtraData(theme);
await postProcess(targetdir, tileRange, theme, extraFeatures)
await splitPerLayer(targetdir, tileRange, theme)
let args = [...process.argv]
args.splice(0, 2)