
238 lines
6.7 KiB

"id": "postboxes",
"title": {
"en": "Postbox and Post Office Map",
"de": "Karte mit Briefkästen und Poststellen",
"nb_NO": "Postboks og postkontor-kart",
"it": "Buche delle lettere e uffici postali",
"zh_Hant": "郵筒與郵局地圖"
"shortDescription": {
"en": "A map showing postboxes and post offices",
"de": "Eine Karte die Briefkästen und Poststellen anzeigt",
"it": "Una cartina che mostra le buche delle lettere e gli uffici postali",
"zh_Hant": "顯示郵筒與郵局的地圖"
"description": {
"en": "On this map you can find and add data of post offices and post boxes. You can use this map to find where you can mail your next postcard! :)<br/>Spotted an error or is a post box missing? You can edit this map with a free OpenStreetMap account. ",
"it": "In questa cartina puoi veder e modificare gli uffici postali e le buche delle lettere. Puoi usare questa cartina per trovare dove imbucare la tua prossima cartolina! :)<br/>Hai trovato un errore o una buca delle lettere mancante? Puoi modificare questa cartina con un account gratuito su OpenStreetMap. ",
"zh_Hant": "在這份地圖你能找到與新增有關郵局與郵筒的資料,你可以用這份地圖找到寄送您下張明信片的地方!:)<br/>發現錯誤或是有郵筒遺漏嗎?你可以用免費的開放街圖帳號來編輯。 "
"maintainer": "nicolelaine",
"icon": "./assets/themes/postboxes/postbox.svg",
"version": "0",
"startLat": 53.5511,
"startLon": 9.9937,
"startZoom": 13,
"widenFactor": 1.5,
"defaultBackgroundId": "CartoDB.Voyager",
"clustering": {
"maxZoom": 14,
"minNeededElements": 100
"layers": [
"id": "postboxes",
"name": {
"en": "Postboxes",
"de": "Brieflästen",
"ru": "Почтовые ящики",
"zh_Hant": "郵筒",
"id": "Kotak pos"
"minzoom": 12,
"source": {
"osmTags": "amenity=post_box"
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Postbox",
"de": "Briefkasten",
"ru": "Почтовый ящик",
"zh_Hant": "郵筒",
"id": "Kotak pos"
"description": {
"en": "The layer showing postboxes.",
"de": "Die Ebene zeigt Briefkästen.",
"zh_Hant": "這圖層顯示郵筒。",
"id": "Layer yang memperlihatkan kotak pos."
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "minimap",
"render": "{minimap(18): height: 5rem; overflow: hidden; border-radius:3rem; }"
"presets": [
"tags": [
"title": {
"en": "postbox",
"de": "Briefkasten",
"ru": "почтовый ящик",
"zh_Hant": "郵筒",
"id": "kotak pos"
"deletion": {
"softDeletionTags": {
"and": [
"mapRendering": [
"icon": {
"render": "./assets/themes/postboxes/postbox.svg"
"iconSize": {
"render": "40,40,bottom"
"location": [
"color": {
"render": "#DADADA"
"width": {
"render": "1"
"id": "postoffices",
"name": {
"en": "Post offices",
"de": "Poststellen",
"ru": "Почтовые отделения",
"zh_Hant": "郵局",
"id": "Kantor pos"
"minzoom": 12,
"source": {
"osmTags": "amenity=post_office"
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Post Office",
"de": "Poststelle",
"ru": "Почтовое отделение",
"zh_Hant": "郵局",
"id": "Kantor Pos"
"description": {
"en": "A layer showing post offices.",
"de": "Eine Ebene mit Postämtern.",
"zh_Hant": "圖層顯示郵局。",
"id": "Layer yang menunjukkan kantor pos."
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "minimap",
"render": "{minimap(18): height: 5rem; overflow: hidden; border-radius:3rem; }"
"render": {
"en": "Opening Hours: {opening_hours_table()}",
"ru": "Часы работы: {opening_hours_table()}",
"zh_Hant": "開放時間:{opening_hours_table()}",
"id": "Jam Buka: {opening_hours_table()}"
"freeform": {
"key": "opening_hours",
"type": "opening_hours"
"question": {
"en": "What are the opening hours for this post office?",
"zh_Hant": "這間郵局的開放時間是?",
"id": "Jam berapa kantor pos ini buka?"
"mappings": [
"if": "opening_hours=24/7",
"then": {
"en": "24/7 opened (including holidays)",
"de": "durchgehend geöffnet (auch an Feiertagen)",
"zh_Hant": "24/7 開放 (包括假日)",
"id": "Buka 24 jam (termasuk hari libur)"
"id": "OH"
"presets": [
"tags": [
"title": {
"en": "Post Office",
"de": "Poststelle",
"ru": "Почтовое отделение",
"zh_Hant": "郵局",
"id": "Kantor Pos"
"filter": [
"id": "is_open",
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "Currently open",
"de": "Aktuell geöffnet",
"zh_Hant": "目前開放",
"id": "Saat ini buka"
"osmTags": "_isOpen=yes"
"mapRendering": [
"icon": {
"render": "square:white;./assets/themes/postboxes/post_office.svg"
"iconBadges": [
"if": "opening_hours~*",
"then": "isOpen"
"iconSize": {
"render": "40,40,bottom"
"location": [
"color": {
"render": "#DADADA"
"width": {
"render": "1"