
348 lines
13 KiB

* Script to download images from Wikimedia Commons, and save them together with license information.
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, existsSync, mkdirSync } from "fs"
import { unescape } from "querystring"
import SmallLicense from "../src/Models/smallLicense"
interface ExtMetadataProp {
value: string
source: string
hidden: string
interface ImageQueryAPIResponse {
continue: {
iistart: string
continue: string
query: {
normalized?: {
from: string
to: string
pages: {
[key: string]: {
pageid: number
ns: number
title: string
imagerepository: string
imageinfo?: {
user: string
url: string
descriptionurl: string
descriptionshorturl: string
extmetadata?: {
DateTime: ExtMetadataProp
ObjectName: ExtMetadataProp
CommonsMetadataExtension?: ExtMetadataProp
Categories?: ExtMetadataProp
Assessments?: ExtMetadataProp
ImageDescription?: ExtMetadataProp
DateTimeOriginal?: ExtMetadataProp
Credit?: ExtMetadataProp
Artist?: ExtMetadataProp
LicenseShortName?: ExtMetadataProp
UsageTerms?: ExtMetadataProp
AttributionRequired?: ExtMetadataProp
Copyrighted?: ExtMetadataProp
Restrictions?: ExtMetadataProp
License?: ExtMetadataProp
interface CategoryMember {
pageid: number
ns: number
title: string
interface CategoryQueryAPIResponse {
batchcomplete: string
query: {
categorymembers: CategoryMember[]
interface ImagesQueryAPIResponse {
continue: {
imcontinue: string
continue: string
query: {
normalized?: {
from: string
to: string
pages: {
[key: string]: {
pageid: number
ns: number
title: string
images?: {
ns: number
title: string
interface TemplateQueryAPIResponse {
batchcomplete: string
query: {
normalized?: {
from: string
to: string
pages: {
[key: string]: {
pageid: number
ns: number
title: string
templates?: {
ns: number
title: string
// Map license names of Wikimedia Commons to different names
const licenseMapping = {}
// Map template names to license names
const templateMapping = {
"Template:PD": "Public Domain",
"Template:CC0": "CC0 1.0",
async function main(args: string[]) {
if (args.length < 2) {
console.log("Usage: downloadCommons.ts <output folder> <url> <?url> <?url> .. ")
"Example: npx vite-node scripts/downloadCommons.ts -- assets/svg"
const [outputFolder, ...urls] = args
for (const url of urls) {
// Download details from the API
const commonsFileNamePath = url.split("/").pop()
if (commonsFileNamePath !== undefined) {
const commonsFileName = commonsFileNamePath.split("?").shift()
if (commonsFileName !== undefined) {
console.log(`Processing ${commonsFileName}...`)
const baseUrl = url.split("/").slice(0, 3).join("/")
// Check if it is a file or a category
if (url.includes("Category:")) {
// Download all files in the category
const apiUrl = `${baseUrl}/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=${commonsFileName}&cmlimit=250&cmtype=file`
const response = await fetch(apiUrl)
const apiDetails: CategoryQueryAPIResponse = await response.json()
for (const member of apiDetails.query.categorymembers) {
await downloadImage(member.title, outputFolder, baseUrl)
} else if (url.includes("File:")) {
await downloadImage(commonsFileName, outputFolder, baseUrl)
} else {
// Probably a page url, try to get all images from the page
const apiUrl = `${baseUrl}/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=images&titles=${commonsFileName}&imlimit=250`
const response = await fetch(apiUrl)
const apiDetails: ImagesQueryAPIResponse = await response.json()
const page = apiDetails.query.pages[Object.keys(apiDetails.query.pages)[0]]
if (page.images) {
for (const image of page.images) {
await downloadImage(image.title, outputFolder, baseUrl)
} else {
`URL ${url} doesn't seem to contain any images! Skipping...`
} else {
`URL ${url} doesn't seem to contain a filename or category! Skipping...`
} else {
`URL ${url} doesn't seem to be a valid URL! Skipping...`
async function downloadImage(filename: string, outputFolder: string, baseUrl: string) {
const apiUrl = `${baseUrl}/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=url|extmetadata|user&iimetadataversion=latest&titles=${filename}`
const response = await fetch(apiUrl)
const apiDetails: ImageQueryAPIResponse = await response.json()
const missingPage = apiDetails.query.pages["-1"]
// Check if the local file already exists, if it does, skip it
if (existsSync(`${outputFolder}/${filename}`)) {
console.log(`\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m`, `${filename} already exists, skipping...`)
// Check if the file exists, locally or externally
if (missingPage !== undefined) {
// Image does not exist locally, check if it exists externally
if (
apiDetails.query.pages["-1"].imagerepository !== "local" &&
apiDetails.query.pages["-1"].imagerepository !== ""
) {
// Check if we actually have image info
if (missingPage.imageinfo?.length !== undefined && missingPage.imageinfo.length > 0) {
const externalUrl = missingPage.imageinfo[0].descriptionurl
const externalBase = externalUrl.split("/").slice(0, 3).join("/")
const externalFilenamePath = externalUrl.split("/").pop()
if (externalFilenamePath !== undefined) {
const externalFilename = externalFilenamePath.split("?").shift()
`${filename} is external, re-running with ${externalUrl}...`
if (externalFilename !== undefined) {
await downloadImage(externalFilename, outputFolder, externalBase)
} else {
// Edge case
`External URL ${externalUrl} doesn't seem to contain a filename or category! Skipping...`
} else {
// Edge case
`External URL ${externalUrl} doesn't seem to be a valid URL! Skipping...`
} else {
`${filename} does not have image info!, skipping...`
console.log(`\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m`, `${filename} does not exist!, skipping...`)
} else {
// Harvest useful information
const wikiPage = apiDetails.query.pages[Object.keys(apiDetails.query.pages)[0]]
// Check if we actually have image info
if (wikiPage.imageinfo?.length !== undefined && wikiPage.imageinfo.length > 0) {
const wikiUrl = wikiPage.imageinfo[0].descriptionurl
const fileUrl = wikiPage.imageinfo[0].url
const author =
wikiPage.imageinfo[0].extmetadata?.Artist?.value || wikiPage.imageinfo[0].user
let license = wikiPage.imageinfo[0].extmetadata?.LicenseShortName?.value || null
// Check if the output folder exists
if (!existsSync(outputFolder)) {
const parts = outputFolder.split("/")
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
const part = parts.slice(0, i + 1).join("/")
if (!existsSync(part)) {
console.log(`Creating folder ${part}`)
// Check if the license is present
if (!license) {
`${filename} does not have a license, falling back to checking template...`
const templateUrl = `${baseUrl}/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=templates&titles=${filename}&tllimit=500`
const templateResponse = await fetch(templateUrl)
const templateDetails: TemplateQueryAPIResponse = await templateResponse.json()
// Loop through all templates and check if one of them is a license
const wikiPage =
if (wikiPage.templates) {
for (const template of wikiPage.templates) {
if (templateMapping[template.title]) {
`Found license ${templateMapping[template.title]} for ${filename}`
license = templateMapping[template.title]
// If no license was found, skip the file
if (!license) {
// Log in yellow
`No license found for ${filename}, skipping...`
// Download the file and save it
const cleanFileName = unescape(filename).replace("File:", "")
`Downloading ${cleanFileName} from ${fileUrl} and saving it to ${outputFolder}/${cleanFileName}...`
const fileResponse = await fetch(fileUrl)
const fileBuffer = await fileResponse.arrayBuffer()
const file = Buffer.from(fileBuffer)
const filePath = `${outputFolder}/${cleanFileName}`
writeFileSync(filePath, file)
// Save the license information
const licenseInfo: SmallLicense = {
path: cleanFileName,
license: licenseMapping[license] || license.replace("CC BY", "CC-BY"),
authors: [removeLinks(author)],
sources: [wikiUrl],
const licensePath = `${outputFolder}/license_info.json`
if (!existsSync(licensePath)) {
// Create the file if it doesn't exist
writeFileSync(licensePath, JSON.stringify([licenseInfo], null, 2))
} else {
// Append to the file if it does exist
const licenseFile = await readFileSync(licensePath, "utf8")
const licenseData = JSON.parse(licenseFile)
writeFileSync(licensePath, JSON.stringify(licenseData, null, 2))
} else {
console.log(`\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m`, `${filename} does not have image info!, skipping...`)
function removeLinks(text: string): string {
// Remove <a> tags
return text.replace(/<a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/g, "$1")