
60 lines
2.1 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import FilteredLayer from "../../Models/FilteredLayer";
import type {FilterConfigOption} from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/FilterConfig";
import Locale from "../i18n/Locale";
import ValidatedInput from "../InputElement/ValidatedInput.svelte";
import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource";
import {onDestroy} from "svelte";
import {Utils} from "../../Utils";
export let filteredLayer: FilteredLayer;
export let option: FilterConfigOption;
export let id: string;
let parts: ({ message: string } | { subs: string })[];
let language = Locale.language;
$: {
const template = option.question.textFor($language)
parts = Utils.splitIntoSubstitutionParts(template)
let fieldValues: Record<string, UIEventSource<string>> = {};
let fieldTypes: Record<string, string> = {};
let appliedFilter = <UIEventSource<string>>filteredLayer.appliedFilters.get(id);
let initialState: Record<string, string> = JSON.parse(appliedFilter?.data ?? "{}");
function setFields() {
const properties: Record<string, string> = {};
for (const key in fieldValues) {
const v = fieldValues[key].data;
if (v === undefined) {
properties[key] = undefined;
} else {
properties[key] = v;
for (const field of option.fields) {
// A bit of cheating: the 'parts' will have '}' suffixed for fields
const src = new UIEventSource<string>(initialState[] ?? "");
fieldTypes[] = field.type;
fieldValues[] = src;
onDestroy(src.stabilized(200).addCallback(() => {
{#each parts as part, i}
{#if part.subs}
<!-- This is a field! -->
<span class="mx-1">
<ValidatedInput value={fieldValues[part.subs]} type={fieldTypes[part.subs]}/>