
726 lines
29 KiB

import { Translation, TypedTranslation } from "../../UI/i18n/Translation"
import { TagsFilter } from "../../Logic/Tags/TagsFilter"
import Translations from "../../UI/i18n/Translations"
import { TagUtils, UploadableTag } from "../../Logic/Tags/TagUtils"
import { And } from "../../Logic/Tags/And"
import ValidatedTextField from "../../UI/Input/ValidatedTextField"
import { Utils } from "../../Utils"
import { Tag } from "../../Logic/Tags/Tag"
import BaseUIElement from "../../UI/BaseUIElement"
import Combine from "../../UI/Base/Combine"
import Title from "../../UI/Base/Title"
import Link from "../../UI/Base/Link"
import List from "../../UI/Base/List"
import {
} from "./Json/QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson"
import { FixedUiElement } from "../../UI/Base/FixedUiElement"
import { Paragraph } from "../../UI/Base/Paragraph"
export interface Mapping {
readonly if: UploadableTag
readonly ifnot?: UploadableTag
readonly then: TypedTranslation<object>
readonly icon: string
readonly iconClass:
| string
| "small"
| "medium"
| "large"
| "small-height"
| "medium-height"
| "large-height"
readonly hideInAnswer: boolean | TagsFilter
readonly addExtraTags: Tag[]
readonly searchTerms?: Record<string, string[]>
readonly priorityIf?: TagsFilter
* The parsed version of TagRenderingConfigJSON
* Identical data, but with some methods and validation
export default class TagRenderingConfig {
public readonly id: string
public readonly group: string
public readonly render?: TypedTranslation<object>
public readonly question?: TypedTranslation<object>
public readonly condition?: TagsFilter
public readonly description?: Translation
public readonly configuration_warnings: string[] = []
public readonly freeform?: {
readonly key: string
readonly type: string
readonly placeholder: Translation
readonly addExtraTags: UploadableTag[]
readonly inline: boolean
readonly default?: string
readonly helperArgs?: (string | number | boolean)[]
public readonly multiAnswer: boolean
public readonly mappings?: Mapping[]
public readonly labels: string[]
constructor(json: string | QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson, context?: string) {
if (json === undefined) {
throw "Initing a TagRenderingConfig with undefined in " + context
if (json === "questions") {
// Very special value
this.render = null
this.question = null
this.condition = null = "questions" = ""
if (typeof json === "number") {
json = "" + json
let translationKey = context
if (json["id"] !== undefined) {
const layerId = context.split(".")[0]
if (json["source"]) {
let src = json["source"] + ":"
if (json["source"] === "shared-questions") {
src += "shared_questions."
translationKey = `${src}${json["id"] ?? ""}`
} else {
translationKey = `layers:${layerId}.tagRenderings.${json["id"] ?? ""}`
if (typeof json === "string") {
this.render = Translations.T(json, translationKey + ".render")
this.multiAnswer = false
} = ?? "" // Some tagrenderings - especially for the map rendering - don't need an ID
if (^[a-zA-Z0-9 ()?\/=:;,_-]*$/) === null) {
throw (
"Invalid ID in " +
context +
": an id can only contain [a-zA-Z0-0_-] as characters. The offending id is: " +
} = ?? ""
this.labels = json.labels ?? []
this.render = Translations.T(json.render, translationKey + ".render")
this.question = Translations.T(json.question, translationKey + ".question")
this.description = Translations.T(json.description, translationKey + ".description")
this.condition = TagUtils.Tag(json.condition ?? { and: [] }, `${context}.condition`)
if (json.freeform) {
if (
json.freeform.addExtraTags !== undefined && === undefined
) {
throw `Freeform.addExtraTags should be a list of strings - not a single string (at ${context})`
const type = json.freeform.type ?? "string"
if (ValidatedTextField.AvailableTypes().indexOf(type) < 0) {
throw (
"At " +
context +
".freeform.type is an unknown type: " +
type +
"; try one of " +
ValidatedTextField.AvailableTypes().join(", ")
let placeholder: Translation = Translations.T(json.freeform.placeholder)
if (placeholder === undefined) {
const typeDescription = <Translation>Translations.t.validation[type]?.description
const key = json.freeform.key
if (typeDescription !== undefined) {
placeholder = typeDescription.OnEveryLanguage((l) => key + " (" + l + ")")
} else {
placeholder = Translations.T(key + " (" + type + ")")
this.freeform = {
key: json.freeform.key,
json.freeform.addExtraTags?.map((tg, i) =>
TagUtils.ParseUploadableTag(tg, `${context}.extratag[${i}]`)
) ?? [],
inline: json.freeform.inline ?? false,
default: json.freeform.default,
helperArgs: json.freeform.helperArgs,
if (json.freeform["extraTags"] !== undefined) {
throw `Freeform.extraTags is defined. This should probably be 'freeform.addExtraTag' (at ${context})`
if (this.freeform.key === undefined || this.freeform.key === "") {
throw `Freeform.key is undefined or the empty string - this is not allowed; either fill out something or remove the freeform block alltogether. Error in ${context}`
if (json.freeform["args"] !== undefined) {
throw `Freeform.args is defined. This should probably be 'freeform.helperArgs' (at ${context})`
if (json.freeform.key === "questions") {
if ( !== "questions") {
throw `If you use a freeform key 'questions', the ID must be 'questions' too to trigger the special behaviour. The current id is '${}' (at ${context})`
if (
this.freeform.type !== undefined &&
ValidatedTextField.AvailableTypes().indexOf(this.freeform.type) < 0
) {
const knownKeys = ValidatedTextField.AvailableTypes().join(", ")
throw `Freeform.key ${this.freeform.key} is an invalid type. Known keys are ${knownKeys}`
if (this.freeform.addExtraTags) {
const usedKeys = new And(this.freeform.addExtraTags).usedKeys()
if (usedKeys.indexOf(this.freeform.key) >= 0) {
throw `The freeform key ${this.freeform.key} will be overwritten by one of the extra tags, as they use the same key too. This is in ${context}`
this.multiAnswer = json.multiAnswer ?? false
if (json.mappings) {
if (!Array.isArray(json.mappings)) {
throw "Tagrendering has a 'mappings'-object, but expected a list (" + context + ")"
const commonIconSize =
Utils.NoNull( => (m.icon !== undefined ? m.icon["class"] : undefined))
)[0] ?? "small"
this.mappings =, i) =>
this.question !== undefined,
if (this.question && this.freeform?.key === undefined && this.mappings === undefined) {
throw `${context}: A question is defined, but no mappings nor freeform (key) are. The question is ${this.question.txt} at ${context}`
if ( === "questions" && this.render !== undefined) {
for (const ln in this.render.translations) {
const txt: string = this.render.translations[ln]
if (txt.indexOf("{questions}") >= 0) {
throw `${context}: The rendering for language ${ln} does not contain {questions}. This is a bug, as this rendering should include exactly this to trigger those questions to be shown!`
if (this.freeform?.key !== undefined && this.freeform?.key !== "questions") {
throw `${context}: If the ID is questions to trigger a question box, the only valid freeform value is 'questions' as well. Set freeform to questions or remove the freeform all together`
if (this.freeform) {
if (this.render === undefined) {
throw `${context}: Detected a freeform key without rendering... Key: ${this.freeform.key} in ${context}`
for (const ln in this.render.translations) {
const txt: string = this.render.translations[ln]
if (txt === "") {
throw context + " Rendering for language " + ln + " is empty"
if (txt.indexOf("{" + this.freeform.key + "}") >= 0) {
if (txt.indexOf("{" + this.freeform.key + ":") >= 0) {
if (txt.indexOf("{canonical(" + this.freeform.key + ")") >= 0) {
if (
this.freeform.type === "opening_hours" &&
txt.indexOf("{opening_hours_table(") >= 0
) {
if (
this.freeform.type === "wikidata" &&
txt.indexOf("{wikipedia(" + this.freeform.key) >= 0
) {
if (this.freeform.key === "wikidata" && txt.indexOf("{wikipedia()") >= 0) {
if (
this.freeform.type === "wikidata" &&
txt.indexOf(`{wikidata_label(${this.freeform.key})`) >= 0
) {
throw `${context}: The rendering for language ${ln} does not contain the freeform key {${this.freeform.key}}. This is a bug, as this rendering should show exactly this freeform key!\nThe rendering is ${txt} `
if (this.render && this.question && this.freeform === undefined) {
throw `${context}: Detected a tagrendering which takes input without freeform key in ${context}; the question is ${this.question.txt}`
if (!json.multiAnswer && this.mappings !== undefined && this.question !== undefined) {
let keys = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.mappings.length; i++) {
const mapping = this.mappings[i]
if (mapping.if === undefined) {
throw `${context}.mappings[${i}].if is undefined`
keys = Utils.Dedup(keys)
for (let i = 0; i < this.mappings.length; i++) {
const mapping = this.mappings[i]
if (mapping.hideInAnswer) {
const usedKeys = mapping.if.usedKeys()
for (const expectedKey of keys) {
if (usedKeys.indexOf(expectedKey) < 0) {
const msg = `${context}.mappings[${i}]: This mapping only defines values for ${usedKeys.join(
", "
)}, but it should also give a value for ${expectedKey}`
if (this.question !== undefined && json.multiAnswer) {
if ((this.mappings?.length ?? 0) === 0) {
throw `${context} MultiAnswer is set, but no mappings are defined`
let allKeys = []
let allHaveIfNot = true
for (const mapping of this.mappings) {
if (mapping.hideInAnswer) {
if (mapping.ifnot === undefined) {
allHaveIfNot = false
allKeys = allKeys.concat(mapping.if.usedKeys())
allKeys = Utils.Dedup(allKeys)
if (allKeys.length > 1 && !allHaveIfNot) {
throw `${context}: A multi-answer is defined, which generates values over multiple keys. Please define ifnot-tags too on every mapping`
* const tr = TagRenderingConfig.ExtractMapping({if: "a=b", then: "x", priorityIf: "_country=be"}, 0, "test","test", false,true)
* tr.if // => new Tag("a","b")
* tr.priorityIf // => new Tag("_country","be")
public static ExtractMapping(
mapping: MappingConfigJson,
i: number,
translationKey: string,
context: string,
multiAnswer?: boolean,
isQuestionable?: boolean,
commonSize: string = "small"
) {
const ctx = `${translationKey}.mappings.${i}`
if (mapping.if === undefined) {
throw `${ctx}: Invalid mapping: "if" is not defined in ${JSON.stringify(mapping)}`
if (mapping.then === undefined) {
if (mapping["render"] !== undefined) {
throw `${ctx}: Invalid mapping: no 'then'-clause found. You might have typed 'render' instead of 'then', change it in ${JSON.stringify(
throw `${ctx}: Invalid mapping: no 'then'-clause found in ${JSON.stringify(mapping)}`
if (mapping.ifnot !== undefined && !multiAnswer) {
throw `${ctx}: Invalid mapping: 'ifnot' is defined, but the tagrendering is not a multianswer. Either remove ifnot or set 'multiAnswer:true' to enable checkboxes instead of radiobuttons`
if (mapping["render"] !== undefined) {
throw `${ctx}: Invalid mapping: a 'render'-key is present, this is probably a bug: ${JSON.stringify(
if (typeof mapping.if !== "string" && mapping.if["length"] !== undefined) {
throw `${ctx}: Invalid mapping: "if" is defined as an array. Use {"and": <your conditions>} or {"or": <your conditions>} instead`
if (mapping.addExtraTags !== undefined && multiAnswer) {
throw `${ctx}: Invalid mapping: got a multi-Answer with addExtraTags; this is not allowed`
let hideInAnswer: boolean | TagsFilter = false
if (typeof mapping.hideInAnswer === "boolean") {
hideInAnswer = mapping.hideInAnswer
} else if (mapping.hideInAnswer !== undefined) {
hideInAnswer = TagUtils.Tag(
const addExtraTags = (mapping.addExtraTags ?? []).map((str, j) =>
TagUtils.SimpleTag(str, `${ctx}.addExtraTags[${j}]`)
if (hideInAnswer === true && addExtraTags.length > 0) {
throw `${ctx}: Invalid mapping: 'hideInAnswer' is set to 'true', but 'addExtraTags' is enabled as well. This means that extra tags will be applied if this mapping is chosen as answer, but it cannot be chosen as answer. This either indicates a thought error or obsolete code that must be removed.`
let icon = undefined
let iconClass = commonSize
if (mapping.icon !== undefined) {
if (typeof mapping.icon === "string" && mapping.icon !== "") {
icon = mapping.icon
} else {
icon = mapping.icon["path"]
iconClass = mapping.icon["class"] ?? iconClass
const prioritySearch =
mapping.priorityIf !== undefined ? TagUtils.Tag(mapping.priorityIf) : undefined
const mp = <Mapping>{
if: TagUtils.Tag(mapping.if, `${ctx}.if`),
mapping.ifnot !== undefined
? TagUtils.Tag(mapping.ifnot, `${ctx}.ifnot`)
: undefined,
then: Translations.T(mapping.then, `${ctx}.then`),
searchTerms: mapping.searchTerms,
priorityIf: prioritySearch,
if (isQuestionable) {
if (hideInAnswer !== true && mp.if !== undefined && !mp.if.isUsableAsAnswer()) {
throw `${context}.mapping[${i}].if: This value cannot be used to answer a question, probably because it contains a regex or an OR. Either change it or set 'hideInAnswer'`
if (hideInAnswer !== true && !(mp.ifnot?.isUsableAsAnswer() ?? true)) {
throw `${context}.mapping[${i}].ifnot: This value cannot be used to answer a question, probably because it contains a regex or an OR. If a contributor were to pick this as an option, MapComplete wouldn't be able to determine which tags to add.\n Either change it or set 'hideInAnswer'`
return mp
* Returns true if it is known or not shown, false if the question should be asked
* @constructor
public IsKnown(tags: Record<string, string>): boolean {
if (this.condition && !this.condition.matchesProperties(tags)) {
// Filtered away by the condition, so it is kindof known
return true
if (this.multiAnswer) {
for (const m of this.mappings ?? []) {
if (TagUtils.MatchesMultiAnswer(m.if, tags)) {
return true
const free = this.freeform?.key
if (free !== undefined) {
const value = tags[free]
return value !== undefined && value !== ""
return false
if (this.GetRenderValue(tags) !== undefined) {
// This value is known and can be rendered
return true
return false
* Gets all the render values. Will return multiple render values if 'multianswer' is enabled.
* The result will equal [GetRenderValue] if not 'multiAnswer'
* @param tags
* @constructor
public GetRenderValues(
tags: Record<string, string>
): { then: Translation; icon?: string; iconClass?: string }[] {
if (!this.multiAnswer) {
return [this.GetRenderValueWithImage(tags)]
// A flag to check that the freeform key isn't matched multiple times
// If it is undefined, it is "used" already, or at least we don't have to check for it anymore
let freeformKeyDefined = this.freeform?.key !== undefined
let usedFreeformValues = new Set<string>()
// We run over all the mappings first, to check if the mapping matches
const applicableMappings: {
then: TypedTranslation<Record<string, string>>
img?: string
}[] = Utils.NoNull(
(this.mappings ?? [])?.map((mapping) => {
if (mapping.if === undefined) {
return mapping
if (TagUtils.MatchesMultiAnswer(mapping.if, tags)) {
if (freeformKeyDefined && mapping.if.isUsableAsAnswer()) {
// THe freeform key is defined: what value does it use though?
// We mark the value to see if we have any leftovers
const value = mapping.if
.find((kv) => kv.k === this.freeform.key).v
return mapping
return undefined
if (freeformKeyDefined && tags[this.freeform.key] !== undefined) {
const freeformValues = tags[this.freeform.key].split(";")
const leftovers = freeformValues.filter((v) => !usedFreeformValues.has(v))
for (const leftover of leftovers) {
then: new TypedTranslation<object>(
this.render.replace("{" + this.freeform.key + "}", leftover).translations
return applicableMappings
public GetRenderValue(
tags: any,
defltValue: any = undefined
): TypedTranslation<any> | undefined {
return this.GetRenderValueWithImage(tags, defltValue)?.then
* Gets the correct rendering value (or undefined if not known)
* Not compatible with multiAnswer - use GetRenderValueS instead in that case
* @constructor
public GetRenderValueWithImage(
tags: any,
defltValue: any = undefined
): { then: TypedTranslation<any>; icon?: string } | undefined {
if (this.condition !== undefined) {
if (!this.condition.matchesProperties(tags)) {
return undefined
if (this.mappings !== undefined && !this.multiAnswer) {
for (const mapping of this.mappings) {
if (mapping.if === undefined) {
return mapping
if (mapping.if.matchesProperties(tags)) {
return mapping
if ( === "questions" ||
this.freeform?.key === undefined ||
tags[this.freeform.key] !== undefined
) {
return { then: this.render }
return { then: defltValue }
* Gets all translations that might be rendered in all languages
* USed for static analysis
* @constructor
* @private
EnumerateTranslations(): Translation[] {
const translations: Translation[] = []
for (const key in this) {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const o = this[key]
if (o instanceof Translation) {
return translations
FreeformValues(): { key: string; type?: string; values?: string[] } {
try {
const key = this.freeform?.key
const answerMappings = this.mappings?.filter((m) => m.hideInAnswer !== true)
if (key === undefined) {
let values: { k: string; v: string }[][] = Utils.NoNull(
answerMappings?.map((m) => m.if.asChange({})) ?? []
if (values.length === 0) {
const allKeys = => => o.k))
let common = allKeys[0]
for (const keyset of allKeys) {
common = common.filter((item) => keyset.indexOf(item) >= 0)
const commonKey = common[0]
if (commonKey === undefined) {
return undefined
return {
key: commonKey,
values: Utils.NoNull( => arr.filter((item) => item.k === commonKey)[0]?.v)
let values = Utils.NoNull(
(m) => m.if.asChange({}).filter((item) => item.k === key)[0]?.v
) ?? []
if (values.length === undefined) {
values = undefined
return {
type: this.freeform.type,
} catch (e) {
console.error("Could not create FreeformValues for tagrendering",
return undefined
GenerateDocumentation(): BaseUIElement {
let withRender: (BaseUIElement | string)[] = []
if (this.freeform?.key !== undefined) {
withRender = [
`This rendering asks information about the property `,
new Paragraph(
new Combine([
"This is rendered with ",
new FixedUiElement(this.render.txt).SetClass("literalcode bold"),
let mappings: BaseUIElement = undefined
if (this.mappings !== undefined) {
mappings = new List(
[].concat( => {
const msgs: (string | BaseUIElement)[] = [
new Combine([
new FixedUiElement(m.then.txt).SetClass("bold"),
" corresponds with ",
new FixedUiElement(m.if.asHumanString(true, false, {})).SetClass(
if (m.hideInAnswer === true) {
new FixedUiElement(
"This option cannot be chosen as answer"
if (m.ifnot !== undefined) {
"Unselecting this answer will add " +
m.ifnot.asHumanString(true, false, {})
return msgs
let condition: BaseUIElement = undefined
if (this.condition !== undefined && !this.condition?.matchesProperties({})) {
condition = new Combine([
"Only visible if ",
new FixedUiElement(this.condition.asHumanString(false, false, {})).SetClass("code"),
" is shown",
let group: BaseUIElement = undefined
if ( !== undefined && !== "") {
group = new Combine([
"This tagrendering is part of group ",
new FixedUiElement("code"),
let labels: BaseUIElement = undefined
if (this.labels?.length > 0) {
labels = new Combine([
"This tagrendering has labels ", => new FixedUiElement(label).SetClass("code")),
return new Combine([
new Title(, 3),
this.question !== undefined
? new Combine([
"The question is ",
new FixedUiElement(this.question.txt).SetClass("font-bold bold"),
: new FixedUiElement(
"This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only"
new Combine(withRender),
]).SetClass("flex flex-col")