forked from MapComplete/MapComplete
476 lines
17 KiB
476 lines
17 KiB
"id": "note",
"name": {
"en": "OpenStreetMap notes",
"nl": "OpenStreetMap Notes",
"de": "OpenStreetMap-Hinweise",
"es": "Notas de OpenStreetMap",
"ca": "Notes d'OpenStreetMap",
"cs": "Poznámky OpenStreetMap",
"fr": "Notes OpenStreetMap"
"description": "This layer shows notes on OpenStreetMap. Having this layer in your theme will trigger the 'add new note' functionality in the 'addNewPoint'-popup (or if your theme has no presets, it'll enable adding notes)",
"source": {
"osmTags": "date_created~*",
"geoJson": "{x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}",
"geoJsonZoomLevel": 10
"calculatedTags": [
"_all_comments:=get(feat)('comments').map(c => c.text ?? '').join('\\n')",
"_all_usernames:=get(feat)('comments').map(c => c.user ?? 'Anonymous').join('\\n')",
"_opened_by_anonymous_user:=get(feat)('comments')[0].user === undefined",
"_last_user:=(() => {const comms = get(feat)('comments'); return comms[comms.length - 1].user})()",
"_last_change_date:=(() => {const comms = get(feat)('comments'); return comms[comms.length - 1].date})()",
"_is_import_note:=(() => {const lines =['_first_comment'].split('\\n'); const matchesMapCompleteURL = => l.match(\".*https://mapcomplete.\\(|org\\)/\\([a-zA-Z_-]+\\)\\(.html\\).*#import\")); const matchedIndexes =, i) => [doesMatch !== null, i]).filter(v => v[0]).map(v => v[1]); return matchedIndexes[0] })()"
"minzoom": 7,
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Note",
"nl": "Note",
"ca": "Nota",
"de": "Notiz",
"es": "Nota",
"pa_PK": "نوٹ",
"pl": "Notatka",
"cs": "Poznámka",
"fr": "Note"
"mappings": [
"if": "closed_at~*",
"then": {
"en": "Closed note",
"nl": "Gesloten Note",
"de": "Geschlossene Notiz",
"es": "Nota cerrada",
"pl": "Zamknięta notatka",
"ca": "Nota tancada",
"cs": "Uzavřená poznámka",
"fr": "Note fermée"
"titleIcons": [
"ariaLabel": {
"en": "See on",
"nl": "Bekijk op",
"de": "Auf ansehen",
"da": "Se på",
"fr": "Voir sur"
"render": "<a href='{id}' target='_blank'><img src='./assets/svg/osm-logo-us.svg'></a>"
"pointRendering": [
"location": [
"marker": [
"icon": {
"render": "./assets/svg/note.svg",
"mappings": [
"if": "closed_at~*",
"then": "./assets/svg/resolved.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"iconBadges": [
"if": "_total_comments>1",
"then": "circle:white;./assets/svg/speech_bubble.svg"
"if": "_is_import_note~*",
"then": "./assets/svg/addSmall.svg"
"anchor": "bottom"
"lineRendering": [],
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "conversation",
"classes": "p-0",
"render": "{visualize_note_comments()}"
"id": "add_image",
"render": "{add_image_to_note()}"
"id": "comment",
"render": "{add_note_comment()}"
"id": "nearby-images",
"render": {
"before": {
"en": "<h3>Nearby images</h3>The pictures below are nearby geotagged images and might be helpful to handle this note.",
"de": "<h3>Bilder aus der Nähe</h3>Die folgenden Bilder sind mit Geotags versehene Bilder aus der Nähe und könnten für die Bearbeitung dieser Notiz hilfreich sein.",
"es": "<h3>Imágenes cercanas</h3>Las imágenes de debajo son imágenes geoetiquetadas cercanas y pueden ser útiles para encargarse de esta nota.",
"nl": "<h3>Afbeeldingen in de buurt</h3>Onderstaande afbeeldingen zijn afbeeldingen met geo-referentie en die in de buurt genomen zijn. Mogelijks zijn ze nuttig om deze kaartnota af te handelen.",
"ca": "<h3>Imatges properes</h3>Les imatges de sota són imatges geoetiquetades properes i poden ser útils per a encarregar-se d'aquesta nota.",
"cs": "<h3>Obrázky v okolí</h3>Obrázky níže jsou obrázky s geografickými značkami v okolí a mohou vám pomoci s touto poznámkou.",
"fr": "<h3>Images à proximité</h3>Les images suivantes sont dans les environs de cette note et pourraient aider à sa résolution."
"special": {
"type": "nearby_images",
"mode": "open"
"id": "report-contributor",
"render": {
"en": "<a href='{_first_user_id}&reportable_type=User' target='_blank' class='subtle'>Report {_first_user} for spam or inappropriate messages</a>",
"nl": "<a href='{_first_user_id}&reportable_type=User' target='_blank' class='subtle'>{_first_user} melden voor spam of ongepaste opmerkingen</a>",
"de": "<a href='{_first_user_id}&reportable_type=User' target='_blank' class='subtle' {_first_user} für Spam oder unangemessene Nachrichten melden</a>",
"es": "<a href='{_first_user_id}&reportable_type=User' target='_blank' class='subtle'>Reportar {_first_user} por spam o mensajes inapropiados</a>",
"ca": "<a href='{_first_user_id}&reportable_type=User' target='_blank' class='subtle'>Reporta {_first_user} per spam o missatges inapropiats</a>",
"cs": "<a href='{_first_user_id}&reportable_type=User' target='_blank' class='subtle'>Nahlásit uživateli {_first_user} spam nebo nevhodné zprávy</ a>",
"fr": "<a href='{_first_user_id}&reportable_type=User' target='_blank' class='subtle'>Signaler {_first_user} pour du spam ou des messages inapropriés</a>"
"condition": "_opened_by_anonymous_user=false"
"id": "report-note",
"render": {
"en": "<a href='{id}&reportable_type=Note' target='_blank'>Report this note as spam or inappropriate</a>",
"nl": "<a href='{id}&reportable_type=Note' target='_blank'>Deze note melden als spam of ongepast</a>",
"de": "<a href='{id}&reportable_type=Note' target='_blank'>Notiz als Spam oder unangemessen melden</a>",
"es": "<a href='{id}&reportable_type=Note' target='_blank'>Reporta esta nota como spam o inapropiada</a>",
"ca": "<a href='{id}&reportable_type=Note' target='_blank'>Reporta aquesta nota com spam o inapropiada</a>",
"cs": "<a href='{id}&reportable_type=Note' target='_blank'>Nahlásit tuto poznámku jako spam nebo nevhodnou</a>",
"fr": "<a href='{id}&reportable_type=Note' target='_blank'>Signaler cette note comme spam ou contenu inapproprié</a>"
"filter": [
"id": "anonymous",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_opened_by_anonymous_user=true",
"question": {
"en": "Only show notes opened by an anonymous contributor",
"nl": "Toon enkel de Notes geopend door een anonieme bijdrager",
"de": "Nur Notizen anzeigen, die anonym erstellt wurden",
"es": "Solo mostrar las notas abiertas por contributores anómimos",
"ca": "Sols mostrar les notes obertes per contribuïdors anònims",
"cs": "Zobrazovat pouze poznámky otevřené anonymním přispěvatelem",
"fr": "Montrer uniquement les notes ouvertes par un contributeur anonyme"
"id": "is_open",
"options": [
"osmTags": "closed_at=",
"question": {
"en": "Only show open notes",
"nl": "Toon enkel open Notes",
"de": "Nur offene Notizen anzeigen",
"es": "Solo mostrar las notas abiertas",
"ca": "Sols mostra les notes obertes",
"cs": "Zobrazit pouze otevřené poznámky",
"fr": "Montrer uniquement les notes ouvertes"
"id": "no_imports",
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "All Notes",
"nl": "Alle Notes",
"de": "Alle Notizen",
"es": "Todas las notas",
"ca": "Totes les notes",
"cs": "Všechny poznámky",
"fr": "Toutes les notes"
"osmTags": "_is_import_note=",
"question": {
"en": "Hide import notes",
"nl": "Verberg import Notes",
"de": "Importnotizen ausblenden",
"es": "Ocultar las notas de importación",
"ca": "Oculta les notes d'importació",
"cs": "Skrýt poznámky k importu"
"osmTags": "_is_import_note~*",
"question": {
"en": "Show only import Notes",
"nl": "Toon enkel import Notes",
"de": "Nur Importnotizen anzeigen",
"es": "Solo mostrar las notas de importación",
"ca": "Mostrar només les notes d'importació",
"cs": "Zobrazit pouze poznámky k importu"
"id": "search",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_first_comment~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Should mention {search} in the first comment",
"nl": "Moet in de eerste opmerking \"{search}\" bevatten",
"de": "Sollte {search} im ersten Kommentar erwähnen",
"es": "Debe mencionar {search} en el primer comentario",
"ca": "Has de mencionar {search} en el primer comentari",
"cs": "Měl by se zmínit {search} v prvním komentáři"
"id": "search_any",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_all_comments~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Should mention {search} in any comment"
"id": "not",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_first_comment!~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Should <b>not</b> mention {search} in the first comment",
"nl": "Mag in de eerste opmerking <b>niet</b> \"{search}\" bevatten",
"de": "Sollte <b>nicht</b> {search} im ersten Kommentar erwähnen",
"es": "<b>No</b> debe mencionar {search} en el primer comentario",
"ca": "<b>No</b> s'ha de mencionar {search} al primer comentari",
"cs": "V prvním komentáři by jste <b>neměli</b> zmiňovat {search}"
"id": "opened_by",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_first_user~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Opened by contributor {search}",
"nl": "Geopend door bijdrager {search}",
"de": "Erstellt von {search}",
"es": "Abierto por el contributor {search}",
"fr": "Ouverte par {search}",
"ca": "Obert pel contribuïdor {search}",
"cs": "Otevřeno přispěvatelem {search}"
"id": "not_opened_by",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_first_user!~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "<b>Not</b> opened by contributor {search}",
"nl": "<b>Niet</b> geopend door bijdrager {search}",
"de": "<b>Nicht</b> erstellt von {search}",
"es": "<b>No</b> abierto por el contributor {search}",
"ca": "<b>No</b> obert pel contribuïdor {search}",
"cs": "<b>Není</b> otevřeno přispěvatelem {search}",
"fr": "<b>Exclure</b>les notes ouvertes par {search}"
"id": "edited_by_any",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_all_usernames~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Edited or commented on by any user with name {search}"
"id": "last_edited_by",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_last_user~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Last edited by contributor {search}",
"nl": "Laatst bewerkt door bijdrager {search}",
"de": "Zuletzt bearbeitet von {search}",
"es": "Editada por última vez por el contributor {search}",
"ca": "Editat per última vega pel contribuïdor {search}",
"cs": "Naposledy upravil přispěvatel {search}",
"da": "Senest redigeret af bidragsyder {search}",
"fr": "Dernière modification par {search}"
"id": "not_last_edited_by",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_last_user!~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Not edited as last by {search}"
"id": "opened_before",
"options": [
"osmTags": "date_created<{search}",
"fields": [
"name": "search",
"type": "date"
"question": {
"en": "Created before {search}",
"nl": "Aangemaakt voor {search}",
"de": "Erstellt vor dem {search}",
"es": "Creada antes de {search}",
"ca": "Creada abans de {search}",
"cs": "Vytvořeno před {search}",
"fr": "Créée avant le {search}"
"id": "opened_after",
"options": [
"osmTags": "date_created>{search}",
"fields": [
"name": "search",
"type": "date"
"question": {
"en": "Created after {search}",
"nl": "Aangemaakt na {search}",
"de": "Erstellt nach dem {search}",
"es": "Creada después de {search}",
"ca": "Creada després de {search}",
"cs": "Vytvořeno po {search}",
"fr": "Créée après le {search}"
"id": "last_edited_before",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_last_change_date<{search}",
"fields": [
"name": "search",
"type": "date"
"question": {
"en": "Last edited before {search}"
"id": "last_edited_after",
"options": [
"osmTags": "_last_change_date>{search}",
"fields": [
"name": "search",
"type": "date"
"question": {
"en": "Last edited after {search}"
"allowMove": false