
234 lines
7.6 KiB

import {Utils} from "../Utils";
import {existsSync, mkdirSync, readFileSync, writeFile, writeFileSync} from "fs";
import Locale from "../UI/i18n/Locale";
import Translations from "../UI/i18n/Translations";
import {Translation} from "../UI/i18n/Translation";
import Constants from "../Models/Constants";
import * as all_known_layouts from "../assets/generated/known_layers_and_themes.json"
import {LayoutConfigJson} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Json/LayoutConfigJson";
import LayoutConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig";
import PrivacyPolicy from "../UI/BigComponents/PrivacyPolicy";
// We HAVE to mark this while importing
Utils.runningFromConsole = true;
const sharp = require('sharp');
function enc(str: string): string {
return encodeURIComponent(str.toLowerCase());
const alreadyWritten = []
async function createIcon(iconPath: string, size: number) {
let name = iconPath.split(".").slice(0, -1).join(".");
if (name.startsWith("./")) {
name = name.substr(2)
const newname = `${name}${size}.png`
.replace(/\//g, "_")
.replace("assets_", "assets/generated/");
if (alreadyWritten.indexOf(newname) >= 0) {
return newname;
try {
return newname; // File already exists - nothing to do
} catch (e) {
// Errors are normal here if this file exists
try {
// We already read to file, in order to crash here if the file is not found
let img = await sharp(iconPath)
let resized = await img.resize(size)
await resized.toFile(newname)
} catch (e) {
console.error("Could not read icon", iconPath, "due to", e)
return newname;
async function createManifest(layout: LayoutConfig) {
const name =;
Translation.forcedLanguage = "en"
const icons = [];
let icon = layout.icon;
if (icon.endsWith(".svg") || icon.startsWith("<svg") || icon.startsWith("<?xml")) {
// This is an svg. Lets create the needed pngs!
let path = layout.icon;
if (layout.icon.startsWith("<")) {
// THis is already the svg
path = "./assets/generated/" + + "_logo.svg"
writeFileSync(path, layout.icon)
const sizes = [72, 96, 120, 128, 144, 152, 180, 192, 384, 512];
for (const size of sizes) {
const name = await createIcon(path, size);
src: name,
sizes: size + "x" + size,
type: "image/png"
src: path,
sizes: "513x513",
type: "image/svg"
} else if (icon.endsWith(".png")) {
src: icon,
sizes: "513x513",
type: "image/png"
} else {
throw "Icon is not an svg for " +
const ogTitle = Translations.WT(layout.title).txt;
const ogDescr = Translations.WT(layout.description ?? "").txt;
return {
name: name,
short_name: ogTitle,
start_url: `${}.html`,
display: "standalone",
background_color: "#fff",
description: ogDescr,
orientation: "portrait-primary, landscape-primary",
icons: icons
const template = readFileSync("index.html", "utf8");
async function createLandingPage(layout: LayoutConfig, manifest) {
const ogTitle = Translations.WT(layout.title).txt;
const ogDescr = Translations.WT(layout.shortDescription ?? "Easily add and edit geodata with OpenStreetMap").txt;
const ogImage = layout.socialImage;
let customCss = "";
if (layout.customCss !== undefined && layout.customCss !== "") {
try {
const cssContent = readFileSync(layout.customCss);
customCss = "<style>" + cssContent + "</style>";
} catch (e) {
customCss = `<link rel='stylesheet' href="${layout.customCss}"/>`
const og = `
<meta property="og:image" content="${ogImage ?? './assets/SocialImage.png'}">
<meta property="og:title" content="${ogTitle}">
<meta property="og:description" content="${ogDescr}">`
let icon = layout.icon;
if (icon.startsWith("<?xml") || icon.startsWith("<svg")) {
// This already is an svg
icon = `./assets/generated/${}_icon.svg`
writeFileSync(icon, layout.icon);
const apple_icons = []
for (const icon of manifest.icons) {
if (icon.type !== "image/png") {
apple_icons.push(`<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="${icon.sizes}" href="${icon.src}">`)
let themeSpecific = [
`<link rel="manifest" href="${enc(}.webmanifest">`,
`<link rel="icon" href="assets/svg/add.svg" sizes="any" type="image/svg+xml">`,
`<link rel="icon" href="${icon}" sizes="any" type="image/svg+xml">`,
let output = template
.replace("Loading MapComplete, hang on...", `Loading MapComplete theme <i>${ogTitle}</i>...`)
.replace(/<!-- THEME-SPECIFIC -->.*<!-- THEME-SPECIFIC-END-->/s, themeSpecific);
try {
output = output
.replace(/<!-- DECORATION 0 START -->.*<!-- DECORATION 0 END -->/s, `<img src='${icon}' width="100%" height="100%">`)
.replace(/<!-- DECORATION 1 START -->.*<!-- DECORATION 1 END -->/s, `<img src='${icon}' width="100%" height="100%">`);
} catch (e) {
console.warn("Error while applying logo: ", e)
return output;
const generatedDir = "./assets/generated";
if (!existsSync(generatedDir)) {
const blacklist = ["", "test", ".", "..", "manifest", "index", "land", "preferences", "account", "openstreetmap", "custom"]
// @ts-ignore
const all: LayoutConfigJson[] = all_known_layouts.themes;
for (const i in all) {
const layoutConfigJson: LayoutConfigJson = all[i]
const layout = new LayoutConfig(layoutConfigJson, true, "generating layouts")
const layoutName =
if (blacklist.indexOf(layoutName.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
console.log(`Skipping a layout with name${layoutName}, it is on the blacklist`);
const err = err => {
if (err !== null) {
console.log("Could not write manifest for ", layoutName, " because ", err)
createManifest(layout).then(manifObj => {
const manif = JSON.stringify(manifObj, undefined, 2);
const manifestLocation = encodeURIComponent( + ".webmanifest";
writeFile(manifestLocation, manif, err);
// Create a landing page for the given theme
createLandingPage(layout, manifObj).then(landing => {
writeFile(enc( + ".html", landing, err)
}).catch(e => console.log("Could not generate the manifest: ", e))
createManifest(new LayoutConfig({
icon: "./assets/svg/mapcomplete_logo.svg",
id: "index",
language: "en",
layers: [],
maintainer: "Pieter Vander Vennet",
startLat: 0,
startLon: 0,
startZoom: 0,
title: {en: "MapComplete"},
version: Constants.vNumber,
description: {en: "A thematic map viewer and editor based on OpenStreetMap"}
})).then(manifObj => {
const manif = JSON.stringify(manifObj, undefined, 2);
writeFileSync("index.manifest", manif)
console.log("Counting all translations")
console.log("All done!");