
213 lines
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import { Feature, FeatureCollection } from "geojson"
export interface Eli extends FeatureCollection {
features: EliEntry[]
export interface EliEntry extends Feature {
properties: {
* The name of the imagery source
name: string
* Whether the imagery name should be translated
i18n?: boolean
* Type of layer
type: "tms" | "wms" | "bing" | "scanex" | "wms_endpoint" | "wmts"
* A rough categorisation of different types of layers.
* @see
| "photo"
| "map"
| "historicmap"
| "osmbasedmap"
| "historicphoto"
| "qa"
| "elevation"
| "other"
* A URL template for imagery tiles
url: string
* The minimum zoom level
min_zoom?: number
* The maximum zoom level
max_zoom?: number
* explicit/implicit permission by the owner for use in OSM
permission_osm?: "explicit" | "implicit" | "no"
* A URL for the license or permissions for the imagery
license_url?: string
* A URL for the privacy policy of the operator or false if there is no existing privacy policy for tis imagery.
privacy_policy_url?: string | boolean
* A unique identifier for the source; used in imagery_used changeset tag
id: string
* A short English-language description of the source
description?: string
* The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two letter country code in upper case. Use ZZ for unknown or multiple.
country_code?: string
* Whether this imagery should be shown in the default world-wide menu
default?: boolean
* Whether this imagery is the best source for the region
best?: boolean
* The age of the oldest imagery or data in the source, as an RFC3339 date or leading portion of one
start_date?: string
* The age of the newest imagery or data in the source, as an RFC3339 date or leading portion of one
end_date?: string
* HTTP header to check for information if the tile is invalid
no_tile_header?: { [header: string]: string[] } | null
* 'true' if tiles are transparent and can be overlaid on another source
overlay?: boolean
* Available projections
available_projections?: string[]
* Attribution
attribution?: {
url?: string
* Text
text?: string
* HTML formatted attribution
html?: string
* Whether attribution is required
required?: boolean
* A URL for an image, that can be displayed in the list of imagery layers next to the name
icon?: string
* A link to an EULA text that has to be accepted by the user, before the imagery source is added. Can contain {lang} to be replaced by a current user language wiki code (like FR:) or an empty string for the default English text.
eula?: string
* A URL for an image, that is displayed in the mapview for attribution
"logo-image"?: string
* Customized text for the terms of use link (default is "Background Terms of Use")
"terms-of-use-text"?: string
* Specify a checksum for tiles, which aren't real tiles. `type` is the digest type and can be MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512, value is the hex encoded checksum in lower case. To create a checksum save the tile as file and upload it to e.g.
"no-tile-checksum"?: string
* header-name attribute specifies a header returned by tile server, that will be shown as `metadata-key` attribute in Show Tile Info dialog
"metadata-header"?: string
* Set to `true` if imagery source is properly aligned and does not need imagery offset adjustments. This is used for OSM based sources too.
"valid-georeference"?: boolean
* Size of individual tiles delivered by a TMS service
"tile-size"?: number
* Whether tiles status can be accessed by appending /status to the tile URL and can be submitted for re-rendering by appending /dirty.
"mod-tile-features"?: string
* HTTP headers to be sent to server. It has two attributes header-name and header-value. May be specified multiple times.
"custom-http-headers"?: { "header-name": string; "header-value": string }[]
* Default layer to open (when using WMS_ENDPOINT type). Contains list of layer tag with two attributes - name and style, e.g. `\"default-layers\": [\"layer\": { name=\"Basisdata_NP_Basiskart_JanMayen_WMTS_25829\" \"style\":\"default\" } ]` (not allowed in `mirror` attribute)
"default-layers"?: { layer: { "layer-name": string; "layer-style": string } }[]
* format to use when connecting tile server (when using WMS_ENDPOINT type)
format?: string
* If `true` transparent tiles will be requested from WMS server
transparent?: boolean
* minimum expiry time for tiles in seconds. The larger the value, the longer entry in cache will be considered valid
"minimum-tile-expire"?: number