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"id": "onwheels",
"title": {
"en": "OnWheels",
"de": "Auf Rädern",
"fr": "OnWheels",
"nl": "OnWheels",
"nb_NO": "På hjul",
"ca": "Sobre rodes",
"pa_PK": "آن‌ویل",
"es": "Sobre ruedas",
"cs": "Na kolečkách",
"eu": "Gurpil gainean",
"pl": "Na kółkach",
"ru": "Коляски",
"uk": "На колесах",
"ko": "휠체어 사용자 전용"
"description": {
"en": "On this map, publicly weelchair accessible places are shown and can be easily added",
"de": "Auf dieser Karte können Sie öffentlich zugängliche Orte für Rollstuhlfahrer ansehen, bearbeiten oder hinzufügen",
"fr": "Sur cette carte nous pouvons voir et ajouter les différents endroits publiques accessibles aux chaises roulantes",
"nl": "Op deze kaart kan je rolstoeltoegankelijke plaatsen vinden en toevoegen",
"da": "På dette kort vises steder, der er offentligt tilgængelige for kørestolsbrugere, og de kan nemt tilføjes",
"cs": "Na této mapě jsou zobrazena veřejně přístupná místa pro vozíčkáře, a lze je také snadno přidat",
"es": "En este mapa, se muestran y se pueden agregar fácilmente lugares accesibles para sillas de ruedas",
"ca": "En aquest mapa, es mostren llocs públics accessibles per a cadira de rodes i es poden afegir fàcilment",
"pl": "Na tej mapie pokazane są miejsca publicznie dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich, które można łatwo dodać",
"it": "Su questa mappa sono indicati i luoghi pubblici accessibili con sedia a rotelle e possono essere facilmente aggiunti",
"uk": "На цій мапі показані громадські місця, доступні для осіб в інвалідних візків, їх також можна легко додати",
"ko": "이 지도에서는 공공 장소의 휠체어를 보여주고 쉽게 추가 가능합니다"
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/crest.svg",
"startZoom": 17,
"startLat": 50.86622,
"startLon": 4.350103,
"hideFromOverview": false,
"layers": [
"id": "onwheels_entrance_data",
"passAllFeatures": true,
"pointRendering": null,
"title": null,
"tagRenderings": [],
"allowMove": false,
"lineRendering": [
"color": "black",
"width": 1
"shownByDefault": false,
"name": null,
"description": {
"en": "All objects which have entrance data mapped on the amenity instead of the entrance object"
"source": {
"osmTags": {
"and": [
"or": [
"builtin": "indoors",
"override": {
"minzoom": 18,
"name": null,
"passAllFeatures": true
"builtin": "pedestrian_path",
"override": {
"name": null,
"tagRendering": null,
"title": "null",
"minzoom": 18,
"shownByDefault": false
"builtin": "cycleways_and_roads",
"override": {
"name": null,
"shownByDefault": false
"builtin": "cafe_pub",
"override": {
"minzoom": 15,
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/cafe.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"anchor": "bottom",
"label": null
"builtin": "entrance",
"override": {
"minzoom": 18,
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "circle",
"color": "white"
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/entrance.svg"
"syncSelection": "theme-only"
"builtin": "food",
"override": {
"minzoom": 15,
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/restaurant.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"anchor": "bottom",
"label": null
"builtin": "kerbs",
"override": {
"minzoom": 18,
"syncSelection": "theme-only",
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/cone.svg"
"=filter": [
"id": "kerb-type",
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "All types of kerbs",
"nl": "Alle typen stoepranden",
"de": "Alle Arten von Bordsteinen",
"fr": "Tous types de ressauts",
"da": "Alle typer kantsten",
"cs": "Všechny typy obrubníků",
"es": "Todos los tipos de bordillos",
"ca": "Tot tipus de vorals",
"pl": "Wszystkie rodzaje kraweżnika",
"ko": "모든 유형의 보도 경계석"
"osmTags": "kerb=raised",
"question": {
"en": "Raised kerb (>3 cm)",
"nl": "Hoge stoeprand (>3 cm)",
"de": "Erhöhter Bordstein (>3 cm)",
"fr": "Ressaut surélevé (>3cm)",
"da": "Hævet kantsten (>3 cm)",
"cs": "Zvýšený obrubník (>3 cm)",
"es": "Bordillo elevado (>3 cm)",
"ca": "Voral elevat (>3 cm)",
"pl": "Krawężnik podniesiony (>3 cm)",
"ko": "높은 경계석 (3cm 이상)"
"osmTags": "kerb=lowered",
"question": {
"en": "Lowered kerb (~3 cm)",
"nl": "Verlaagde stoeprand (~3 cm)",
"de": "Abgesenkter Bordstein (~3 cm)",
"fr": "Ressaut abaissé (~3cm)",
"da": "Sænket kantsten (~3 cm)",
"cs": "Snížený obrubník (~3 cm)",
"es": "Bordillo rebajado (~3 cm)",
"ca": "Voral baix (~3 cm)",
"pl": "Krawężnik obniżony (~3 cm)",
"ko": "낮은 경계석 ( 3cm 미만)"
"osmTags": "kerb=flush",
"question": {
"en": "Flush kerb (~0cm)",
"nl": "Vlakke stoeprand (~0cm)",
"de": "Bündiger Bordstein (~0cm)",
"fr": "Ressaut à niveau (~0cm)",
"da": "Skyl kantsten (~0 cm)",
"cs": "Zapuštěný obrubník (~0 cm)",
"es": "Bordillo a ras (~0cm)",
"ca": "Voral ras (~0 cm)",
"pl": "Krawężnik zlicowany (~0cm)",
"ko": "평평한 경계석 (0cm)"
"builtin": "parking",
"override": {
"minzoom": 15,
"lineRendering": [
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"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/parking.svg"
"anchor": "bottom",
"=iconSize": {
"render": "20,20",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "40,40"
"builtin": "parking_spaces",
"override": {
"id": "parking_spaces_disabled",
"source": {
"osmTags": "parking_space=disabled"
"pointRendering": [
"iconSize": "40,40"
"name": {
"en": "Disabled parking spaces",
"de": "Barrierefreie Parkplätze",
"nl": "Parkeerplaatsen voor personen met een beperking",
"fr": "Places de stationnement pour personnes handicapées",
"cs": "Parkovací místa pro osoby se zdravotním postižením",
"es": "Plazas de estacionamiento para discapacitados",
"ca": "Places d'aparcament per a minusvàlids",
"pl": "Miejsca parkingowe dla niepełnosprawnych",
"da": "Handikapparkeringspladser",
"it": "Parcheggi per disabili",
"ko": "장애인 전용 주차 공간"
"hideTagRenderingsWithLabels": [
"builtin": "shops",
"override": {
"minzoom": 15,
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"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/shop.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"anchor": "bottom",
"label": null
"lineRendering": [
"color": "#ea4a94"
"builtin": "toilet",
"override": {
"minzoom": 18,
"syncSelection": "theme-only",
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/toilet.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"anchor": "bottom"
"builtin": "pharmacy",
"override": {
"minzoom": 15,
"shownByDefault": false,
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/pharmacy.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"anchor": "bottom",
"label": null
"builtin": "doctors",
"shownByDefault": false,
"override": {
"minzoom": 15,
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/doctor.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"anchor": "bottom"
"builtin": "hospital",
"override": {
"minzoom": 15,
"shownByDefault": false,
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/hospital.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"anchor": "bottom"
"lineRendering": [
"color": "#dd463b"
"builtin": "reception_desk",
"override": {
"minzoom": 18,
"syncSelection": "theme-only"
"builtin": "walls_and_buildings",
"override": {
"calculatedTags+": [
"_entrance_data_within=overlapWith(feat)('onwheels_entrance_data').map(f =>"
"builtin": "elevator",
"override": {
"minzoom": 18,
"syncSelection": "theme-only",
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "circle",
"color": "white"
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/elevator.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"anchor": "bottom"
"builtin": "tourism_accomodation",
"override": {
"minzoom": 15,
"shownByDefault": false,
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/hotel.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"anchor": "bottom"
"builtin": "governments",
"override": {
"minzoom": 15,
"pointRendering": [
"=marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/onwheels/government.svg"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"anchor": "bottom"
"builtin": "current_view",
"override": {
"+pointRendering": [
"location": [
"marker": [
"icon": "./assets/svg/statistics.svg"
"=title": {
"render": {
"en": "Statistics",
"de": "Statistik",
"fr": "Statistiques",
"da": "Statistikker",
"nb_NO": "Statistikk",
"ca": "Estadístiques",
"pa_PK": "انکڑے",
"nl": "Statistieken",
"cs": "Statistiky",
"es": "Estadísticas",
"eu": "Estatistika",
"pl": "Statystyki",
"zh_Hant": "統計數據",
"it": "Statistiche",
"hu": "Statisztika",
"ko": "통계"
"tagRenderings+": [
"id": "stats",
"render": "{statistics()}"
"overrideAll": {
"+calculatedTags": [
"_enclosing_building=enclosingFeatures(feat)('walls_and_buildings')?.map(f =>"
"tagRenderings+": [
"id": "_stolen_entrances",
"condition": {
"and": [
"render": {
"special": {
"type": "steal",
"featureId": "_enclosing_building",
"tagRenderingId": "walls_and_buildings.entrance_info; walls_and_buildings.biggest_width"
"enableDownload": true