forked from MapComplete/MapComplete
Add more matrixbot-translations
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 59 additions and 3 deletions
@ -451,6 +451,19 @@
"commandFailed": "Sorry, something went wrong while running <code>{cmd}</code>",
"commandFailed": "Sorry, something went wrong while running <code>{cmd}</code>",
"commandNotFound": "I didn't understand your request. Did you perhaps mean to type {0}, {1}, {2} or ${2}? <p>Type <code>help</code> to see an overview of all commands</p>",
"commandNotFound": "I didn't understand your request. Did you perhaps mean to type {0}, {1}, {2} or ${2}? <p>Type <code>help</code> to see an overview of all commands</p>",
"commands": {
"commands": {
"dm": {
"argbody": "The actual command body of the command",
"argto": "The ID of whom to send the output to",
"commandNotFound": "Command {key} not found - see <code>help</code> for all commands",
"docs": "Executes a command and send the output to someone else",
"executing": "Executing <code>{_}</code> and sending the result to <b>{to}</b>...",
"failed": "I couldn't execute <code>${cmd}</code> due to ${message}",
"noDm": "I couldn't create a room with {to}",
"receipt": "I delivered the message to {to}",
"selectValidCommand": "Specify a valid command",
"selectValidUser": "Specify a valid target user",
"sendReason": "I sent you this message because <b>{sender}</b> requested me to send this with <code>${cmd}</code>"
"documentation": {
"documentation": {
"argid": "The ID of the layer, theme or URL-parameter for which documentation is needed",
"argid": "The ID of the layer, theme or URL-parameter for which documentation is needed",
"docs": "Gets documentation about a MapComplete layer, theme or URL-parameter",
"docs": "Gets documentation about a MapComplete layer, theme or URL-parameter",
@ -476,9 +489,11 @@
"supported": "My supported commands are:"
"supported": "My supported commands are:"
"info": {
"info": {
"argsearch": "The ID of the OSM-object or a search query",
"closed": "Closed",
"closed": "Closed",
"closedTodayAndTomorrow": "Closed today and tomorrow",
"closedTodayAndTomorrow": "Closed today and tomorrow",
"couldNotDownload": "Could not download <code>{id}</code>",
"couldNotDownload": "Could not download <code>{id}</code>",
"docs": "Gets info about an OSM-object. Either give an id OR a search string; the objects are interpreted and known values are shown.",
"editWith": "Edit this element with {title}",
"editWith": "Edit this element with {title}",
"fetchingInfoAbout": "Fetching data about {id}...",
"fetchingInfoAbout": "Fetching data about {id}...",
"foundResults": "Found {total} results for <code>${search}</code>, fetching details about them...",
"foundResults": "Found {total} results for <code>${search}</code>, fetching details about them...",
@ -509,22 +524,63 @@
"noRightsNeeded": "The command <code>{role}</code> can be executed by anyone, you don't need to set rights for it",
"noRightsNeeded": "The command <code>{role}</code> can be executed by anyone, you don't need to set rights for it",
"noRolesYet": "<b>{user}</b> currently has no roles.",
"noRolesYet": "<b>{user}</b> currently has no roles.",
"noSuchRole": "The role <code>{role}</code> cannot be given to <code>{user}</code>. A role is the same as a command name, type <code>help</code> to see all commands.",
"noSuchRole": "The role <code>{role}</code> cannot be given to <code>{user}</code>. A role is the same as a command name, type <code>help</code> to see all commands.",
"userHasRoles": "<b>{user}</b> currently has the following roles:"
"userHasRoles": "<b>{user}</b> currently has the following roles:",
"verbadd": "Adds a role to the specified user",
"verbdefault": "List the roles of the user",
"verblist": "List all the user roles of the specified user",
"verbremove": "Removes a role from the specified uer",
"verbrevoke": "Revokes all rights of a user"
"scheme": {
"argkey": "The name of the key",
"docs": "Gives information about a key in a theme-config-file",
"noMatchingLayer": "No matching keys found, maybe you meant one of:",
"notype": "no type specificied",
"title": "{key} (used at <code>{path}</code>, {type})"
"search": {
"announceLimited": "<p><i>I'm only showing the {cutoff} items closest to the <a href='{href}' target='_blank'>searched location</a>.</i></p>",
"arglayerid": "The name of a layer OR a single search term",
"argsearch": "The search term",
"argverb": "Either search in a geographical area (e.g. a city) or search near a POI",
"docs": "Searches for POI in or near a location",
"noMatchingLayer": "I didn't find a matching layer",
"noNearOrIn": "Sorry, I didn't understand your command as I didn't find a <code>near</code> or <code>in</code> in your search query.\n Try something as <code>search drinking water in London</code>, <code>search friture in Brussels</code></p>\n <p>Alternatively, try <code>info {cmd}</code> to get info about a single object.",
"nothingFound": "Sorry, I couldn't find anything for <code>{search}</code>, so I can't search for {layerTitle}",
"overview": "I found {length} matching items.",
"searching": "Searching {layerTitle} ${mode} <code>{search}</code>..."
"shutdown": {
"shutdown": {
"argmode": "Indicates if the service should be restarted, must be one of {verbs}",
"argmode": "Indicates if the service should be restarted, must be one of {verbs}",
"docs": "Shuts down the bot",
"docs": "Shuts down the bot",
"goodbye": "Shutting down... See you later!",
"goodbye": "Shutting down... See you later!",
"notYetShuttingDown": "I'm not restarting yet as I just booted only {uptime} seconds ago. I'll wait at least {min_uptime} before rebooting."
"notYetShuttingDown": "I'm not restarting yet as I just booted only {uptime} seconds ago. I'll wait at least {min_uptime} before rebooting.",
"verbshutdown": "Shuts down the bot",
"verbupdate": "Attempts to update the embedded MapComplete-codebase, shuts down afterwards"
"tags": {
"announceSearch": "<code>${id}</code> doesn't seem to be a valid OSM-id - searching worldwide instead for ${search}...",
"argsearch": "The ID of the OSM-object or a search query",
"docs": "Show the tags of an OSM-object. Either give an id OR a search string; the objects are interpreted and known values are shown.",
"noSearchGiven": "Please, provide a search term of id to use this command",
"nothingFound": "Nothing found for {_}"
"welcome": {
"welcome": {
"docs": "Gives a friendly welcome message",
"p0": "Hi! I'm MapComplete-bot. I'm a computer program which searches OpenStreetMap and which can give some information about <a href=''>MapComplete</a>, which is a website and app that shows thematic maps. If information is missing, you can add it easily over there.",
"p0": "Hi! I'm MapComplete-bot. I'm a computer program which searches OpenStreetMap and which can give some information about <a href=''>MapComplete</a>, which is a website and app that shows thematic maps. If information is missing, you can add it easily over there.",
"p1": "Send me <code>info [searchterm]</code> and I'll search OpenStreetMap for you. I'll show you the information on what I found.",
"p1": "Send me <code>info [searchterm]</code> and I'll search OpenStreetMap for you. I'll show you the information on what I found.",
"p2": "Alternatively, use <code>search [ojecttype] near [placename]</code> or <code>search [objecttype] in [placename]</code> to search for more places. Supported object types are those that can be found in MapComplete. More categories will be added in the future - and if you are up to the challenge, <a href=''>you can create your thematic map and thus category too</a>",
"p2": "Alternatively, use <code>search [ojecttype] near [placename]</code> or <code>search [objecttype] in [placename]</code> to search for more places. Supported object types are those that can be found in MapComplete. More categories will be added in the future - and if you are up to the challenge, <a href=''>you can create your thematic map and thus category too</a>",
"p3": "There are a few more commands, send <code>help</code> to see all of them."
"p3": "There are a few more commands, send <code>help</code> to see all of them."
"wiki": {
"wiki": {
"docs": "Prints (a part of) the specified page from In public rooms, it'll print the first paragraph; in a DM the entire page will be sent."
"argsearch": "The title of the page or the search term",
"docs": "Searches and prints (a part of) the specified page from {backend}. In public rooms, it'll print the first paragraph; in a DM the entire page will be sent.",
"foundMatching": "Found a matching wiki page, namely {title}",
"gotResults": "Got {count} results for search query <code>{search}</code>:",
"loadingFailed": "Sorry, the page <code>{pagename}</code> could not be loaded",
"noWiki": "Please, specify a wiki page to search for",
"nothingFound": "I couldn't find anything on {backend} for {search}",
"searching": "Searching on {backend}..."
"decryptionFailed": "Sorry, I couldn't decrypt your message. You can try to leave this channel and to connect again",
"decryptionFailed": "Sorry, I couldn't decrypt your message. You can try to leave this channel and to connect again",
Add table
Reference in a new issue