forked from MapComplete/MapComplete
Translation sync
This commit is contained in:
26 changed files with 1040 additions and 759 deletions
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
"ca": "un cafè",
"da": "en cafe",
"es": "una cafetería",
"fr": "un café",
"fr": "un café adama",
"pl": "Kawiarnia",
"cs": "kavárna"
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
"id": "item_with_image",
"name": {
"en": "Items with at least one image"
"en": "Items with at least one image",
"de": "Element mit mindestens einem Bild"
"description": "All items with an image. All alone, not a layer which is relevant for any MapComplete theme, as it is a random collection of items. However, when put into the databank, this allows to quickly fetch (the URL of) pictures nearby a different object, to quickly link this",
"source": {
@ -20,7 +21,8 @@
"minzoom": 14,
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "POI with image"
"en": "POI with image",
"de": "POI mit Bild"
"mappings": [
@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Memorial"
"en": "Memorial plaque",
"ca": "Placa commemorativa",
"cs": "Pamětní deska",
"de": "Gedenktafel"
"mappings": [
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
"id": "playground_equipment",
"name": {
"en": "Playground equipment"
"en": "Playground equipment",
"de": "Spielplatzausstattung"
"description": {
"en": "Layer showing playground equipment"
"en": "Layer showing playground equipment",
"de": "Ebene mit Spielplatzausrüstung"
"source": {
"osmTags": "playground~*"
@ -12,7 +14,8 @@
"minzoom": 18,
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Playground device"
"en": "Playground device",
"de": "Spielplatzgerät"
"pointRendering": [
@ -45,10 +48,12 @@
"title": {
"en": "a playground device"
"en": "a playground device",
"de": "ein Spielgerät"
"description": {
"en": "An exact type is asked later"
"en": "An exact type is asked later",
"de": "Ein genauer Typ wird später gefragt"
@ -56,13 +61,15 @@
"render": {
"en": "This is a {playground}"
"en": "This is a {playground}",
"de": "Das ist ein {playground}"
"id": "type",
"freeform": {
"key": "playground",
"placeholder": {
"en": "Type of device"
"en": "Type of device",
"de": "Art des Geräts"
"addExtraTags": [
"fixme=Freeform input used"
@ -70,7 +77,8 @@
"question": {
"en": "What kind of device is this?",
"nl": "Wat voor speeltoestel is dit?"
"nl": "Wat voor speeltoestel is dit?",
"de": "Was ist das für ein Gerät?"
"invalidValues": "playground=yes",
"mappings": [
@ -78,13 +86,15 @@
"if": "playground=swing",
"then": {
"en": "This is a swing",
"nl": "Dit is een schommel"
"nl": "Dit is een schommel",
"de": "Das ist eine Schaukel"
"if": "playground=structure",
"then": {
"en": "This is a structure consisting of several connected playground devices"
"en": "This is a structure consisting of several connected playground devices",
"de": "Dies ist eine Struktur aus mehreren angeschlossenen Spielgeräten"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/SunwardCohousingPlayStructure2005.jpg",
@ -94,14 +104,16 @@
"if": "playground=slide",
"then": {
"en": "This is a slide"
"en": "This is a slide",
"de": "Das ist eine Rutsche"
"if": "playground=sandpit",
"then": {
"en": "This is a sand pit",
"nl": "Dit is een zandbak"
"nl": "Dit is een zandbak",
"de": "Dies ist ein Sandkasten"
"searchTerms": {
"en": [
@ -117,7 +129,8 @@
"if": "playground=springy",
"then": {
"en": "This is a spring rider",
"nl": "Dit is een veertoestel"
"nl": "Dit is een veertoestel",
"de": "Dies ist ein Springreiter"
"searchTerms": {
"en": [
@ -132,7 +145,8 @@
"if": "playground=climbingframe",
"then": {
"en": "This is a climbing frame",
"nl": "Dit is een klimrek"
"nl": "Dit is een klimrek",
"de": "Dies ist ein Kletterrahmen"
"searchTerms": {
"en": [
@ -149,7 +163,8 @@
"if": "playground=seesaw",
"then": {
"en": "This is a seesaw",
"nl": "Dit is een wipwap"
"nl": "Dit is een wipwap",
"de": "Dies ist eine Wippe"
"searchTerms": {
"en": [
@ -165,7 +180,8 @@
"if": "playground=playhouse",
"then": {
"en": "This is a playhouse"
"en": "This is a playhouse",
"de": "Das ist ein Spielhaus"
"searchTerms": {
"en": [
@ -180,7 +196,8 @@
"if": "playground=roundabout",
"then": {
"en": "This is a roundabout"
"en": "This is a roundabout",
"de": "Dies ist ein Karussell"
"searchTerms": {
"en": [
@ -195,7 +212,8 @@
"if": "playground=basketswing",
"then": {
"en": "This is a basket swing"
"en": "This is a basket swing",
"de": "Dies ist eine Korbschaukel"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Playground_swing_03.jpg",
@ -205,14 +223,16 @@
"if": "playground=zipwire",
"then": {
"en": "This is a zip wire"
"en": "This is a zip wire",
"de": "Dies ist ein Seilzug"
"if": "playground=horizontal_bar",
"then": {
"en": "This is a horizontal bar",
"nl": "Dit is een rekstok"
"nl": "Dit is een rekstok",
"de": "Dies ist ein horizontaler Balken"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Rekstok.JPG",
@ -222,7 +242,8 @@
"if": "playground=hopscotch",
"then": {
"en": "This is a hopscotch"
"en": "This is a hopscotch",
"de": "Dies ist ein Hüpfspiel"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Hinkelbaan_tegels.jpg",
@ -232,7 +253,8 @@
"if": "playground=splash_pad",
"then": {
"en": "This is a splash pad"
"en": "This is a splash pad",
"de": "Dies ist ein Planschbecken"
"searchTerms": {
"en": "spray pool"
@ -245,7 +267,8 @@
"if": "playground=climbingwall",
"then": {
"en": "This is a climbing wall"
"en": "This is a climbing wall",
"de": "Das ist eine Kletterwand"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Playground_climbingwall.jpg",
@ -255,7 +278,8 @@
"if": "playground=map",
"then": {
"en": "This is a map"
"en": "This is a map",
"de": "Das ist eine Karte"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Playground_Map,_Washington_Elementary.jpg",
@ -265,7 +289,8 @@
"if": "playground=bridge",
"then": {
"en": "This is a bridge (either as a standalone device or as part of a larger structure)"
"en": "This is a bridge (either as a standalone device or as part of a larger structure)",
"de": "Dies ist eine Brücke (entweder als eigenständiges Gerät oder als Teil einer größeren Struktur)"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Playground_in_Muchall_Park,",
@ -275,7 +300,8 @@
"if": "playground=cushion",
"then": {
"en": "This is a bouncy cushion"
"en": "This is a bouncy cushion",
"de": "Das ist ein Hüpfkissen"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Hupfkissen.jpg",
@ -285,7 +311,8 @@
"if": "playground=activitypanel",
"then": {
"en": "This is an activity panel"
"en": "This is an activity panel",
"de": "Dies ist ein Aktivitätspanel"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Szwedy_-_plac_zabaw_-_kotko_i_krzyzyk.jpg",
@ -295,7 +322,8 @@
"if": "playground=teenshelter",
"then": {
"en": "This is a teen shelter"
"en": "This is a teen shelter",
"de": "Dies ist eine Jugendherberge"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Teen_shelter_near_former_coastguard_lookout,",
@ -305,7 +333,8 @@
"if": "playground=funnel_ball",
"then": {
"en": "This is a funnel used to play with funnel ball"
"en": "This is a funnel used to play with funnel ball",
"de": "Dies ist ein Trichter, mit dem man Trichterball spielen kann"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Funnel_ball.jpg",
@ -315,7 +344,8 @@
"if": "playground=spinning_circle",
"then": {
"en": "This is a spinning circle"
"en": "This is a spinning circle",
"de": "Dies ist ein sich drehender Kreis"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Spinning_circle.jpg",
@ -328,7 +358,8 @@
"builtin": "wheelchair-access",
"override": {
"question": {
"en": "Is this device accessible by wheelchair?"
"en": "Is this device accessible by wheelchair?",
"de": "Ist dieses Gerät mit Rollstuhl erreichbar?"
@ -558,7 +558,8 @@
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "Offers letter posting"
"en": "Offers letter posting",
"de": "Bietet Briefpost an"
"osmTags": {
"and": [
@ -574,7 +575,8 @@
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "Offers parcel posting"
"en": "Offers parcel posting",
"de": "Bietet Paketaufgabe an"
"osmTags": {
"and": [
@ -590,7 +592,8 @@
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "Offers pickup of missed parcels"
"en": "Offers pickup of missed parcels",
"de": "Bietet die Abholung von verpassten Paketen an"
"osmTags": {
"and": [
@ -606,7 +609,8 @@
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "Accepts pickup of parcels sent here"
"en": "Accepts pickup of parcels sent here",
"de": "Akzeptiert die Abholung von Paketen, die hierher geschickt werden"
"osmTags": {
"and": [
@ -622,7 +626,8 @@
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "Sells stamps"
"en": "Sells stamps",
"de": "Verkauft Briefmarken"
"osmTags": {
"and": [
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
"id": "souvenir_coin",
"name": {
"en": "Souvenir Coin Machines"
"en": "Souvenir Coin Machines",
"de": "Souvenir-Münzautomaten"
"description": {
"en": "Layer showing machines selling souvenir coins"
"en": "Layer showing machines selling souvenir coins",
"de": "Ebene mit Automaten, die Souvenir-Münzen verkaufen"
"source": {
"osmTags": {
@ -16,7 +18,8 @@
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Souvenir Coin Machine"
"en": "Souvenir Coin Machine",
"de": "Souvenir-Münzautomat"
"pointRendering": [
@ -51,10 +54,12 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "a souvenir coin machine"
"en": "a souvenir coin machine",
"de": "ein Souvenir-Münzautomaten"
"description": {
"en": "Add a machine selling souvenir coins"
"en": "Add a machine selling souvenir coins",
"de": "Hinzufügen eines Automaten für Souvenirmünzen"
"tags": [
@ -70,31 +75,36 @@
"id": "designs",
"override": {
"render": {
"en": "This machine has {coin:design_count} designs available"
"en": "This machine has {coin:design_count} designs available",
"de": "Diese Maschine hat {coin:design_count} Designs verfügbar"
"mappings": [
"if": "coin:design_count=1",
"then": {
"en": "This machine has one design available"
"en": "This machine has one design available",
"de": "Diese Maschine hat ein Design zur Verfügung"
"if": "coin:design_count=2",
"then": {
"en": "This machine has two designs available"
"en": "This machine has two designs available",
"de": "Diese Maschine hat zwei Designs verfügbar"
"if": "coin:design_count=3",
"then": {
"en": "This machine has three designs available"
"en": "This machine has three designs available",
"de": "Diese Maschine hat drei Designs verfügbar"
"if": "coin:design_count=4",
"then": {
"en": "This machine has four designs available"
"en": "This machine has four designs available",
"de": "Diese Maschine hat vier Designs verfügbar"
@ -104,23 +114,27 @@
"question": {
"en": "How much does a souvenir coin cost?"
"en": "How much does a souvenir coin cost?",
"de": "Wie viel kostet eine Souvenirmünze?"
"id": "charge",
"render": {
"en": "A souvenir coins costs {charge}"
"en": "A souvenir coins costs {charge}",
"de": "Eine Souvenirmünze kostet {charge}"
"freeform": {
"key": "charge",
"placeholder": {
"en": "Cost (e.g. 2 EUR)"
"en": "Cost (e.g. 2 EUR)",
"de": "Kosten (z.B. 2 EUR)"
"mappings": [
"if": "charge=2 EUR",
"then": {
"en": "A souvenir coin costs 2 euro"
"en": "A souvenir coin costs 2 euro",
"de": "Eine Souvenirmünze kostet 2 Euro"
"hideInAnswer": "_currency!~.*EUR.*"
@ -129,20 +143,23 @@
"question": {
"en": "Is this machine located indoors?"
"en": "Is this machine located indoors?",
"de": "Ist diese Maschine im Innenbereich?"
"id": "indoor",
"mappings": [
"if": "indoor=yes",
"then": {
"en": "This machine is located indoors."
"en": "This machine is located indoors.",
"de": "Diese Maschine befindet sich im Innenbereich."
"if": "indoor=no",
"then": {
"en": "This machine is located outdoors."
"en": "This machine is located outdoors.",
"de": "Diese Maschine befindet sich im Freien."
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
"id": "souvenir_note",
"name": {
"en": "Souvenir Banknote Machines"
"en": "Souvenir Banknote Machines",
"de": "Souvenir Banknotenmaschinen"
"description": {
"en": "Layer showing machines selling souvenir banknotes"
"en": "Layer showing machines selling souvenir banknotes",
"de": "Ebene zeigt Maschinen, die Souvenir-Banknoten verkaufen"
"source": {
"osmTags": {
@ -16,7 +18,8 @@
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Souvenir Banknote Machine"
"en": "Souvenir Banknote Machine",
"de": "Souvenir-Banknotenautomat"
"pointRendering": [
@ -51,10 +54,12 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "a souvenir banknote machine"
"en": "a souvenir banknote machine",
"de": "eine Souvenir-Banknotenmaschine"
"description": {
"en": "Add a machine selling souvenir banknotes"
"en": "Add a machine selling souvenir banknotes",
"de": "Hinzufügen eines Automaten, der Souvenir-Banknoten verkauft"
"tags": [
@ -68,7 +73,8 @@
"id": "designs",
"question": {
"en": "How many designs are available?"
"en": "How many designs are available?",
"de": "Wie viele Designs sind verfügbar?"
"freeform": {
"key": "note:design_count",
@ -82,31 +88,36 @@
"render": {
"en": "This machine has {note:design_count} designs available."
"en": "This machine has {note:design_count} designs available.",
"de": "Diese Maschine verfügt über {note:design_count} Designs."
"mappings": [
"if": "note:design_count=1",
"then": {
"en": "This machine has one design available."
"en": "This machine has one design available.",
"de": "Diese Maschine hat ein Design zur Verfügung."
"if": "note:design_count=2",
"then": {
"en": "This machine has two designs available."
"en": "This machine has two designs available.",
"de": "Diese Maschine hat zwei Designs verfügbar."
"if": "note:design_count=3",
"then": {
"en": "This machine has three designs available."
"en": "This machine has three designs available.",
"de": "Diese Maschine hat drei Designs verfügbar."
"if": "note:design_count=4",
"then": {
"en": "This machine has four designs available."
"en": "This machine has four designs available.",
"de": "Diese Maschine hat vier Designs verfügbar."
@ -115,30 +126,35 @@
"question": {
"en": "How much does a souvenir note cost?"
"en": "How much does a souvenir note cost?",
"de": "Wie viel kostet eine Souvenirnote?"
"id": "charge",
"render": {
"en": "A souvenir note costs {charge}"
"en": "A souvenir note costs {charge}",
"de": "Eine Souvenirnote kostet {charge}"
"freeform": {
"key": "charge",
"placeholder": {
"en": "Cost (e.g. 2 EUR)"
"en": "Cost (e.g. 2 EUR)",
"de": "Kosten (z.B. 2 EUR)"
"mappings": [
"if": "charge=2 EUR",
"then": {
"en": "A souvenir note costs 2 euro"
"en": "A souvenir note costs 2 euro",
"de": "Eine Souvenirnote kostet 2 Euro"
"hideInAnswer": "_currency!~.*EUR.*"
"if": "charge=3 EUR",
"then": {
"en": "A souvenir note costs 3 euro"
"en": "A souvenir note costs 3 euro",
"de": "Eine Souvenirnote kostet 3 Euro"
"hideInAnswer": "_currency!~.*EUR.*"
@ -147,20 +163,23 @@
"question": {
"en": "Is this machine located indoors?"
"en": "Is this machine located indoors?",
"de": "Ist diese Maschine im Innenbereich?"
"id": "indoor",
"mappings": [
"if": "indoor=yes",
"then": {
"en": "This machine is located indoors."
"en": "This machine is located indoors.",
"de": "Diese Maschine befindet sich im Innenbereich."
"if": "indoor=no",
"then": {
"en": "This machine is located outdoors."
"en": "This machine is located outdoors.",
"de": "Diese Maschine befindet sich im Freien."
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
"source": "special",
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Summary"
"en": "Summary",
"de": "Übersicht"
"pointRendering": [
@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
"icon": "./assets/themes/bicycle_parkings/logo.svg",
"layers": [
"builtin": "bike_parking",
"override": {
"minzoom": 12
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
"id": "ghostsigns",
"title": {
"en": "Ghost Signs"
"en": "Ghost Signs",
"de": "Geisterzeichen"
"description": {
"en": "A map showing disused signs on buildings"
"en": "A map showing disused signs on buildings",
"de": "Eine Karte, die ungenutzte Zeichen auf Gebäuden zeigt",
"es": "Un mapa que muestra los rótulos en desuso de los edificios"
"icon": "./assets/themes/advertising/wall_painting.svg",
"layers": [
@ -12,14 +15,19 @@
"id": "ghostsigns",
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Ghost Sign"
"en": "Ghost Sign",
"de": "Geisterzeichen"
"description": {
"en": "Layer showing disused signs on buildings"
"en": "Layer showing disused signs on buildings",
"de": "Ebene, die ungenutzte Zeichen auf Gebäuden zeigt",
"es": "Capa que muestra carteles en desuso en edificios"
"name": {
"en": "Ghost Signs"
"en": "Ghost Signs",
"de": "Geisterzeichen",
"es": "Señales fantasma"
"source": {
"osmTags": {
@ -37,23 +45,27 @@
"id": "historic",
"question": {
"en": "Is this a ghost sign?"
"en": "Is this a ghost sign?",
"de": "Ist das ein Geisterzeichen?"
"questionHint": {
"en": "Is this sign for a business that no longer exists or no longer being maintained?"
"en": "Is this sign for a business that no longer exists or no longer being maintained?",
"de": "Ist dieses Schild für ein Geschäft, das nicht mehr existiert oder nicht mehr gepflegt wird?"
"mappings": [
"if": "historic=advertising",
"then": {
"en": "This is a ghost sign"
"en": "This is a ghost sign",
"de": "Das ist ein Geisterzeichen"
"alsoShowIf": "historic=yes"
"if": "historic=",
"then": {
"en": "This is not a ghost sign, answering this will hide the sign from the map"
"en": "This is not a ghost sign, answering this will hide the sign from the map",
"de": "Dies ist kein Geisterzeichen, die Antwort darauf wird das Schild von der Karte verstecken"
@ -69,33 +81,42 @@
"id": "inscription",
"question": {
"en": "What is the text on the sign?"
"en": "What is the text on the sign?",
"de": "Was ist der Text auf dem Schild?"
"freeform": {
"key": "inscription",
"type": "string",
"placeholder": {
"en": "Text on the sign"
"en": "Text on the sign",
"de": "Text auf dem Schild"
"render": {
"en": "The text on the sign is: {inscription}"
"en": "The text on the sign is: {inscription}",
"de": "Der Text auf dem Schild ist: {inscription}"
"id": "brand",
"question": {
"en": "For what business was this sign made?"
"en": "For what business was this sign made?",
"de": "Für welches Unternehmen wurde dieses Schild angefertigt?",
"es": "¿Para qué negocio se hizo este cartel?"
"freeform": {
"key": "brand",
"type": "string",
"placeholder": {
"en": "Business name"
"en": "Business name",
"de": "Unternehmensname",
"es": "Nombre comercial"
"render": {
"en": "This sign was made for: {brand}"
"en": "This sign was made for: {brand}",
"de": "Dieses Schild wurde gemacht für: {brand}",
"es": "Este cartel se hizo para: {brand}"
@ -125,7 +146,9 @@
"title": {
"en": "a ghost sign"
"en": "a ghost sign",
"de": "ein Geisterzeichen",
"es": "una señal fantasma"
"snapToLayer": [
@ -144,29 +167,34 @@
"minzoom": 18,
"name": {
"en": "All advertentie wall paintings",
"nl": "Alle adverterende muurschilderingen"
"nl": "Alle adverterende muurschilderingen",
"de": "Alle Werbe-Wandbilder"
"+tagRenderings": [
"id": "historic",
"question": {
"en": "Is this a ghost sign?"
"en": "Is this a ghost sign?",
"de": "Ist das ein Geisterzeichen?"
"questionHint": {
"en": "Is this sign for a business that no longer exists or no longer being maintained?"
"en": "Is this sign for a business that no longer exists or no longer being maintained?",
"de": "Ist dieses Schild für ein Geschäft, das nicht mehr existiert oder nicht mehr gepflegt wird?"
"mappings": [
"if": "historic=advertising",
"then": {
"en": "This is a ghost sign"
"en": "This is a ghost sign",
"de": "Das ist ein Geisterzeichen"
"alsoShowIf": "historic=yes"
"if": "historic=",
"then": {
"en": "This is not a ghost sign"
"en": "This is not a ghost sign",
"de": "Das ist kein Geisterzeichen"
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
"id": "items_with_image",
"title": {
"en": "All items with images"
"en": "All items with images",
"de": "Alle Elemente mit Bildern"
"description": {
"en": "A map showing all items on OSM which have an image. This theme is a very bad fit for MapComplete as someone is not able to directly add a picture. However, this theme is mostly here to include this all into the database, which'll allow this to quickly fetch images nearby for other features"
"en": "A map showing all items on OSM which have an image. This theme is a very bad fit for MapComplete as someone is not able to directly add a picture. However, this theme is mostly here to include this all into the database, which'll allow this to quickly fetch images nearby for other features",
"de": "Eine Karte, die alle Objekte auf OSM zeigt, die ein Bild haben. Dieses Thema ist sehr schlecht für MapComplete geeignet, da man nicht direkt ein Bild hinzufügen kann. Dieses Thema ist jedoch hauptsächlich dazu da, um alles in die Datenbank aufzunehmen, was es ermöglicht, Bilder in der Nähe für andere Funktionen schnell zu finden"
"icon": "./assets/layers/item_with_image/camera.svg",
"hideFromOverview": true,
@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
"id": "mapcomplete-changes",
"title": {
"en": "Changes made with MapComplete"
"en": "Changes made with MapComplete",
"de": "Änderungen mit MapComplete",
"es": "Cambios hechos con MapComplete"
"shortDescription": {
"en": "Shows changes made by MapComplete"
"en": "Shows changes made by MapComplete",
"de": "Änderungen von MapComplete anzeigen",
"es": "Muestra los cambios hechos por MapComplete"
"description": {
"en": "This maps shows all the changes made with MapComplete"
"en": "This maps shows all the changes made with MapComplete",
"de": "Diese Karte zeigt alle mit MapComplete vorgenommenen Änderungen",
"es": "Este mapa muestra todos los cambios hechos con MapComplete"
"icon": "./assets/svg/logo.svg",
"hideFromOverview": true,
@ -18,7 +24,9 @@
"id": "mapcomplete-changes",
"name": {
"en": "Changeset centers"
"en": "Changeset centers",
"de": "Zentrum der Änderungssätze",
"es": "Centro del conjunto de cambios"
"minzoom": 0,
"source": {
@ -28,41 +36,55 @@
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Changeset for {theme}"
"en": "Changeset for {theme}",
"de": "Änderungssatz für {theme}",
"es": "Conjunto de cambios para {theme}"
"description": {
"en": "Shows all MapComplete changes"
"en": "Shows all MapComplete changes",
"de": "Alle MapComplete-Änderungen anzeigen",
"es": "Muestra todos los cambios de MapComplete"
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "show_changeset_id",
"render": {
"en": "Changeset <a href='{id}' target='_blank'>{id}</a>"
"en": "Changeset <a href='{id}' target='_blank'>{id}</a>",
"de": "Änderungssatz <a href='{id}' target='_blank'>{id}</a>",
"es": "Conjunto de cambios <a href='{id}' target='_blank'>{id}</a>"
"id": "contributor",
"question": {
"en": "What contributor did make this change?"
"en": "What contributor did make this change?",
"de": "Wer hat diese Änderung vorgenommen?",
"es": "¿Quién realizó este cambio?"
"freeform": {
"key": "user"
"render": {
"en": "Change made by <a href='{user}' target='_blank'>{user}</a>"
"en": "Change made by <a href='{user}' target='_blank'>{user}</a>",
"de": "Änderung von <a href='{user}' target='_blank'>{user}</a>",
"es": "Cambio hecho por <a href='{user}' target='_blank'>{user}</a>"
"id": "theme-id",
"question": {
"en": "What theme was used to make this change?"
"en": "What theme was used to make this change?",
"de": "Welches Thema wurde für die Änderung verwendet?",
"es": "¿Qué tema se utilizó para realizar este cambio?"
"freeform": {
"key": "theme"
"render": {
"en": "Change with theme <a href='{theme}'>{theme}</a>"
"en": "Change with theme <a href='{theme}'>{theme}</a>",
"de": "Geändert mit Thema <a href='{theme}'>{theme}</a>",
"es": "Cambio con el tema <a href='{theme}'>{theme}</a>"
@ -71,19 +93,27 @@
"key": "locale"
"question": {
"en": "What locale (language) was this change made in?"
"en": "What locale (language) was this change made in?",
"de": "In welcher Benutzersprache wurde die Änderung vorgenommen?",
"es": "¿En qué configuración regional (idioma) se realizó este cambio?"
"render": {
"en": "User locale is {locale}"
"en": "User locale is {locale}",
"de": "Benutzersprache {locale}",
"es": "La configuración regional del usuario es {locale}"
"id": "host",
"render": {
"en": "Change with with <a href='{host}'>{host}</a>"
"en": "Change with with <a href='{host}'>{host}</a>",
"de": "Änderung über <a href='{host}'>{host}</a>",
"es": "Cambio con <a href='{host}'>{host}</a>"
"question": {
"en": "What host (website) was this change made with?"
"en": "What host (website) was this change made with?",
"de": "Über welchen Host (Webseite) wurde diese Änderung vorgenommen?",
"es": "¿Con qué host (página web) se realizó este cambio?"
"freeform": {
"key": "host"
@ -104,10 +134,14 @@
"id": "version",
"question": {
"en": "What version of MapComplete was used to make this change?"
"en": "What version of MapComplete was used to make this change?",
"de": "Mit welcher MapComplete Version wurde die Änderung vorgenommen?",
"es": "¿Qué versión de MapComplete se usó para realizar este cambio?"
"render": {
"en": "Made with {editor}"
"en": "Made with {editor}",
"de": "Erstellt mit {editor}",
"es": "Hecho con {editor}"
"freeform": {
"key": "editor"
@ -485,7 +519,9 @@
"question": {
"en": "Themename contains {search}"
"en": "Themename contains {search}",
"de": "Themename enthält {search}",
"es": "El nombre del tema contiene {search}"
@ -501,7 +537,9 @@
"question": {
"en": "Themename does <b>not</b> contain {search}"
"en": "Themename does <b>not</b> contain {search}",
"de": "Der Name enthält <b>nicht</b> {search}",
"es": "El nombre del tema <b>no</b> contiene {search}"
@ -517,7 +555,9 @@
"question": {
"en": "Made by contributor {search}"
"en": "Made by contributor {search}",
"de": "Erstellt vom Mitwirkenden {search}",
"es": "Hecho por el colaborador {search}"
@ -533,7 +573,9 @@
"question": {
"en": "<b>Not</b> made by contributor {search}"
"en": "<b>Not</b> made by contributor {search}",
"de": "<b>Nicht</b> erstellt von Mitwirkendem {search}",
"es": "<b>No</b> hecho por el colaborador {search}"
@ -550,7 +592,9 @@
"question": {
"en": "Made before {search}"
"en": "Made before {search}",
"de": "Erstellt vor {search}",
"es": "Hecho antes de {search}"
@ -567,7 +611,9 @@
"question": {
"en": "Made after {search}"
"en": "Made after {search}",
"de": "Erstellt nach {search}",
"es": "Hecho después de {search}"
@ -583,7 +629,9 @@
"question": {
"en": "User language (iso-code) {search}"
"en": "User language (iso-code) {search}",
"de": "Benutzersprache (ISO-Code) {search}",
"es": "Idioma del usuario (código ISO) {search}"
@ -599,7 +647,9 @@
"question": {
"en": "Made with host {search}"
"en": "Made with host {search}",
"de": "Erstellt mit host {search}",
"es": "Hecho con el host {search}"
@ -610,7 +660,9 @@
"osmTags": "add-image>0",
"question": {
"en": "Changeset added at least one image"
"en": "Changeset added at least one image",
"de": "Im Änderungssatz wurde mindestens ein Bild hinzugefügt",
"es": "El conjunto de cambios ha añadido al menos una imagen"
@ -621,7 +673,9 @@
"osmTags": "theme!=grb",
"question": {
"en": "Exclude GRB theme"
"en": "Exclude GRB theme",
"de": "GRB-Thema ausschließen",
"es": "Excluir el tema del GRB"
@ -632,7 +686,9 @@
"osmTags": "theme!=etymology",
"question": {
"en": "Exclude etymology theme"
"en": "Exclude etymology theme",
"de": "Etymologie-Thema ausschließen",
"es": "Excluir el tema de la etimología"
@ -647,7 +703,9 @@
"id": "link_to_more",
"render": {
"en": "More statistics can be found <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>"
"en": "More statistics can be found <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>",
"de": "Weitere Statistiken gibt es <a href='' target='_blank'>hier</a>",
"es": "Puede encontrar más estadísticas <a href='' target='_blank'>aquí</a>"
@ -61,25 +61,29 @@
"minzoom": 18,
"minzoomVisible": 18,
"description": {
"en": "Add a new post partner to the map in an existing shop"
"en": "Add a new post partner to the map in an existing shop",
"de": "Hinzufügen eines neuen Post-Partners auf der Karte in einem bestehenden Geschäft"
"+tagRenderings": [
"id": "post_partner",
"question": {
"en": "Is this shop a post partner?"
"en": "Is this shop a post partner?",
"de": "Ist dieses Geschäft ein Post-Partner?"
"mappings": [
"if": "post_office=post_partner",
"then": {
"en": "This shop is a post partner"
"en": "This shop is a post partner",
"de": "Dieses Geschäft ist ein Post-Partner"
"if": "post_office=",
"then": {
"en": "This shop is not a post partner"
"en": "This shop is not a post partner",
"de": "Dieses Geschäft ist kein Post-Partner"
@ -93,10 +97,12 @@
"title": {
"en": "a missing shop that is a post partner"
"en": "a missing shop that is a post partner",
"de": "ein fehlendes Geschäft, das ein Post-Partner ist"
"description": {
"en": "If a shop is not yet on the map and is a post partner, you can add it here."
"en": "If a shop is not yet on the map and is a post partner, you can add it here.",
"de": "Wenn ein Laden noch nicht auf der Karte ist und ein Post-Partner ist, kannst du ihn hier hinzufügen."
@ -5003,9 +5003,17 @@
"inscription": {
"question": "Quina és la inscripció d'aquesta placa?",
"render": "La inscripció d'aquesta placa diu: <p><i>{inscription}<i></p>"
"start_date": {
"render": "Col·locat el {start_date}"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Placa commemorativa"
"render": "Placa commemorativa"
@ -5197,9 +5197,17 @@
"inscription": {
"question": "Jaký je nápis na této desce?",
"render": "Nápis na této desce zní: <p><i>{inscription}<i></p>"
"start_date": {
"render": "Umístěno {start_date}"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Pamětní deska"
"render": "Pamětní deska"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -6120,13 +6120,64 @@
"memorial": {
"name": "Memorials",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "a memorial"
"tagRenderings": {
"inscription": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "This memorial does not have an inscription"
"question": "What is the inscription of this plaque?",
"render": "The inscription on this plaque reads: <p><i>{inscription}<i></p>"
"memorial-type": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "This is a statue"
"1": {
"then": "This is a plaque"
"2": {
"then": "This is a commemorative bench"
"3": {
"then": "This is a ghost bike - a bicycle painted white to remember a cyclist whom deceased because of a car crash"
"question": "What type of memorial is this?"
"memorial-wikidata": {
"question": "What is the Wikipedia page about this memorial?",
"questionHint": "This is a about the memorial itself, not about the person or event that the memorial remembers. If this memorial does not have a Wikipedia page or Wikidata entity, skip this question.",
"render": {
"before": "<h3>Wikipedia page about the memorial</h3>"
"start_date": {
"question": "When was this memorial installed?",
"render": "Placed on {start_date}"
"subject-wikidata": {
"question": "What is the Wikipedia page about the person or event that is remembered here?",
"questionHint": "If the person or event does not have a Wikipedia page or Wikidata entity, skip this question.",
"render": {
"before": "<h3>Wikipedia page about the remembered event or person</h3>"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Memorial plaque"
"render": "Memorial plaque"
@ -33,16 +33,6 @@
"1": {
"title": "un panneau à affiches scellé au sol"
"10": {
"description": "Désigne une enseigne publicitaire, une enseigne néon, les logos ou des indications d'entrées",
"title": "une enseigne"
"11": {
"title": "une sculpture"
"12": {
"title": "une peinture murale"
"2": {
"title": "un panneau à affiches monté sur un mur"
@ -69,6 +59,16 @@
"9": {
"title": "un totem"
"10": {
"description": "Désigne une enseigne publicitaire, une enseigne néon, les logos ou des indications d'entrées",
"title": "une enseigne"
"11": {
"title": "une sculpture"
"12": {
"title": "une peinture murale"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -160,9 +160,6 @@
"1": {
"then": "C'est un petit panneau"
"10": {
"then": "C'est une peinture murale"
"2": {
"then": "C'est une colonne"
@ -186,6 +183,9 @@
"9": {
"then": "C'est un totem"
"10": {
"then": "C'est une peinture murale"
"question": "De quel type de dispositif publicitaire s'agit-il ?"
@ -196,9 +196,6 @@
"1": {
"then": "Petit panneau"
"10": {
"then": "Peinture murale"
"3": {
"then": "Colonne"
@ -219,6 +216,9 @@
"9": {
"then": "Totem"
"10": {
"then": "Peinture murale"
@ -300,15 +300,6 @@
"1": {
"then": "Peinture murale"
"10": {
"then": "Azulejo (faïence latine)"
"11": {
"then": "Carrelage"
"12": {
"then": "Sculpture sur bois"
"2": {
"then": "Peinture"
@ -332,6 +323,15 @@
"9": {
"then": "Relief"
"10": {
"then": "Azulejo (faïence latine)"
"11": {
"then": "Carrelage"
"12": {
"then": "Sculpture sur bois"
"question": "Quel est le type de cette œuvre d'art ?",
@ -2408,15 +2408,6 @@
"1": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est goudronée"
"10": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est faite en graviers fins"
"11": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est en cailloux"
"12": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est faite en sol brut"
"2": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est asphaltée"
@ -2440,6 +2431,15 @@
"9": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est faite en graviers"
"10": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est faite en graviers fins"
"11": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est en cailloux"
"12": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est faite en sol brut"
"question": "De quoi est faite la surface de la piste cyclable ?",
@ -2488,15 +2488,6 @@
"1": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est pavée"
"10": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est faite en graviers fins"
"11": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est en cailloux"
"12": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est faite en sol brut"
"2": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est asphaltée"
@ -2520,6 +2511,15 @@
"9": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est faite en graviers"
"10": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est faite en graviers fins"
"11": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est en cailloux"
"12": {
"then": "Cette piste cyclable est faite en sol brut"
"question": "De quel materiel est faite cette rue ?",
@ -3351,21 +3351,6 @@
"1": {
"then": "C'est une friterie"
"10": {
"then": "Des plats chinois sont servis ici"
"11": {
"then": "Des plats grecs sont servis ici"
"12": {
"then": "Des plats indiens sont servis ici"
"13": {
"then": "Des plats turcs sont servis ici"
"14": {
"then": "Des plats thaïlandais sont servis ici"
"2": {
"then": "Restaurant Italien"
@ -3389,6 +3374,21 @@
"9": {
"then": "Des plats français sont servis ici"
"10": {
"then": "Des plats chinois sont servis ici"
"11": {
"then": "Des plats grecs sont servis ici"
"12": {
"then": "Des plats indiens sont servis ici"
"13": {
"then": "Des plats turcs sont servis ici"
"14": {
"then": "Des plats thaïlandais sont servis ici"
"question": "Quelle type de nourriture est servie ici ?",
@ -3935,6 +3935,13 @@
"memorial": {
"tagRenderings": {
"start_date": {
"render": "Placé le {start_date}"
"nature_reserve": {
"tagRenderings": {
"Curator": {
@ -4933,6 +4940,30 @@
"1": {
"question": "Recyclage de piles et batteries domestiques"
"2": {
"question": "Recyclage d'emballage de boissons"
"3": {
"question": "Recyclage de boites de conserve et de canettes"
"4": {
"question": "Recyclage de vêtements"
"5": {
"question": "Recyclage des huiles de friture"
"6": {
"question": "Recyclage des huiles de moteur"
"7": {
"question": "Recyclage des lampes fluorescentes"
"8": {
"question": "Recyclage des déchets verts"
"9": {
"question": "Recyclage des bouteilles en verre et des bocaux"
"10": {
"question": "Recyclage de tout type de verre"
@ -4963,35 +4994,11 @@
"19": {
"question": "Recyclage des autres déchets"
"2": {
"question": "Recyclage d'emballage de boissons"
"20": {
"question": "Recyclage des cartouches d'imprimante"
"21": {
"question": "Recyclage des vélos"
"3": {
"question": "Recyclage de boites de conserve et de canettes"
"4": {
"question": "Recyclage de vêtements"
"5": {
"question": "Recyclage des huiles de friture"
"6": {
"question": "Recyclage des huiles de moteur"
"7": {
"question": "Recyclage des lampes fluorescentes"
"8": {
"question": "Recyclage des déchets verts"
"9": {
"question": "Recyclage des bouteilles en verre et des bocaux"
@ -5054,6 +5061,30 @@
"1": {
"then": "Les briques alimentaires en carton peuvent être recyclées ici"
"2": {
"then": "Les boites de conserve et canettes peuvent être recyclées ici"
"3": {
"then": "Les vêtements peuvent être recyclés ici"
"4": {
"then": "Les huiles de friture peuvent être recyclées ici"
"5": {
"then": "Les huiles de moteur peuvent être recyclées ici"
"6": {
"then": "Les lampes fluorescentes peuvent être recyclées ici"
"7": {
"then": "Les déchets verts peuvent être recyclés ici"
"8": {
"then": "Les déchets organiques peuvent être recyclés ici"
"9": {
"then": "Les bouteilles en verre et bocaux peuvent être recyclés ici"
"10": {
"then": "Tout type de verre peut être recyclé ici"
@ -5084,9 +5115,6 @@
"19": {
"then": "Les chaussures peuvent être recyclées ici"
"2": {
"then": "Les boites de conserve et canettes peuvent être recyclées ici"
"20": {
"then": "Les petits appareils électriques peuvent être recyclés ici"
@ -5101,27 +5129,6 @@
"24": {
"then": "Les vélos peuvent être recyclés ici"
"3": {
"then": "Les vêtements peuvent être recyclés ici"
"4": {
"then": "Les huiles de friture peuvent être recyclées ici"
"5": {
"then": "Les huiles de moteur peuvent être recyclées ici"
"6": {
"then": "Les lampes fluorescentes peuvent être recyclées ici"
"7": {
"then": "Les déchets verts peuvent être recyclés ici"
"8": {
"then": "Les déchets organiques peuvent être recyclés ici"
"9": {
"then": "Les bouteilles en verre et bocaux peuvent être recyclés ici"
"question": "Que peut-on recycler ici ?"
@ -6428,27 +6435,6 @@
"1": {
"question": "Vente de boissons"
"10": {
"question": "Vente de lait"
"11": {
"question": "Vente de pain"
"12": {
"question": "Vente d'œufs"
"13": {
"question": "Vente de fromage"
"14": {
"question": "Vente de miel"
"15": {
"question": "Vente de pommes de terre"
"19": {
"question": "Vente de fleurs"
"2": {
"question": "Ventre de confiseries"
@ -6472,6 +6458,27 @@
"9": {
"question": "Vente de chambres à air pour vélo"
"10": {
"question": "Vente de lait"
"11": {
"question": "Vente de pain"
"12": {
"question": "Vente d'œufs"
"13": {
"question": "Vente de fromage"
"14": {
"question": "Vente de miel"
"15": {
"question": "Vente de pommes de terre"
"19": {
"question": "Vente de fleurs"
@ -6512,24 +6519,6 @@
"1": {
"then": "Vent des confiseries"
"10": {
"then": "Vent du pain"
"11": {
"then": "Vent des œufs"
"12": {
"then": "Vent du fromage"
"13": {
"then": "Vent du miel"
"14": {
"then": "Vent des pommes de terre"
"18": {
"then": "Vent des fleurs"
"2": {
"then": "Vent de la nourriture"
@ -6553,6 +6542,24 @@
"9": {
"then": "Vent du lait"
"10": {
"then": "Vent du pain"
"11": {
"then": "Vent des œufs"
"12": {
"then": "Vent du fromage"
"13": {
"then": "Vent du miel"
"14": {
"then": "Vent des pommes de terre"
"18": {
"then": "Vent des fleurs"
"question": "Que vent ce distributeur ?",
@ -1726,6 +1726,13 @@
"render": "Mappa"
"memorial": {
"tagRenderings": {
"start_date": {
"render": "Piazzata in data {start_date}"
"nature_reserve": {
"tagRenderings": {
"Curator": {
@ -5221,6 +5221,13 @@
"memorial": {
"tagRenderings": {
"start_date": {
"render": "Geplaatst op {start_date}"
"nature_reserve": {
"description": "Een natuurgebied is een gebied waar actief ruimte gemaakt word voor de natuur. Typisch zijn deze in beheer van Natuurpunt of het Agentschap Natuur en Bos of zijn deze erkend door de overheid.",
"filter": {
@ -1231,6 +1231,13 @@
"render": "Карта"
"memorial": {
"tagRenderings": {
"start_date": {
"render": "Установлен {start_date}"
"observation_tower": {
"name": "Смотровые башни",
"title": {
@ -244,7 +244,6 @@
"zoomInToSeeThisLayer": "Amplie para ver esta camada"
"levelSelection": {
"addNewOnLevel": "Em que andar se localiza este novo ponto?",
"confirmLevel": "Sim, adicione {preset} no andar {level}"
"loading": "A carregar…",
@ -991,13 +991,6 @@
"10": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Etymologie-Thema ausschließen"
"2": {
"options": {
"0": {
@ -1053,6 +1046,13 @@
"question": "GRB-Thema ausschließen"
"10": {
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"0": {
"question": "Etymologie-Thema ausschließen"
"name": "Zentrum der Änderungssätze",
@ -1129,33 +1129,6 @@
"onwheels": {
"description": "Auf dieser Karte können Sie öffentlich zugängliche Orte für Rollstuhlfahrer ansehen, bearbeiten oder hinzufügen",
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@ -1198,6 +1171,33 @@
"override": {
"name": "Barrierefreie Parkplätze"
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"title": "Auf Rädern"
@ -1439,6 +1439,10 @@
"stations": {
"description": "Bahnhofsdetails ansehen, bearbeiten und hinzufügen",
"layers": {
"3": {
"description": "Ebene mit Bahnhöfen",
"name": "Bahnhöfe"
"16": {
"description": "Anzeigen der Züge, die von diesem Bahnhof abfahren",
"name": "Abfahrtstafeln",
@ -1470,10 +1474,6 @@
"title": {
"render": "Abfahrtstafel"
"3": {
"description": "Ebene mit Bahnhöfen",
"name": "Bahnhöfe"
"title": "Bahnhöfe"
@ -96,6 +96,10 @@
"shortDescription": "A map of benches",
"title": "Benches"
"bicycle_parkings": {
"description": "A map showing all types of bicycle parkings",
"title": "Bicycle parkings"
"bicycle_rental": {
"description": "On this map, you'll find the many bicycle rental stations as they are known by OpenStreetMap",
"shortDescription": "A map with bicycle rental stations and bicycle rental shops",
@ -1112,6 +1116,10 @@
"shortDescription": "This map shows the legally allowed maximum speed on every road.",
"title": "Maxspeed"
"memorials": {
"description": "Memorials are physical objects permantently placed in the public space to remember a person or event. They can be a wide range of objects, such as statues, plaques, paintings, military objects (such as tanks), ...",
"title": "Memorials"
"nature": {
"description": "On this map, one can find interesting information for tourists and nature lovers.",
"shortDescription": "A map for nature lovers, with interesting POI's",
@ -945,13 +945,6 @@
"10": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Excluir el tema de la etimología"
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@ -1007,6 +1000,13 @@
"question": "Excluir el tema del GRB"
"10": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Excluir el tema de la etimología"
"name": "Centro del conjunto de cambios",
@ -1083,33 +1083,6 @@
"onwheels": {
"description": "En este mapa se muestran los lugares accesibles al público en silla de ruedas, que pueden añadirse fácilmente",
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@ -1152,6 +1125,33 @@
"override": {
"name": "Plazas de aparcamiento para discapacitados"
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"render": "Estadísticas"
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"0": {
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"text": "Importar"
"1": {
"render": {
"special": {
"message": "Añadir todas las etiquetas sugeridas"
"title": "Sobre ruedas"
@ -1367,6 +1367,10 @@
"stations": {
"description": "Ver, editar y añadir detalles a una estación de tren",
"layers": {
"3": {
"description": "Capa que muestra las estaciones de tren",
"name": "Estación de Tren"
"16": {
"description": "Pantallas que muestran los trenes que saldrán de esta estación",
"name": "Tableros de salidas",
@ -1398,10 +1402,6 @@
"title": {
"render": "Tablero de salidas"
"3": {
"description": "Capa que muestra las estaciones de tren",
"name": "Estación de Tren"
"title": "Estaciones de tren"
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
"licenseInfo": "<h3>著作權聲明</h3>提供的資料採用 ODbL 授權釋出。可以用任何目標再利用資料,但是需<ul><li>標明 <b>© 開放街圖貢獻者</b></li><li>任何變動必須相同方式授權</li></ul> 請閱讀完整的 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">著作權聲明</a>。",
"noDataLoaded": "還未載入資料,之後能夠下載。",
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"current_view_generic": "匯出目前檢視為 {paper_size } 的 {orientation} 方向 PDF"
"current_view_generic": "匯出目前檢視為 {paper_size} 的 {orientation} 方向 PDF"
"title": "下載",
"toMuch": "有太多圖徵可以下載了",
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