Merge branch 'master' into develop

This commit is contained in:
Pieter Vander Vennet 2022-03-29 22:10:44 +02:00
commit 37c00bbf99
63 changed files with 345 additions and 258 deletions

View file

@ -203,6 +203,11 @@ export interface LayerConfigJson {
presets?: {
* The title - shown on the 'add-new'-button.
* This should include the article of the noun, e.g. 'a hydrant', 'a bicycle pump'.
* This text will be inserted into `Add {category} here`, becoming `Add a hydrant here`.
* Do _not_ indicate 'new': 'add a new shop here' is incorrect, as the shop might have existed forever, it could just be unmapped!
title: string | any,

View file

@ -250,11 +250,11 @@
"en": "Ambulance station",
"ru": "Станция скорой помощи",
"ja": "救急ステーション(消防署)",
"fr": "Station dambulances",
"de": "Rettungswache",
"it": "Stazione delle ambulanze",
"fr": "une station dambulances",
"de": "eine rettungswache",
"it": "una stazione delle ambulanze",
"hu": "Mentőállomás",
"nl": "Ambulancestation",
"nl": "een ambulancestation",
"zh_Hans": "救护车站",
"id": "Stasiun ambulans"

View file

@ -88,22 +88,22 @@
"title": {
"en": "Artwork",
"nl": "Kunstwerk",
"fr": "Œuvre d'art",
"de": "Kunstwerk",
"it": "Opera darte",
"nl": "een kunstwerk",
"fr": "une œuvre d'art",
"de": "eine kunstwerk",
"it": "una opera darte",
"ru": "Художественная работа",
"es": "Obra de arte",
"es": "una obra de arte",
"ja": "アートワーク",
"zh_Hant": "藝術品",
"nb_NO": "Kunstverk",
"nb_NO": "en kunstverk",
"fi": "Taideteos",
"gl": "Obra de arte",
"hu": "Műalkotás",
"id": "Karya Seni",
"pl": "Dzieło sztuki",
"pt": "Obra de arte",
"pt_BR": "Obra de arte",
"pt": "uma obra de arte",
"pt_BR": "uma obra de arte",
"sv": "Konstverk"

View file

@ -61,12 +61,12 @@
"title": {
"en": "Bollard",
"nl": "Paaltje",
"de": "Poller",
"nl": "een paaltje",
"de": "eine poller",
"ru": "Прикол",
"fr": "Bollard",
"fr": "une bollard",
"hu": "Terelőoszlop",
"es": "Bolardo"
"es": "una bolardo"
"tags": [
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@
"title": {
"en": "Cycle barrier",
"nl": "Fietshekjes",
"de": "Fahrradhindernis",
"nl": "een fietshekjes",
"de": "eine fahrradhindernis",
"hu": "Kerékpárakadály",
"fr": "Barrière cyclable"
"fr": "une barrière cyclable"
"tags": [
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
"nl": "Hoe breed is de smalste opening naast de barrières?",
"de": "Wie breit ist die kleinste Öffnung neben den Barrieren?",
"hu": "Milyen széles a korlátok melletti legkisebb nyílás?",
"fr": "Quelle est la largeur d'ouverture la plus petite près de la barrière ?"
"fr": "Quelle est la largeur d'ouverture après la plus petite près de la barrière ?"
"condition": {
"or": [

View file

@ -606,20 +606,20 @@
"title": {
"en": "bench",
"de": "sitzbank",
"fr": "banc",
"nl": "zitbank",
"es": "banco",
"it": "panchina",
"de": "eine sitzbank",
"fr": "une banc",
"nl": "een zitbank",
"es": "una banco",
"it": "una panchina",
"ru": "cкамейка",
"id": "bangku",
"zh_Hans": "长椅",
"nb_NO": "benk",
"nb_NO": "en benk",
"zh_Hant": "長椅",
"pt_BR": "banco",
"pt_BR": "uma banco",
"fi": "penkki",
"pl": "Ławka",
"pt": "banco"
"pt": "uma banco"
"presiceInput": {
"preferredBackground": "photo"

View file

@ -240,14 +240,14 @@
"title": {
"en": "Fietsbibliotheek",
"nl": "Bicycle library",
"nl": "een bicycle library",
"ru": "Велосипедная библиотека",
"zh_Hant": "自行車圖書館 ( Fietsbibliotheek)",
"it": "Bici in prestito",
"fr": "Vélothèque",
"pt_BR": "Biblioteca de bicicletas",
"de": "Fahrradbibliothek",
"pt": "Biblioteca de bicicletas",
"it": "una bici in prestito",
"fr": "une vélothèque",
"pt_BR": "uma biblioteca de bicicletas",
"de": "eine fahrradbibliothek",
"pt": "uma biblioteca de bicicletas",
"eo": "Fietsbibliotheek"
"tags": [

View file

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
"id": "bicycle_rental",
"name": {
"en": "Bicycle rental",
"nl": "Fietsverhuur"
"nl": "Fietsverhuur",
"fr": "Location de vélo"
"source": {
"osmTags": {
@ -41,7 +42,8 @@
"description": {
"en": "Bicycle rental stations",
"nl": "Fietsverhuustations"
"nl": "Fietsverhuustations",
"fr": "Station de location de vélo"
"tagRenderings": [
@ -288,7 +290,8 @@
"title": {
"en": "bicycle rental shop",
"nl": "fietsverhuurzaak"
"nl": "een fietsverhuurzaak",
"fr": "une magasin de location de vélos"
"tags": [
@ -296,13 +299,14 @@
"description": {
"en": "A manned shop which focuses on bicycle rental",
"nl": "Een bemande winkel die focust op fietsverhuur"
"nl": "Een bemande winkel die focust op fietsverhuur",
"fr": "Un magasin qui priorise la location de vélos"
"title": {
"en": "bicycle rental",
"nl": "fietsverhuur"
"nl": "een fietsverhuur"
"tags": [
@ -346,7 +350,8 @@
"explanation": {
"nl": "{title()} is permanent gestopt",
"en": "{title()} has closed down permanently"
"en": "{title()} has closed down permanently",
"fr": "{title()} a était fermé de façon permanente"
"changesetMessage": "shop_closed"
@ -360,7 +365,8 @@
"then": {
"en": "This bicycle shop used to rent out bikes but doesn't rent out bikes anymore",
"nl": "Deze fietszaak verhuurde vroeger fietsen, maar nu niet meer"
"nl": "Deze fietszaak verhuurde vroeger fietsen, maar nu niet meer",
"fr": "Ce magasin de vélo louait des vélos, mais n'en loue plus maintenant"

View file

@ -50,14 +50,14 @@
"title": {
"en": "Bicycle tube vending machine",
"nl": "Fietsbanden-verkoopsautomaat",
"fr": "Distributeur automatique de chambre à air de vélo",
"it": "Distributore automatico di camere daria per bici",
"de": "Fahrradschlauch-Automat",
"nl": "een fietsbanden-verkoopsautomaat",
"fr": "une distributeur automatique de chambre à air de vélo",
"it": "una distributore automatico di camere daria per bici",
"de": "eine fahrradschlauch-automat",
"ru": "Торговый автомат для велосипедистов",
"zh_Hant": "自行車內胎自動售貨機",
"pt_BR": "Máquina de venda automática de tubos de bicicleta",
"pt": "Máquina de venda automática de tubos de bicicleta"
"pt_BR": "uma máquina de venda automática de tubos de bicicleta",
"pt": "uma máquina de venda automática de tubos de bicicleta"
"tags": [

View file

@ -337,16 +337,16 @@
"title": {
"en": "Bike cafe",
"nl": "Fietscafé",
"fr": "Café Vélo",
"nl": "een fietscafé",
"fr": "une café vélo",
"gl": "Café de ciclistas",
"de": "Fahrrad-Café",
"it": "Caffè in bici",
"de": "eine fahrrad-café",
"it": "una caffè in bici",
"zh_Hans": "自行车咖啡",
"zh_Hant": "單車咖啡廳",
"ru": "Велосипедное кафе",
"pt_BR": "Café de bicicleta",
"pt": "Café de bicicleta"
"pt_BR": "uma café de bicicleta",
"pt": "uma café de bicicleta"
"tags": [

View file

@ -52,13 +52,13 @@
"title": {
"en": "Bike cleaning service",
"nl": "Fietsschoonmaakpunt",
"fr": "Service de nettoyage de vélo",
"it": "Servizio lavaggio bici",
"de": "Fahrrad-Reinigungsdienst",
"nl": "een fietsschoonmaakpunt",
"fr": "une service de nettoyage de vélo",
"it": "una servizio lavaggio bici",
"de": "eine fahrrad-reinigungsdienst",
"zh_Hant": "單車清理服務",
"pt_BR": "Serviço de limpeza de bicicletas",
"pt": "Serviço de limpeza de bicicletas"
"pt_BR": "uma serviço de limpeza de bicicletas",
"pt": "uma serviço de limpeza de bicicletas"
"tags": [

View file

@ -26,17 +26,17 @@
"title": {
"en": "Bike parking",
"nl": "Fietsparking",
"fr": "Parking à vélo",
"nl": "een fietsparking",
"fr": "une parking à vélo",
"gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas",
"de": "Fahrrad-Parkplätze",
"de": "eine fahrrad-parkplätze",
"hu": "Kerékpártároló",
"it": "Parcheggio bici",
"it": "una parcheggio bici",
"zh_Hant": "單車停車場",
"ru": "Велопарковка",
"pl": "Parking dla rowerów",
"pt_BR": "Estacionamento de bicicletas",
"pt": "Estacionamento de bicicletas"
"pt_BR": "uma estacionamento de bicicletas",
"pt": "uma estacionamento de bicicletas"
"tags": [

View file

@ -658,15 +658,15 @@
"title": {
"en": "bike pump",
"nl": "fietspomp",
"fr": "pompe à vélo",
"nl": "een fietspomp",
"fr": "une pompe à vélo",
"gl": "bomba de ar",
"de": "fahrradpumpe",
"it": "pompa per bici",
"de": "eine fahrradpumpe",
"it": "una pompa per bici",
"ru": "bелосипедный насос",
"fi": "pyöräpumppu",
"pl": "pompka do roweru",
"pt_BR": "bomba de bicicleta"
"pt_BR": "uma bomba de bicicleta"
"tags": [
@ -692,11 +692,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "bike repair station and pump",
"nl": "herstelpunt en pomp",
"fr": "point de réparation vélo avec pompe",
"nl": "een herstelpunt en pomp",
"fr": "une point de réparation vélo avec pompe",
"gl": "estación de arranxo de bicicletas con bomba de ar",
"de": "fahrrad-Reparaturstation und Pumpe",
"it": "stazione di riparazione bici e pompa",
"de": "eine fahrrad-reparaturstation und pumpe",
"it": "una stazione di riparazione bici e pompa",
"pl": "stacja naprawy rowerów i pompka"
"tags": [
@ -719,11 +719,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "bike repair station without pump",
"nl": "herstelpunt zonder pomp",
"fr": "point de réparation vélo sans pompe",
"nl": "een herstelpunt zonder pomp",
"fr": "une point de réparation vélo sans pompe",
"gl": "estación de arranxo de bicicletas sin bomba de ar",
"de": "fahrrad-Reparaturstation ohne Pumpe",
"it": "stazione di riparazione bici senza pompa"
"de": "eine fahrrad-reparaturstation ohne pumpe",
"it": "una stazione di riparazione bici senza pompa"
"tags": [

View file

@ -671,11 +671,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "Bike repair/shop",
"nl": "Fietszaak",
"fr": "Magasin et réparateur de vélo",
"nl": "een fietszaak",
"fr": "une magasin et réparateur de vélo",
"gl": "Tenda/arranxo de bicicletas",
"de": "Fahrradwerkstatt/geschäft",
"it": "Negozio/riparatore di bici",
"de": "eine fahrradwerkstatt/geschäft",
"it": "una negozio/riparatore di bici",
"ru": "Обслуживание велосипедов/магазин"
"tags": [

View file

@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
"title": {
"en": "binoculars",
"nl": "verrekijker",
"de": "Ferngläser",
"nl": "een verrekijker",
"de": "eine ferngläser",
"ru": "бинокль"
"description": {

View file

@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Birdhide",
"nl": "vogelkijkhut"
"nl": "een vogelkijkhut"
"description": {
"en": "A covered shelter where one can watch birds comfortably",
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Bird blind",
"nl": "vogelkijkwand"
"nl": "een vogelkijkwand"
"description": {
"en": "A screen or wall with openings to watch birds",

View file

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"title": {
"en": "pub",
"nl": "bruin cafe of kroeg",
"de": "Kneipe",
"nl": "een bruin cafe of kroeg",
"de": "eine kneipe",
"ru": "паб",
"hu": "kocsma"
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
"title": {
"en": "bar",
"nl": "bar",
"de": "Bar",
"nl": "een bar",
"de": "eine bar",
"ru": "бар",
"hu": "bár"
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
"title": {
"en": "cafe",
"nl": "cafe",
"de": "Café",
"nl": "een cafe",
"de": "eine café",
"ru": "кафе",
"hu": "kávézó"

View file

@ -4001,7 +4001,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "charging station for electrical bikes with a normal european wall plug <img src='./assets/layers/charging_station/TypeE.svg' style='width: 2rem; height: 2rem; float: left; background: white; border-radius: 1rem; margin-right: 0.5rem'/> (meant to charge electrical bikes)",
"nl": "oplaadpunt voor elektrische fietsen"
"nl": "een oplaadpunt voor elektrische fietsen"
"preciseInput": {
"preferredBackground": "map"
@ -4015,8 +4015,8 @@
"title": {
"en": "charging station for cars",
"nl": "oplaadstation voor elektrische auto's",
"de": "Ladestation für e-bikes"
"nl": "een oplaadstation voor elektrische auto's",
"de": "eine ladestation für e-bikes"
"preciseInput": {
"preferredBackground": "map"

View file

@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
"title": {
"en": "Crossing",
"nl": "Oversteekplaats",
"de": "Kreuzung",
"fr": "Traversée"
"nl": "een oversteekplaats",
"de": "eine kreuzung",
"fr": "une traversée"
"tags": [
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
"title": {
"en": "Traffic signal",
"nl": "Verkeerslicht",
"nl": "een verkeerslicht",
"ru": "Светофор",
"de": "Ampel",
"fr": "Feu de signalisation"
"de": "eine ampel",
"fr": "une feu de signalisation"
"tags": [

View file

@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "Defibrillator",
"ca": "Desfibril·lador",
"es": "Desfibrilador",
"fr": "Défibrillateur",
"nl": "Defibrillator",
"de": "Defibrillator",
"it": "Defibrillatore",
"es": "una desfibrilador",
"fr": "une défibrillateur",
"nl": "een defibrillator",
"de": "eine defibrillator",
"it": "una defibrillatore",
"ru": "Дефибриллятор",
"sl": "Defibrilator"
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "defibrillator mounted on a wall",
"nl": "defibrillator die aan een muur hangt",
"nl": "een defibrillator die aan een muur hangt",
"sl": "defibrilator je pritrjen na steno"
"tags": [

View file

@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "drinking water",
"nl": "drinkbaar water",
"fr": "eau potable",
"nl": "een drinkbaar water",
"fr": "une eau potable",
"gl": "auga potábel",
"de": "trinkwasser",
"it": "acqua potabile",
"de": "eine trinkwasser",
"it": "una acqua potabile",
"ru": "питьевая вода",
"id": "air minum",
"hu": "ivóvíz"

View file

@ -296,7 +296,9 @@
"presets": [
"title": "entrance",
"title": {
"*": "entrance"
"preciseInput": {
"preferredBackground": "photo",
"snapToLayer": [

View file

@ -108,12 +108,12 @@
"title": {
"en": "Fire extinguisher",
"ja": "消火器",
"nb_NO": "Brannslukker",
"nb_NO": "en brannslukker",
"ru": "Огнетушитель",
"fr": "Extincteur",
"de": "Feuerlöscher",
"it": "Estintore",
"nl": "Brandblusser"
"fr": "une extincteur",
"de": "eine feuerlöscher",
"it": "una estintore",
"nl": "een brandblusser"
"description": {
"en": "A fire extinguisher is a small, portable device used to stop a fire",

View file

@ -218,10 +218,10 @@
"en": "Fire station",
"ja": "消防署",
"ru": "Пожарная часть",
"fr": "Caserne de pompiers",
"de": "Feuerwache",
"it": "Caserma dei vigili del fuoco",
"nb_NO": "Brannstasjon"
"fr": "une caserne de pompiers",
"de": "eine feuerwache",
"it": "una caserma dei vigili del fuoco",
"nb_NO": "en brannstasjon"
"description": {
"en": "A fire station is a place where the fire trucks and firefighters are located when not in operation.",

View file

@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
"title": {
"en": "restaurant",
"nl": "restaurant",
"nl": "een restaurant",
"ru": "ресторан",
"de": "Restaurant"
"de": "eine restaurant"
"tags": [
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
"title": {
"en": "fastfood",
"nl": "fastfood-zaak",
"nl": "een fastfood-zaak",
"ru": "быстрое питание",
"de": "Schnellimbiss"
"de": "eine schnellimbiss"
"tags": [
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"title": {
"en": "fries shop",
"nl": "frituur",
"de": "Pommesbude"
"nl": "een frituur",
"de": "eine pommesbude"
"tags": [

View file

@ -62,20 +62,20 @@
"title": {
"en": "Ghost bike",
"nl": "Witte fiets",
"de": "Geisterrad",
"it": "Bici fantasma",
"fr": "Vélo fantôme",
"nl": "een witte fiets",
"de": "eine geisterrad",
"it": "una bici fantasma",
"fr": "une vélo fantôme",
"eo": "Fantombiciklo",
"es": "Bicicleta blanca",
"es": "una bicicleta blanca",
"fi": "Haamupyörä",
"gl": "Bicicleta pantasma",
"hu": "Emlékkerékpár",
"ja": "ゴーストバイク",
"nb_NO": "Spøkelsessykler",
"nb_NO": "en spøkelsessykler",
"pl": "Duch roweru",
"pt": "Bicicleta fantasma",
"pt_BR": "Bicicleta fantasma",
"pt": "uma bicicleta fantasma",
"pt_BR": "uma bicicleta fantasma",
"ru": "Велосипед ghost",
"sv": "Spökcykel",
"zh_Hant": "幽靈單車"

View file

@ -297,10 +297,10 @@
"en": "Fire hydrant",
"ru": "Пожарный гидрант",
"ja": "消火栓",
"nb_NO": "Brannhydrant",
"fr": "Borne incendie",
"de": "Löschwasser-Hydrant",
"it": "Idrante antincendio"
"nb_NO": "en brannhydrant",
"fr": "une borne incendie",
"de": "eine löschwasser-hydrant",
"it": "una idrante antincendio"
"description": {
"en": "A hydrant is a connection point where firefighters can tap water. It might be located underground.",

View file

@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
"title": {
"nl": "informatiebord",
"nl": "een informatiebord",
"en": "information board",
"it": "pannello informativo",
"fr": "panneau d'informations",
"de": "informationstafel",
"it": "una pannello informativo",
"fr": "une panneau d'informations",
"de": "eine informationstafel",
"ru": "информационный щит"

View file

@ -173,11 +173,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "Map",
"nl": "Kaart",
"it": "Mappa",
"nl": "een kaart",
"it": "una mappa",
"ru": "Карта",
"fr": "Carte",
"de": "Karte"
"fr": "une carte",
"de": "eine karte"
"description": {
"en": "Add a missing map",

View file

@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "nature reserve",
"nl": "natuurreservaat"
"nl": "een natuurreservaat"
"description": {
"en": "Add a missing nature reserve",

View file

@ -91,7 +91,6 @@
"if": "_is_import_note~*",
"then": "addSmall"

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "parking voor auto's",
"nl": "een parking voor auto's",
"en": "car parking"

View file

@ -86,11 +86,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "picnic table",
"nl": "picnic-tafel",
"it": "tavolo da picnic",
"nl": "een picnic-tafel",
"it": "una tavolo da picnic",
"ru": "стол для пикника",
"de": "picknicktisch",
"fr": "table de pique-nique"
"de": "eine picknicktisch",
"fr": "une table de pique-nique"

View file

@ -95,7 +95,9 @@
"hideFromOverview": false,
"presets": [
"title": "Speelbos",
"title": {
"*": "Speelbos"
"tags": [

View file

@ -493,12 +493,12 @@
"title": {
"nl": "speeltuin",
"nl": "een speeltuin",
"en": "playground",
"ru": "Детская площадка",
"fr": "terrain de jeux",
"it": "campetto",
"de": "spielplatz"
"fr": "une terrain de jeux",
"it": "una campetto",
"de": "eine spielplatz"

View file

@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "Bookcase",
"nl": "Boekenruilkast",
"de": "Bücherschrank",
"fr": "Microbibliothèque",
"nl": "een boekenruilkast",
"de": "eine bücherschrank",
"fr": "une microbibliothèque",
"ru": "Книжный шкаф",
"it": "Microbiblioteca",
"it": "una microbiblioteca",
"hu": "Könyvespolc"
"tags": [

View file

@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "recycling container",
"nl": "recycling container"
"nl": "een recycling container"
"tags": [
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "recycling centre",
"nl": "recycling centre"
"nl": "een recycling centre"
"tags": [

View file

@ -332,11 +332,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "Shop",
"fr": "Magasin",
"fr": "une magasin",
"ru": "Магазин",
"ja": "店",
"nl": "Winkel",
"de": "Geschäft",
"nl": "een winkel",
"de": "eine geschäft",
"eo": "Butiko"
"description": {

View file

@ -425,12 +425,12 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"nl": "Ping-pong tafel",
"fr": "Table de ping-pong",
"nl": "een ping-pong tafel",
"fr": "une table de ping-pong",
"en": "Tabletennis table",
"it": "Tavolo da tennistavolo",
"it": "una tavolo da tennistavolo",
"ru": "Стол для настольного тенниса",
"de": "Tischtennisplatte"
"de": "eine tischtennisplatte"
"tags": [
@ -439,12 +439,12 @@
"title": {
"nl": "Sportterrein",
"fr": "Terrain de sport",
"nl": "een sportterrein",
"fr": "une terrain de sport",
"en": "Sport pitch",
"ru": "Спортивная площадка",
"it": "Campo sportivo",
"de": "Sportplatz"
"it": "una campo sportivo",
"de": "eine sportplatz"
"tags": [

View file

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "street lamp",
"nl": "straatlantaarn"
"nl": "een straatlantaarn"
"tags": [

View file

@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "public toilet",
"de": "öffentlich zugängliche Toilette",
"fr": "toilette publique",
"nl": "publiek toilet",
"de": "eine öffentlich zugängliche toilette",
"fr": "une toilette publique",
"nl": "een publiek toilet",
"ru": "общественный туалет ",
"it": "servizi igienici aperti al pubblico"
"it": "una servizi igienici aperti al pubblico"
"tags": [
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
"title": {
"en": "toilets with wheelchair accessible toilet",
"de": "toiletten mit rollstuhlgerechter Toilette",
"fr": "toilettes accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite",
"nl": "rolstoeltoegankelijke, publiek toilet",
"it": "servizi igienici accessibili per persone in sedia a rotelle",
"de": "eine toiletten mit rollstuhlgerechter toilette",
"fr": "une toilettes accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite",
"nl": "een rolstoeltoegankelijke, publiek toilet",
"it": "una servizi igienici accessibili per persone in sedia a rotelle",
"ru": "tуалет с доступом для пользователей кресел-колясок"
"tags": [

View file

@ -520,12 +520,12 @@
"title": {
"nl": "Loofboom",
"nl": "een loofboom",
"en": "Broadleaved tree",
"it": "Albero latifoglia",
"fr": "Arbre feuillu",
"it": "una albero latifoglia",
"fr": "une arbre feuillu",
"ru": "Лиственное дерево",
"de": "Laubbaum"
"de": "eine laubbaum"
"description": {
"nl": "Een boom van een soort die blaadjes heeft, bijvoorbeeld eik of populier.",
@ -544,12 +544,12 @@
"title": {
"nl": "Naaldboom",
"nl": "een naaldboom",
"en": "Needleleaved tree",
"it": "Albero aghifoglia",
"it": "una albero aghifoglia",
"ru": "Хвойное дерево",
"fr": "Arbre résineux",
"de": "Nadelbaum"
"fr": "une arbre résineux",
"de": "eine nadelbaum"
"description": {
"nl": "Een boom van een soort met naalden, bijvoorbeeld den of spar.",
@ -568,13 +568,13 @@
"title": {
"nl": "Boom",
"nl": "een boom",
"en": "Tree",
"it": "Albero",
"it": "una albero",
"ru": "Дерево",
"fr": "Arbre",
"fr": "une arbre",
"id": "Pohon",
"de": "Baum"
"de": "eine baum"
"description": {
"nl": "Wanneer je niet zeker bent of het nu een loof- of naaldboom is.",

View file

@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
"title": {
"en": "Viewpoint",
"nl": "Uitzicht",
"de": "Aussichtspunkt",
"fr": "Point de vue",
"nl": "een uitzicht",
"de": "eine aussichtspunkt",
"fr": "une point de vue",
"ru": "Смотровая площадка",
"it": "Punto panoramico",
"it": "una punto panoramico",
"id": "Sudut pandang"
"tags": [

View file

@ -157,9 +157,9 @@
"title": {
"en": "Waste Basket",
"nl": "Vuilnisbak",
"nl": "een vuilnisbak",
"ru": "Контейнер для мусора",
"de": "Abfalleimer",
"de": "eine abfalleimer",
"eo": "Rubujo"
"presiceInput": {

View file

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"fixme=Toegevoegd met MapComplete, geometry nog uit te tekenen"
"title": {
"nl": "Natuurreservaat"
"nl": "een natuurreservaat"
"description": {
"nl": "Voeg een ontbrekend, erkend natuurreservaat toe, bv. een gebied dat beheerd wordt door het ANB of natuurpunt"
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
"fixme=Toegevoegd met MapComplete, geometry nog uit te tekenen"
"title": {
"nl": "Park"
"nl": "een park"
"description": {
"nl": "Voeg een ontbrekend park toe"
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
"fixme=Toegevoegd met MapComplete, geometry nog uit te tekenen"
"title": {
"nl": "Bos"
"nl": "een bos"
"description": {
"nl": "Voeg een ontbrekend bos toe aan de kaart"

View file

@ -652,11 +652,11 @@
"ru": "площадка для кемпинга",
"ja": "キャンプサイト",
"zh_Hant": "露營地",
"it": "luogo di campeggio",
"fr": "Aire de camping",
"pt_BR": "local de acampamento",
"de": "Wohnmobilstellplatz",
"nl": "camperplaats",
"it": "una luogo di campeggio",
"fr": "une aire de camping",
"pt_BR": "uma local de acampamento",
"de": "eine wohnmobilstellplatz",
"nl": "een camperplaats",
"hu": "lakóautós megállóhely"
"description": {
@ -1105,9 +1105,9 @@
"title": {
"en": "sanitary dump station",
"ja": "衛生ゴミ捨て場",
"it": "luogo di sversamento delle acque reflue",
"fr": "Site de vidange",
"de": "Sanitäre Entsorgungsstation",
"it": "una luogo di sversamento delle acque reflue",
"fr": "une site de vidange",
"de": "eine sanitäre entsorgungsstation",
"zh_Hant": "垃圾丟棄站"
"description": {

View file

@ -159,14 +159,14 @@
"title": {
"de": "Kletterverein",
"de": "eine kletterverein",
"en": "Climbing club",
"nl": "Klimclub",
"nl": "een klimclub",
"ja": "クライミングクラブ",
"nb_NO": "Klatreklubb",
"nb_NO": "en klatreklubb",
"ru": "Клуб скалолазания",
"fr": "Club descalade",
"it": "Club di arrampicata",
"fr": "une club descalade",
"it": "una club di arrampicata",
"hu": "Mászóegyesület"
"description": {
@ -187,12 +187,12 @@
"title": {
"de": "Eine Kletter-Organisation",
"de": "eine eine kletter-organisation",
"en": "Climbing NGO",
"nl": "Een klimorganisatie",
"nl": "een een klimorganisatie",
"ja": "クライミングNGO",
"fr": "Association descalade",
"it": "Associazione di arrampicata",
"fr": "une association descalade",
"it": "una associazione di arrampicata",
"hu": "Mászószervezet"
"description": {
@ -562,10 +562,10 @@
"title": {
"en": "Climbing route",
"nl": "Klimroute",
"fr": "Voie descalade",
"de": "Kletterroute",
"it": "Via di arrampicata"
"nl": "een klimroute",
"fr": "une voie descalade",
"de": "eine kletterroute",
"it": "una via di arrampicata"
"tags": [
@ -856,12 +856,12 @@
"title": {
"en": "Climbing opportunity",
"nl": "Klimgelegenheid",
"de": "Klettermöglichkeit",
"nl": "een klimgelegenheid",
"de": "eine klettermöglichkeit",
"ja": "登坂教室",
"nb_NO": "Klatremulighet",
"fr": "Opportunité descalade",
"it": "Opportunità di arrampicata"
"nb_NO": "en klatremulighet",
"fr": "une opportunité descalade",
"it": "una opportunità di arrampicata"
"description": {
"nl": "Een klimgelegenheid",

View file

@ -394,12 +394,12 @@
"title": {
"nl": "geveltuintje",
"nl": "een geveltuintje",
"en": "facade garden",
"ja": "ファサード庭園",
"it": "giardino verticale",
"fr": "jardin mural",
"de": "Fassadengarten",
"it": "una giardino verticale",
"fr": "une jardin mural",
"de": "eine fassadengarten",
"hu": "homlokzatkert"
"description": {

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"fixme=Added with mapcomplete - geometry still to draw"
"title": {
"nl": "Boomgaard"
"nl": "een boomgaard"
"description": {
"nl": "Voeg een boomgaard toe (als punt - omtrek nog te tekenen)"
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "Boom"
"nl": "een boom"
"description": {
"nl": "Voeg hier een boom toe"

View file

@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Hackerspace",
"de": "Hackerspace",
"de": "eine hackerspace",
"ru": "Хакерспейс",
"zh_Hant": "駭客空間",
"hu": "Hackerspace"
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Makerspace",
"de": "Makerspace",
"de": "eine makerspace",
"zh_Hant": "創客空間",
"hu": "Makerspace"

View file

@ -189,10 +189,10 @@
"title": {
"en": "wind turbine",
"nl": "windturbine",
"fr": "Éolienne",
"de": "Windrad",
"it": "pala eolica",
"nl": "een windturbine",
"fr": "une éolienne",
"de": "eine windrad",
"it": "una pala eolica",
"zh_Hant": "風機",
"hu": "Szélerőmű"

View file

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "postbox",
"de": "Briefkasten",
"de": "eine briefkasten",
"ru": "почтовый ящик",
"zh_Hant": "郵筒",
"id": "kotak pos",
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Post Office",
"de": "Poststelle",
"de": "eine poststelle",
"ru": "Почтовое отделение",
"zh_Hant": "郵局",
"id": "Kantor Pos",

View file

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"about": "OpenStreetMap für ein bestimmtes Thema einfach bearbeiten und hinzufügen",
"aboutMapcomplete": "<h3>Über MapComplete</h3><p>Nutzen Sie es, um OpenStreetMap-Informationen zu einem <b>einzigen Thema</b> hinzuzufügen. Beantworten Sie Fragen, und innerhalb weniger Minuten sind Ihre Beiträge überall verfügbar. Der <b>Theme-Maintainer</b> definiert Elemente, Fragen und Sprachen dafür.</p><h3>Mehr erfahren</h3><p>MapComplete bietet immer <b>den nächsten Schritt</b>, um mehr über OpenStreetMap zu erfahren.</p><ul><li>Wenn es in eine Website eingebettet wird, verlinkt der iframe zu einer Vollbildversion von MapComplete</li><li>Die Vollbildversion bietet Infos über OpenStreetMap</li><li>Das Betrachten funktioniert ohne Anmeldung, aber das Bearbeiten erfordert ein OSM-Konto.</li><li>Wenn Sie nicht angemeldet sind, werden Sie dazu aufgefordert</li><li>Sobald Sie eine Frage beantwortet haben, können Sie der Karte neue Punkte hinzufügen</li><li>Nach einer Weile werden aktuelle OSM-Tags angezeigt, die später mit dem Wiki verlinkt werden</li></ul><p></p><br><p>Haben Sie <b>ein Problem</b> bemerkt? Haben Sie einen <b>Funktionswunsch</b>? Möchten Sie <b>bei der Übersetzung helfen</b>? Besuchen Sie den <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Quellcode</a> oder den <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Issue Tracker</a> </p><p>Möchten Sie <b>Ihren Fortschritt</b> sehen? Verfolgen Sie die Anzahl der Änderungen auf <a href=\"{osmcha_link}\" target=\"_blank\">OsmCha</a>.</p>",
"add": {
"addNew": "Füge eine neue {category} hinzu",
"addNew": "Füge {category} hinzu",
"addNewMapLabel": "Hier klicken, um ein neues Element hinzuzufügen",
"confirmButton": "Fügen Sie eine {category} hinzu.<br><div class=\"alert\">Ihre Ergänzung ist für alle sichtbar</div>",
"confirmIntro": "<h3>Füge einen {title} hinzu?</h3>Der Punkt, den Sie hier anlegen, wird <b>für alle sichtbar sein</b>. Bitte fügen Sie der Karte nur dann Dinge hinzu, wenn sie wirklich existieren. Viele Anwendungen verwenden diese Daten.",

View file

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"about": "Easily edit and add OpenStreetMap for a certain theme",
"aboutMapcomplete": "<h3>About MapComplete</h3><p>Use it to add OpenStreetMap info on a <b>single theme.</b> Answer questions, and within minutes your contributions are available everywhere. The <b>theme maintainer</b> defines elements, questions and languages for it.</p><h3>Find out more</h3><p>MapComplete always <b>offers the next step</b> to learn more about OpenStreetMap.<ul><li>When embedded in a website, the iframe links to a full-screen MapComplete</li><li>The fullscreen version offers info about OpenStreetMap</li><li>Viewing works without login, but editing requires an OSM account.</li><li>If you are not logged in, you are asked to do so</li><li>Once you answered a single question, you can add new points to the map</li><li>After a while, actual OSM-tags are shown, later linking to the wiki</li></ul></p><br/><p>Did you notice <b>an issue</b>? Do you have a <b>feature request</b>? Want to <b>help translate</b>? Head over to <a href='' target='_blank'>the source code</a> or <a href='' target='_blank'>issue tracker.</a> </p><p> Want to see <b>your progress</b>? Follow the edit count on <a href='{osmcha_link}' target='_blank' >OsmCha</a>.</p>",
"add": {
"addNew": "Add a new {category}",
"addNew": "Add {category}",
"addNewMapLabel": "Click here to add a new item",
"confirmButton": "Add a {category}<br/><div class='alert'>Your addition is visible for everyone</div>",
"confirmIntro": "<h3>Add a {title}?</h3>The point you create here will be <b>visible for everyone</b>. Please, only add things on to the map if they truly exist. A lot of applications use this data.",

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"general": {
"about": "Edita fácilmente y añade puntos en OpenStreetMap de un tema concreto",
"add": {
"addNew": "Añadir una nueva {category}",
"addNew": "Añadir {category}",
"addNewMapLabel": "Haga clic aquí para añadir un nuevo ítem",
"confirmButton": "Añadir una {category} .<br><div class=\"alert\">Tu contribución es visible para todos</div>",
"confirmIntro": "<h3>Añadir {title} aquí?</h3>El punto que estás creando <b>lo verá todo el mundo</b>. Sólo añade cosas que realmente existan. Muchas aplicaciones usan estos datos.",

View file

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"about": "Éditer facilement et ajouter OpenStreetMap pour un certain thème",
"aboutMapcomplete": "<h3>À propos de MapComplete</h3><p>Avec MapComplete vous pouvez enrichir OpenStreetMap d'informations sur un <b>thème unique.</b> Répondez à quelques questions, et en quelques minutes vos contributions seront disponible dans le monde entier ! Le <b>concepteur du thème</b> définis les éléments, questions et langues pour le thème.</p><h3>En savoir plus</h3><p>MapComplete <b>propose toujours l'étape suivante</b> pour en apprendre plus sur OpenStreetMap.</p><ul><li>Lorsqu'il est intégré dans un site Web, l'&lt;i&gt;iframe&lt;/i&gt; pointe vers MapComplete en plein écran</li><li>La version plein écran donne des informations sur OpenStreetMap</li><li>Il est possible de regarder sans se connecter, mais l'édition demande une connexion à OSM.</li><li>Si vous n'êtes pas connecté, il vous est demandé de le faire</li><li>Une fois que vous avez répondu à une seule question, vous pouvez ajouter de nouveaux points à la carte</li><li>Au bout d'un moment, les vrais tags OSM sont montrés, qui pointent ensuite vers le wiki</li></ul><p></p><br><p>Vous avez remarqué <b>un problème</b> ? Vous souhaitez <b>demander une fonctionnalité</b> ? Vous voulez <b>aider à traduire</b> ? Allez voir <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">le code source</a> ou l'&lt;i&gt;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">issue tracker.</a>&lt;/i&gt; </p><p> Vous voulez visualiser <b>votre progression</b> ? Suivez le compteur d'édition sur <a href=\"{osmcha_link}\" target=\"_blank\">OsmCha</a>.</p>",
"add": {
"addNew": "Ajouter un/une {category} ici",
"addNew": "Ajouter {category}",
"addNewMapLabel": "Cliquez ici pour ajouter un élément",
"confirmButton": "Ajouter un/une {category} ici.<br><div class=\"alert\">Votre ajout sera visible par tout le monde</div>",
"confirmIntro": "<h3>Ajouter un/une {title} ici?</h3>Le point que vous ajouterez sera <b>visible par tout le monde</b>. Merci de vous assurer que ce point existe réellement. Beaucoup d'autres applications utilisent ces données.",

View file

@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
"themeBy": "A téma karbantartója: {author}"
"back": "Vissza",
"backToMapcomplete": "Vissza a témák áttekintéséhez",
"backgroundMap": "Háttértérkép",
"cancel": "Mégse",
"confirm": "Megerősítés",
@ -266,7 +267,8 @@
"willBePublished": "A képed így lesz közzétéve: "
"importHelper": {
"allAttributesSame": "Ez a címke minden importálandó objektumon szerepel"
"allAttributesSame": "Ez a címke minden importálandó objektumon szerepel",
"description": "Az importálási segédprogram egy külső adatkészletet konvertál OSM-jegyzetekké. A külső adatkészletnek meg kell felelnie a MapComplete egyik meglévő rétegének. Az importálóba helyezett minden egyes elemhez egyetlen jegyzet fog létrejönni. Ezek a jegyzetek a megfelelő objektumokkal együtt fognak megjelenni ezeken a térképekben, hogy könnyen fel lehessen rajzolni őket a térképre."
"index": {
"#": "Ezek a szövegek akkor jelennek meg a témagombok felett, ha nincs betöltve téma",

View file

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"about": "Modifica e aggiungi con semplicità OpenStreetMap per un certo tema",
"aboutMapcomplete": "<h3>Informazioni su MapComplete</h3><p>Con MapComplete puoi arricchire OpenStreetMap con informazioni su un <b>singolo argomento</b>. Rispondi a poche domande e in pochi minuti i tuoi contributi saranno disponibili a tutto il mondo! Lutente <b>gestore del tema</b> definisce gli elementi, le domande e le lingue per quel tema.</p><h3>Scopri altro</h3><p>MapComplete <b>propone sempre un passo in più</b> per imparare qualcosa di nuovo su OpenStreetMap.</p><ul><li>Quando viene incorporato in un sito web, il collegamento delliframe punta a MapComplete a tutto schermo</li><li>La versione a tutto schermo fornisce informazioni su OpenStreetMap</li><li>La visualizzazione non necessita di alcun accesso ma per modificare occorre aver effettuato laccesso su OSM.</li><li>Se non hai effettuato laccesso, ti verrà richiesto di farlo</li><li>Dopo aver risposto ad una sola domanda potrai aggiungere dei nuovi punti alla mappa</li><li>Dopo qualche momento verranno mostrate le etichette effettive, in seguito i collegamenti alla wiki</li></ul><p></p><br><p>Hai trovato un <b>errore</b>? Vuoi richiedere <b>nuove funzionalità</b>? Vuoi aiutare con la <b>traduzione</b>? Dai unocchiata al <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">codice sorgente</a> oppure al <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">tracker degli errori.</a></p><p>Vuoi vedere i <b>tuoi progressi</b>?Segui il contatore delle modifiche su <a href=\"{osmcha_link}\" target=\"_blank\">OsmCha</a>.</p>",
"add": {
"addNew": "Aggiungi una nuova {category} qua",
"addNew": "Aggiungi {category} qua",
"addNewMapLabel": "Aggiungi nuovo elemento",
"confirmButton": "Aggiungi una {category} qua.<br><div class=\"alert\">La tua aggiunta è visibile a chiunque</div>",
"confirmIntro": "<h3>Aggiungere un {title} qua?</h3>Il punto che hai creato qua sarà <b>visibile da chiunque</b>. Per favore, aggiungi sulla mappa solo oggetti realmente esistenti. Molte applicazioni usano questi dati.",

View file

@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
"render": "Espace entre deux barrières successives : {width:separation}m"
"Width of opening (cyclebarrier)": {
"question": "Quelle est la largeur d'ouverture la plus petite près de la barrière ?",
"question": "Quelle est la largeur d'ouverture après la plus petite près de la barrière ?",
"render": "Largeur de l'ouverture : {width:opening} m"
"barrier_type": {
@ -417,6 +417,28 @@
"render": "Vélothèque"
"bicycle_rental": {
"deletion": {
"extraDeleteReasons": {
"0": {
"explanation": "{title()} a était fermé de façon permanente"
"nonDeleteMappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Ce magasin de vélo louait des vélos, mais n'en loue plus maintenant"
"description": "Station de location de vélo",
"name": "Location de vélo",
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Un magasin qui priorise la location de vélos",
"title": "magasin de location de vélos"
"bicycle_tube_vending_machine": {
"name": "Distributeur automatique de chambre à air de vélo",
"presets": {

View file

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"general": {
"add": {
"addNew": "Legg til en ny {category} her",
"addNew": "Legg til {category} her",
"addNewMapLabel": "Legg til nytt element",
"confirmButton": "Legg til en {category} her.<br><div class=\"alert\">Din endring er synlig for alle</div>",
"confirmIntro": "<h3>Legg til {title} her?</h3>Punktet du oppretter her vil være <b>synlig for alle</b>. Kun legg til ting på kartet hvis de virkelig finnes. Mange programmer bruker denne dataen.",

View file

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"about": "Bewerk en voeg data toe aan OpenStreetMap over een specifiek onderwerp op een gemakkelijke manier",
"aboutMapcomplete": "<h3>Over MapComplete</h3><p>Met MapComplete kun je OpenStreetMap verrijken met informatie over een bepaald thema. Beantwoord enkele vragen, en binnen een paar minuten is jouw bijdrage wereldwijd beschikbaar! De <b>maker van het thema</b> bepaalt de elementen, vragen en taalversies voor het thema.</p><h3>Ontdek meer</h3><p>MapComplete <b>biedt altijd de volgende stap</b> naar meer OpenStreetMap:</p><ul><li>Indien ingebed in een website linkt het iframe naar de volledige MapComplete</li><li>De volledige versie heeft uitleg over OpenStreetMap</li><li>Bekijken kan altijd, maar wijzigen vereist een OSM-account</li><li>Als je niet aangemeld bent, wordt je gevraagd dit te doen</li><li>Als je minstens één vraag hebt beantwoord, kan je ook elementen toevoegen</li><li>Heb je genoeg changesets, dan verschijnen de OSM-tags, nog later links naar de wiki</li></ul><p></p><p>Merk je <b>een bug</b> of wil je een <b>extra feature</b>? Wil je <b>helpen vertalen</b>? Bezoek dan de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">broncode</a> en <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">issue tracker</a>. </p><p></p>Wil je <b>je vorderingen</b> zien? Volg de edits <a href=\"{osmcha_link}\" target=\"_blank\">op OsmCha</a>.<p></p>",
"add": {
"addNew": "Voeg een {category} toe",
"addNew": "Voeg {category} toe",
"addNewMapLabel": "Klik hier om een item toe te voegen",
"confirmButton": "Voeg een {category} toe<br/><div class='alert'>Je toevoeging is voor iedereen zichtbaar</div>",
"confirmIntro": "<h3>Voeg een {title} toe?</h3>Het punt dat je toevoegt, is <b>zichtbaar voor iedereen</b>. Veel applicaties gebruiken deze data, voeg dus enkel punten toe die echt bestaan.",

View file

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"about": "Edite e adicione facilmente o OpenStreetMap para um determinado tema",
"aboutMapcomplete": "<h3>Sobre o MapComplete</h3><p>Use-o para adicionar informações ao OpenStreetMap <b>sobre um tema específico</b>. Responda a perguntas e em poucos minutos as suas contribuições estão disponíveis em todos os lugares. O <b>responsável pelo tema</b> define os elementos, as perguntas e os idiomas disponíveis nele.</p> <h3>Descubra mais</h3><p>O MapComplete <b>mostra sempre o próximo passo</b> para saber mais sobre o OpenStreetMap.</p><ul> <li>Quando incorporado num site, o iframe liga-se ao MapComplete em ecrã cheio.</li><li>A versão ecrã cheio fornece informações sobre o OpenStreetMap</li><li>A visualização funciona sem ser preciso autenticar-se, mas a edição requer uma conta no OpenStreetMap.</li> <li>Se não estiver autenticado, é solicitado a fazê-lo</li><li>Após responder a uma pergunta, pode adicionar novos pontos ao mapa</li><li>Depois de um tempo, as etiquetas reais do OpenStreetMap são mostradas, mais tarde vinculando-se à wiki</li></ul><p></p><br><p>Deparou-se com <b>um problema</b>? Quer uma <b>nova funcionalidade</b>? Quer <b>ajudar a traduzir</b>? Vá ao <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">código-fonte</a> ou <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">rastreador de problemas</a>. </p> <p>Quer ver <b>o seu progresso</b>? Veja a contagem de edições em <a href=\"{osmcha_link}\" target=\"_blank\">OsmCha</a>.</p>",
"add": {
"addNew": "Adicionar uma nova {category} aqui",
"addNew": "Adicionar {category} aqui",
"addNewMapLabel": "Adicionar novo item",
"confirmButton": "Adicione uma {category} aqui.<br><div class=\"alert\">Esta adição será visível a todos</div>",
"confirmIntro": "<h3>Adicionar {title} aqui?</h3>O ponto que criar aqui será <b>visível a todos</b>. Por favor, só adicione coisas ao mapa se elas realmente existirem. Muitas aplicações usam estes dados.",

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"about": "Edite e adicione facilmente o OpenStreetMap para um determinado tema",
"aboutMapcomplete": "<h3>Sobre o MapComplete</h3><p>Com o MapComplete, você pode enriquecer o OpenStreetMap com informações sobre um<b>único tema.</b>Responda a algumas perguntas e, em minutos, suas contribuições estarão disponíveis em todo o mundo! O<b>mantenedor do tema</b>define elementos, questões e linguagens para o tema.</p><h3>Saiba mais</h3><p>MapComplete sempre<b>oferece a próxima etapa</b>para saber mais sobre o OpenStreetMap.</p><ul><li>Quando incorporado em um site, o iframe vincula-se a um MapComplete em tela inteira</li><li>A versão em tela inteira oferece informações sobre o OpenStreetMap</li><li>A visualização funciona sem login, mas a edição requer um login do OSM.</li><li>Se você não estiver conectado, será solicitado que você faça o login</li><li>Depois de responder a uma única pergunta, você pode adicionar novos aponta para o mapa </li><li> Depois de um tempo, as tags OSM reais são mostradas, posteriormente vinculadas ao wiki </li></ul><p></p><br><p>Você percebeu<b>um problema</b>? Você tem uma<b>solicitação de recurso </b>? Quer<b>ajudar a traduzir</b>? Acesse <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">o código-fonte</a>ou <a href=\"https: // / issues \" target=\" _ blank \">rastreador de problemas.</a></p><p>Quer ver<b>seu progresso</b>? Siga a contagem de edição em<a href=\"{osmcha_link}\" target=\"_blank\">OsmCha</a>.</p>",
"add": {
"addNew": "Adicione uma nova {category} aqui",
"addNew": "Adicione {category} aqui",
"confirmButton": "Adicione uma {category} aqui.<br><div class=\"alert\">Sua adição é visível para todos</div>",
"confirmIntro": "<h3>Adicionar um {title} aqui?</h3>O ponto que você criar aqui será <b>visível para todos</b>. Por favor, só adicione coisas ao mapa se elas realmente existirem. Muitos aplicativos usam esses dados.",
"intro": "Você clicou em algum lugar onde ainda não há dados conhecidos.<br>",

View file

@ -1,16 +1,59 @@
import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils";
import {writeFileSync} from "fs";
import {FixLegacyTheme, UpdateLegacyLayer} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Conversion/LegacyJsonConvert";
import Translations from "../UI/i18n/Translations";
import {Translation} from "../UI/i18n/Translation";
import {LayerConfigJson} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Json/LayerConfigJson";
* This script reads all theme and layer files and reformats them inplace
* Use with caution, make a commit beforehand!
const t : Translation = Translations.t.general.add.addNew
t.OnEveryLanguage((txt, ln) => {
console.log(ln, txt)
return txt
const articles = {
de: "eine",
es: 'una',
fr: 'une',
it: 'una',
nb_NO: 'en',
nl: 'een',
pt: 'uma',
pt_BR : 'uma',
function addArticleToPresets(layerConfig: {presets?: {title: any}[]}){
if(layerConfig.presets === undefined){
for (const preset of layerConfig.presets) {
preset.title = new Translation(preset.title, "autofix")
.OnEveryLanguage((txt, lang) => {
const article = articles[lang]
if(article === undefined){
return txt;
return txt;
return article +" " + txt.toLowerCase();
const layerFiles = ScriptUtils.getLayerFiles();
for (const layerFile of layerFiles) {
try {
const fixed = new UpdateLegacyLayer().convertStrict(layerFile.parsed, "While linting " + layerFile.path);
const fixed =<LayerConfigJson> new UpdateLegacyLayer().convertStrict(layerFile.parsed, "While linting " + layerFile.path);
writeFileSync(layerFile.path, JSON.stringify(fixed, null, " "))
} catch (e) {
console.error("COULD NOT LINT LAYER" + layerFile.path + ":\n\t" + e)
@ -21,6 +64,12 @@ const themeFiles = ScriptUtils.getThemeFiles()
for (const themeFile of themeFiles) {
try {
const fixed = new FixLegacyTheme().convertStrict(themeFile.parsed, "While linting " + themeFile.path);
for (const layer of fixed.layers) {
if(layer["presets"] !== undefined){
addArticleToPresets(<any> layer)
writeFileSync(themeFile.path, JSON.stringify(fixed, null, " "))
} catch (e) {
console.error("COULD NOT LINT THEME" + themeFile.path + ":\n\t" + e)