forked from MapComplete/MapComplete
Add article to presets
This commit is contained in:
51 changed files with 156 additions and 149 deletions
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Ambulance station",
"en": "an ambulance station",
"ru": "Станция скорой помощи",
"ja": "救急ステーション(消防署)",
"fr": "une station d’ambulances",
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Artwork",
"en": "an artwork",
"nl": "een kunstwerk",
"fr": "une œuvre d'art",
"de": "eine kunstwerk",
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Bollard",
"en": "a bollard",
"nl": "een paaltje",
"de": "eine poller",
"ru": "Прикол",
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Cycle barrier",
"en": "a cycle barrier",
"nl": "een fietshekjes",
"de": "eine fahrradhindernis",
"hu": "Kerékpárakadály",
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "bench",
"en": "a bench",
"de": "eine sitzbank",
"fr": "une banc",
"nl": "een zitbank",
@ -239,8 +239,8 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Fietsbibliotheek",
"nl": "een bicycle library",
"nl": "een fietsbibliotheek",
"en": "a bicycle library",
"ru": "Велосипедная библиотека",
"zh_Hant": "自行車圖書館 ( Fietsbibliotheek)",
"it": "una bici in prestito",
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "bicycle rental shop",
"en": "a bicycle rental shop",
"nl": "een fietsverhuurzaak",
"fr": "une magasin de location de vélos"
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "bicycle rental",
"en": "a bicycle rental",
"nl": "een fietsverhuur"
"tags": [
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Bicycle tube vending machine",
"en": "a bicycle tube vending machine",
"nl": "een fietsbanden-verkoopsautomaat",
"fr": "une distributeur automatique de chambre à air de vélo",
"it": "una distributore automatico di camere d’aria per bici",
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Bike cafe",
"en": "a bike cafe",
"nl": "een fietscafé",
"fr": "une café vélo",
"gl": "Café de ciclistas",
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Bike cleaning service",
"en": "a bike cleaning service",
"nl": "een fietsschoonmaakpunt",
"fr": "une service de nettoyage de vélo",
"it": "una servizio lavaggio bici",
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Bike parking",
"en": "a bike parking",
"nl": "een fietsparking",
"fr": "une parking à vélo",
"gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas",
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "bike pump",
"en": "a bike pump",
"nl": "een fietspomp",
"fr": "une pompe à vélo",
"gl": "bomba de ar",
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "bike repair station and pump",
"en": "a bike repair station and pump",
"nl": "een herstelpunt en pomp",
"fr": "une point de réparation vélo avec pompe",
"gl": "estación de arranxo de bicicletas con bomba de ar",
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "bike repair station without pump",
"en": "a bike repair station without pump",
"nl": "een herstelpunt zonder pomp",
"fr": "une point de réparation vélo sans pompe",
"gl": "estación de arranxo de bicicletas sin bomba de ar",
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Bike repair/shop",
"en": "a bike repair/shop",
"nl": "een fietszaak",
"fr": "une magasin et réparateur de vélo",
"gl": "Tenda/arranxo de bicicletas",
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "binoculars",
"en": "a binoculars",
"nl": "een verrekijker",
"de": "eine ferngläser",
"ru": "бинокль"
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Birdhide",
"en": "a birdhide",
"nl": "een vogelkijkhut"
"description": {
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Bird blind",
"en": "a bird blind",
"nl": "een vogelkijkwand"
"description": {
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "pub",
"en": "a pub",
"nl": "een bruin cafe of kroeg",
"de": "eine kneipe",
"ru": "паб",
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "bar",
"en": "a bar",
"nl": "een bar",
"de": "eine bar",
"ru": "бар",
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "cafe",
"en": "a cafe",
"nl": "een cafe",
"de": "eine café",
"ru": "кафе",
@ -4000,7 +4000,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "charging station for electrical bikes with a normal european wall plug <img src='./assets/layers/charging_station/TypeE.svg' style='width: 2rem; height: 2rem; float: left; background: white; border-radius: 1rem; margin-right: 0.5rem'/> (meant to charge electrical bikes)",
"en": "a charging station for electrical bikes with a normal european wall plug <img src='./assets/layers/charging_station/typee.svg' style='width: 2rem; height: 2rem; float: left; background: white; border-radius: 1rem; margin-right: 0.5rem'/> (meant to charge electrical bikes)",
"nl": "een oplaadpunt voor elektrische fietsen"
"preciseInput": {
@ -4014,7 +4014,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "charging station for cars",
"en": "a charging station for cars",
"nl": "een oplaadstation voor elektrische auto's",
"de": "eine ladestation für e-bikes"
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Crossing",
"en": "a crossing",
"nl": "een oversteekplaats",
"de": "eine kreuzung",
"fr": "une traversée"
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Traffic signal",
"en": "a traffic signal",
"nl": "een verkeerslicht",
"ru": "Светофор",
"de": "eine ampel",
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Defibrillator",
"en": "a defibrillator",
"ca": "Desfibril·lador",
"es": "una desfibrilador",
"fr": "une défibrillateur",
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "defibrillator mounted on a wall",
"en": "a defibrillator mounted on a wall",
"nl": "een defibrillator die aan een muur hangt",
"sl": "defibrilator je pritrjen na steno"
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "drinking water",
"en": "a drinking water",
"nl": "een drinkbaar water",
"fr": "une eau potable",
"gl": "auga potábel",
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Fire extinguisher",
"en": "a fire extinguisher",
"ja": "消火器",
"nb_NO": "en brannslukker",
"ru": "Огнетушитель",
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Fire station",
"en": "a fire station",
"ja": "消防署",
"ru": "Пожарная часть",
"fr": "une caserne de pompiers",
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "restaurant",
"en": "a restaurant",
"nl": "een restaurant",
"ru": "ресторан",
"de": "eine restaurant"
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "fastfood",
"en": "a fastfood",
"nl": "een fastfood-zaak",
"ru": "быстрое питание",
"de": "eine schnellimbiss"
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "fries shop",
"en": "a fries shop",
"nl": "een frituur",
"de": "eine pommesbude"
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Ghost bike",
"en": "a ghost bike",
"nl": "een witte fiets",
"de": "eine geisterrad",
"it": "una bici fantasma",
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Fire hydrant",
"en": "a fire hydrant",
"ru": "Пожарный гидрант",
"ja": "消火栓",
"nb_NO": "en brannhydrant",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "een informatiebord",
"en": "information board",
"en": "an information board",
"it": "una pannello informativo",
"fr": "une panneau d'informations",
"de": "eine informationstafel",
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Map",
"en": "a map",
"nl": "een kaart",
"it": "una mappa",
"ru": "Карта",
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
"fixme=Toegevoegd met MapComplete, geometry nog uit te tekenen"
"title": {
"en": "nature reserve",
"en": "a nature reserve",
"nl": "een natuurreservaat"
"description": {
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "een parking voor auto's",
"en": "car parking"
"en": "a car parking"
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "picnic table",
"en": "a picnic table",
"nl": "een picnic-tafel",
"it": "una tavolo da picnic",
"ru": "стол для пикника",
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "een speeltuin",
"en": "playground",
"en": "a playground",
"ru": "Детская площадка",
"fr": "une terrain de jeux",
"it": "una campetto",
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Bookcase",
"en": "a bookcase",
"nl": "een boekenruilkast",
"de": "eine bücherschrank",
"fr": "une microbibliothèque",
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "recycling container",
"en": "a recycling container",
"nl": "een recycling container"
"tags": [
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "recycling centre",
"en": "a recycling centre",
"nl": "een recycling centre"
"tags": [
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Shop",
"en": "a shop",
"fr": "une magasin",
"ru": "Магазин",
"ja": "店",
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "een ping-pong tafel",
"fr": "une table de ping-pong",
"en": "Tabletennis table",
"en": "a tabletennis table",
"it": "una tavolo da tennistavolo",
"ru": "Стол для настольного тенниса",
"de": "eine tischtennisplatte"
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "een sportterrein",
"fr": "une terrain de sport",
"en": "Sport pitch",
"en": "a sport pitch",
"ru": "Спортивная площадка",
"it": "una campo sportivo",
"de": "eine sportplatz"
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "street lamp",
"en": "a street lamp",
"nl": "een straatlantaarn"
"tags": [
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "surveillance camera"
"en": "a surveillance camera"
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "surveillance camera mounted on a wall"
"en": "a surveillance camera mounted on a wall"
"preciseInput": {
"snapToLayer": "walls_and_buildings"
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "public toilet",
"en": "a public toilet",
"de": "eine öffentlich zugängliche toilette",
"fr": "une toilette publique",
"nl": "een publiek toilet",
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "toilets with wheelchair accessible toilet",
"en": "a toilets with wheelchair accessible toilet",
"de": "eine toiletten mit rollstuhlgerechter toilette",
"fr": "une toilettes accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite",
"nl": "een rolstoeltoegankelijke, publiek toilet",
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "een loofboom",
"en": "Broadleaved tree",
"en": "a broadleaved tree",
"it": "una albero latifoglia",
"fr": "une arbre feuillu",
"ru": "Лиственное дерево",
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "een naaldboom",
"en": "Needleleaved tree",
"en": "a needleleaved tree",
"it": "una albero aghifoglia",
"ru": "Хвойное дерево",
"fr": "une arbre résineux",
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "een boom",
"en": "Tree",
"en": "a tree",
"it": "una albero",
"ru": "Дерево",
"fr": "une arbre",
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Viewpoint",
"en": "a viewpoint",
"nl": "een uitzicht",
"de": "eine aussichtspunkt",
"fr": "une point de vue",
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Waste Basket",
"en": "a waste basket",
"nl": "een vuilnisbak",
"ru": "Контейнер для мусора",
"de": "eine abfalleimer",
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Waste Disposal Bin"
"en": "a waste disposal bin"
"tags": [
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "camper site",
"en": "a camper site",
"ru": "площадка для кемпинга",
"ja": "キャンプサイト",
"zh_Hant": "露營地",
@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "sanitary dump station",
"en": "a sanitary dump station",
"ja": "衛生ゴミ捨て場",
"it": "una luogo di sversamento delle acque reflue",
"fr": "une site de vidange",
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
"title": {
"de": "eine kletterverein",
"en": "Climbing club",
"en": "a climbing club",
"nl": "een klimclub",
"ja": "クライミングクラブ",
"nb_NO": "en klatreklubb",
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
"title": {
"de": "eine eine kletter-organisation",
"en": "Climbing NGO",
"en": "a climbing ngo",
"nl": "een een klimorganisatie",
"ja": "クライミングNGO",
"fr": "une association d’escalade",
@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Climbing route",
"en": "a climbing route",
"nl": "een klimroute",
"fr": "une voie d’escalade",
"de": "eine kletterroute",
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Climbing opportunity",
"en": "a climbing opportunity",
"nl": "een klimgelegenheid",
"de": "eine klettermöglichkeit",
"ja": "登坂教室",
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
"title": {
"nl": "een geveltuintje",
"en": "facade garden",
"en": "a facade garden",
"ja": "ファサード庭園",
"it": "una giardino verticale",
"fr": "une jardin mural",
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Hackerspace",
"en": "a hackerspace",
"de": "eine hackerspace",
"ru": "Хакерспейс",
"zh_Hant": "駭客空間",
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Makerspace",
"en": "a makerspace",
"de": "eine makerspace",
"zh_Hant": "創客空間",
"hu": "Makerspace"
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "wind turbine",
"en": "a wind turbine",
"nl": "een windturbine",
"fr": "une éolienne",
"de": "eine windrad",
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "postbox",
"en": "a postbox",
"de": "eine briefkasten",
"ru": "почтовый ящик",
"zh_Hant": "郵筒",
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
"title": {
"en": "Post Office",
"en": "a post office",
"de": "eine poststelle",
"ru": "Почтовое отделение",
"zh_Hant": "郵局",
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Add an ambulance station to the map",
"title": "Ambulance station"
"title": "an ambulance station"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"name": "Artworks",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Artwork"
"title": "an artwork"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -152,11 +152,11 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A bollard in the road",
"title": "Bollard"
"title": "a bollard"
"1": {
"description": "Cycle barrier, slowing down cyclists",
"title": "Cycle barrier"
"title": "a cycle barrier"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
"name": "Benches",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "bench"
"title": "a bench"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A bicycle library has a collection of bikes which can be lent",
"title": "Fietsbibliotheek"
"title": "a bicycle library"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -435,10 +435,10 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A manned shop which focuses on bicycle rental",
"title": "bicycle rental shop"
"title": "a bicycle rental shop"
"1": {
"title": "bicycle rental"
"title": "a bicycle rental"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -540,7 +540,7 @@
"name": "Bicycle tube vending machine",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Bicycle tube vending machine"
"title": "a bicycle tube vending machine"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
"name": "Bike cafe",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Bike cafe"
"title": "a bike cafe"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
"name": "Bike cleaning service",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Bike cleaning service"
"title": "a bike cleaning service"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -686,7 +686,7 @@
"name": "Bike parking",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Bike parking"
"title": "a bike parking"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -796,15 +796,15 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A device to inflate your tires on a fixed location in the public space.",
"title": "bike pump"
"title": "a bike pump"
"1": {
"description": "A bicycle pump and tools to repair your bike in the public space. The tools are often secured with chains against theft.",
"title": "bike repair station and pump"
"title": "a bike repair station and pump"
"2": {
"description": "Tools to repair your bike in the public space (without pump). The tools are secured against theft.",
"title": "bike repair station without pump"
"title": "a bike repair station without pump"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -963,7 +963,7 @@
"name": "Bike repair/shop",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Bike repair/shop"
"title": "a bike repair/shop"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A telescope or pair of binoculars mounted on a pole, available to the public to look around. <img src='./assets/layers/binocular/binoculars_example.jpg' style='height: 300px; width: auto; display: block;' />",
"title": "binoculars"
"title": "a binoculars"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -1162,11 +1162,11 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A covered shelter where one can watch birds comfortably",
"title": "Birdhide"
"title": "a birdhide"
"1": {
"description": "A screen or wall with openings to watch birds",
"title": "Bird blind"
"title": "a bird blind"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -1251,15 +1251,15 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A pub, mostly for drinking beers in a warm, relaxed interior",
"title": "pub"
"title": "a pub"
"1": {
"description": "A more modern and commercial <b>bar</b>, possibly with a music and light installation",
"title": "bar"
"title": "a bar"
"2": {
"description": "A <b>cafe</b> to drink tea, coffee or an alcoholical bevarage in a quiet environment",
"title": "cafe"
"title": "a cafe"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -1379,10 +1379,10 @@
"name": "Charging stations",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "charging station for electrical bikes with a normal european wall plug <img src='./assets/layers/charging_station/TypeE.svg' style='width: 2rem; height: 2rem; float: left; background: white; border-radius: 1rem; margin-right: 0.5rem'/> (meant to charge electrical bikes)"
"title": "a charging station for electrical bikes with a normal european wall plug <img src='./assets/layers/charging_station/typee.svg' style='width: 2rem; height: 2rem; float: left; background: white; border-radius: 1rem; margin-right: 0.5rem'/> (meant to charge electrical bikes)"
"1": {
"title": "charging station for cars"
"title": "a charging station for cars"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -2303,11 +2303,11 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Crossing for pedestrians and/or cyclists",
"title": "Crossing"
"title": "a crossing"
"1": {
"description": "Traffic signal on a road",
"title": "Traffic signal"
"title": "a traffic signal"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -2798,10 +2798,10 @@
"name": "Defibrillators",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Defibrillator"
"title": "a defibrillator"
"1": {
"title": "defibrillator mounted on a wall"
"title": "a defibrillator mounted on a wall"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -2930,7 +2930,7 @@
"name": "Drinking water",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "drinking water"
"title": "a drinking water"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -3104,7 +3104,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A fire extinguisher is a small, portable device used to stop a fire",
"title": "Fire extinguisher"
"title": "a fire extinguisher"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -3131,7 +3131,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A fire station is a place where the fire trucks and firefighters are located when not in operation.",
"title": "Fire station"
"title": "a fire station"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -3222,15 +3222,15 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A formal eating place with sit-down facilities selling full meals served by waiters",
"title": "restaurant"
"title": "a restaurant"
"1": {
"description": "A food business concentrating on fast counter-only service and take-away food",
"title": "fastfood"
"title": "a fastfood"
"2": {
"description": "A fastfood-buisiness focused on french fries",
"title": "fries shop"
"title": "a fries shop"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -3439,7 +3439,7 @@
"name": "Ghost bikes",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Ghost bike"
"title": "a ghost bike"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -3494,7 +3494,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A hydrant is a connection point where firefighters can tap water. It might be located underground.",
"title": "Fire hydrant"
"title": "a fire hydrant"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -3558,7 +3558,7 @@
"name": "Information boards",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "information board"
"title": "an information board"
"title": {
@ -3571,7 +3571,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Add a missing map",
"title": "Map"
"title": "a map"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -3637,7 +3637,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Add a missing nature reserve",
"title": "nature reserve"
"title": "a nature reserve"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -3913,7 +3913,7 @@
"name": "Parking",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "car parking"
"title": "a car parking"
"title": {
@ -3929,7 +3929,7 @@
"name": "Picnic tables",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "picnic table"
"title": "a picnic table"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -3955,7 +3955,7 @@
"name": "Playgrounds",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "playground"
"title": "a playground"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -4089,7 +4089,7 @@
"name": "Bookcases",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Bookcase"
"title": "a bookcase"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -4260,10 +4260,10 @@
"name": "Recycling",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "recycling container"
"title": "a recycling container"
"1": {
"title": "recycling centre"
"title": "a recycling centre"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -4410,7 +4410,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Add a new shop",
"title": "Shop"
"title": "a shop"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -4512,10 +4512,10 @@
"name": "Sport pitches",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Tabletennis table"
"title": "a tabletennis table"
"1": {
"title": "Sport pitch"
"title": "a sport pitch"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -4622,7 +4622,7 @@
"name": "Street Lamps",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "street lamp"
"title": "a street lamp"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -4771,10 +4771,10 @@
"name": "Surveillance camera's",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "surveillance camera"
"title": "a surveillance camera"
"1": {
"title": "surveillance camera mounted on a wall"
"title": "a surveillance camera mounted on a wall"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -4916,11 +4916,11 @@
"name": "Toilets",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "public toilet"
"title": "a public toilet"
"1": {
"description": "A restroom which has at least one wheelchair-accessible toilet",
"title": "toilets with wheelchair accessible toilet"
"title": "a toilets with wheelchair accessible toilet"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -5085,15 +5085,15 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A tree of a species with leaves, such as oak or populus.",
"title": "Broadleaved tree"
"title": "a broadleaved tree"
"1": {
"description": "A tree of a species with needles, such as pine or spruce.",
"title": "Needleleaved tree"
"title": "a needleleaved tree"
"2": {
"description": "If you're not sure whether it's a broadleaved or needleleaved tree.",
"title": "Tree"
"title": "a tree"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -5206,7 +5206,7 @@
"name": "Viewpoint",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Viewpoint"
"title": "a viewpoint"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -5289,7 +5289,7 @@
"name": "Waste Basket",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Waste Basket"
"title": "a waste basket"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -5353,7 +5353,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Medium to large bin for disposal of (household) waste",
"title": "Waste Disposal Bin"
"title": "a waste disposal bin"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Een fietsbieb heeft een collectie fietsen die leden mogen lenen",
"title": "een bicycle library"
"title": "een fietsbibliotheek"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Add a new official camper site. These are designated places to stay overnight with your camper. They might look like a real camping or just look like a parking. They might not be signposted at all, but just be defined in a municipal decision. A regular parking intended for campers where it is not expected to spend the night, is -not- a camper site ",
"title": "camper site"
"title": "a camper site"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Add a new sanitary dump station. This is a place where camper drivers can dump waste water or chemical toilet waste. Often there's also drinking water and electricity.",
"title": "sanitary dump station"
"title": "a sanitary dump station"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -276,11 +276,11 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A climbing club",
"title": "Climbing club"
"title": "a climbing club"
"1": {
"description": "An NGO working around climbing",
"title": "Climbing NGO"
"title": "a climbing ngo"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
"name": "Climbing routes",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Climbing route"
"title": "a climbing route"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A climbing opportunity",
"title": "Climbing opportunity"
"title": "a climbing opportunity"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Add a facade garden",
"title": "facade garden"
"title": "a facade garden"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -913,11 +913,11 @@
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "A hackerspace is an area where people interested in software gather",
"title": "Hackerspace"
"title": "a hackerspace"
"1": {
"description": "A makerspace is a place where DIY-enthusiasts gather to experiment with electronics such as arduino, LEDstrips, ...",
"title": "Makerspace"
"title": "a makerspace"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@
"name": "wind turbine",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "wind turbine"
"title": "a wind turbine"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@
"name": "Postboxes",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "postbox"
"title": "a postbox"
"title": {
@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@
"name": "Post offices",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "Post Office"
"title": "a post office"
"tagRenderings": {
@ -18,29 +18,36 @@ t.OnEveryLanguage((txt, ln) => {
const articles = {
de: "eine",
/* de: "eine",
es: 'una',
fr: 'une',
it: 'una',
nb_NO: 'en',
nl: 'een',
pt: 'uma',
pt_BR : 'uma',
pt_BR : 'uma',//*/
function addArticleToPresets(layerConfig: {presets?: {title: any}[]}){
if(layerConfig.presets === undefined){
for (const preset of layerConfig.presets) {
preset.title = new Translation(preset.title, "autofix")
.OnEveryLanguage((txt, lang) => {
const article = articles[lang]
let article = articles[lang]
if(lang === "en"){
if(["a","e","u","o","i"].some(vowel => txt.toLowerCase().startsWith(vowel))) {
article = "an"
article = "a"
if(article === undefined){
return txt;
if(txt.startsWith(article+" ")){
return txt;
return article +" " + txt.toLowerCase();
Add table
Reference in a new issue