2023-06-14 20:39:36 +02:00
<script lang="ts">
* The OverlayToggle shows a single toggle to enable or disable an overlay
import Checkbox from "../Base/Checkbox.svelte"
import { onDestroy } from "svelte"
import { UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"
import Tr from "../Base/Tr.svelte"
import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"
import { Translation } from "../i18n/Translation"
import type { RasterLayerProperties } from "../../Models/RasterLayerProperties"
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export let layerproperties: RasterLayerProperties
export let state: { isDisplayed: UIEventSource<boolean> }
export let zoomlevel: UIEventSource<number>
export let highlightedLayer: UIEventSource<string> | undefined
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let isDisplayed: boolean = state.isDisplayed.data
state.isDisplayed.addCallbackAndRunD((d) => {
isDisplayed = d
return false
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let mainElem: HTMLElement
$: onDestroy(
highlightedLayer.addCallbackAndRun((highlightedLayer) => {
if (highlightedLayer === layerproperties.id) {
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} else {
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{#if layerproperties.name}
<div bind:this={mainElem}>
<label class="flex gap-1">
<Checkbox selected={state.isDisplayed} />
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<Tr t={new Translation(layerproperties.name)} />
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{#if $zoomlevel < layerproperties.min_zoom}
<span class="alert">
<Tr t={Translations.t.general.layerSelection.zoomInToSeeThisLayer} />