A geographical length in meters (rounded at two points). Will give an extra minimap with a measurement tool. Arguments: [ zoomlevel, preferredBackgroundMapType (comma separated) ], e.g. `["21", "map,photo"]
key | the value of this tag will initialize search (default: name)
options | A JSON-object of type `{ removePrefixes: string[], removePostfixes: string[] }`.
subarg | doc
-------- | -----
removePrefixes | remove these snippets of text from the start of the passed string to search
removePostfixes | remove these snippets of text from the end of the passed string to search
### Example usage
The following is the 'freeform'-part of a layer config which will trigger a search for the wikidata item corresponding with the name of the selected feature. It will also remove '-street', '-square', ... if found at the end of the name```"freeform": {
Has extra elements to easily input when a POI is opened.
### Helper arguments
name | doc
------ | -----
options | A JSON-object of type `{ prefix: string, postfix: string }`.
subarg | doc
-------- | -----
prefix | Piece of text that will always be added to the front of the generated opening hours. If the OSM-data does not start with this, it will fail to parse
postfix | Piece of text that will always be added to the end of the generated opening hours
### Example usage
To add a conditional (based on time) access restriction:
"freeform": {
"key": "access:conditional",
"type": "opening_hours",
"helperArgs": [
"prefix":"no @ (",
*Don't forget to pass these in the rendering as well*: `{opening_hours_table(opening_hours,yes @ &LPARENS, &RPARENS )`