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export class Img {
* If the source is an svg element, it is returned as is.
* If not, the source is wrapped into a 'img'-tag
* @param source
* @constructor
static AsImageElement(source: string): string{
return `<img src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,${(btoa(source))}">`;
return `<img src="${source}">`
2020-07-29 15:05:19 +02:00
static readonly checkmark = `<svg width="26" height="18" viewBox="0 0 26 18" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M3 7.28571L10.8261 15L23 3" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>`;
static readonly no_checkmark = `<svg width="26" height="18" viewBox="0 0 26 18" fill="none" xmlns=""></svg>`;
static osmAbstractLogo: string =
"<svg class='osm-logo' xmlns=\"\" height=\"24px\" width=\"24px\" version=\"1.1\" viewBox=\"0 0 66 64\">" +
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" <path d=\"M48.71,64.617 C48.406,64.617 48.105,64.629 47.805,64.643 C47.52,64.657 47.234,64.677 46.953,64.704 C46.726,64.726 46.499,64.753 46.275,64.783 C46.039,64.814 45.811,64.847 45.579,64.887 C45.506,64.9 45.434,64.917 45.362,64.93 C45.216,64.958 45.072,64.987 44.927,65.017 C44.812,65.042 44.694,65.06 44.579,65.087 C44.442,65.119 44.307,65.156 44.17,65.191 C43.943,65.25 43.716,65.315 43.492,65.383 C43.323,65.433 43.155,65.484 42.988,65.539 C42.819,65.595 42.65,65.652 42.483,65.713 C42.475,65.716 42.466,65.719 42.457,65.722 C35.819,68.158 31.022,74.369 30.649,81.774 C30.633,82.083 30.622,82.391 30.622,82.704 C30.622,83.014 30.631,83.321 30.649,83.626 C30.649,83.629 30.648,83.632 30.649,83.635 C30.662,83.862 30.681,84.088 30.701,84.313 C31.466,93.037 38.377,99.948 47.101,100.713 C47.326,100.733 47.552,100.754 47.779,100.765 C47.782,100.765 47.785,100.765 47.788,100.765 C48.093,100.783 48.399,100.791 48.709,100.791 C53.639,100.791 58.096,98.833 61.353,95.652 C61.532,95.477 61.712,95.304 61.883,95.122 C61.913,95.09 61.941,95.058 61.97,95.026 C61.98,95.015 61.987,95.002 61.996,94.991 C62.132,94.845 62.266,94.698 62.396,94.548 C62.449,94.487 62.501,94.426 62.553,94.365 C62.594,94.316 62.634,94.267 62.675,94.217 C62.821,94.04 62.961,93.861 63.101,93.678 C63.279,93.444 63.456,93.199 63.622,92.956 C63.956,92.471 64.267,91.97 64.553,91.452 C64.661,91.257 64.757,91.06 64.857,90.861 C64.89,90.796 64.93,90.735 64.962,90.67 C64.98,90.633 64.996,90.594 65.014,90.556 C65.125,90.324 65.234,90.09 65.336,89.852 C65.349,89.82 65.365,89.789 65.379,89.756 C65.48,89.517 65.575,89.271 65.666,89.026 C65.678,88.994 65.689,88.962 65.701,88.93 C65.792,88.679 65.881,88.43 65.962,88.174 C65.97,88.148 65.98,88.122 65.988,88.096 C66.069,87.832 66.144,87.564 66.214,87.296 C66.219,87.275 66.226,87.255 66.231,87.235 C66.301,86.962 66.365,86.686 66.423,86.409 C66.426,86.391 66.428,86.374 66.431,86.356 C66.445,86.291 66.453,86.223 66.466,86.156 C66.511,85.925 66.552,85.695 66.588,85.461 C66.632,85.169 66.671,84.878 66.701,84.583 C66.701,84.574 66.701,84.565 66.701,84.556 C66.731,84.258 66.755,83.955 66.77,83.652 C66.77,83.646 66.77,83.641 66.77,83.635 C66.786,83.326 66.797,83.017 66.797,82.704 C66.797,72.69 58.723,64.617 48.71,64.617 z\"></path>" +
" <path d=\"M62.936,99.809 C59.074,103.028 54.115,104.965 48.71,104.965 C47.101,104.965 45.535,104.787 44.023,104.461 L42.466,106.357 C39.007,105.43 35.855,103.781 33.179,101.574 L28.996,105.765 L29.51,108.861 L13.953,124.426 L15.457,125 L30.066,119.435 L44.675,125 L59.283,119.435 L64.849,104.826 L62.936,99.809 z\"></path>" +
" </g>" +
2020-07-22 17:54:59 +02:00
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2020-07-29 15:05:19 +02:00
2020-07-22 17:54:59 +02:00
static openFilterButton: string = `<svg width="22" height="22" viewBox="0 0 22 22" fill="none" xmlns="">
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