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import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement";
import State from "../../State";
import Toggle from "../Input/Toggle";
import Translations from "../i18n/Translations";
import Svg from "../../Svg";
import DeleteAction from "../../Logic/Osm/DeleteAction";
import {Tag} from "../../Logic/Tags/Tag";
import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource";
import {TagsFilter} from "../../Logic/Tags/TagsFilter";
import TagRenderingQuestion from "./TagRenderingQuestion";
import TagRenderingConfig from "../../Customizations/JSON/TagRenderingConfig";
import Combine from "../Base/Combine";
import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton";
import {FixedUiElement} from "../Base/FixedUiElement";
import {Translation} from "../i18n/Translation";
import {AndOrTagConfigJson} from "../../Customizations/JSON/TagConfigJson";
import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement";
import {Changes} from "../../Logic/Osm/Changes";
import {And} from "../../Logic/Tags/And";
export default class DeleteWizard extends Toggle {
* The UI-element which triggers 'deletion' (either soft or hard).
* - A 'hard deletion' is if the point is actually deleted from the OSM database
* - A 'soft deletion' is if the point is not deleted, but the tagging is modified which will result in the point not being picked up by the filters anymore.
* Apart having needing theme-specific tags added (which must be supplied by the theme creator), fixme='marked for deletion' will be added too
* A deletion is only possible if the user is logged in.
* A soft deletion is only possible if tags are provided
* A hard deletion is only possible if the user has sufficient rigts
* There is also the possibility to have a 'trojan horse' option. If the user selects that option, it is NEVER removed, but the tags are applied.
* Ideal for the case of "THIS PATH IS ON MY GROUND AND SHOULD BE DELETED IMMEDIATELY OR I WILL GET MY LAWYER" but to mark it as private instead.
* (Note that _delete_reason is used as trigger to do actual deletion - setting such a tag WILL delete from the database with that as changeset comment)
* @param id: The id of the element to remove
* @param options softDeletionTags: the tags to apply if the user doesn't have permission to delete, e.g. 'disused:amenity=public_bookcase', 'amenity='. After applying, the element should not be picked up on the map anymore. If undefined, the wizard will only show up if the point can be (hard) deleted
constructor(id: string,
options?: {
noDeleteOptions?: { if: Tag[], then: Translation }[]
softDeletionTags?: Tag[]
}) {
options = options ?? {}
const deleteAction = new DeleteAction(id);
const tagsSource = State.state.allElements.getEventSourceById(id)
let softDeletionTags = options.softDeletionTags ?? []
const allowSoftDeletion = softDeletionTags.length > 0
const confirm = new UIEventSource<boolean>(false)
function softDelete(reason: string, tagsToApply: { k: string, v: string }[]) {
if (reason !== undefined) {
tagsToApply.splice(0, 0, {
k: "fixme",
v: `A mapcomplete user marked this feature to be deleted (${reason})`
(State.state?.changes ?? new Changes())
.addTag(id, new And( => new Tag(kv.k, kv.v))), tagsSource);
function doDelete(selected: TagsFilter) {
const tgs = selected.asChange(
const deleteReasonMatch = tgs.filter(kv => kv.k === "_delete_reason")
if (deleteReasonMatch.length > 0) {
// We should actually delete!
const deleteReason = deleteReasonMatch[0].v
deleteAction.DoDelete(deleteReason, () => {
// The user doesn't have sufficient permissions to _actually_ delete the feature
// We 'soft delete' instead (and add a fixme)
softDelete(deleteReason, tgs.filter(kv => kv.k !== "_delete_reason"))
} else {
// This is an injected tagging
softDelete(undefined, tgs)
const t = Translations.t.delete
const cancelButton = t.cancel.Clone().SetClass("block btn btn-secondary").onClick(() => confirm.setData(false));
const config = DeleteWizard.generateDeleteTagRenderingConfig(softDeletionTags, options.noDeleteOptions)
const question = new TagRenderingQuestion(
cancelButton: cancelButton,
/*Using a custom save button constructor erases all logic to actually save, so we have to listen for the click!*/
saveButtonConstr: (v) => DeleteWizard.constructConfirmButton(v).onClick(() => {
bottomText: (v) => DeleteWizard.constructExplanation(v, deleteAction)
* The button which is shown first. Opening it will trigger the check for deletions
const deleteButton = new SubtleButton(Svg.delete_icon_svg(), t.delete).onClick(
() => {
new Combine([Svg.delete_icon_svg().SetClass("h-16 w-16 p-2 m-2 block bg-gray-300 rounded-full"),
t.isDeleted.Clone()]).SetClass("flex m-2 rounded-full"),
new Toggle(
new Toggle(
new Toggle(
new VariableUiElement( => new Combine([cbd.reason.Clone(), t.useSomethingElse]))), => allowSoftDeletion || cbd.canBeDeleted !== false)),
private static constructConfirmButton(deleteReasons: UIEventSource<TagsFilter>): BaseUIElement {
const t = Translations.t.delete;
const btn = new Combine([
Svg.delete_icon_ui().SetClass("w-6 h-6 mr-3 block"),
]).SetClass("flex btn bg-red-500")
const btnNonActive = new Combine([
Svg.delete_icon_ui().SetClass("w-6 h-6 mr-3 block"),
]).SetClass("flex btn btn-disabled bg-red-200")
return new Toggle(
btnNonActive, => reason !== undefined)
private static constructExplanation(tags: UIEventSource<TagsFilter>, deleteAction: DeleteAction) {
const t = Translations.t.delete;
return new VariableUiElement(
currentTags => {
const cbd =;
if (currentTags === undefined) {
return t.explanations.selectReason.Clone().SetClass("subtle");
const hasDeletionTag = currentTags.asChange(currentTags).some(kv => kv.k === "_delete_reason")
if (cbd.canBeDeleted && hasDeletionTag) {
return t.explanations.hardDelete.Clone()
return new Combine([t.explanations.softDelete.Subs({reason: cbd.reason}),
new FixedUiElement(currentTags.asHumanString(false, true, currentTags)).SetClass("subtle")
]).SetClass("flex flex-col")
, [deleteAction.canBeDeleted]
private static generateDeleteTagRenderingConfig(softDeletionTags: Tag[], nonDeleteOptions: {
if: Tag[],
then: Translation
}[]) {
const t = Translations.t.delete
nonDeleteOptions = nonDeleteOptions ?? []
const softDeletionTagsStr = (softDeletionTags ?? []).map(t => t.asHumanString(false, false))
const nonDeleteOptionsStr: { if: AndOrTagConfigJson, then: any }[] = []
for (const nonDeleteOption of nonDeleteOptions) {
const newIf: string[] = => tag.asHumanString())
if: {and: newIf},
then: nonDeleteOption.then
return new TagRenderingConfig(
question: t.whyDelete,
render: "Deleted because {_delete_reason}",
freeform: {
key: "_delete_reason",
addExtraTags: softDeletionTagsStr
mappings: [
if: {
and: [
"_delete_reason=testing point",
then: t.reasons.test
if: {
and: [
then: t.reasons.disused
if: {
and: [
"_delete_reason=not found",
then: t.reasons.notFound
}, undefined, "Delete wizard"