forked from MapComplete/MapComplete
52 lines
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52 lines
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<script lang="ts">
* Constructs an input helper element for the given type.
* Note that all values are stringified
import { UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"
import type { ValidatorType } from "./Validators"
import InputHelpers from "./InputHelpers"
import ToSvelte from "../Base/ToSvelte.svelte"
import type { Feature } from "geojson"
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte"
import ImageHelper from "./Helpers/ImageHelper.svelte"
import TranslationInput from "./Helpers/TranslationInput.svelte"
import TagInput from "./Helpers/TagInput.svelte"
import SimpleTagInput from "./Helpers/SimpleTagInput.svelte"
import DirectionInput from "./Helpers/DirectionInput.svelte"
import DateInput from "./Helpers/DateInput.svelte"
import ColorInput from "./Helpers/ColorInput.svelte"
import OpeningHoursInput from "./Helpers/OpeningHoursInput.svelte"
export let type: ValidatorType
export let value: UIEventSource<string | object>
export let feature: Feature
export let args: (string | number | boolean)[] = undefined
let properties = { feature, args: args ?? [] }
let dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{
{#if type === "translation"}
<TranslationInput {value} on:submit {args} />
{:else if type === "direction"}
<DirectionInput {value} mapProperties={InputHelpers.constructMapProperties(properties)} />
{:else if type === "date"}
<DateInput {value} />
{:else if type === "color"}
<ColorInput {value} />
{:else if type === "image"}
<ImageHelper {value} />
{:else if type === "tag"}
<TagInput {value} on:submit />
{:else if type === "simple_tag"}
<SimpleTagInput {value} {args} on:submit />
{:else if type === "opening_hours"}
<OpeningHoursInput {value} />
{:else if type === "wikidata"}
<ToSvelte construct={() => InputHelpers.constructWikidataHelper(value, properties)} />