
124 lines
5.5 KiB

import {AllKnownLayouts} from "./Customizations/AllKnownLayouts";
import {FixedUiElement} from "./UI/Base/FixedUiElement";
import {InitUiElements} from "./InitUiElements";
import {QueryParameters} from "./Logic/Web/QueryParameters";
import {UIEventSource} from "./Logic/UIEventSource";
import * as $ from "jquery";
import LayoutConfig from "./Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig";
import {Utils} from "./Utils";
import MoreScreen from "./UI/BigComponents/MoreScreen";
import State from "./State";
let defaultLayout = ""
// --------------------- Special actions based on the parameters -----------------
// @ts-ignore
if (location.href.startsWith("")) {
// Reload the https version. This is important for the 'locate me' button
if (location.href.indexOf("") >= 0) {
defaultLayout = "buurtnatuur"
const customCssQP = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("custom-css", "", "If specified, the custom css from the given link will be loaded additionaly");
if ( !== undefined && !== "") {
let testing: UIEventSource<string>;
if (location.hostname === "localhost" || location.hostname === "") {
testing = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("test", "true");
// Set to true if testing and changes should NOT be saved
testing.setData( ?? "true")
// If you have a testfile somewhere, enable this to spoof overpass
// This should be hosted independantly, e.g. with `cd assets; webfsd -p 8080` + a CORS plugin to disable cors rules
// Overpass.testUrl = "";
} else {
testing = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("test", "false");
// ----------------- SELECT THE RIGHT QUESTSET -----------------
const path = window.location.pathname.split("/").slice(-1)[0];
if (path !== "index.html" && path !== "") {
defaultLayout = path;
if (path.endsWith(".html")) {
defaultLayout = path.substr(0, path.length - 5);
console.log("Using layout", defaultLayout);
defaultLayout = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("layout", defaultLayout, "The layout to load into MapComplete").data;
let layoutToUse: LayoutConfig = AllKnownLayouts.allSets[defaultLayout.toLowerCase()];
const userLayoutParam = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("userlayout", "false");
const layoutFromBase64 = decodeURIComponent(;
if (layoutFromBase64.startsWith("wiki:")) {
console.log("Downloading map theme from the wiki");
const themeName = layoutFromBase64.substr("wiki:".length);
new FixedUiElement(`Downloading ${themeName} from the wiki...`)
const cleanUrl = `${themeName}`;
const url = `` + cleanUrl; // ~NOT~ VERY SAFE AND HACKER-PROOF!
// We use cors-anywhere because the wiki from openstreetmap is locked-down :(
const url = cleanUrl; // MUCH SAFER! //*/
url: url,
success: function (data) {
// Hacky McHackFace has been working here. This'll probably break in the future
const startTrigger = "<div class=\"mw-parser-output\">";
const start = data.indexOf(startTrigger);
data = data.substr(start,
data.indexOf("<div class=\"printfooter\">") - start)
data = data.substr(0, data.lastIndexOf("</p>"))
data = data.substr(data.indexOf("<p>") + 3)
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(data);
// Overwrite the id to the wiki:value = layoutFromBase64.replace(/[: \/]/g, '-')
const layout = new LayoutConfig(parsed);
InitUiElements.InitAll(layout, layoutFromBase64, testing, layoutFromBase64, btoa(data));
} catch (e) {
new FixedUiElement(`<a href="${cleanUrl}">${themeName}</a> is invalid:<br/>${e}`)
console.error("Could not parse the text", data)
throw e;
}).fail((_, textstatus, error) => {
console.error("Could not download the wiki theme:", textstatus, error)
new FixedUiElement(`<a href="${cleanUrl}">${themeName}</a> is invalid:<br/>Could not download - wrong URL?<br/>`+
error +
"<a href='https://${}/'>Go back</a>")
} else if (layoutFromBase64 !== "false") {
layoutToUse = InitUiElements.LoadLayoutFromHash(userLayoutParam);
InitUiElements.InitAll(layoutToUse, layoutFromBase64, testing, defaultLayout, location.hash.substr(1));
} else if (layoutToUse !== undefined) {
// This is the default case: a builtin theme
InitUiElements.InitAll(layoutToUse, layoutFromBase64, testing, defaultLayout);
} else {
// We fall through: no theme loaded: just show a few buttons
State.state = new State(undefined);
new MoreScreen(true)
.SetStyle("background: var(--background-color); display: block; margin-left: 5vw; margin-right: 5vw; pointer-events: all;")
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) { // Not compatible with IE < 9
}, false);