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"id": "drinking_water",
"name": {
"en": "Drinking water",
"nl": "Drinkbaar water",
"fr": "Eau potable",
"gl": "Auga potábel",
"de": "Trinkwasserstellen",
"it": "Acqua potabile",
"ru": "Питьевая вода",
"id": "Air minum",
"hu": "Ivóvíz",
"ca": "Aigua potable",
"es": "Agua potable",
"cs": "Pitná voda"
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Drinking water",
"nl": "Drinkbaar water",
"fr": "Eau potable",
"gl": "Auga potábel",
"de": "Trinkwasserstelle",
"it": "Acqua potabile",
"ru": "Питьевая вода",
"id": "Air minum",
"hu": "Ivóvíz",
"ca": "Aigua potable",
"es": "Agua potable",
"cs": "Pitná voda"
"source": {
"osmTags": {
"and": [
"or": [
"calculatedTags": [
"_closest_other_drinking_water=closestn(feat)('drinking_water', 1, undefined, 5000).map(f => ({id:, distance: ''+f.distance}))[0]",
"minzoom": 13,
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "a drinking water",
"nl": "drinkbaar water",
"fr": "une eau potable",
"gl": "auga potábel",
"de": "eine Trinkwasserstelle",
"it": "una acqua potabile",
"ru": "питьевая вода",
"id": "air minum",
"hu": "ivóvíz",
"ca": "una font d'aigua potable",
"cs": "pitná voda"
"tags": [
"tagRenderings": [
"question": {
"en": "Is this drinking water spot still operational?",
"nl": "Is deze drinkwaterkraan nog steeds werkende?",
"it": "Questo punto di acqua potabile è sempre funzionante?",
"fr": "Ce point d'eau potable est-il toujours opérationnel ?",
"de": "Ist diese Trinkwasserstelle noch in Betrieb?",
"hu": "Működik-e még ez az ivóvíznyerő hely?",
"es": "¿Todavía esta operativo este punto de agua potable?",
"ca": "Aquest punt d'aigua potable continua operatiu?",
"cs": "Je toto místo na pitnou vodu stále funkční?"
"render": {
"en": "The operational status is <i>{operational_status}</i>",
"nl": "Deze waterkraan-status is <i>{operational_status}</i>",
"it": "Lo stato operativo è <i>{operational_status}</i>",
"fr": "L'état opérationnel est <i>{operational_status}</i>",
"de": "Der Betriebsstatus ist <i>{operational_status}</i>",
"hu": "Működési állapota: <i>{operational_status}</i>",
"es": "El estado operacional es <i>{operational_status}</i>",
"ca": "L'estat operatiu és <i>{operational_status}</i>",
"cs": "Provozní stav je <i>{operational_status}</i>"
"freeform": {
"key": "operational_status"
"mappings": [
"if": "operational_status=",
"then": {
"en": "This drinking water works",
"nl": "Deze drinkwaterfontein werkt",
"it": "La fontanella funziona",
"fr": "Cette fontaine fonctionne",
"de": "Diese Trinkwasserstelle ist in Betrieb",
"hu": "Ez az ivóvízkút működik",
"es": "Esta agua potable funciona",
"ca": "La font d'aigua funciona",
"cs": "Tato pitná voda funguje"
"if": "operational_status=broken",
"then": {
"en": "This drinking water is broken",
"nl": "Deze drinkwaterfontein is kapot",
"it": "La fontanella è guasta",
"fr": "Cette fontaine est cassée",
"de": "Diese Trinkwasserstelle ist kaputt",
"hu": "Ez az ivóvízkút elromlott",
"es": "Esta agua potable está rota",
"ca": "Aquesta font d'aigua potable està trencada",
"cs": "Tato pitná voda je rozbitá"
"if": "operational_status=closed",
"then": {
"en": "This drinking water is closed",
"nl": "Deze drinkwaterfontein is afgesloten",
"it": "La fontanella è chiusa",
"fr": "Cette fontaine est fermée",
"de": "Diese Trinkwasserstelle wurde geschlossen",
"hu": "Ez az ivóvízkút el van zárva",
"es": "Esta agua potable está cerrada",
"ca": "Aquesta font d'aigua potable està tancada",
"cs": "Tato pitná voda je uzavřena"
"id": "Still in use?"
"question": {
"en": "How easy is it to fill water bottles?",
"nl": "Hoe gemakkelijk is het om drinkbussen bij te vullen?",
"de": "Wie einfach hier das Befüllen von Wasserflaschen?",
"it": "Quanto è facile riempire dacqua le bottiglie?",
"fr": "Est-il facile de remplir des bouteilles d'eau ?",
"hu": "Mennyire könnyű itt vizespalackot tölteni?",
"es": "¿Cómo de fácil es rellenar botellas de agua?",
"ca": "Com de fàcil és reomplir botelles d'aigua?",
"ru": "Поместится ли здесь бутылка для воды?",
"cs": "Jak snadné je plnit láhve s vodou?"
"mappings": [
"if": "bottle=yes",
"then": {
"en": "It is easy to refill water bottles",
"nl": "Een drinkbus bijvullen gaat makkelijk",
"de": "Wasserflaschen können hier problemlos gefüllt werden",
"it": "È facile riempire dacqua le bottiglie",
"fr": "Il est facile de remplir les bouteilles d'eau",
"hu": "Könnyen lehet vizespalackot tölteni",
"es": "Es fácil rellenar botellas de agua",
"ca": "És fàcil reomplir botelles d'aigua",
"ru": "Здесь легко поместится бутылка для воды",
"cs": "Je snadné doplnit láhve s vodou"
"if": "bottle=no",
"then": {
"en": "Water bottles may not fit",
"nl": "Een drinkbus past moeilijk",
"de": "Wasserflaschen können hier nicht oder nur sehr aufwändig gefüllt werden",
"it": "Le bottiglie dacqua potrebbero non entrare",
"fr": "Les bouteilles d'eau peuvent ne pas passer",
"hu": "Lehet, hogy nem fér alá egy vizespalack",
"es": "Las botellas de agua pueden no caber",
"ca": "Les botelles d'aigua podrien no cabre",
"ru": "Бутылка для воды может не поместиться",
"cs": "Láhve s vodou nemusí pasovat"
"id": "Bottle refill"
"id": "render-closest-drinking-water",
"render": {
"en": "<a href='#{_closest_other_drinking_water_id}'>There is another drinking water fountain at {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} meters</a>",
"nl": "<a href='#{_closest_other_drinking_water_id}'>Er bevindt zich een ander drinkwaterpunt op {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} meter</a>",
"it": "<a href='#{_closest_other_drinking_water_id}'>Cè unaltra fontanella a {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} metri</a>",
"de": "<a href='#{_closest_other_drinking_water_id}'>Eine weitere Trinkwasserstelle befindet sich in {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} Meter</a>",
"fr": "<a href='#{_closest_other_drinking_water_id}'>Une autre source deau potable est à {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} mètres</a>",
"hu": "<a href='#{_closest_other_drinking_water_id}'>Van egy másik ivóvízkút {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} méter távolságra</a>",
"es": "<a href='#{_closest_other_drinking_water_id}'>Hay otra fuente de agua potable a {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} metros</a>",
"ca": "<a href='#{_closest_other_drinking_water_id}'>Hi ha una altra font d'aigua potable a {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} metres</a>",
"cs": "<a href='#{_closest_other_drinking_water_id}'>Do {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} metrů je další fontána s pitnou vodou</a>"
"condition": "_closest_other_drinking_water_id~*"
"deletion": {
"softDeletionTags": {
"and": [
"neededChangesets": 1,
"nonDeleteMappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"en": "This is a decorative fountain of which the water is not drinkable by humans",
"nl": "Dit is een decoratieve fontein waarvan het water niet geschikt is om te drinken door mensen",
"de": "Dies ist ein Zierbrunnen, dessen Wasser für den Menschen nicht trinkbar ist",
"es": "Esta es una fuente decorativa con agua no potable",
"ca": "Es tracta d'una font decorativa amb aigua no potable",
"cs": "Jedná se o dekorativní fontánu, jejíž voda není pro lidi pitná"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"en": "This is a water tap or water pump with non-drinkable water.<div class='subtle'>Examples are water taps with rain water to tap water for nearby plants</div>",
"nl": "Dit is een waterkraan of waterpomp met ondrinkbaar water.<div class='subtle'>Bijvoorbeeld een waterkraan met regenwater om planten water mee te geven</div",
"de": "Dies ist ein Wasserhahn oder eine Wasserpumpe mit nicht trinkbarem Wasser.<div class='subtle'>Beispiele sind Wasserhähne mit Regenwasser zum Zapfen von Wasser für nahe gelegene Pflanzen</div>",
"es": "Este es un grifo de agua o una bomba de agua con agua no potable.<div class='subtle'>Ejemplos son grifos con agua de lluvia o agua del grifo para plantas cercanas</div>",
"ca": "Es tracta d'una aixeta d'aigua o bomba d'aigua amb aigua no potable. <div class='subtle'> Per exemple les aixetes d'aigua amb aigua de pluja per aprofitar i regar les plantes properes</div>",
"cs": "Jedná se o vodovodní kohoutek nebo vodní čerpadlo s nepitnou vodou.<div class='subtle'>Příkladem jsou vodovodní kohoutky s dešťovou vodou pro zalévání rostlin v okolí</div>"
"allowMove": {
"enableRelocation": false,
"enableImproveAccuraccy": true
"mapRendering": [
"icon": "pin:#6BC4F7;./assets/layers/drinking_water/drips.svg",
"iconBadges": [
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "close:#c33"
"iconSize": "40,40",
"location": [
"anchor": "bottom"
"description": {
"en": "A layer showing drinking water fountains",
"nl": "Deze laag toont drinkwaterpunten",
"hu": "Ivóvizet adó kutakat megjelenítő réteg",
"de": "Eine Ebene mit Trinkwasserbrunnen",
"es": "Una capa que muestra fuentes de agua potable",
"fr": "Une couche montrant les fontaines d'eau potable",
"ca": "Una capa que mostra fonts d'aigua potable",
"cs": "Vrstva zobrazující fontány s pitnou vodou"