
948 lines
35 KiB

import jsPDF, {Matrix} from "jspdf";
import {Translation, TypedTranslation} from "../UI/i18n/Translation";
import FeaturePipelineState from "../Logic/State/FeaturePipelineState";
import {PngMapCreator} from "./pngMapCreator";
import {AllKnownLayouts} from "../Customizations/AllKnownLayouts";
import {Store} from "../Logic/UIEventSource";
import "../assets/templates/Ubuntu-M-normal.js"
import "../assets/templates/Ubuntu-L-normal.js"
import "../assets/templates/UbuntuMono-B-bold.js"
import {makeAbsolute, parseSVG} from 'svg-path-parser';
import Translations from "../UI/i18n/Translations";
import {Utils} from "../Utils";
import Constants from "../Models/Constants";
import Hash from "../Logic/Web/Hash";
class SvgToPdfInternals {
private readonly doc: jsPDF;
private static readonly dummyDoc: jsPDF = new jsPDF()
private readonly matrices: Matrix[] = []
private readonly matricesInverted: Matrix[] = []
private currentMatrix: Matrix;
private currentMatrixInverted: Matrix;
private readonly _images: Record<string, HTMLImageElement>;
private readonly _rects: Record<string, SVGRectElement>;
private readonly extractTranslation: (string) => string;
constructor(advancedApi: jsPDF, images: Record<string, HTMLImageElement>, rects: Record<string, SVGRectElement>, extractTranslation: (string) => string) {
this.doc = advancedApi;
this._images = images;
this._rects = rects;
this.extractTranslation = s => extractTranslation(s)?.replace(/&nbsp;/g, " ");
this.currentMatrix = this.doc.unitMatrix;
this.currentMatrixInverted = this.doc.unitMatrix;
applyMatrices(): void {
let multiplied = this.doc.unitMatrix;
let multipliedInv = this.doc.unitMatrix;
for (const matrix of this.matrices) {
multiplied = this.doc.matrixMult(multiplied, matrix)
for (const matrix of this.matricesInverted) {
multipliedInv = this.doc.matrixMult(multiplied, matrix)
this.currentMatrix = multiplied
this.currentMatrixInverted = multipliedInv
addMatrix(m: Matrix) {
public static extractMatrix(element: Element): Matrix {
const t = element.getAttribute("transform")
if (t === null) {
return null;
const scaleMatch = t.match(/scale\(([-0-9.]+)\)/)
if (scaleMatch !== null) {
const s = Number(scaleMatch[1])
return SvgToPdfInternals.dummyDoc.Matrix(1 / s, 0, 0, 1 / s, 0, 0);
const translateMatch = t.match(/translate\(([-0-9.]+), ?([-0-9.]*)\)/)
if (translateMatch !== null) {
const dx = Number(translateMatch[1])
const dy = Number(translateMatch[2])
console.log("Translating", dx, dy)
return SvgToPdfInternals.dummyDoc.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, dx, dy);
const transformMatch = t.match(/matrix\(([-0-9.]*),([-0-9.]*),([-0-9.]*),([-0-9.]*),([-0-9.]*),([-0-9.]*)\)/)
if (transformMatch !== null) {
const vals = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
const invVals = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
const ti = Number(transformMatch[i + 1])
if (ti == 0) {
vals[i] = 0
} else {
invVals[i] = 1 / ti
vals[i] = ti
return SvgToPdfInternals.dummyDoc.Matrix(vals[0], vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], vals[5]);
return null;
public setTransform(element: Element): boolean {
const m = SvgToPdfInternals.extractMatrix(element)
if (m === null) {
return false;
return true;
public undoTransform(): void {
const i = this.matricesInverted.pop()
public static parseCss(styleContent: string, separator: string = ";"): Record<string, string> {
if (styleContent === undefined || styleContent === null) {
return {}
const r: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const rule of styleContent.split(separator)) {
const [k, v] = rule.split(":").map(x => x.trim())
r[k] = v
return r
private drawRect(element: SVGRectElement) {
const x = Number(element.getAttribute("x"))
const y = Number(element.getAttribute("y"))
const width = Number(element.getAttribute("width"))
const height = Number(element.getAttribute("height"))
const ry = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "ry", false) ?? 0
const rx = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "rx", false) ?? 0
const css = SvgToPdfInternals.css(element)
if (css["fill-opacity"] !== "0" && css["fill"] !== "none") {
this.doc.setFillColor(css["fill"] ?? "black")
this.doc.roundedRect(x, y, width, height, rx, ry, "F")
if (css["stroke"] && css["stroke"] !== "none") {
this.doc.setLineWidth(Number(css["stroke-width"] ?? 1))
this.doc.setDrawColor(css["stroke"] ?? "black")
this.doc.roundedRect(x, y, width, height, rx, ry, "S")
private drawCircle(element: SVGCircleElement) {
const x = Number(element.getAttribute("cx"))
const y = Number(element.getAttribute("cy"))
const r = Number(element.getAttribute("r"))
const css = SvgToPdfInternals.css(element)
if (css["fill-opacity"] !== "0" && css["fill"] !== "none") {
this.doc.setFillColor(css["fill"] ?? "black"), y, r, "F")
if (css["stroke"] && css["stroke"] !== "none") {
this.doc.setLineWidth(Number(css["stroke-width"] ?? 1))
this.doc.setDrawColor(css["stroke"] ?? "black"), y, r, "S")
private static attr(element: Element, name: string, recurseup: boolean = true): string | undefined {
if (element === null || element === undefined) {
return undefined
const a = element.getAttribute(name)
if (a !== null && a !== undefined) {
return a
if (recurseup && element.parentElement !== undefined && element.parentElement !== element) {
return SvgToPdfInternals.attr(element.parentElement, name, recurseup)
return undefined
* Reads the 'style'-element recursively
* @param element
* @private
private static css(element: Element): Record<string, string> {
if (element.parentElement == undefined || element.parentElement == element) {
return SvgToPdfInternals.parseCss(element.getAttribute("style"))
const css = SvgToPdfInternals.css(element.parentElement);
const style = element.getAttribute("style")
if (style === undefined || style == null) {
return css
for (const rule of style.split(";")) {
const [k, v] = rule.split(":").map(x => x.trim())
css[k] = v
return css
static attrNumber(element: Element, name: string, recurseup: boolean = true): number {
const a = SvgToPdfInternals.attr(element, name, recurseup)
const n = parseFloat(a)
if (!isNaN(n)) {
return n
return undefined
private drawTspan(tspan: Element) {
if (tspan.textContent == "") {
const x = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(tspan, "x")
const y = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(tspan, "y")
const css = SvgToPdfInternals.css(tspan)
let maxWidth: number = undefined
if (css["shape-inside"]) {
const matched = css["shape-inside"].match(/url\(#([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\)/)
if (matched !== null) {
const rectId = matched[1]
const rect = this._rects[rectId]
maxWidth = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(rect, "width", false)
let fontFamily = css["font-family"] ?? "Ubuntu";
if (fontFamily === "sans-serif") {
fontFamily = "Ubuntu"
let fontWeight = css["font-weight"] ?? "normal";
this.doc.setFont(fontFamily, fontWeight)
const fontColor = css["fill"]
if (fontColor) {
} else {
let fontsize = parseFloat(css["font-size"])
this.doc.setFontSize(fontsize * 2.5)
let textTemplate = tspan.textContent.split(" ")
let result: string = ""
let addSpace = false
for (let text of textTemplate) {
if (text === "\\n") {
result += "\n"
addSpace = false
if (text === "\\n\\n") {
result += "\n\n"
addSpace = false
if (!text.startsWith("$")) {
if (addSpace) {
result += " "
result += text
addSpace = true
const list = text.match(/\$list\(([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)\)/)
if (list) {
const key = list[1]
console.log("Generating a list with key" + key)
let r = this.extractTranslation("$" + key + "0");
let i = 0
result += "\n"
while (r !== undefined && i < 100) {
result += "• " + r + "\n"
r = this.extractTranslation("$" + key + i);
result += "\n"
addSpace = false
} else {
const found = this.extractTranslation(text) ?? text
if (addSpace) {
result += " "
result += found
addSpace = true
this.doc.text(result, x, y, {
}, this.currentMatrix)
private drawSvgViaCanvas(element: Element): void {
const x = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "x")
const y = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "y")
const width = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "width")
const height = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "height")
const base64src = SvgToPdfInternals.attr(element, "xlink:href")
const svgXml = atob(base64src.substring(base64src.indexOf(";base64,") + ";base64,".length));
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(svgXml, "text/xml");
const svgRoot = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
const svgWidth = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(svgRoot, "width")
const svgHeight = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(svgRoot, "height")
let img = this._images[base64src]
// This is an svg image, we use the canvas to convert it to a png
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
canvas.width = svgWidth
canvas.height = svgHeight = `${(svgWidth)}px` = `${(svgHeight)}px`
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, svgWidth, svgHeight)
const base64img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png")
this.addMatrix(this.doc.Matrix(width / svgWidth, 0, 0, height / svgHeight, 0, 0))
const p = this.currentMatrixInverted.applyToPoint({x, y})
this.doc.addImage(base64img, "png", p.x * svgWidth / width, p.y * svgHeight / height, svgWidth, svgHeight)
private drawImage(element: Element): void {
const href = SvgToPdfInternals.attr(element, "xlink:href")
if (href.endsWith('svg') || href.startsWith("data:image/svg")) {
} else {
const x = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "x")
const y = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "y")
const width = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "width")
const height = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(element, "height")
const base64src = SvgToPdfInternals.attr(element, "xlink:href")
this.doc.addImage(base64src, x, y, width, height)
private drawPath(element: SVGPathElement): void {
const path = element.getAttribute("d")
const parsed: { code: string, x: number, y: number, x2?, y2?, x1?, y1? }[] = parseSVG(path)
for (const c of parsed) {
if (c.code === "C" || c.code === "c") {
const command = {op: "c", c: [c.x1, c.y1, c.x2, c.y2, c.x, c.y]}
if (c.code === "H") {
const command = {op: "l", c: [c.x, c.y]}
if (c.code === "V") {
const command = {op: "l", c: [c.x, c.y]}
this.doc.path([{op: c.code.toLowerCase(), c: [c.x, c.y]}])
const css = SvgToPdfInternals.css(element)
if (css["color"] && css["color"].toLowerCase() !== "none") {
if (css["stroke-width"]) {
if (css["stroke-linejoin"] !== undefined) {
let doFill = false
if (css["fill-rule"] === "evenodd") {
} else if (css["fill"] && css["fill"] !== "none") {
doFill = true
if (css["stroke"] && css["stroke"] !== "none") {
if (doFill) {
} else {
} else if (doFill) {
public handleElement(element: SVGSVGElement | Element): void {
const isTransformed = this.setTransform(element)
try {
if (element.tagName === "tspan") {
if (element.childElementCount == 0) {
} else {
for (let child of Array.from(element.children)) {
if (element.tagName === "image") {
if (element.tagName === "path") {
if (element.tagName === "g" || element.tagName === "text") {
for (let child of Array.from(element.children)) {
if (element.tagName === "rect") {
if (element.tagName === "circle") {
} catch (e) {
console.error("Could not handle element", element, "due to", e)
if (isTransformed) {
* Helper function to calculate where the given point will end up.
* ALl the transforms of the parent elements are taking into account
* @param mapSpec
* @constructor
static GetActualXY(mapSpec: SVGTSpanElement): { x: number, y: number } {
let runningM = SvgToPdfInternals.dummyDoc.unitMatrix
let e: Element = mapSpec
do {
const m = SvgToPdfInternals.extractMatrix(e)
if (m !== null) {
runningM = SvgToPdfInternals.dummyDoc.matrixMult(runningM, m)
e = e.parentElement
} while (e !== null && e.parentElement != e)
const x = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(mapSpec, "x")
const y = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(mapSpec, "y")
return runningM.applyToPoint({x, y})
export interface SvgToPdfOptions {
getFreeDiv: () => string,
disableMaps?: false | true
textSubstitutions?: Record<string, string>,
beforePage?: (i: number) => void,
overrideLocation?: { lat: number, lon: number }
export class SvgToPdfPage {
private images: Record<string, HTMLImageElement> = {}
private rects: Record<string, SVGRectElement> = {}
public readonly _svgRoot: SVGSVGElement;
public readonly currentState: Store<string>
private readonly importedTranslations: Record<string, string> = {}
private readonly layerTranslations: Record<string, Record<string, any>> = {}
private readonly options: SvgToPdfOptions
constructor(page: string, options?: SvgToPdfOptions) {
this.options = options ?? (<SvgToPdfOptions>{})
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(page, "image/svg+xml");
this._svgRoot = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
private loadImage(element: Element): Promise<void> {
const xlink = element.getAttribute("xlink:href")
let img = document.createElement("img")
if (xlink.startsWith("data:image/svg+xml;")) {
const base64src = xlink;
let svgXml = atob(base64src.substring(base64src.indexOf(";base64,") + ";base64,".length));
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(svgXml, "text/xml");
const svgRoot = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
const svgWidthStr = svgRoot.getAttribute("width")
const svgHeightStr = svgRoot.getAttribute("height")
const svgWidth = parseFloat(svgWidthStr)
const svgHeight = parseFloat(svgHeightStr)
if (!svgWidthStr.endsWith("px")) {
svgRoot.setAttribute("width", svgWidth + "px")
if (!svgHeightStr.endsWith("px")) {
svgRoot.setAttribute("height", svgHeight + "px")
img.src = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(svgRoot.outerHTML)
} else {
img.src = xlink
this.images[xlink] = img
return new Promise((resolve) => {
img.onload = _ => {
public extractTranslations(): Set<string> {
const textContents: string[] = Array.from(this._svgRoot.getElementsByTagName("tspan"))
.map(t => t.textContent)
const translations = new Set<string>()
console.log("Extracting translations, contents are", textContents)
for (const tc of textContents) {
const parts = tc.split(" ").filter(p => p.startsWith("$") && p.indexOf("(") < 0)
for (let part of parts) {
part = part.substring(1) // Drop the $
let path = part.split(".")
const importPath = this.importedTranslations[path[0]]
if (importPath) {
translations.add(importPath + "." + path.slice(1).join("."))
} else {
console.log("Translations keys are", translations)
return translations
public async prepareElement(element: SVGSVGElement | Element, mapTextSpecs: SVGTSpanElement[]): Promise<void> {
if (element.tagName === "rect") {
this.rects[] = <SVGRectElement>element;
if (element.tagName === "image") {
await this.loadImage(element)
if (element.tagName === "tspan" && element.childElementCount == 0) {
const specialValues = element.textContent.split(" ").filter(t => t.startsWith("$"))
for (let specialValue of specialValues) {
const importMatch = element.textContent.match(/\$import ([a-zA-Z-_0-9.? ]+) as ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/)
if (importMatch !== null) {
const [, pathRaw, as] = importMatch
this.importedTranslations[as] = pathRaw
const setPropertyMatch = element.textContent.match(/\$set\(([a-zA-Z-_0-9.?:]+),(.+)\)/)
if (setPropertyMatch) {
this.options.textSubstitutions[setPropertyMatch[1].trim()] = setPropertyMatch[2].trim()
console.log("Setting a property:", setPropertyMatch, this.options.textSubstitutions)
if (element.textContent.startsWith("$map(")) {
if (element.tagName === "g" || element.tagName === "text" || element.tagName === "tspan" || element.tagName === "defs") {
for (let child of Array.from(element.children)) {
await this.prepareElement(child, mapTextSpecs)
private _isPrepared = false;
private async prepareMap(mapSpec: SVGTSpanElement,): Promise<void> {
// Upper left point of the tspan
const {x, y} = SvgToPdfInternals.GetActualXY(mapSpec)
let textElement: Element = mapSpec
// We recurse up to get the actual, full specification
while (textElement.tagName !== "text") {
textElement = textElement.parentElement
const spec = textElement.textContent
const match = spec.match(/\$map\(([^)]+)\)$/)
if (match === null) {
throw "Invalid mapspec:" + spec
const params = SvgToPdfInternals.parseCss(match[1], ",")
let smallestRect: SVGRectElement = undefined
let smallestSurface: number = undefined;
// We iterate over all the rectangles and pick the smallest (by surface area) that contains the upper left point of the tspan
for (const id in this.rects) {
const rect = this.rects[id]
const rx = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(rect, "x")
const ry = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(rect, "y")
const w = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(rect, "width")
const h = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(rect, "height")
const inBounds = rx <= x && x <= rx + w && ry <= y && y <= ry + h
if (!inBounds) {
const surface = w * h
if (smallestSurface === undefined || smallestSurface > surface) {
smallestSurface = surface
smallestRect = rect
if (smallestRect === undefined) {
throw "No rectangle found around " + spec + ". Draw a rectangle around it, the map will be projected on that one"
const svgImage = document.createElement('image')
svgImage.setAttribute("x", smallestRect.getAttribute("x"))
svgImage.setAttribute("y", smallestRect.getAttribute("y"))
const width = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(smallestRect, "width")
const height = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(smallestRect, "height")
svgImage.setAttribute("width", "" + width)
svgImage.setAttribute("height", "" + height)
let layout = AllKnownLayouts.allKnownLayouts.get(params["theme"])
if (layout === undefined) {
console.error("Could not show map with parameters", params)
throw "Theme not found:" + params["theme"] + ". Use theme: to define which theme to use. "
layout.widenFactor = 0
layout.overpassTimeout = 600
layout.defaultBackgroundId = params["background"] ?? layout.defaultBackgroundId
for (const paramsKey in params) {
if (paramsKey.startsWith("layer-")) {
const layerName = paramsKey.substring("layer-".length)
const key = params[paramsKey].toLowerCase().trim()
const layer = layout.layers.find(l => === layerName)
if (layer === undefined) {
throw "No layer found for " + paramsKey
if (key === "force") {
layer.minzoom = 0
layer.minzoomVisible = 0
const zoom = Number(params["zoom"] ?? params["z"] ?? 14);
// QueryParameters.ClearAll()
const state = new FeaturePipelineState(layout)
lat: this.options?.overrideLocation?.lat ?? Number(params["lat"] ?? 51.05016),
lon: this.options?.overrideLocation?.lon ?? Number(params["lon"] ?? 3.717842)
console.log("Params are", params, params["layers"] === "none")
const fl =
for (const filteredLayer of fl) {
if (params["layer-" +] !== undefined) {
filteredLayer.isDisplayed.setData(params["layer-" +].trim().toLowerCase() !== "false")
} else if (params["layers"] === "none") {
} else if ("note_import")) {
for (const paramsKey in params) {
if (paramsKey.startsWith("layer-")) {
const layerName = paramsKey.substring("layer-".length)
const key = params[paramsKey].toLowerCase().trim()
const isDisplayed = key === "true" || key === "force";
const layer = => === layerName)
console.log("Setting ", layer?.layerDef?.id, " to visibility", isDisplayed, "(minzoom:", layer?.layerDef?.minzoomVisible, layer?.layerDef?.minzoom, ")")
if (key === "force") {
layer.layerDef.minzoom = 0
layer.layerDef.minzoomVisible = 0
layer.isDisplayed.addCallback(isDisplayed => {
if (!isDisplayed) {
console.warn("Forcing layer " + paramsKey + " as true")
const pngCreator = new PngMapCreator(
scaling: Number(params["scaling"] ?? 1.5),
divId: this.options.getFreeDiv(),
dummyMode: this.options.disableMaps
const png = await pngCreator.CreatePng("image")
svgImage.setAttribute('xlink:href', png)
smallestRect.parentElement.insertBefore(svgImage, smallestRect)
await this.prepareElement(svgImage, [])
const smallestRectCss = SvgToPdfInternals.parseCss(smallestRect.getAttribute("style"))
smallestRectCss["fill-opacity"] = "0"
smallestRect.setAttribute("style", Object.keys(smallestRectCss).map(k => k + ":" + smallestRectCss[k]).join(";"))
public async PrepareLanguage(language: string) {
// Always fetch the remote data - it's cached anyway
this.layerTranslations[language] = await Utils.downloadJsonCached("" + language + ".json", 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
const shared_questions = await Utils.downloadJsonCached("" + language + ".json", 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
this.layerTranslations[language]["shared-questions"] = shared_questions["shared_questions"]
public async Prepare() {
if (this._isPrepared) {
this._isPrepared = true;
const mapSpecs: SVGTSpanElement[] = []
for (let child of Array.from(this._svgRoot.children)) {
await this.prepareElement(<any>child, mapSpecs)
for (const mapSpec of mapSpecs) {
await this.prepareMap(mapSpec)
public drawPage(advancedApi: jsPDF, i: number, language): void {
if (!this._isPrepared) {
throw "Run 'Prepare()' first!"
if (this.options.beforePage) {
const self = this
const internal = new SvgToPdfInternals(advancedApi, this.images, this.rects, key => self.extractTranslation(key, language));
for (let child of Array.from(this._svgRoot.children)) {
extractTranslation(text: string, language: string, strict: boolean = false) {
if (text === "$version") {
return new Date().toISOString().substring(0, "2022-01-02THH:MM".length) + " - v" + Constants.vNumber
const pathPart = text.match(/\$(([_a-zA-Z0-9? ]+\.)+[_a-zA-Z0-9? ]+)(.*)/)
if (pathPart === null) {
return text
let t: any = Translations.t
const path = pathPart[1].split(".")
if (this.importedTranslations[path[0]]) {
path.splice(0, 1, ...this.importedTranslations[path[0]].split("."))
const rest = pathPart[3] ?? ""
if (path[0] === "layer") {
t = this.layerTranslations[language]
if (t === undefined) {
console.error("No layerTranslation available for language " + language)
return text
path.splice(0, 1)
for (const crumb of path) {
t = t[crumb]
if (t === undefined) {
console.error("No value found to substitute " + text, "the path is", path)
return undefined
if (typeof t === "string") {
t = new TypedTranslation({"*": t})
if (t instanceof TypedTranslation) {
if (strict && (t.translations[language] ?? t.translations["*"]) === undefined) {
return undefined
return t.Subs(this.options.textSubstitutions).textFor(language) + rest
} else if (t instanceof Translation) {
if (strict && (t.translations[language] ?? t.translations["*"]) === undefined) {
return undefined
return (<Translation>t).textFor(language) + rest
} else {
console.error("Could not get textFor from ", t, "for path", text)
export class SvgToPdf {
public static readonly templates: Record<string, { pages: string[], description: string | Translation }> = {
flyer_a4: {
pages: ["/assets/templates/MapComplete-flyer.svg", "/assets/templates/MapComplete-flyer.back.svg"],
description: Translations.t.flyer.description
poster_a3: {
pages: ["/assets/templates/MapComplete-poster-a3.svg"],
description: "A basic A3 poster (similar to the flyer)"
poster_a2: {
pages: ["/assets/templates/MapComplete-poster-a2.svg"],
description: "A basic A2 poster (similar to the flyer); scaled up from the A3 poster"
private readonly _title: string;
private readonly _pages: SvgToPdfPage[]
constructor(title: string, pages: string[], options?: SvgToPdfOptions) {
this._title = title;
options = options ?? <SvgToPdfOptions>{}
options.textSubstitutions = options.textSubstitutions ?? {}
const mapCount = "" + Array.from(AllKnownLayouts.allKnownLayouts.values()).filter(th => !th.hideFromOverview).length;
options.textSubstitutions["mapCount"] = mapCount
this._pages = => new SvgToPdfPage(page, options))
public async ConvertSvg(language: string): Promise<void> {
const firstPage = this._pages[0]._svgRoot
const width = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(firstPage, "width")
const height = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(firstPage, "height")
const mode = width > height ? "landscape" : "portrait"
await this.Prepare()
for (const page of this._pages) {
await page.Prepare()
await page.PrepareLanguage(language)
const doc = new jsPDF(mode, undefined, [width, height])
doc.advancedAPI(advancedApi => {
for (let i = 0; i < this._pages.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
const page = this._pages[i]._svgRoot
const width = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(page, "width")
const height = SvgToPdfInternals.attrNumber(page, "height")
advancedApi.addPage([width, height])
const mediabox: { bottomLeftX: number, bottomLeftY: number, topRightX: number, topRightY: number } = advancedApi.getCurrentPageInfo().pageContext.mediaBox
const targetWidth = 297
const targetHeight = 210
const sx = mediabox.topRightX / targetWidth
const sy = mediabox.topRightY / targetHeight
advancedApi.setCurrentTransformationMatrix(advancedApi.Matrix(sx, 0, 0, -sy, 0, mediabox.topRightY))
this._pages[i].drawPage(advancedApi, i, language)
await + "." + language + ".pdf");
public translationKeys(): Set<string> {
const allTranslations = this._pages[0].extractTranslations()
for (let i = 1; i < this._pages.length; i++) {
const translations = this._pages[i].extractTranslations()
translations.forEach(t => allTranslations.add(t))
return allTranslations
* Prepares all the minimaps
* @constructor
public async Prepare(): Promise<SvgToPdf> {
for (const page of this._pages) {
await page.Prepare()
return this
public async PrepareLanguages(languages: string[]): Promise<boolean> {
for (const page of this._pages) {
// Load all languages at once.
// We don't parallelize the pages, as they'll probably reload the same languages anyway (and they are cached)
await Promise.all( language => await page.PrepareLanguage(language)))
return true
getTranslation(translationKey: string, language: string, strict: boolean = false) {
for (const page of this._pages) {
const tr = page.extractTranslation(translationKey, language, strict)
if(tr === undefined){
if(tr === translationKey){
return tr
return undefined