forked from MapComplete/MapComplete
Currently translated at 19.7% (134 of 679 strings) Translation: MapComplete/Core Translate-URL:
899 lines
31 KiB
899 lines
31 KiB
"centerMessage": {
"loadingData": "Cargando os datos…",
"ready": "Feito!",
"retrying": "A carga dos datos fallou. Tentándoo de novo… ({count})",
"zoomIn": "Achégate para ollar ou editar os datos"
"favourite": {
"loginNeeded": "<h3>Iniciar a sesión</h3>O deseño personalizado só está dispoñíbel para os usuarios do OpenstreetMap",
"panelIntro": "<h3>O teu tema personalizado</h3>Activa as túas capas favoritas de todos os temas oficiais",
"reload": "Recargar os datos"
"general": {
"about": "Editar doadamente e engadir puntos no OpenStreetMap dun eido en concreto",
"add": {
"addNew": "Engadir {category} aquí",
"confirmButton": "Engadir {category} aquí",
"confirmIntro": "<h3>Engadir {title} aquí?</h3>O punto que estás a crear <b>será ollado por todo o mundo</b>. Só engade cousas que realmente existan. Moitas aplicacións empregan estes datos.",
"intro": "Marcaches un lugar onde non coñecemos os datos.<br/>",
"layerNotEnabled": "A capa {layer} non está activada. Faino para poder engadir un punto nesta capa",
"openLayerControl": "Abrir o control de capas",
"pleaseLogin": "Inicia a sesión para engadir un novo punto",
"stillLoading": "Os datos seguen a cargarse. Agarda un intre antes de engadir ningún punto.",
"title": "Queres engadir un punto?",
"zoomInFurther": "Achégate para engadir un punto.",
"import": {
"wrongTypeToConflate": "",
"hasBeenImported": "",
"howToTest": "",
"importTags": "",
"zoomInMore": "",
"wrongType": "",
"officialThemesOnly": ""
"zoomInMore": "",
"disableFilters": "",
"disableFiltersExplanation": "",
"warnVisibleForEveryone": "",
"presetInfo": "",
"hasBeenImported": "",
"addNewMapLabel": "",
"wrongType": "",
"importTags": ""
"attribution": {
"attributionContent": "<p>Todos os datos proveñen do <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OpenStreetMap</a>, e pódense reutilizar libremente baixo <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">a Licenza Aberta de Base de Datos (ODbL)</a>.</p>",
"attributionTitle": "Aviso de atribución",
"codeContributionsBy": "O MapComplete foi feito por {contributors} e <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">{hiddenCount} contribuíntes máis</a>",
"iconAttribution": {
"title": "Iconas empregadas"
"mapContributionsBy": "A información visíbel actual ten edicións feitas por {contributors}",
"mapContributionsByAndHidden": "A información visíbel actual ten edicións feitas por {contributors} e {hiddenCount} contribuíntes máis",
"themeBy": "Tema mantido por {author}",
"editJosm": "",
"editId": "",
"donate": "",
"translatedBy": "",
"followBridge": "",
"josmNotOpened": "",
"josmOpened": "",
"openIssueTracker": "",
"openMapillary": "",
"openOsmcha": "",
"mapillaryHelp": "",
"followOnTwitter": "",
"followOnMastodon": ""
"backgroundMap": "Mapa do fondo",
"cancel": "Desbotar",
"customThemeIntro": "<h3>Temas personalizados</h3>Estes son temas xerados por usuarios previamente visitados.",
"fewChangesBefore": "Responde unhas cantas preguntas sobre puntos existentes antes de engadir novos.",
"getStartedLogin": "Entra no OpenStreetMap para comezar",
"getStartedNewAccount": " ou <a href='' target='_blank'>crea unha nova conta</a>",
"goToInbox": "Abrir mensaxes",
"layerSelection": {
"title": "Seleccionar capas",
"zoomInToSeeThisLayer": "Achégate para ver esta capa"
"loginToStart": "Inicia a sesión para responder esta pregunta",
"loginWithOpenStreetMap": "Inicia a sesión no OpenStreetMap",
"morescreen": {
"createYourOwnTheme": "Crea o teu propio tema completo do MapComplete dende cero.",
"intro": "<h3>Máis tarefas</h3>Góstache captar datos? <br/>Hai máis capas dispoñíbeis.",
"requestATheme": "Se queres unha tarefa personalizada, solicítaa no seguimento de problemas.",
"streetcomplete": "Outra aplicación semellante é <a href='' class='underline hover:text-blue-800' target='_blank'>StreetComplete</a>.",
"noSearch": "",
"searchForATheme": "",
"previouslyHiddenTitle": "",
"hiddenExplanation": "",
"noMatchingThemes": ""
"nameInlineQuestion": "{category}: O teu nome é $$$",
"noNameCategory": "{category} sen nome",
"noTagsSelected": "Non se seleccionaron etiquetas",
"number": "número",
"oneSkippedQuestion": "Ignoraches unha pregunta",
"openStreetMapIntro": "<h3>Un mapa aberto</h3><p></p>Non sería xenial se houbera un só mapa, que todos puideran empregar e editar de xeito libre?Un só lugar para almacenar toda a información xeográfica? Entón, todos eses sitios web con mapas diferentes, pequenos e incompatíbeis (que sempre están desactualizados) xa non serían necesarios.</p><p><b><a href='' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap</a></b> é ese mapa. Os datos do mapa pódense empregar de balde (con <a href='' target='_blank'> atribución e publicación de modificacións neses datos</a>). Ademais diso, todos poden engadir de xeito ceibe novos datos e corrixir erros. Este sitio web tamén emprega o OpenStreetMap. Todos os datos proveñen de alí, e as túas respostas e correccións tamén serán engadidas alí.</p><p>Moitas persoas e aplicacións xa empregan o OpenStreetMap: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>OsmAnd</a>, pero tamén os mapas do Facebook, Instagram, Apple e Bing son (en parte) impulsados polo OpenStreetMap. Se mudas algo aquí, tamén será reflexado nesas aplicacións, na súa seguinte actualización!</p>",
"opening_hours": {
"closed_permanently": "Pechado - sen día de abertura coñecido",
"closed_until": "Pechado até {date}",
"error_loading": "Erro: non foi posíbel ver eses horarios de abertura.",
"not_all_rules_parsed": "O horario desta tenda é complexo. As normas seguintes serán ignoradas na entrada:",
"openTill": "até",
"open_24_7": "Aberto ás 24 horas do día",
"open_during_ph": "Durante festas este servizo está",
"opensAt": "dende",
"ph_closed": "pechado",
"ph_not_known": " ",
"ph_open": "aberto",
"ph_open_as_usual": "",
"loadingCountry": ""
"osmLinkTooltip": "Ollar este obxecto no OpenStreetMap para ollar o historial e outras opcións de edición",
"pickLanguage": "Escoller lingua: ",
"questions": {
"emailIs": "O enderezo de correo electrónico de {category} é <a href='mailto:{email}' target='_blank'>{email}</a>",
"emailOf": "Cal é o enderezo de correo electrónico de {category}?",
"phoneNumberIs": "O número de teléfono de {category} é <a href='tel:{phone}' target='_blank'>{phone}</a>",
"phoneNumberOf": "Cal é o número de teléfono de {category}?",
"websiteIs": "Páxina web: <a href='{website}' target='_blank'>{website}</a>",
"websiteOf": "Cal é a páxina web de {category}?"
"readYourMessages": "Le todos a túas mensaxes do OpenStreetMap antes de engadir novos puntos.",
"returnToTheMap": "Voltar ó mapa",
"save": "Gardar",
"search": {
"error": "Algunha cousa non foi ben...",
"nothing": "Nada atopado...",
"search": "Procurar unha localización",
"searching": "Procurando..."
"sharescreen": {
"addToHomeScreen": "<h3>Engadir á pantalla de inicio</h3>Podes engadir esta web na pantalla de inicio do teu smartphone para que se vexa máis nativo. Preme o botón 'engadir ó inicio' na barra de enderezos URL para facelo.",
"copiedToClipboard": "Ligazón copiada ó portapapeis",
"editThemeDescription": "Engadir ou mudar preguntas a este tema do mapa",
"editThisTheme": "Editar este tema",
"embedIntro": "<h3>Inclúeo na túa páxina web</h3>Inclúe este mapa na túa páxina web. <br/> Animámoche a que o fagas, non fai falla que pidas permiso. <br/> É de balde, e sempre será. Canta máis xente que o empregue máis valioso será.",
"fsAddNew": "Activar o botón de 'engadir novo PDI'",
"fsGeolocation": "Activar o botón de 'xeolocalizarme' (só móbil)",
"fsIncludeCurrentBackgroundMap": "Incluír a opción de fondo actual <b>{name}</b>",
"fsIncludeCurrentLayers": "Incluír as opcións de capa actual",
"fsIncludeCurrentLocation": "Incluír localización actual",
"fsLayerControlToggle": "Comenza co control de capas expandido",
"fsLayers": "Activar o control de capas",
"fsSearch": "Activar a barra de procura",
"fsUserbadge": "Activar botón de inicio de sesión",
"fsWelcomeMessage": "Amosar a xanela emerxente da mensaxe de benvida e as lapelas asociadas",
"intro": "<h3>Comparte este mapa</h3> Comparte este mapa copiando a ligazón de embaixo e enviándoa ás amizades e familia:",
"thanksForSharing": "Grazas por compartir!",
"downloadCustomTheme": "",
"downloadCustomThemeHelp": ""
"skip": "Ignorar esta pregunta",
"skippedQuestions": "Ignoraches algunhas preguntas",
"weekdays": {
"abbreviations": {
"friday": "Ven",
"monday": "Lun",
"saturday": "Sab",
"sunday": "Dom",
"thursday": "Xo",
"tuesday": "Mar",
"wednesday": "Mer"
"friday": "Venres",
"monday": "Luns",
"saturday": "Sábado",
"sunday": "Domingo",
"thursday": "Xoves",
"tuesday": "Martes",
"wednesday": "Mércores"
"welcomeBack": "Iniciaches a sesión, benvido.",
"download": {
"downloadAsSvg": "",
"downloadFeatureAsGeojson": "",
"downloadFeatureAsGpx": "",
"noDataLoaded": "",
"downloadGpx": "",
"downloadGeoJsonHelper": "",
"downloadAsSvgHelper": "",
"uploadGpx": "",
"title": "",
"downloadGpxHelper": "",
"downloadAsPdfHelper": "",
"downloadCSV": "",
"downloadCSVHelper": "",
"downloadGeojson": "",
"exporting": "",
"includeMetaData": "",
"downloadAsPdf": "",
"licenseInfo": ""
"levelSelection": {
"addNewOnLevel": "",
"confirmLevel": ""
"pdf": {
"generatedWith": "",
"attrBackground": "",
"versionInfo": "",
"attr": ""
"screenToSmall": "",
"welcomeExplanation": {
"browseOtherThemesIntro": "",
"general": "",
"browseMoreMaps": "",
"addNew": ""
"confirm": "",
"histogram": {
"error_loading": ""
"loadingTheme": "",
"poweredByOsm": "",
"wikipedia": {
"wikipediaboxTitle": "",
"createNewWikidata": "",
"doSearch": "",
"failed": "",
"searchToShort": "",
"fromWikipedia": "",
"loading": "",
"previewbox": {
"died": "",
"born": ""
"searchWikidata": "",
"noResults": "",
"noWikipediaPage": ""
"example": "",
"loginOnlyNeededToEdit": "",
"apply_button": {
"isApplied": "",
"appliedOnAnotherObject": ""
"openTheMap": "",
"aboutMapcomplete": "",
"testing": "",
"noMatchingMapping": "",
"examples": "",
"loginFailed": "",
"useSearch": "",
"back": "",
"logout": "",
"next": "",
"error": "",
"backToMapcomplete": "",
"loading": "",
"notValid": "",
"removeLocationHistory": "",
"useSearchForMore": ""
"image": {
"addPicture": "Engadir imaxe",
"ccb": "baixo a licenza CC-BY",
"ccbs": "baixo a licenza CC-BY-SA",
"cco": "no dominio público",
"doDelete": "Eliminar imaxe",
"dontDelete": "Cancelar",
"isDeleted": "Eliminada",
"pleaseLogin": "Inicia a sesión para subir unha imaxe",
"respectPrivacy": "Respecta a privacidade. Non fotografes xente ou matrículas",
"uploadDone": "<span class='thanks'>A túa imaxe foi engadida. Grazas por axudar.</span>",
"uploadFailed": "Non foi posíbel subir a imaxe. Tes internet e permites API de terceiros? O navegador Brave ou UMatrix podería bloquealas.",
"uploadingMultiple": "Subindo {count} das túas imaxes...",
"uploadingPicture": "Subindo a túa imaxe...",
"willBePublished": "A túa imaxe será publicada: ",
"nearbyPictures": {
"nothingFound": "",
"allFiltered": "",
"browseNearby": "",
"hasMatchingPicture": "",
"loadMore": "",
"noImageSelected": "",
"onlyTowards": "",
"removeFilters": "",
"title": "",
"withinRadius": "",
"confirm": "",
"loading": ""
"ccbsExplanation": "",
"ccoExplanation": "",
"toBig": "",
"uploadMultipleDone": "",
"ccbExplanation": ""
"index": {
"#": "These texts are shown above the theme buttons when no theme is loaded",
"intro": "O MapComplete é un visor e editor do OpenStreetMap, que te amosa información sobre un tema específico.",
"pickTheme": "Escolle un tema para comezar.",
"title": "Benvido ao MapComplete",
"featuredThemeTitle": "",
"logIn": ""
"reviews": {
"affiliated_reviewer_warning": "(Recensión de afiliado)",
"name_required": "Requírese un nome para amosar e crear recensións",
"no_rating": "Sen puntuacións",
"no_reviews_yet": "Non hai recensións aínda. Se o primeiro en escribir unha e axuda ao negocio e aos datos libres!",
"plz_login": "Inicia sesión para deixar unha recensión",
"posting_as": "Publicar como",
"saved": "<span class=\"thanks\">Recensión compartida. Grazas por compartir!</span>",
"saving_review": "Gardando…",
"title": "{count} recensións",
"title_singular": "Unha recensión",
"write_a_comment": "Deixa unha recensión…",
"attribution": "",
"i_am_affiliated": "",
"tos": ""
"importHelper": {
"askMetadata": {
"giveDescription": "",
"shouldNotBeHomepage": "",
"title": "",
"giveSource": "",
"downloadGeojson": "",
"giveWikilink": "",
"intro": "",
"orDownload": "",
"shouldBeOsmWikilink": "",
"shouldBeUrl": ""
"conflationChecker": {
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"idle": "",
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"unexpected": "",
"error": ""
"zoomLevelSelection": "",
"setRangeToZero": "",
"title": "",
"zoomIn": "",
"osmLoaded": "",
"nothingLoaded": "",
"importCandidatesCount": "",
"reloadTheCache": "",
"nearbyWarn": "",
"loadedDataAge": "",
"mapShowingNearbyIntro": "",
"titleLive": "",
"cacheExpired": "",
"downloadOverpassData": "",
"showOsmLayerInConflationMap": "",
"titleNearby": ""
"login": {
"loginIsCorrect": "",
"title": "",
"loggedInWith": "",
"userAccountTitle": "",
"loginRequired": "",
"lockNotice": ""
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"someHaveSame": "",
"allAttributesSame": "",
"inspectDataTitle": "",
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"title": ""
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"title": "",
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"errNoName": "",
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"errPointsOnly": "",
"fileFormatDescriptionCsv": ""
"title": "",
"compareToAlreadyExistingNotes": {
"loadingFailed": "",
"wontBeImported": "",
"noPreviousNotesFound": "",
"completelyImported": "",
"loading": "",
"title": "",
"titleLong": "",
"mapExplanation": "",
"nothingNearby": "",
"someNearby": ""
"confirmProcess": {
"contactedCommunity": "",
"licenseIsCompatible": "",
"title": "",
"readImportGuidelines": "",
"titleLong": "",
"wikipageIsMade": ""
"mapPreview": {
"autodetected": "",
"selectLayer": "",
"confirm": "",
"mismatch": "",
"title": ""
"noteParts": {
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"datasource": "",
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"selectTheme": {
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"noMatchingPresets": "",
"needsTags": "",
"displayNonMatchingCount": "",
"intro": "",
"missing": "",
"notApplicable": "",
"title": "",
"unmatchedTitle": ""
"introduction": {
"importFormat": "",
"title": "",
"description": ""
"createNotes": {
"title": "",
"creating": "",
"loading": "",
"done": "",
"openImportViewer": ""
"testMode": "",
"gotoImportViewer": ""
"matrixbot": {
"commands": {
"dm": {
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"selectValidUser": "",
"argbody": "",
"argto": "",
"executing": "",
"failed": "",
"sendReason": "",
"noDm": "",
"docs": "",
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"receipt": ""
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"layer": {
"singular": "",
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"overview": "",
"url_parameter": {
"singular": "",
"plural": ""
"file": {
"singular": "",
"plural": ""
"inputElement": {
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"singular": ""
"theme": {
"singular": "",
"plural": ""
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"docs": "",
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"docs": "",
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"docs": "",
"hasBeenSet": "",
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"allRevoked": "",
"allRolesIntro": "",
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"docs": "",
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"search": {
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"docs": "",
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"shutdown": {
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"docs": "",
"notYetShuttingDown": "",
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"noSufficientRights": "",
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"subcommandNotGiven": ""
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"reasons": {
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"partOfRelation": "",
"selectReason": "",
"whyMove": "",
"loginToMove": "",
"cannotBeMoved": "",
"cancel": ""
"notes": {
"createNoteIntro": "",
"createNoteTitle": "",
"disableAllNoteFilters": "",
"isClosed": "",
"isCreated": "",
"typeText": "",
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"noteIsPublic": "",
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"notesLayerMustBeEnabled": "",
"loginToAddPicture": "",
"loginToClose": "",
"noteLayerHasFilters": "",
"noteLayerNotEnabled": "",
"reopenNoteAndComment": "",
"textNeeded": "",
"addComment": "",
"addCommentPlaceholder": "",
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"addCommentAndClose": "",
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"title": "",
"intro": "",
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"editingTitle": "",
"geodata": "",
"miscCookies": "",
"surveillance": "",
"whileYoureHere": "",
"tracking": ""
"professional": {
"aboutMc": {
"internalUse": {
"intro": "",
"title": ""
"survey": {
"intro": "",
"title": ""
"text0": "",
"text1": "",
"text2": "",
"title": "",
"layers": {
"intro": "",
"title": ""
"aboutOsm": {
"aboutOsm": {
"li0": "",
"li3": "",
"title": "",
"li1": "",
"li2": "",
"intro": ""
"benefits": {
"title": "",
"li1": "",
"intro": "",
"li0": "",
"li2": ""
"license": {
"outro": "",
"title": "",
"intro": "",
"li1": "",
"li0": ""
"vandalism": {
"li1": "",
"li2": "",
"li0": "",
"intro": "",
"li4": "",
"title": "",
"li3": ""
"drawbacks": {
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"intro": "",
"li2": "",
"title": "",
"usecaseGatheringOpenData": {
"intro": "",
"title": ""
"usecaseMapDifferentSources": {
"title": "",
"li1": "",
"outro": "",
"intro": "",
"li0": ""
"li1": "",
"outro": "",
"li0": ""
"title": "",
"unsuitedData": {
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"title": "",
"li0": "",
"li1": "",
"li2": ""
"intro": ""
"text0": "",
"title": "",
"services": {
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"li4": "",
"li2": "",
"li3": "",
"title": "",
"li1": "",
"outro": ""
"indexPage": {
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"hookMore": "",
"hook": ""
"intro": "",
"text1": "",
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"feedback": "",
"description": ""
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"description": "",
"mustBePositive": "",
"notANumber": ""
"email": {
"description": "",
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"description": ""
"distance": {
"description": ""
"direction": {
"description": ""
"opening_hours": {
"description": ""
"pnat": {
"description": "",
"noZero": ""
"url": {
"description": "",
"feedback": ""
"wikidata": {
"description": ""
"color": {
"description": ""
"string": {
"description": ""
"text": {
"description": ""
"tooLong": "",
"date": {
"description": ""
"float": {
"description": "",
"feedback": ""
"importLayer": {
"importButton": "",
"alreadyMapped": "",
"layerName": "",
"description": "",
"popupTitle": "",
"importHandled": "",
"nearbyImagesIntro": "",
"notFound": ""
"delete": {
"cannotBeDeleted": "",
"explanations": {
"selectReason": "",
"softDelete": "",
"hardDelete": "",
"retagOtherThemes": "",
"retagNoOtherThemes": ""
"reasons": {
"disused": "",
"notFound": "",
"test": "",
"duplicate": ""
"readMessages": "",
"loading": "",
"loginToDelete": "",
"notEnoughExperience": "",
"isntAPoint": "",
"partOfOthers": "",
"isDeleted": "",
"safeDelete": "",
"delete": "",
"cancel": "",
"onlyEditedByLoggedInUser": "",
"whyDelete": "",
"useSomethingElse": ""
"split": {
"split": "",
"splitTitle": "",
"inviteToSplit": "",
"loginToSplit": "",
"cancel": "",
"hasBeenSplit": ""
"translations": {
"activateButton": "",
"completeness": "",
"allMissing": "",
"isTranslator": "",
"deactivate": "",
"missing": "",
"help": "",
"notImmediate": ""
"importInspector": {
"title": ""
"multi_apply": {
"autoApply": ""