
53 lines
1.9 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import { UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource";
import type { SpecialVisualizationState } from "../SpecialVisualization";
import Tr from "../Base/Tr.svelte";
import If from "../Base/If.svelte";
import ValidatedInput from "../InputElement/ValidatedInput.svelte";
import TagRenderingMapping from "./TagRenderingMapping.svelte";
import type { Feature } from "geojson";
import TagRenderingConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/TagRenderingConfig";
export let config: TagRenderingConfig;
export let tags: UIEventSource<Record<string, string>>;
export let selectedElement: Feature;
export let state: SpecialVisualizationState;
let freeformInput = new UIEventSource<string>(undefined);
{#if config.question !== undefined}
<div class="border border-black subtle-background">
<If condition={state.featureSwitchIsTesting}>
<div class="flex justify-between">
<Tr t={config.question}></Tr>
<Tr slot="else" t={config.question}></Tr>
{#if config.questionhint}
<div class="subtle">
<Tr t={config.question}></Tr>
{#if config.freeform?.key && !(config.mappings?.length > 0)}
<!-- There are no options to choose from, simply show the input element: fill out the text field -->
<ValidatedInput type={config.freeform.type} value={freeformInput}></ValidatedInput>
{#if config.mappings !== undefined}
<div class="flex flex-col">
{#each config.mappings as mapping}
{#if mapping.hideInAnswer === true || !(mapping.hideInAnswer) || (console.log(tags) || true) || !(mapping.hideInAnswer?.matchesProperties($tags)) }
<TagRenderingMapping {mapping} {tags} {state} {selectedElement}></TagRenderingMapping>