
87 lines
2.8 KiB

import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils";
import {writeFileSync} from "fs";
import {FixLegacyTheme, UpdateLegacyLayer} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Conversion/LegacyJsonConvert";
import Translations from "../UI/i18n/Translations";
import {Translation} from "../UI/i18n/Translation";
import {LayerConfigJson} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Json/LayerConfigJson";
* This script reads all theme and layer files and reformats them inplace
* Use with caution, make a commit beforehand!
const t : Translation = Translations.t.general.add.addNew
t.OnEveryLanguage((txt, ln) => {
console.log(ln, txt)
return txt
const articles = {
/* de: "eine",
es: 'una',
fr: 'une',
it: 'una',
nb_NO: 'en',
nl: 'een',
pt: 'uma',
pt_BR : 'uma',//*/
function addArticleToPresets(layerConfig: {presets?: {title: any}[]}){
if(layerConfig.presets === undefined){
for (const preset of layerConfig.presets) {
preset.title = new Translation(preset.title, "autofix")
.OnEveryLanguage((txt, lang) => {
let article = articles[lang]
if(lang === "en"){
if(["a","e","u","o","i"].some(vowel => txt.toLowerCase().startsWith(vowel))) {
article = "an"
article = "a"
if(article === undefined){
return txt;
if(txt.startsWith(article+" ")){
return txt;
if(txt.startsWith("an ")){
return txt;
return article +" " + txt.toLowerCase();
const layerFiles = ScriptUtils.getLayerFiles();
for (const layerFile of layerFiles) {
try {
const fixed =<LayerConfigJson> new UpdateLegacyLayer().convertStrict(layerFile.parsed, "While linting " + layerFile.path);
writeFileSync(layerFile.path, JSON.stringify(fixed, null, " "))
} catch (e) {
console.error("COULD NOT LINT LAYER" + layerFile.path + ":\n\t" + e)
const themeFiles = ScriptUtils.getThemeFiles()
for (const themeFile of themeFiles) {
try {
const fixed = new FixLegacyTheme().convertStrict(themeFile.parsed, "While linting " + themeFile.path);
for (const layer of fixed.layers) {
if(layer["presets"] !== undefined){
addArticleToPresets(<any> layer)
// extractInlineLayer(fixed)
writeFileSync(themeFile.path, JSON.stringify(fixed, null, " "))
} catch (e) {
console.error("COULD NOT LINT THEME" + themeFile.path + ":\n\t" + e)