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"id": "climbing_area",
"name": {
"nl": "Klimgelegenheden",
"de": "Klettereinrichtungen",
"en": "Climbing opportunities",
"ja": "登坂教室",
"fr": "Opportunité descalade",
"it": "Opportunità di arrampicata",
"ca": "Oportunitats d'escalada",
"cs": "Lezecké příležitosti",
"es": "Posibilidades de escalada"
"description": {
"en": "An area where climbing is possible, e.g. a crag, site, boulder, … Contains aggregation of routes",
"de": "Ein Gebiet, in dem Klettern möglich ist, z. B. ein Felsen, ein Klettergarten, eine Boulderhalle, … Enthält eine Sammlung von Routen",
"nl": "Een gebied waar klimmen mogelijk is, bv. een klimsite, een bolder of klimrots,…",
"ca": "Una àrea on l'escalada és possible, p.e. una penya, lloc, bloc, … Conté l'agregació de rutes",
"cs": "Oblast, kde je možné lezení, např. skalisko, místo, balvan, … Obsahuje agregaci cest",
"es": "Un área donde es posible escalar, p. ej., una pared, un sitio, un bloque de roca, ... Contiene una agregación de vías"
"source": {
"osmTags": {
"and": [
"calculatedTags": [
"_contained_climbing_routes_properties=overlapWith(feat)('climbing_route').map(f => => {return {id:, name:, 'climbing:grade:french': p['climbing:grade:french'], 'climbing:length': p['climbing:length']} })",
"_contained_climbing_routes=get(feat)('_contained_climbing_routes_properties')?.map(p => `<li><a href='#${}'>${ ?? 'climbing route'}</a> (<b class='climbing-${p['__difficulty:char']} rounded-full p-l-1 p-r-1'>${p['climbing:grade:french'] ?? 'unknown difficulty'}</b>, ${p['climbing:length'] ?? 'unkown length'} meter)</li>`).join('')",
"_contained_climbing_route_ids=get(feat)('_contained_climbing_routes_properties')?.map(p =>",
"_difficulty_hist=get(feat)('_contained_climbing_routes_properties')?.map(p => p['climbing:grade:french'])?.filter(p => (p ?? null) !== null)?.sort()",
"_length_hist=get(feat)('_contained_climbing_routes_properties')?.map(p => p['climbing:length'])?.filter(p => (p ?? null) !== null)?.sort()",
"_bolts_hist=get(feat)('_contained_climbing_routes_properties')?.map(p => p['climbing:bolts'])?.filter(p => (p ?? null) !== null)?.sort()",
"minzoom": 10,
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Climbing opportunity",
"nl": "Klimgelegenheid",
"de": "Klettereinrichtung",
"ja": "登坂教室",
"nb_NO": "Klatremulighet",
"fr": "Opportunité descalade",
"it": "Opportunità di arrampicata",
"ca": "Oportunitat d'escalada",
"cs": "Příležitost k lezení",
"es": "Posibilidad de escalada"
"mappings": [
"if": "climbing=crag",
"then": {
"en": "Climbing crag <b>{name}</b>",
"fr": "Mur descalade <b>{name}</b>",
"it": "Muro da arrampicata <b>{name}</b>",
"de": "Klettergarten <b>{name}</b>",
"nl": "Klimrots of klimzone <b>{name}</b>",
"cs": "Lezecká cesta <b>{name}</b>",
"es": "Pared de escalada <b>{name}</b>"
"if": {
"and": [
"or": [
"then": {
"en": "Climbing area <b>{name}</b>",
"nl": "Klimsite <b>{name}</b>",
"fr": "Zone descalade <b>{name}</b>",
"de": "Klettergebiet <b>{name}</b>",
"it": "Area di arrampicata <b>{name}</b>",
"cs": "Lezecká oblast <b>{name}</b>",
"es": "Área de escalada <b>{name}</b>"
"if": {
"or": [
"then": {
"en": "Climbing site",
"nl": "Klimsite",
"fr": "Site descalade",
"de": "Klettergebiet",
"it": "Sito di arrampicata",
"ca": "Llocs d'escalada",
"cs": "Lezecká lokalita",
"es": "Sitio de escalada"
"if": "name~*",
"then": {
"nl": "Klimgelegenheid <b>{name}</b>",
"en": "Climbing opportunity <b>{name}</b>",
"fr": "Opportunité descalade <b>{name}</b>",
"de": "Klettereinrichtung <b>{name}</b>",
"it": "Opportunità di arrampicata <b>{name}</b>",
"ca": "Oportunitat d'escalada <b>{name}</b>",
"cs": "Lezecká příležitost <b>{name}</b>",
"es": "Posibilidad de escalada <b>{name}</b>"
"pointRendering": [
"iconSize": "40,40",
"location": [
"anchor": "center",
"marker": [
"icon": "./assets/themes/climbing/climbing_no_rope.svg"
"lineRendering": [
"dashArray": "8 16",
"lineCap": "square",
"color": "#d38d5fAA",
"fill": "no",
"width": "8"
"presets": [
"tags": [
"title": {
"en": "a climbing opportunity",
"nl": "een klimgelegenheid",
"de": "eine Klettereinrichtung",
"ja": "登坂教室",
"nb_NO": "en klatremulighet",
"fr": "une opportunité descalade",
"it": "una opportunità di arrampicata",
"ca": "una oportuinitat d'escalada",
"cs": "lezecká příležitost",
"es": "una posibilidad de escalada"
"description": {
"nl": "Een klimgelegenheid",
"de": "Eine Klettereinrichtung",
"en": "A climbing opportunity",
"ja": "登坂教室",
"nb_NO": "En klatremulighet",
"fr": "Opportunité descalade",
"it": "Unopportunità di arrampicata",
"ca": "Una oportunitat d'escalada",
"cs": "Lezecká příležitost",
"es": "Una posibilidad de escalada"
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "minimap",
"render": "{minimap(18, id, _contained_climbing_route_ids): height: 9rem; overflow: hidden; border-radius:3rem; }"
"render": {
"en": "<h3>Length overview</h3>{histogram(_length_hist)}",
"fr": "<h3>Résumé de longueur</h3>{histogram(_length_hist)}",
"de": "<h3>Längenübersicht</h3>{histogram(_length_hist)}",
"it": "<h3>Riassunto della lunghezza</h3>{histogram(_length_hist)}",
"nl": "<h3>Overzicht van lengtes</h3>{histogram(_length_hist)}",
"cs": "<h3>Přehled délky</h3>{histogram(_length_hist)}",
"es": "<h3>Resumen de longitudes</h3>{histogram(_length_hist)}"
"condition": "_length_hist!~\\[\\]",
"id": "Contained routes length hist"
"render": {
"en": "<h3>Grades overview</h3>{histogram(_difficulty_hist)}",
"fr": "<h3>Résumé des difficultés</h3>{histogram(_difficulty_hist)}",
"de": "<h3>Schwierigkeitsübersicht</h3>{histogram(_difficulty_hist)}",
"it": "<h3>Riassunto delle difficoltà</h3>{histogram(_difficulty_hist)}",
"nl": "<h3>Overzicht van moeilijkheidsgraden</h>{histogram(_difficulty_hist)}",
"cs": "<h3>Přehled hodnocení</h3>{histogram(_difficulty_hist)}",
"es": "<h3>Resumen de grados</h3>{histogram(_difficulty_hist)}"
"condition": "_difficulty_hist!~\\[\\]",
"id": "Contained routes hist"
"render": {
"en": "<h3>Contains {_contained_climbing_routes_count} routes</h3> <ul>{_contained_climbing_routes}</ul>",
"fr": "<h3>Contient {_contained_climbing_routes_count} voies</h3> <ul>{_contained_climbing_routes}</ul>",
"it": "<h3>Contiene {_contained_climbing_routes_count} vie</h3> <ul>{_contained_climbing_routes}</ul>",
"de": "<h3> Enthält {_contained_climbing_routes_count} Routen</h3> <ul>{_contained_climbing_routes}</ul>",
"nl": "<h3>Bevat {_contained_climbing_routes_count} routes</h3> <ul>{_contained_climbing_routes}</ul>",
"ca": "<h3>Conté {_contained_climbing_routes_count} rutes</h3> <ul>{_contained_climbing_routes}</ul>",
"cs": "<h3>Obsahuje {_contained_climbing_routes_count} tras</h3> <ul>{_contained_climbing_routes}</ul>",
"es": "<h3>Contiene {_contained_climbing_routes_count} vías</h3> <ul>{_contained_climbing_routes}</ul>"
"condition": "_contained_climbing_routes~*",
"id": "Contained_climbing_routes"
"render": {
"en": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"nl": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"de": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"ca": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"fr": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"id": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"ru": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"ja": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"it": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"eu": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"cs": "<strong>{name}</strong>",
"es": "<strong>{name}</strong>"
"question": {
"en": "What is the name of this climbing opportunity?",
"nl": "Wat is de naam van dit Klimgelegenheid?",
"de": "Wie heißt die Klettereinrichtung?",
"ja": "この登坂教室の名前は何ですか?",
"fr": "Quel est le nom de ce site ?",
"it": "Qual è il nome di questa opportunità di arrampicata?",
"cs": "Jak se jmenuje tato lezecká příležitost?",
"es": "¿Cuál es el nombre de esta posibilidad de escalada?"
"freeform": {
"key": "name"
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"en": "This climbing opportunity doesn't have a name",
"nl": "Dit Klimgelegenheid heeft geen naam",
"de": "Die Klettereinrichtung hat keinen Namen",
"ja": "この登坂教室には名前がついていない",
"fr": "Ce site na pas de nom",
"it": "Questa opportunità di arrampicata non ha un nome",
"cs": "Tato lezecká příležitost nemá jméno",
"es": "Esta posibilidad de escalada no tiene nombre"
"id": "name"
"question": "What kind of climbing opportunity is this?",
"mappings": [
"if": "climbing=boulder",
"then": {
"en": "A climbing boulder - a single rock or cliff with one or a few climbing routes which can be climbed safely without rope",
"fr": "Rocher descalade, rocher avec une ou peu de voie permettant descalader sans corde",
"de": "Ein Boulderfelsen - ein einzelner Felsen oder eine Klippe mit einer oder wenigen Boulderrouten, die ohne Seil sicher bestiegen werden können",
"it": "Un masso per arrampicata (una singola roccia o falesia con una o poche vie di arrampicata che possono essere scalate in sicurezza senza una corda)",
"nl": "Een klimboulder - een enkele rots of klif met één of enkele klimroutes die veilig zonder touw kunnen worden beklommen",
"ca": "Una roca d'escalada: una única roca o penya-segat amb una o unes quantes vies d'escalada que es poden escalar amb seguretat sense corda",
"cs": "Lezecký balvan - jediná skála nebo útes s jednou nebo několika lezeckými cestami, na které lze bezpečně vylézt bez lana",
"es": "Un bloque de escalada - una sola roca o acantilado con una o pocas vías de escalada que se pueden escalar de forma segura sin cuerda"
"if": "climbing=crag",
"then": {
"en": "A climbing crag - a single rock or cliff with at least a few climbing routes",
"fr": "Mur descalade, rocher avec plusieurs voies descalades",
"it": "Un muro da arrampicata (un singolo masso o falesia con almeno qualche via per arrampicata)",
"de": "Ein Kletterfelsen - ein einzelner Fels oder eine Klippe mit mindestens einigen Kletterrouten",
"nl": "Een klimzone - een enkele rots of klif met klimroutes",
"cs": "Lezecká skála - jediná skála nebo útes s alespoň několika lezeckými cestami",
"es": "Una pared de escalada - una sola roca o acantilado con al menos algunas vías de escalada"
"if": "climbing=area",
"then": {
"en": "A climbing area with one or more climbing crags and/or boulders",
"de": "Ein Klettergebiet mit einem oder meheren Kletter- und/oder Boulderfelsen",
"es": "Un área de escalada con una o más paredes y/o bloques de escalada",
"nl": "Een klimgebied met een of meer klimrotsen en/of boulders"
"id": "Type"
"question": {
"en": "What is the rock type here?",
"fr": "Quel est le type de roche ?",
"de": "Welchen Gesteinstyp gibt es hier?",
"it": "Qual è il tipo di roccia qua?",
"nl": "Wat is de rotssoort?",
"ca": "Quin és el tipus de roca aquí?",
"cs": "Jaký je zde typ skály?",
"es": "¿Cuál es el tipo de roca aquí?"
"render": {
"en": "The rock type is {rock}",
"fr": "La roche est du {rock}",
"de": "Der Gesteinstyp ist {rock}",
"it": "Il tipo di roccia è {rock}",
"nl": "De rotssoort is {rock}",
"ca": "El tipus de roca és {rock}",
"cs": "Typ skály je {rock}",
"es": "El tipo de roca es {rock}"
"freeform": {
"key": "rock"
"mappings": [
"if": "rock=limestone",
"then": {
"en": "Limestone",
"nl": "Kalksteen",
"fr": "Calcaire",
"de": "Kalkstein",
"it": "Calcare",
"pa_PK": "چونہ پتھر",
"eu": "Kareharria",
"ca": "Calcària",
"cs": "Vápenec",
"pl": "Wapień",
"es": "Caliza"
"condition": {
"or": [
"id": "Rock type (crag/rock/cliff only)"
"id": "default_climbing_questions",
"builtin": [
"allowMove": false