Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
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"nl": "Een laag met recyclagingcontainers en -centrums"
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"nl": "Recyclingfaciliteit"
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"en": "recycling container",
"nl": "recycling container"
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"title": {
"en": "recycling centre",
"nl": "recycling centre"
"tags": [
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "recycling-type",
"question": {
"en": "What type of recycling is this?",
"nl": "Wat voor soort recycling is dit?"
"mappings": [
"if": "recycling_type=container",
"then": {
"en": "This is a recycling container",
"nl": "Dit is een recyclingcontainer"
"if": "recycling_type=centre",
"then": {
"en": "This is a recycling centre",
"nl": "Dit is een recyclingcentrum"
"if": "amenity=waste_disposal",
"then": {
"en": "Waste disposal container for residual waste",
"nl": "Afvalcontainer voor restafval"
"addExtraTags": [
"id": "container-location",
"question": {
"en": "Where is this container located?",
"nl": "Waar bevindt deze container zich?"
"condition": "recycling_type=container",
"mappings": [
"if": "location=underground",
"then": {
"en": "This is an underground container",
"nl": "Dit is een ondergrondse container"
"if": "location=indoor",
"then": {
"en": "This container is located indoors",
"nl": "Deze container bevindt zich binnen"
"if": "location=",
"then": {
"en": "This container is located outdoors",
"nl": "Deze container is buiten"
"id": "recycling-accepts",
"question": {
"en": "What can be recycled here?",
"nl": "Wat kan hier gerecycled worden?"
"multiAnswer": true,
"mappings": [
"if": "recycling:batteries=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:batteries=",
"then": {
"en": "Batteries can be recycled here",
"nl": "Batterijen kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/batteries.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:beverage_cartons=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:beverage_cartons=",
"then": {
"en": "Beverage cartons can be recycled here",
"nl": "Drankpakken kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/beverage_cartons.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:cans=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:cans=",
"then": {
"en": "Cans can be recycled here",
"nl": "Blikken kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/cans.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:clothes=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:clothes=",
"then": {
"en": "Clothes can be recycled here",
"nl": "Kleren kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/clothes.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:cooking_oil=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:cooking_oil=",
"then": {
"en": "Cooking oil can be recycled here",
"nl": "Frituurvet kan hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/cooking_oil.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:engine_oil=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:engine_oil=",
"then": {
"en": "Engine oil can be recycled here",
"nl": "Motorolie kan hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/engine_oil.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:green_waste=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:green_waste=",
"then": {
"en": "Green waste can be recycled here",
"nl": "Groen afval kan hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/garden_waste.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:organic=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:organic=",
"then": {
"en": "Organic waste can be recycled here",
"nl": "Organisch afval kan hier gerecycled worden"
"hideInAnswer": true,
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/garden_waste.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:glass_bottles=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:glass_bottles=",
"then": {
"en": "Glass bottles can be recycled here",
"nl": "Glazen flessen kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/glass_bottles.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:glass=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:glass=",
"then": {
"en": "Glass can be recycled here",
"nl": "Glas kan hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/glass.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:newspaper=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:newspaper=",
"then": {
"en": "Newspapers can be recycled here",
"nl": "Kranten kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/newspaper.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:paper=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:paper=",
"then": {
"en": "Paper can be recycled here",
"nl": "Papier kan hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/paper.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:plastic_bottles=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:plastic_bottles=",
"then": {
"en": "Plastic bottles can be recycled here",
"nl": "Plastic flessen kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/plastic_bottles.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:plastic_packaging=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:plastic_packaging=",
"then": {
"en": "Plastic packaging can be recycled here",
"nl": "Plastic verpakking kan hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/plastic_packaging.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:plastic=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:plastic=",
"then": {
"en": "Plastic can be recycled here",
"nl": "Plastic kan hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/plastic.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:scrap_metal=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:scrap_metal=",
"then": {
"en": "Scrap metal can be recycled here",
"nl": "Oud metaal kan hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/scrap_metal.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:shoes=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:shoes=",
"then": {
"en": "Shoes can be recycled here",
"nl": "Schoenen kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/shoes.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:small_appliances=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:small_appliances=",
"then": {
"en": "Small electrical appliances can be recycled here",
"nl": "Kleine elektrische apparaten kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/small_electrical_appliances.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:small_electrical_appliances=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:small_electrical_appliances=",
"then": {
"en": "Small electrical appliances can be recycled here",
"nl": "Kleine elektrische apparaten kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"hideInAnswer": true,
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/recycling/small_electrical_appliances.svg",
"class": "medium"
"if": "recycling:waste=yes",
"ifnot": "recycling:waste=",
"then": {
"en": "Residual waste can be recycled here",
"nl": "Restafval kan hier gerecycled worden"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/waste_disposal/waste_disposal.svg",
"class": "medium"
"hideInAnswer": "recycling_type=container"
"id": "operator",
"render": {
"en": "This recycling facility is operated by {operator}",
"nl": "Deze recyclingfaciliteit wordt beheerd door {operator}"
"question": {
"en": "What company operates this recycling facility?",
"nl": "Wat is de beheerder van deze recyclingfaciliteit?"
"freeform": {
"key": "operator",
"type": "string"
"id": "opening_hours",
"render": "{opening_hours_table()}",
"question": {
"en": "What are the opening hours of this recycling facility?",
"nl": "Wat zijn de openingstijden van deze recyclingfaciliteit?"
"freeform": {
"key": "opening_hours",
"type": "opening_hours"
"mappings": [
"if": "opening_hours=24/7",
"then": {
"en": "24/7",
"nl": "24/7"
"filter": [
"id": "isOpen",
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "Currently open",
"nl": "Op dit moment open"
"osmTags": "_isOpen=yes"
"id": "recyclingType",
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "All recycling types",
"nl": "Alle recyclingtypes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of batteries",
"nl": "Recycling van batterijen"
"osmTags": "recycling:batteries=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of beverage cartons",
"nl": "Recycling van drankpakken"
"osmTags": "recycling:beverage_cartons=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of cans",
"nl": "Recycling van blikken"
"osmTags": "recycling:cans=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of clothes",
"nl": "Recycling van kleding"
"osmTags": "recycling:clothes=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of cooking oil",
"nl": "Recycling van frituurvet"
"osmTags": "recycling:cooking_oil=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of engine oil",
"nl": "Recycling van motorolie"
"osmTags": "recycling:engine_oil=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of green waste",
"nl": "Recycling van groen afval"
"osmTags": {
"or": [
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of glass bottles",
"nl": "Recycling van glazen flessen"
"osmTags": "recycling:glass_bottles=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of glass",
"nl": "Recycling van glas"
"osmTags": "recycling:glass=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of newspapers",
"nl": "Recycling van kranten"
"osmTags": "recycling:newspaper=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of paper",
"nl": "Recycling van papier"
"osmTags": "recycling:paper=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of plastic bottles",
"nl": "Recycling van plastic flessen"
"osmTags": "recycling:plastic_bottles=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of plastic packaging",
"nl": "Recycling van plastic verpakking"
"osmTags": "recycling:plastic_packaging=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of plastic",
"nl": "Recycling van plastic"
"osmTags": "recycling:plastic=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of scrap metal",
"nl": "Recycling van oud metaal"
"osmTags": "recycling:scrap_metal=yes"
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of small electrical appliances",
"nl": "Recycling van kleine elektrische apparaten"
"osmTags": {
"or": [
"question": {
"en": "Recycling of residual waste",
"nl": "Recycling van restafval"
"osmTags": "recycling:waste=yes"
"deletion": {"neededChangesets": 1},
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@ -86,6 +86,14 @@
"nl": "Een vuilnisbak voor injectienaalden en andere scherpe voorwerpen",
"de": "Ein Abfalleimer für Nadeln und andere scharfe Gegenstände"
"if": "waste=plastic",
"then": {
"en": "A waste basket for plastic",
"nl": "Een vuilnisbak voor plastic",
"de": "Ein Abfalleimer für Plastik"
@ -137,7 +145,7 @@
"nl": "Deze vuilnisbaak heeft waarschijnlijk geen verdeler voor hondenpoepzakjes",
"de": "Dieser Abfalleimer <b>hat keinen</b> Spender für (Hunde-)Kotbeutel"
"hideInAnwer": true
"hideInAnswer": true
@ -159,6 +167,81 @@
"filter": [
"id": "waste-type",
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "All types",
"nl": "Alle soorten",
"de": "Alle Typen"
"question": {
"en": "Waste basket for cigarettes",
"nl": "Vuilnisbak voor sigarettenpeuken",
"de": "Mülleimer für Zigaretten"
"osmTags": "waste~.*cigarettes.*"
"question": {
"en": "Waste basket for drugs",
"nl": "Vuilnisbak voor (vervallen) medicatie en drugs",
"de": "Mülleimer für Drogen"
"osmTags": "waste~.*drugs.*"
"question": {
"en": "Waste basket for dog excrement",
"nl": "Vuilnisbak voor hondenuitwerpselen",
"de": "Mülleimer für Hundekot"
"osmTags": "waste~.*dog_excrement.*"
"question": {
"en": "Waste basket for trash",
"nl": "Vuilnisbak voor zwerfvuil",
"de": "Mülleimer für allgemeinen Müll"
"osmTags": "waste~.*trash.*"
"question": {
"en": "Waste basket for sharps",
"nl": "Vuilnisbak voor injectienaalden en andere scherpe voorwerpen",
"de": "Mülleimer für Nadeln und andere scharfe Gegenstände"
"osmTags": "waste~.*sharps.*"
"question": {
"en": "Waste basket for plastic",
"nl": "Vuilnisbak voor plastic",
"de": "Mülleimer für Plastik"
"osmTags": "waste~.*plastic.*"
"id": "waste-vending",
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "Waste basket with dispenser for (dog) excrement bags",
"nl": "Vuilnisbak met verdeler voor hondenpoepzakjes",
"de": "Abfalleimer mit Spender für (Hunde-)Kotbeutel"
"osmTags": "vending=dog_excrement_bag"
"deletion": {
"softDeletionTags": {
"and": [
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
"id": "waste_disposal",
"name": {
"en": "Waste Disposal Bins"
"description": {
"en": "Waste Disposal Bin, medium to large bin for disposal of (household) waste"
"source": {
"osmTags": "amenity=waste_disposal"
"minzoom": 18,
"minzoomVisible": 18,
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Waste Disposal"
"mapRendering": [
"location": [
"icon": "circle:white;./assets/layers/waste_disposal/waste_disposal.svg"
"presets": [
"title": {
"en": "Waste Disposal Bin"
"tags": [
"description": {
"en": "Medium to large bin for disposal of (household) waste"
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "access",
"render": {
"en": "Access: {access}"
"question": {
"en": "Who can use this waste disposal bin?"
"freeform": {
"key": "access",
"type": "string"
"mappings": [
"if": "access=yes",
"then": {
"en": "This bin can be used by anyone"
"if": "access=no",
"then": {
"en": "This bin is private"
"if": "access=residents",
"then": {
"en": "This bin is only for residents"
"id": "disposal-location",
"question": {
"en": "Where is this container located?",
"nl": "Waar bevindt deze container zich?"
"mappings": [
"if": "location=underground",
"then": {
"en": "This is an underground container",
"nl": "Dit is een ondergrondse container"
"if": "location=indoor",
"then": {
"en": "This container is located indoors",
"nl": "Deze container bevindt zich binnen"
"if": "location=",
"then": {
"en": "This container is located outdoors",
"nl": "Deze container is buiten"
"filter": [
"id": "public-access",
"options": [
"question": {
"en": "Only public access"
"osmTags": "access=yes"
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@ -299,6 +299,14 @@
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"then": "./assets/themes/uk_addresses/housenumber_unknown.svg"
"if": "theme=waste",
"then": "./assets/layers/recycling/recycling-14.svg"
"if": "theme=waste_assen",
"then": "./assets/layers/recycling/recycling-14.svg"
"if": "theme=waste_basket",
"then": "./assets/themes/waste_basket/waste_basket.svg"
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"calculatedTags": [
"_closest_osm_street_lamp_distance=feat.distanceTo( * 1000",
"_has_closeby_feature=Number( < 5 ? 'yes' : 'no'"
"title": "Straatlantaarn in dataset",
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
"id": "waste",
"maintainer": "",
"version": "2022-01-19",
"language": [
"title": {
"en": "Waste",
"nl": "Afval"
"description": {
"en": "Map showing waste baskets and recycling facilities.",
"nl": "Kaart met afvalbakken en recyclingfaciliteiten."
"icon": "./assets/layers/recycling/recycling-14.svg",
"startZoom": 19,
"startLat": 53.24865,
"startLon": 6.60075,
"layers": [
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"override": {
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
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"maintainer": "Robin van der Linde",
"version": "2022-01-09",
"language": [
"title": {
"nl": "Afval - Assen"
"description": {
"nl": "Kaart met afvalbakken en recyclingfaciliteiten + een dataset voor Assen."
"icon": "./assets/layers/recycling/recycling-14.svg",
"startZoom": 19,
"startLat": 53.24865,
"startLon": 6.60075,
"layers": [
"builtin": "waste_basket",
"override": {
"minzoom": 12
"id": "waste_basket_assen",
"name": "Dataset Afvalbakken Assen",
"source": {
"osmTags": "OBJECTID~*",
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"isOsmCache": false
"calculatedTags": [
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"title": "Afvalbak in dataset",
"mapRendering": [
"location": [
"icon": {
"render": "circle:red",
"mappings": [
"if": "_has_closeby_feature=yes",
"then": "circle:#008000aa"
"iconSize": "20,20,center"
"tagRenderings": [
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"name": "Dataset Recyclingcontainers Assen",
"source": {
"osmTags": "OBJECTID~*",
"geoJson": "",
"isOsmCache": false
"calculatedTags": [
"_has_closeby_recycling=Number( < 10 ? 'yes' : 'no'",
"_has_closeby_waste_disposal=Number( < 10 ? 'yes' : 'no'"
"title": "Recyclingcontainer in dataset",
"mapRendering": [
"location": [
"icon": {
"render": "circle:red",
"mappings": [
"if": "_has_closeby_recycling=yes",
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"then": "circle:#008000aa"
"iconSize": "20,20,center"
"tagRenderings": [
"hideFromOverview": true
@ -3175,6 +3175,40 @@
"waste_basket": {
"description": "Dies ist ein öffentlicher Abfalleimer, in den Sie Ihren Müll entsorgen können.",
"filter": {
"0": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Alle Typen"
"1": {
"question": "Mülleimer für Zigaretten"
"2": {
"question": "Mülleimer für Drogen"
"3": {
"question": "Mülleimer für Hundekot"
"4": {
"question": "Mülleimer für allgemeinen Müll"
"5": {
"question": "Mülleimer für Nadeln und andere scharfe Gegenstände"
"6": {
"question": "Mülleimer für Plastik"
"1": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Abfalleimer mit Spender für (Hunde-)Kotbeutel"
"mapRendering": {
"0": {
"iconSize": {
@ -3226,6 +3260,9 @@
"5": {
"then": "Ein Abfalleimer für Nadeln und andere scharfe Gegenstände"
"6": {
"then": "Ein Abfalleimer für Plastik"
"question": "Um was für einen Abfalleimer handelt es sich?"
@ -4124,6 +4124,203 @@
"render": "Bookcase"
"recycling": {
"description": "A layer with recycling containers and centres",
"filter": {
"0": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Currently open"
"1": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "All recycling types"
"1": {
"question": "Recycling of batteries"
"2": {
"question": "Recycling of beverage cartons"
"3": {
"question": "Recycling of cans"
"4": {
"question": "Recycling of clothes"
"5": {
"question": "Recycling of cooking oil"
"6": {
"question": "Recycling of engine oil"
"7": {
"question": "Recycling of green waste"
"8": {
"question": "Recycling of glass bottles"
"9": {
"question": "Recycling of glass"
"10": {
"question": "Recycling of newspapers"
"11": {
"question": "Recycling of paper"
"12": {
"question": "Recycling of plastic bottles"
"13": {
"question": "Recycling of plastic packaging"
"14": {
"question": "Recycling of plastic"
"15": {
"question": "Recycling of scrap metal"
"16": {
"question": "Recycling of small electrical appliances"
"17": {
"question": "Recycling of residual waste"
"name": "Recycling",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "recycling container"
"1": {
"title": "recycling centre"
"tagRenderings": {
"container-location": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "This is an underground container"
"1": {
"then": "This container is located indoors"
"2": {
"then": "This container is located outdoors"
"question": "Where is this container located?"
"opening_hours": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "24/7"
"question": "What are the opening hours of this recycling facility?"
"operator": {
"question": "What company operates this recycling facility?",
"render": "This recycling facility is operated by {operator}"
"recycling-accepts": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Batteries can be recycled here"
"1": {
"then": "Beverage cartons can be recycled here"
"2": {
"then": "Cans can be recycled here"
"3": {
"then": "Clothes can be recycled here"
"4": {
"then": "Cooking oil can be recycled here"
"5": {
"then": "Engine oil can be recycled here"
"6": {
"then": "Green waste can be recycled here"
"7": {
"then": "Organic waste can be recycled here"
"8": {
"then": "Glass bottles can be recycled here"
"9": {
"then": "Glass can be recycled here"
"10": {
"then": "Newspapers can be recycled here"
"11": {
"then": "Paper can be recycled here"
"12": {
"then": "Plastic bottles can be recycled here"
"13": {
"then": "Plastic packaging can be recycled here"
"14": {
"then": "Plastic can be recycled here"
"15": {
"then": "Scrap metal can be recycled here"
"16": {
"then": "Shoes can be recycled here"
"17": {
"then": "Small electrical appliances can be recycled here"
"18": {
"then": "Small electrical appliances can be recycled here"
"19": {
"then": "Residual waste can be recycled here"
"question": "What can be recycled here?"
"recycling-type": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "This is a recycling container"
"1": {
"then": "This is a recycling centre"
"2": {
"then": "Waste disposal container for residual waste"
"question": "What type of recycling is this?"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Recycling centre"
"1": {
"then": "Recycling container"
"render": "Recycling facility"
"shops": {
"description": "A shop",
"name": "Shop",
@ -4961,6 +5158,40 @@
"waste_basket": {
"description": "This is a public waste basket, thrash can, where you can throw away your thrash.",
"filter": {
"0": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "All types"
"1": {
"question": "Waste basket for cigarettes"
"2": {
"question": "Waste basket for drugs"
"3": {
"question": "Waste basket for dog excrement"
"4": {
"question": "Waste basket for trash"
"5": {
"question": "Waste basket for sharps"
"6": {
"question": "Waste basket for plastic"
"1": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Waste basket with dispenser for (dog) excrement bags"
"mapRendering": {
"0": {
"iconSize": {
@ -5012,6 +5243,9 @@
"5": {
"then": "A waste basket for needles and other sharp objects"
"6": {
"then": "A waste basket for plastic"
"question": "What kind of waste basket is this?"
@ -5021,6 +5255,59 @@
"render": "Waste Basket"
"waste_disposal": {
"description": "Waste Disposal Bin, medium to large bin for disposal of (household) waste",
"filter": {
"0": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Only public access"
"name": "Waste Disposal Bins",
"presets": {
"0": {
"description": "Medium to large bin for disposal of (household) waste",
"title": "Waste Disposal Bin"
"tagRenderings": {
"access": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "This bin can be used by anyone"
"1": {
"then": "This bin is private"
"2": {
"then": "This bin is only for residents"
"question": "Who can use this waste disposal bin?",
"render": "Access: {access}"
"disposal-location": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "This is an underground container"
"1": {
"then": "This container is located indoors"
"2": {
"then": "This container is located outdoors"
"question": "Where is this container located?"
"title": {
"render": "Waste Disposal"
"watermill": {
"name": "Watermill"
@ -3916,6 +3916,203 @@
"render": "Boekenruilkast"
"recycling": {
"description": "Een laag met recyclagingcontainers en -centrums",
"filter": {
"0": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Op dit moment open"
"1": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Alle recyclingtypes"
"1": {
"question": "Recycling van batterijen"
"2": {
"question": "Recycling van drankpakken"
"3": {
"question": "Recycling van blikken"
"4": {
"question": "Recycling van kleding"
"5": {
"question": "Recycling van frituurvet"
"6": {
"question": "Recycling van motorolie"
"7": {
"question": "Recycling van groen afval"
"8": {
"question": "Recycling van glazen flessen"
"9": {
"question": "Recycling van glas"
"10": {
"question": "Recycling van kranten"
"11": {
"question": "Recycling van papier"
"12": {
"question": "Recycling van plastic flessen"
"13": {
"question": "Recycling van plastic verpakking"
"14": {
"question": "Recycling van plastic"
"15": {
"question": "Recycling van oud metaal"
"16": {
"question": "Recycling van kleine elektrische apparaten"
"17": {
"question": "Recycling van restafval"
"name": "Recycling",
"presets": {
"0": {
"title": "recycling container"
"1": {
"title": "recycling centre"
"tagRenderings": {
"container-location": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Dit is een ondergrondse container"
"1": {
"then": "Deze container bevindt zich binnen"
"2": {
"then": "Deze container is buiten"
"question": "Waar bevindt deze container zich?"
"opening_hours": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "24/7"
"question": "Wat zijn de openingstijden van deze recyclingfaciliteit?"
"operator": {
"question": "Wat is de beheerder van deze recyclingfaciliteit?",
"render": "Deze recyclingfaciliteit wordt beheerd door {operator}"
"recycling-accepts": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Batterijen kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"1": {
"then": "Drankpakken kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"2": {
"then": "Blikken kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"3": {
"then": "Kleren kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"4": {
"then": "Frituurvet kan hier gerecycled worden"
"5": {
"then": "Motorolie kan hier gerecycled worden"
"6": {
"then": "Groen afval kan hier gerecycled worden"
"7": {
"then": "Organisch afval kan hier gerecycled worden"
"8": {
"then": "Glazen flessen kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"9": {
"then": "Glas kan hier gerecycled worden"
"10": {
"then": "Kranten kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"11": {
"then": "Papier kan hier gerecycled worden"
"12": {
"then": "Plastic flessen kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"13": {
"then": "Plastic verpakking kan hier gerecycled worden"
"14": {
"then": "Plastic kan hier gerecycled worden"
"15": {
"then": "Oud metaal kan hier gerecycled worden"
"16": {
"then": "Schoenen kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"17": {
"then": "Kleine elektrische apparaten kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"18": {
"then": "Kleine elektrische apparaten kunnen hier gerecycled worden"
"19": {
"then": "Restafval kan hier gerecycled worden"
"question": "Wat kan hier gerecycled worden?"
"recycling-type": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Dit is een recyclingcontainer"
"1": {
"then": "Dit is een recyclingcentrum"
"2": {
"then": "Afvalcontainer voor restafval"
"question": "Wat voor soort recycling is dit?"
"title": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Recyclingcentrum"
"1": {
"then": "Recyclingcontainer"
"render": "Recyclingfaciliteit"
"shops": {
"description": "Een winkel",
"name": "Winkel",
@ -4817,6 +5014,40 @@
"waste_basket": {
"description": "Dit is een publieke vuilnisbak waar je je afval kan weggooien.",
"filter": {
"0": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Alle soorten"
"1": {
"question": "Vuilnisbak voor sigarettenpeuken"
"2": {
"question": "Vuilnisbak voor (vervallen) medicatie en drugs"
"3": {
"question": "Vuilnisbak voor hondenuitwerpselen"
"4": {
"question": "Vuilnisbak voor zwerfvuil"
"5": {
"question": "Vuilnisbak voor injectienaalden en andere scherpe voorwerpen"
"6": {
"question": "Vuilnisbak voor plastic"
"1": {
"options": {
"0": {
"question": "Vuilnisbak met verdeler voor hondenpoepzakjes"
"mapRendering": {
"0": {
"iconSize": {
@ -4868,6 +5099,9 @@
"5": {
"then": "Een vuilnisbak voor injectienaalden en andere scherpe voorwerpen"
"6": {
"then": "Een vuilnisbak voor plastic"
"question": "Wat voor soort vuilnisbak is dit?"
@ -4877,6 +5111,24 @@
"render": "Vuilnisbak"
"waste_disposal": {
"tagRenderings": {
"disposal-location": {
"mappings": {
"0": {
"then": "Dit is een ondergrondse container"
"1": {
"then": "Deze container bevindt zich binnen"
"2": {
"then": "Deze container is buiten"
"question": "Waar bevindt deze container zich?"
"watermill": {
"description": "Watermolens",
"name": "Watermolens",
@ -1286,6 +1286,10 @@
"shortDescription": "Map all the trees",
"title": "Trees"
"waste": {
"description": "Map showing waste baskets and recycling facilities.",
"title": "Waste"
"waste_basket": {
"description": "On this map, you'll find waste baskets near you. If a waste basket is missing on this map, you can add it yourself",
"shortDescription": "A map with waste baskets",
@ -1050,6 +1050,14 @@
"shortDescription": "Breng bomen in kaart",
"title": "Bomen"
"waste": {
"description": "Kaart met afvalbakken en recyclingfaciliteiten.",
"title": "Afval"
"waste_assen": {
"description": "Kaart met afvalbakken en recyclingfaciliteiten + een dataset voor Assen.",
"title": "Afval - Assen"
"waste_basket": {
"description": "Op deze kaart vind je vuilnisbakken waar je afval in kan smijten. Ontbreekt er een vuilnisbak? Dan kan je die zelf toevoegen",
"shortDescription": "Een kaart met vuilnisbakken",
@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ function main() {
const path = args[0]
const iconClass = args[1] ?? "small"
const targetFile = args[2] ?? path + ".autoconverted.json"
console.log("Fixing images in " + path)
const parsed = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, "UTF8"))
const converted = new ConvertImagesToIcon(iconClass).convertStrict(parsed, "While running the fixImagesInTagRenderings-script")
writeFileSync(targetFile, JSON.stringify(converted, null, " "))