forked from MapComplete/MapComplete
Drop widths theme
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 0 additions and 341 deletions
@ -251,116 +251,6 @@ export default class SimpleMetaTagger {
private static carriageWayWidth = new SimpleMetaTagger(
keys: ["_width:needed", "_width:needed:no_pedestrians", "_width:difference"],
doc: "Legacy for a specific project calculating the needed width for safe traffic on a road. Only activated if 'width:carriageway' is present"
feature => {
const properties =;
if (properties["width:carriageway"] === undefined) {
const carWidth = 2;
const cyclistWidth = 1.5;
const pedestrianWidth = 0.75;
const _leftSideParking =
new And([new Tag("parking:lane:left", "parallel"), new Tag("parking:lane:right", "no_parking")]);
const _rightSideParking =
new And([new Tag("parking:lane:right", "parallel"), new Tag("parking:lane:left", "no_parking")]);
const _bothSideParking = new Tag("parking:lane:both", "parallel");
const _noSideParking = new Tag("parking:lane:both", "no_parking");
const _otherParkingMode =
new Or([
new Tag("parking:lane:both", "perpendicular"),
new Tag("parking:lane:left", "perpendicular"),
new Tag("parking:lane:right", "perpendicular"),
new Tag("parking:lane:both", "diagonal"),
new Tag("parking:lane:left", "diagonal"),
new Tag("parking:lane:right", "diagonal"),
const _sidewalkBoth = new Tag("sidewalk", "both");
const _sidewalkLeft = new Tag("sidewalk", "left");
const _sidewalkRight = new Tag("sidewalk", "right");
const _sidewalkNone = new Tag("sidewalk", "none");
let parallelParkingCount = 0;
const _oneSideParking = new Or([_leftSideParking, _rightSideParking]);
if (_oneSideParking.matchesProperties(properties)) {
parallelParkingCount = 1;
} else if (_bothSideParking.matchesProperties(properties)) {
parallelParkingCount = 2;
} else if (_noSideParking.matchesProperties(properties)) {
parallelParkingCount = 0;
} else if (_otherParkingMode.matchesProperties(properties)) {
parallelParkingCount = 0;
} else {
console.log("No parking data for ",,
let pedestrianFlowNeeded;
if (_sidewalkBoth.matchesProperties(properties)) {
pedestrianFlowNeeded = 0;
} else if (_sidewalkNone.matchesProperties(properties)) {
pedestrianFlowNeeded = 2;
} else if (_sidewalkLeft.matchesProperties(properties) || _sidewalkRight.matchesProperties(properties)) {
pedestrianFlowNeeded = 1;
} else {
pedestrianFlowNeeded = -1;
let onewayCar = properties.oneway === "yes";
let onewayBike = properties["oneway:bicycle"] === "yes" ||
(onewayCar && properties["oneway:bicycle"] === undefined)
let cyclingAllowed =
!(properties.bicycle === "use_sidepath"
|| properties.bicycle === "no");
let carWidthUsed = (onewayCar ? 1 : 2) * carWidth;
properties["_width:needed:cars"] = Utils.Round(carWidthUsed);
properties["_width:needed:parking"] = Utils.Round(parallelParkingCount * carWidth)
let cyclistWidthUsed = 0;
if (cyclingAllowed) {
cyclistWidthUsed = (onewayBike ? 1 : 2) * cyclistWidth;
properties["_width:needed:cyclists"] = Utils.Round(cyclistWidthUsed)
const width = parseFloat(properties["width:carriageway"]);
const targetWidthIgnoringPedestrians =
carWidthUsed +
cyclistWidthUsed +
parallelParkingCount * carWidthUsed;
properties["_width:needed:no_pedestrians"] = Utils.Round(targetWidthIgnoringPedestrians);
const pedestriansNeed = Math.max(0, pedestrianFlowNeeded) * pedestrianWidth;
const targetWidth = targetWidthIgnoringPedestrians + pedestriansNeed;
properties["_width:needed"] = Utils.Round(targetWidth);
properties["_width:needed:pedestrians"] = Utils.Round(pedestriansNeed)
properties["_width:difference"] = Utils.Round(targetWidth - width);
properties["_width:difference:no_pedestrians"] = Utils.Round(targetWidthIgnoringPedestrians - width);
private static currentTime = new SimpleMetaTagger(
keys: ["_now:date", "_now:datetime", "_loaded:date", "_loaded:_datetime"],
@ -396,7 +286,6 @@ export default class SimpleMetaTagger {
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="50" height="40">
<path d="M5,20H45M12,12 4,20 12,28M38,12 46,20 38,28" stroke="#000" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round"
stroke-linecap="round" fill="none"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 273 B |
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"path": "icon.svg",
"license": "CC0; trivial",
"authors": [],
"sources": []
@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
"id": "width",
"title": {
"nl": "Straatbreedtes"
"shortDescription": {
"nl": "Is de straat breed genoeg?"
"description": {
"nl": " <h3>De straat is opgebruikt</h3>\n <p>Er is steeds meer druk op de openbare ruimte. Voetgangers, fietsers, steps, auto's, bussen, bestelwagens, buggies, cargobikes, ... willen allemaal hun deel van de openbare ruimte.</p>\n <p>In deze studie nemen we Brugge onder de loep en kijken we hoe breed elke straat is én hoe breed elke straat zou moeten zijn voor een veilig én vlot verkeer.</p>\n <h3>Legende</h3>\n <span style='background: red'>   </span> Straat te smal voor veilig verkeer<br/>\n <span style='background: #0f0'>   </span> Straat is breed genoeg veilig verkeer<br/>\n <span style='background: orange'>   </span> Straat zonder voetpad, te smal als ook voetgangers plaats krijgen<br/>\n <span style='background: lightgrey'>   </span> Woonerf, autoluw, autoloos of enkel plaatselijk verkeer<br/>\n <br/>\n <br/>\n Een gestippelde lijn is een straat waar ook voor fietsers éénrichtingsverkeer geldt.<br/>\n Klik op een straat om meer informatie te zien.\n <h3>Hoe gaan we verder?</h3>\n Verschillende ingrepen kunnen de stad teruggeven aan de inwoners en de stad leefbaarder en levendiger maken.<br/>\n Denk aan:\n <ul>\n <li>De autovrije zone's uitbreiden</li>\n <li>De binnenstad fietszone maken</li>\n <li>Het aantal woonerven uitbreiden</li>\n <li>Grotere auto's meer belasten - ze nemen immers meer parkeerruimte in.</li>\n <li>Laat toeristen verplicht parkeren onder het zand; een (fiets)taxi kan hen naar hun hotel brengen</li>\n <li>Voorzie in elke straat enkele parkeerplaatsen voor kortparkeren. Zo kunnen leveringen, iemand afzetten,... gebeuren zonder op het voetpad en fietspad te parkeren</li>\n </ul>"
"language": [
"hideFromOverview": true,
"enableUserBadge": false,
"enableShareScreen": false,
"enableMoreQuests": false,
"enableLayers": false,
"enableSearch": false,
"enableGeolocation": false,
"maintainer": "",
"icon": "./assets/themes/widths/icon.svg",
"version": "0",
"startLat": 51.20875,
"startLon": 3.22435,
"startZoom": 14,
"widenFactor": 0.05,
"socialImage": "",
"layers": [
"id": "widths",
"name": {
"nl": "Straten met een breedte"
"minzoom": 14,
"source": {
"osmTags": {
"and": [
"titleIcons": [],
"title": {
"render": {
"nl": "{name}"
"condition": {
"and": []
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"nl": "Naamloos segmet"
"tagRenderings": [
"render": "Deze straat is <b>{width:carriageway}m</b> breed",
"question": "Hoe breed is deze straat?",
"freeform": {
"key": "width:carriageway",
"type": "length",
"helperArgs": [
"render": "Deze straat heeft <span class='alert'>{_width:difference}m</span> te weinig:",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "Deze straat is breed genoeg:"
"render": "<b>{_width:needed:cars}m</b> voor het autoverkeer",
"mappings": [
"if": "oneway=yes",
"then": "<b>{_width:needed:cars}m</b> voor het éénrichtings-autoverkeer"
"if": "oneway=no",
"then": "<b>{_width:needed:cars}m</b> voor het tweerichtings-autoverkeer"
"render": "<b>{_width:needed:parking}m</b> voor het geparkeerde wagens",
"condition": "_width:needed:parking!=0.0"
"render": "<b>{_width:needed:cyclists}m</b> voor fietsers",
"mappings": [
"if": "bicycle=use_sidepath",
"then": "Fietsers hebben hier een vrijliggend fietspad en worden dus niet meegerekend"
"if": "oneway:bicycle=yes",
"then": "<b>{_width:needed:cyclists}m</b> voor fietsers, die met de rijrichting mee moeten"
"render": "<b>{_width:needed:pedestrians}m</b> voor voetgangers",
"condition": "_width:needed:pedestrians!=0.0",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "<b>{_width:needed:pedestrians}m</b> voor voetgangers: er zijn hier geen voetpaden"
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "<b>{_width:needed:pedestrians}m</b> voor voetgangers: er is slechts aan één kant een voetpad"
"render": "<span style='border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 0.5em; padding: 0.25em;'><b>{_width:needed}m</b> nodig in het totaal</span>"
"icon": {
"render": "./assets/themes/widths/icon.svg"
"width": {
"render": "4"
"iconSize": {
"render": "40,40,center"
"color": {
"render": "#00f",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"or": [
"then": "lightgrey"
"if": "_width:difference~-.*",
"then": "#0f0"
"if": {
"and": [
"then": "orange"
"if": "_width:difference!~-.*",
"then": "#f00"
"dashArray": {
"render": "",
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"or": [
"then": "5 6"
"presets": []
"roamingRenderings": [],
"defaultBackgroundId": "Stadia.AlidadeSmoothDark"
Reference in a new issue