forked from MapComplete/MapComplete
203 lines
6.8 KiB
203 lines
6.8 KiB
* Parses presets from the iD repository and extracts some usefull tags from them
import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Json/TagRenderingConfigJson";
import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils";
import {existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from "fs";
import {TagsFilter} from "../Logic/Tags/TagsFilter";
import * as known_languages from "../assets/language_native.json"
import {LayerConfigJson} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Json/LayerConfigJson";
import {QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson} from "../Models/ThemeConfig/Json/QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson";
import SmallLicense from "../Models/smallLicense";
import {icon} from "leaflet";
interface IconThief {
steal(iconName: string): boolean
interface IdPreset {
icon: string,
geometry: ("point" | "line" | "area")[]
* Extra search terms
terms: string []
tags: Record<string, string>
name: string,
searchable?: false,
class MakiThief implements IconThief{
private readonly _directory: string;
private readonly _targetDir: string;
constructor(directory: string, targetDir: string) {
this._directory = directory;
this._targetDir = targetDir;
public steal(iconName: string): boolean{
const target = this._targetDir+iconName+".svg"
// return true
const file = readFileSync(this._directory+"/icons/"+iconName+".svg", "utf8")
writeFileSync(target, file,'utf8')
authors:['Maki icon set'],
license: 'CC0',
path: 'maki-'+iconName+".svg",
sources: [""]
}), 'utf8')
console.log("Successfully stolen "+iconName)
return true
class AggregateIconThief implements IconThief{
private readonly _maki: MakiThief;
constructor(maki: MakiThief) {
this._maki = maki;
public steal(iconName: string): boolean{
return true
return false
class IdThief {
private readonly _idPresetsRepository: string;
private readonly _tranlationFiles: Record<string, object> = {}
private readonly _knownLanguages: string[]
private readonly _iconThief: IconThief;
public constructor(idPresetsRepository: string, iconThief: IconThief) {
this._idPresetsRepository = idPresetsRepository;
this._iconThief = iconThief;
const knownById = ScriptUtils.readDirRecSync(`${this._idPresetsRepository}/dist/translations/`)
.map(pth => pth.substring(pth.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, pth.length - '.json'.length))
.filter(lng => !lng.endsWith('.min'));
const missing = Object.keys(known_languages).filter(lng => knownById.indexOf(lng.replace('-','_')) < 0)
this._knownLanguages = knownById.filter(lng => known_languages[lng] !== undefined)
console.log("Id knows following languages:", this._knownLanguages.join(", "), "missing:", missing)
public getTranslation(language: string, ...path: string[]) {
let obj = this.loadTranslationFile(language)[language]
for (const p of path) {
obj = obj[p]
if (obj === undefined) {
return undefined;
return obj
* Creates a tagRenderingConfigJson for the 'shop' theme
public readShopPresets(): {if, then, hideInAnswer?: string | boolean}[] {
const dir = this._idPresetsRepository + "/data/presets/shop"
const mappings:
if: string | {and: string[]},
then: Record<string, string>,
hideInAnswer?: string | boolean
icon?: {
path: string,
* Size of the image
class: "small" | "medium" | "large" | string
}[] = []
const files = ScriptUtils.readDirRecSync(dir, 1);
for (const file of files) {
const name = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('/')+1, file.length - '.json'.length)
const preset = <IdPreset>JSON.parse(readFileSync(file, 'utf8'))
if(preset.searchable === false){
console.log(` ${name} (shop=${preset.tags["shop"]}), ${preset.icon}` )
const thenClause : Record<string, string> = {
for (const lng of this._knownLanguages) {
const tr = this.getTranslation(lng, "presets", "presets", "shop/"+name, "name")
if(tr === undefined){
thenClause[lng.replace('-','_')] = tr
let tag : string | {and: string[]}
const tagKeys = Object.keys(preset.tags)
if(tagKeys.length === 1){
tag = tagKeys[0]+"="+preset.tags[tagKeys[0]]
tag = {
and: => key+"="+preset.tags[key])
const mapping = {
if: tag,
then: thenClause
if(preset.tags["shop"] == "yes"){
mapping["hideInAnswer"] = true
mapping.if["en"] = "Unspecified shop"
mapping["icon"] = {
path: "./assets/layers/shops/"+preset.icon+".svg",
size: "medium"
return mappings
private loadTranslationFile(language: string): object {
const cached = this._tranlationFiles[language]
if (cached) {
return cached
return this._tranlationFiles[language] = JSON.parse(readFileSync(`${this._idPresetsRepository}/dist/translations/${language}.json`, 'utf8'))
const targetDir = "./assets/layers/shops/"
const iconThief = new AggregateIconThief(
new MakiThief('../maki', targetDir+"maki-")
const shopOptions = new IdThief("../id-tagging-schema/",iconThief ).readShopPresets()
const shopLayerPath =targetDir+"shops.json"
const shopLayer = <LayerConfigJson> JSON.parse(readFileSync(shopLayerPath,'utf8'))
const type = <QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson> shopLayer.tagRenderings.find(tr => tr["id"] == "shops-type-from-id")
type.mappings = shopOptions
writeFileSync(shopLayerPath, JSON.stringify(shopLayer, null, " "),'utf8')