2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"id": "fire_station",
"name": {
"en": "Map of fire stations",
"ja": "消防署の地図",
"nb_NO": "Kart over brannstasjoner",
"it": "Mappa delle caserme dei vigili del fuoco",
"ru": "Карта пожарных частей",
"fr": "Couche des stations de pompiers",
2022-05-21 02:31:32 +02:00
"de": "Feuerwachen",
2022-06-01 20:21:16 +02:00
"nl": "Kaart van de brandweerstations",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"es": "Mapa de parques de bomberos",
"ca": "Mapa de parcs de bombers"
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"minzoom": 12,
"source": {
"osmTags": {
"and": [
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Fire Station",
"ja": "消防署",
"ru": "Пожарная часть",
"nb_NO": "Brannstasjon",
"it": "Caserma dei vigili del fuoco",
"fr": "Station de pompiers",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"de": "Feuerwache",
2022-06-01 20:21:16 +02:00
"nl": "Brandweerstation",
2023-02-06 00:50:13 +01:00
"es": "Parque de bomberos",
"ca": "Parc de bombers"
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"description": {
"en": "Map layer to show fire stations.",
"ja": "消防署を表示するためのマップレイヤ。",
"it": "Livello che mostra le caserme dei vigili del fuoco.",
"ru": "Слой карты, отображающий пожарные части.",
"fr": "Couche des stations de pompiers.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"de": "Kartenebene zur Darstellung von Feuerwachen.",
2022-06-01 20:21:16 +02:00
"nl": "Kaartlaag die de brandweerstations toont.",
2023-02-06 00:50:13 +01:00
"es": "Capa del mapa que muestra parques de bomberos.",
"ca": "Capa del mapa que mostra els parcs de bombers."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "station-name",
"freeform": {
"key": "name"
"question": {
"en": "What is the name of this fire station?",
"ja": "この消防署の名前は何ですか?",
"ru": "Как называется эта пожарная часть?",
"it": "Come si chiama questa caserma dei vigili del fuoco?",
"fr": "Quel est le nom de la station ?",
2022-05-21 02:31:32 +02:00
"de": "Wie ist der Name der Feuerwache?",
2022-06-01 20:21:16 +02:00
"nl": "Wat is de naam van dit brandweerstation?",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"es": "¿Cual es el nombre de este parque de bomberos?",
"ca": "Quin és el nom d'aquest parc de bombers?"
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"render": {
"en": "This station is called {name}.",
"ja": "このステーションの名前は{name}です。",
"it": "Questa caserma si chiama {name}.",
"ru": "Эта часть называется {name}.",
"fr": "Cette station s’appelle {name}.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"nb_NO": "Denne stasjonen heter {name}.",
2022-05-21 02:31:32 +02:00
"nl": "Dit station heet {name}.",
2022-06-01 20:21:16 +02:00
"de": "Der Name der Feuerwache ist {name}.",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"es": "Este parque de bomberos se llama {name}.",
"ca": "Aquest parc de bombers es diu {name}."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"id": "station-street",
"freeform": {
"key": "addr:street"
"question": {
"en": " What is the street name where the station located?",
"ja": " 救急ステーションの所在地はどこですか?",
"it": " Qual è il nome della via in cui si trova la caserma?",
"ru": " По какому адресу расположена эта часть?",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"fr": " Quel est le nom de la rue dans lequel elle se situe ?",
2022-05-21 02:31:32 +02:00
"nl": " Aan welke straat ligt dit station?",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"de": " In welcher Straße ist die Feuerwache?",
"ca": " Quin és el nom del carrer on es troba aquesta estació?"
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"render": {
"en": "This station is along a highway called {addr:street}.",
"ja": "{addr:street} 沿いにあります。",
"ru": "Часть расположена вдоль шоссе {addr:street}.",
"fr": "La station fait partie de la {addr:street}.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "La stazione si trova in una strada chiamata {addr:street}.",
2022-05-14 20:14:08 +02:00
"nl": "Dit station ligt aan {addr:street}.",
2023-05-18 19:47:49 +02:00
"de": "Die Feuerwache liegt an der Straße namens {addr:street}.",
"ca": "Aquesta estació es troba al llarg d'una carretera anomenada {addr:street}."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"id": "station-place",
"question": {
"en": "Where is the station located? (e.g. name of neighborhood, villlage, or town)",
"ja": "このステーションの住所は?(例: 地区、村、または町の名称)",
"ru": "Где расположена часть? (напр., название населённого пункта)",
2022-06-27 09:29:23 +02:00
"fr": "Dans quelle localité la station est-elle située (p.ex. nom du quartier, village ou ville) ?",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "In che località si trova la stazione? (ad es. quartiere, paese o città)",
2022-05-27 14:50:29 +02:00
"nl": "Waar is dit station gelegen? (v.b. naam van de buurt, dorp of stad)",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"de": "Wo befindet sich die Station? (z. B. Name des Viertels, des Dorfes oder der Stadt)",
"ca": "On es troba aquesta estació? (p.e. nom del barri, poble o ciutat)"
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"freeform": {
"key": "addr:place"
"render": {
"en": "This station is found within {addr:place}.",
"ja": "このステーションは{addr:place}にあります。",
"ru": "Эта часть расположена в {addr:place}.",
"fr": "La station fait partie de {addr:place}.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "La stazione si trova a {addr:place}.",
2022-05-27 14:50:29 +02:00
"nl": "Dit station ligt in {addr:place}.",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"de": "Diese Station befindet sich innerhalb von {addr:place}.",
"ca": "Aquesta estació es troba dins de {addr:place}."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"id": "station-agency",
"question": {
"en": "What agency operates this station?",
"ja": "このステーションを運営しているのはどこですか?",
"fr": "Quel est l’exploitant de la station ?",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "Quale agenzia gestisce questa stazione?",
2022-05-27 14:50:29 +02:00
"nl": "Welk agentschap beheert dit station?",
2022-06-01 20:21:16 +02:00
"de": "Welche Organisation betreibt diese Station?",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"es": "¿Que agencia opera este parque?",
"ca": "Quina agència opera aquesta estació?"
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"render": {
"en": "This station is operated by {operator}.",
"ja": "このステーションは{operator}によって運営されています。",
"fr": "Cette station est opérée par {operator}.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "Questa stazione è gestita da {operator}.",
2022-05-27 14:50:29 +02:00
"nl": "Dit station wordt beheerd door {operator}.",
2022-06-01 20:21:16 +02:00
"de": "Diese Station wird betrieben von {operator}.",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"es": "Este parque lo opera {operator}.",
"ca": "{operator} opera aquest parc."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"freeform": {
"key": "operator"
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"operator=Bureau of Fire Protection",
"then": {
"en": "Bureau of Fire Protection",
"ja": "消防局(消防庁)",
"fr": "Brigade de Protection du Feu",
"de": "Brandschutzbehörde",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "Servizio antincendio governativo",
2023-05-18 19:47:49 +02:00
"nl": "Brandveiligheidsbureau",
"ca": "Bureau of Fire Protection (Filipines)"
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"id": "station-operator",
"question": {
"en": "How is the station operator classified?",
"ja": "ステーションの運営の分類は?",
"fr": "Quel est le type d’exploitant ?",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "Com’è classificato il gestore di questa stazione?",
2022-05-21 02:31:32 +02:00
"nl": "Wat voor soort beheerder beheert dit station?",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"de": "Wie kann der Betreiber der Feuerwache eingestuft werden?",
"ca": "Com es classifica l'operador de l'estació?"
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"render": {
"en": "The operator is a(n) {operator:type} entity.",
"ja": "運営者は、{operator:type} です。",
"fr": "L’exploitant est de type {operator:type}.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "Il gestore è un ente {operator:type}.",
2022-05-14 20:14:08 +02:00
"nl": "De beheerder is een organisatie van type {operator:type} .",
2023-02-06 00:50:13 +01:00
"de": "Der Betreiber ist {operator:type}.",
"ca": "Aquest operador és una entitat {operator:type}."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"freeform": {
"key": "operator:type"
"mappings": [
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"en": "The station is operated by the government.",
"ja": "ステーションは自治体が運営する。",
"fr": "La station est opérée par le gouvernement.",
"it": "Questa stazione è gestita dal governo.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"nb_NO": "Stasjonen drives av myndighetene.",
2022-05-27 14:50:29 +02:00
"nl": "Dit station wordt beheerd door de overheid.",
2022-06-01 20:21:16 +02:00
"de": "Die Station wird von einer Behörde betrieben.",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"es": "Este parque de bomberos lo opera el gobierno.",
"ca": "Aquest parc l'opera el govern."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"en": "The station is operated by a community-based, or informal organization.",
"ja": "任意団体やコミュニティが運営しているステーションである。",
"fr": "La station est opérée par une organisation informelle.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "Questa stazione è gestita dalla comunità oppure un’associazione informale.",
2022-05-21 02:31:32 +02:00
"nl": "Dit station wordt beheerd door een informele of gemeenschapsorganisatie.",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"de": "Die Feuerwache wird von einer gemeinnützigen Organisation betrieben.",
"ca": "Aquesta estació l'opera una comunitat o organització informal."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"en": "The station is operated by a formal group of volunteers.",
"ja": "公益団体が運営しているステーションである。",
"fr": "La station est opérée par un groupe officiel de bénévoles.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "Questa stazione è gestita da un gruppo di volontari ufficiale.",
2022-05-21 02:31:32 +02:00
"nl": "Dit station wordt beheerd door een formele groep vrijwilligers.",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"de": "Die Feuerwache wird von einer Freiwilligenorganisation betrieben.",
"ca": "Aquest operació l'opera un grup formal de voluntaris."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"if": {
"and": [
"then": {
"en": "The station is privately operated.",
"ja": "個人が運営しているステーションである。",
"fr": "La station est opérée par un groupe privé.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "Questa stazione è gestita da privati.",
2022-05-21 02:31:32 +02:00
"nl": "Dit station wordt door private organisatie beheerd.",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"de": "Die Feuerwache wird von einer privaten Organisation betrieben.",
"ca": "Aquesta estació l'opera una entitat privada."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"presets": [
"tags": [
"title": {
2022-04-03 03:10:06 +02:00
"en": "a fire station",
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"ja": "消防署",
2023-02-10 01:49:06 +01:00
"ru": "пожарная часть",
2022-03-29 21:55:49 +02:00
"fr": "une caserne de pompiers",
2022-05-21 02:31:32 +02:00
"de": "eine Feuerwache",
2022-03-29 21:55:49 +02:00
"it": "una caserma dei vigili del fuoco",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"nb_NO": "en brannstasjon",
2022-06-01 20:21:16 +02:00
"nl": "een brandweerstation",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"es": "un parque de bomberos",
"ca": "un parc de bombers"
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"description": {
"en": "A fire station is a place where the fire trucks and firefighters are located when not in operation.",
"ja": "消防署は、運転していないときに消防車や消防士がいる場所です。",
"fr": "Une caserne de pompiers est un lieu où les pompiers et leur équipements sont situés en dehors des missions.",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"de": "Eine Feuerwache ist ein Ort, an dem Feuerwehrfahrzeuge und Feuerwehrleute untergebracht sind, wenn sie nicht im Einsatz sind.",
2022-04-03 03:17:10 +02:00
"it": "Una caserma dei pompieri è un luogo dove si trovano i mezzi antincendio e i pompieri tra una missione e l’altra.",
2022-06-01 20:21:16 +02:00
"nl": "Een brandweerstation is een plaats waar brandweerwagens en brandweerlieden gebaseerd zijn.",
2023-01-29 18:02:06 +01:00
"es": "Un parque de bomberos es donde los bomberos y los camiones de incendios se encuentran cuando no están en uso.",
"ca": "Un parc de bombers és on els bombers i els camions es troben quan no estan en ús."
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
2023-09-19 14:04:13 +02:00
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2023-06-20 03:14:18 +02:00
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2023-06-20 03:14:45 +02:00
"iconSize": "35,35",
2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
"location": [
2023-06-20 03:14:45 +02:00
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2023-09-19 14:04:13 +02:00
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2023-06-20 03:14:18 +02:00
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2021-11-28 14:52:44 +01:00
2023-06-20 01:52:15 +02:00