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2023-09-28 04:02:42 +02:00
<script lang="ts">
import FeatureReviews from "../../Logic/Web/MangroveReviews";
import StarsBar from "./StarsBar.svelte";
import SpecialTranslation from "../Popup/TagRendering/SpecialTranslation.svelte";
import type { SpecialVisualizationState } from "../SpecialVisualization";
import { UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource";
import type { Feature } from "geojson";
import LayerConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig";
import Translations from "../i18n/Translations";
import Checkbox from "../Base/Checkbox.svelte";
import Tr from "../Base/Tr.svelte";
import If from "../Base/If.svelte";
import Loading from "../Base/Loading.svelte";
import { Review } from "mangrove-reviews-typescript";
import { Utils } from "../../Utils";
export let state: SpecialVisualizationState;
export let tags: UIEventSource<Record<string, string>>;
export let feature: Feature;
export let layer: LayerConfig;
* The form to create a new review.
* This is multi-stepped.
export let reviews: FeatureReviews;
let score = 0;
let confirmedScore = undefined;
let isAffiliated = new UIEventSource(false);
let opinion = new UIEventSource<string>(undefined);
const t =;
let _state: "ask" | "saving" | "done" = "ask";
const connection = state.osmConnection;
async function save() {
_state = "saving";
let nickname = undefined;
if ( {
nickname =;
const review: Omit<Review, "sub"> = {
rating: confirmedScore,
metadata: { nickname, is_affiliated: }
if ( {
console.log("Testing - not actually saving review", review);
await Utils.waitFor(1000);
} else {
await reviews.createReview(review);
_state = "done";
{#if _state === "done"}
<Tr cls="thanks w-full" t={t.saved} />
{:else if _state === "saving"}
<Tr t={t.saving_review} />
<div class="interactive border-interactive p-1">
<div class="font-bold">
<SpecialTranslation {feature} {layer} {state} t={} {tags}></SpecialTranslation>
<StarsBar on:click={e => {confirmedScore = e.detail.score}} on:hover={e => {score = e.detail.score}}
on:mouseout={e => {score = null}} score={score ?? confirmedScore ?? 0}
starSize="w-8 h-8"></StarsBar>
{#if confirmedScore !== undefined}
<Tr cls="font-bold mt-2" t={t.question_opinion} />
<textarea bind:value={$opinion} inputmode="text" rows="3" class="w-full mb-1" />
<Checkbox selected={isAffiliated}>
<div class="flex flex-col">
<Tr t={t.i_am_affiliated} />
<Tr cls="subtle" t={t.i_am_affiliated_explanation} />
<div class="flex w-full justify-between flex-wrap items-center">
<If condition={state.osmConnection.isLoggedIn}>
<Tr t={t.reviewing_as.Subs({nickname:})} />
<Tr slot="else" t={t.reviewing_as_anonymous} />
<button class="primary" on:click={save}>
<Tr t={} />
<Tr cls="subtle mt-4" t={t.tos} />