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2024-05-16 00:06:04 +02:00
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<!-- Created with Inkscape ( -->
d="M 80.784,43.083 L 230.004,43.083 L 230.004,95.814 L 80.784,95.814 L 80.784,43.083 z"
id="path2538" />
d="M 510.741,841.887 L 482.4,841.887 L 482.4,422.361 L 510.741,422.361 L 510.741,841.887 z"
id="path2510" />
d="M 595.278,841.887 L 510.741,841.887 L 510.741,422.361 L 595.278,422.361 L 595.278,841.887 z M 482.4,841.887 L 0,841.887 L 0,422.361 L 482.4,422.361 L 482.4,841.887 z"
id="path2496" />
d="M -98.271,934.299 L 681.264,934.299 L 681.264,419.868 L -98.271,419.868 L -98.271,934.299 z"
id="path2488" />
d="M -8.343,422.361 L 603.783,422.361 L 603.783,850.392 L -8.343,850.392 L -8.343,422.361 z"
id="path2480" />
d="M 0,0 L 595.278,0 L 595.278,841.887 L 0,841.887 L 0,0 z"
id="path2468" />
d="M 0,0 L 595.276,0 L 595.276,841.89 L 0,841.89 L 0,0 z"
id="path2460" />
d="M 122.795,69.451 L 125.041,69.451 L 125.041,64.102 L 129.085,69.451 L 131.844,69.451 L 127.24,63.585 L 132.037,57.007 L 129.101,57.007 L 125.074,62.783 L 125.041,62.783 L 125.041,57.007 L 122.795,57.007 L 122.795,69.451 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 135.768,58.54 C 136.426,58.54 136.939,58.861 137.277,59.36 C 137.63,59.877 137.726,60.537 137.726,61.25 L 136.795,61.25 C 135.833,61.25 134.405,61.071 134.405,59.663 C 134.405,58.879 134.998,58.54 135.768,58.54 M 133.249,65.707 C 134.084,66.135 135.207,66.402 136.121,66.402 C 138.641,66.402 139.684,65.243 139.684,62.533 L 139.684,61.357 C 139.684,60.43 139.7,59.734 139.715,59.057 C 139.732,58.361 139.764,57.72 139.812,57.007 L 137.918,57.007 C 137.838,57.488 137.838,58.094 137.822,58.38 L 137.79,58.38 C 137.293,57.363 136.218,56.793 135.239,56.793 C 133.779,56.793 132.351,57.773 132.351,59.52 C 132.351,60.893 132.944,61.695 133.763,62.141 C 134.581,62.587 135.64,62.676 136.539,62.676 L 137.726,62.676 C 137.726,64.156 137.132,64.655 135.865,64.655 C 134.95,64.655 134.035,64.263 133.314,63.656 L 133.249,65.707 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 141.561,66.188 L 143.598,66.188 L 143.598,64.94 L 143.631,64.94 C 144.304,65.992 145.219,66.402 146.342,66.402 C 148.3,66.402 149.15,64.869 149.15,62.801 L 149.15,57.007 L 147,57.007 L 147,61.909 C 147,63.033 146.984,64.548 145.604,64.548 C 144.048,64.548 143.711,62.676 143.711,61.499 L 143.711,57.007 L 141.561,57.007 L 141.561,66.188 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 151.829,64.441 L 150.241,64.441 L 150.241,66.188 L 151.829,66.188 L 151.829,68.024 L 153.98,68.791 L 153.98,66.188 L 155.889,66.188 L 155.889,64.441 L 153.98,64.441 L 153.98,60.162 C 153.98,59.378 154.172,58.647 154.99,58.647 C 155.375,58.647 155.744,58.736 155.969,58.896 L 156.033,57.007 C 155.584,56.864 155.086,56.793 154.445,56.793 C 152.76,56.793 151.829,57.952 151.829,59.77 L 151.829,64.441 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 160.911,58.647 C 162.563,58.647 162.996,60.287 162.996,61.82 C 162.996,63.229 162.323,64.548 160.911,64.548 C 159.515,64.548 158.841,63.193 158.841,61.82 C 158.841,60.305 159.274,58.647 160.911,58.647 M 160.911,66.402 C 163.366,66.402 165.243,64.566 165.243,61.535 C 165.243,58.896 163.654,56.793 160.911,56.793 C 158.183,56.793 156.594,58.896 156.594,61.535 C 156.594,64.566 158.472,66.402 160.911,66.402"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 166.48,66.188 L 168.518,66.188 L 168.518,64.94 L 168.55,64.94 C 169.224,65.992 170.139,66.402 171.262,66.402 C 173.219,66.402 174.07,64.869 174.07,62.801 L 174.07,57.007 L 171.919,57.007 L 171.919,61.909 C 171.919,63.033 171.904,64.548 170.524,64.548 C 168.967,64.548 168.63,62.676 168.63,61.499 L 168.63,57.007 L 166.48,57.007 L 166.48,66.188 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 178.931,58.54 C 179.589,58.54 180.103,58.861 180.44,59.36 C 180.792,59.877 180.889,60.537 180.889,61.25 L 179.958,61.25 C 178.995,61.25 177.568,61.071 177.568,59.663 C 177.568,58.879 178.161,58.54 178.931,58.54 M 176.412,65.707 C 177.246,66.135 178.369,66.402 179.284,66.402 C 181.803,66.402 182.846,65.243 182.846,62.533 L 182.846,61.357 C 182.846,60.43 182.862,59.734 182.878,59.057 C 182.894,58.361 182.926,57.72 182.975,57.007 L 181.081,57.007 C 181.001,57.488 181.001,58.094 180.985,58.38 L 180.953,58.38 C 180.455,57.363 179.38,56.793 178.402,56.793 C 176.942,56.793 175.513,57.773 175.513,59.52 C 175.513,60.893 176.107,61.695 176.926,62.141 C 177.744,62.587 178.803,62.676 179.701,62.676 L 180.889,62.676 C 180.889,64.156 180.295,64.655 179.027,64.655 C 178.113,64.655 177.198,64.263 176.476,63.656 L 176.412,65.707 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 184.771,70.378 L 186.921,70.378 L 186.921,57.007 L 184.771,57.007 L 184.771,70.378 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 193.003,58.647 C 194.415,58.647 194.816,60.358 194.816,61.624 C 194.816,62.854 194.431,64.548 193.035,64.548 C 191.655,64.548 191.109,62.908 191.109,61.624 C 191.109,60.323 191.575,58.647 193.003,58.647 M 188.943,70.378 L 191.093,70.378 L 191.093,65.012 L 191.126,65.012 C 191.719,65.885 192.473,66.402 193.597,66.402 C 196.131,66.402 197.062,64.156 197.062,61.624 C 197.062,59.11 196.131,56.793 193.597,56.793 C 192.682,56.793 191.687,57.149 191.061,58.13 L 191.029,58.13 L 191.029,57.007 L 188.943,57.007 L 188.943,70.378 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 201.186,58.54 C 201.844,58.54 202.357,58.861 202.694,59.36 C 203.047,59.877 203.144,60.537 203.144,61.25 L 202.213,61.25 C 201.25,61.25 199.822,61.071 199.822,59.663 C 199.822,58.879 200.416,58.54 201.186,58.54 M 198.667,65.707 C 199.501,66.135 200.624,66.402 201.539,66.402 C 204.058,66.402 205.101,65.243 205.101,62.533 L 205.101,61.357 C 205.101,60.43 205.117,59.734 205.133,59.057 C 205.149,58.361 205.181,57.72 205.23,57.007 L 203.336,57.007 C 203.256,57.488 203.256,58.094 203.24,58.38 L 203.208,58.38 C 202.71,57.363 201.635,56.793 200.657,56.793 C 199.197,56.793 197.768,57.773 197.768,59.52 C 197.768,60.893 198.362,61.695 199.18,62.141 C 199.999,62.587 201.058,62.676 201.956,62.676 L 203.144,62.676 C 203.144,64.156 202.55,64.655 201.282,64.655 C 200.368,64.655 199.453,64.263 198.731,63.656 L 198.667,65.707 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 206.786,66.188 L 208.823,66.188 L 208.823,64.94 L 208.856,64.94 C 209.529,65.992 210.444,66.402 211.567,66.402 C 213.525,66.402 214.375,64.869 214.375,62.801 L 214.375,57.007 L 212.225,57.007 L 212.225,61.909 C 212.225,63.033 212.209,64.548 210.829,64.548 C 209.273,64.548 208.936,62.676 208.936,61.499 L 208.936,57.007 L 206.786,57.007 L 206.786,66.188 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 216.218,70.378 L 218.368,70.378 L 218.368,62.515 L 218.4,62.515 L 220.968,66.188 L 223.503,66.188 L 220.422,62.088 L 223.888,57.007 L 221.16,57.007 L 218.4,61.464 L 218.368,61.464 L 218.368,57.007 L 216.218,57.007 L 216.218,70.378 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 122.726,84.345 L 124.513,84.345 L 124.513,78.5 C 124.513,76.774 124.998,75.642 126.364,75.642 C 127.73,75.642 128.215,76.774 128.215,78.5 L 128.215,84.345 L 130.002,84.345 L 130.002,77.876 C 130.002,75.164 128.649,74.047 126.364,74.047 C 124.079,74.047 122.726,75.164 122.726,77.876 L 122.726,84.345 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 132.069,81.691 L 133.588,81.691 L 133.588,79.994 L 133.614,79.994 C 133.69,80.69 134.392,81.865 135.413,81.865 C 135.579,81.865 135.758,81.865 135.937,81.807 L 135.937,79.849 C 135.783,79.95 135.477,80.008 135.171,80.008 C 133.78,80.008 133.78,78.036 133.78,76.962 L 133.78,74.221 L 132.069,74.221 L 132.069,81.691 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 137.425,81.691 L 139.046,81.691 L 139.046,80.675 L 139.071,80.675 C 139.607,81.531 140.335,81.865 141.228,81.865 C 142.786,81.865 143.462,80.617 143.462,78.935 L 143.462,74.221 L 141.752,74.221 L 141.752,78.21 C 141.752,79.123 141.739,80.356 140.641,80.356 C 139.403,80.356 139.135,78.833 139.135,77.876 L 139.135,74.221 L 137.425,74.221 L 137.425,81.691 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 149.806,78.688 C 149.755,79.631 149.372,80.443 148.414,80.443 C 147.457,80.443 146.972,79.689 146.895,78.688 L 149.806,78.688 z M 150.954,74.642 C 150.329,74.25 149.614,74.047 148.695,74.047 C 146.525,74.047 145.262,75.468 145.262,77.919 C 145.262,80.081 146.27,81.865 148.312,81.865 C 150.75,81.865 151.439,79.965 151.439,77.354 L 146.895,77.354 C 146.972,76.15 147.712,75.468 148.772,75.468 C 149.602,75.468 150.316,75.816 150.954,76.223 L 150.954,74.642 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 153.141,81.691 L 154.66,81.691 L 154.66,79.994 L 154.686,79.994 C 154.763,80.69 155.465,81.865 156.486,81.865 C 156.652,81.865 156.83,81.865 157.009,81.807 L 157.009,79.849 C 156.856,79.95 156.55,80.008 156.243,80.008 C 154.852,80.008 154.852,78.036 154.852,76.962 L 154.852,74.221 L 153.141,74.221 L 153.141,81.691 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 110.307,82.064 L 97.68,82.064 L 90.691,70.716 L 97.68,59.367 L 110.307,59.367 L 103.317,70.716 L 110.307,82.064 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
d="M 86.482,83.342 L 111.735,83.342 L 111.735,58.089 L 86.482,58.089 L 86.482,83.342 z M 85.43,84.394 L 112.787,84.394 L 112.787,57.037 L 85.43,57.037 L 85.43,84.394 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none" />