2024-03-04 15:31:09 +01:00
< script lang = "ts" >
import { UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"
import type { Feature , Point } from "geojson"
import type { SpecialVisualizationState } from "../SpecialVisualization"
import LoginToggle from "../Base/LoginToggle.svelte"
import Tr from "../Base/Tr.svelte"
import Scissors from "../../assets/svg/Scissors.svelte"
import WaySplitMap from "../BigComponents/WaySplitMap.svelte"
import BackButton from "../Base/BackButton.svelte"
import SplitAction from "../../Logic/Osm/Actions/SplitAction"
import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"
import NextButton from "../Base/NextButton.svelte"
import Loading from "../Base/Loading.svelte"
import { OsmWay } from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmObject"
import type { WayId } from "../../Models/OsmFeature"
import { Utils } from "../../Utils"
export let state: SpecialVisualizationState
export let id: WayId
const t = Translations.t.split
2024-04-13 02:40:21 +02:00
let step:
| "initial"
| "loading_way"
| "splitting"
| "applying_split"
| "has_been_split"
| "deleted" = "initial"
2024-03-04 15:31:09 +01:00
// Contains the points on the road that are selected to split on - contains geojson points with extra properties such as 'location' with the distance along the linestring
2024-04-13 02:40:21 +02:00
let splitPoints = new UIEventSource<
id: number
index: number
dist: number
location: number
let splitpointsNotEmpty = splitPoints.map((sp) => sp.length > 0)
2024-03-04 15:31:09 +01:00
let osmWay: OsmWay
async function downloadWay() {
step = "loading_way"
const dloaded = await state.osmObjectDownloader.DownloadObjectAsync(id)
if (dloaded === "deleted") {
step = "deleted"
osmWay = dloaded
step = "splitting"
async function doSplit() {
step = "applying_split"
const splitAction = new SplitAction(
splitPoints.data.map((ff) => < [number, number]>(< Point > ff.geometry).coordinates),
theme: state?.layout?.id,
2024-04-13 02:40:21 +02:00
2024-03-04 15:31:09 +01:00
await state.changes?.applyAction(splitAction)
// We throw away the old map and splitpoints, and create a new map from scratch
// Close the popup. The contributor has to select a segment again to make sure they continue editing the correct segment; see #1219
step = "has_been_split"
< / script >
< LoginToggle ignoreLoading = { true } { state } >
< Tr slot = "not-logged-in" t = { t . loginToSplit } / >
{ #if step === "deleted" }
<!-- Empty -->
{ :else if step === "initial" }
< button on:click = {() => downloadWay ()} >
2024-04-13 02:40:21 +02:00
< Scissors class = "h-6 w-6 shrink-0" / >
2024-03-04 15:31:09 +01:00
< Tr t = { t . inviteToSplit } / >
< / button >
{ :else if step === "loading_way" }
< Loading / >
{ :else if step === "splitting" }
2024-04-13 02:40:21 +02:00
< div class = "interactive border-interactive flex flex-col p-2" >
< div class = "h-80 w-full" >
2024-03-04 15:31:09 +01:00
< WaySplitMap { state } { splitPoints } { osmWay } />
< / div >
2024-04-13 02:40:21 +02:00
< div class = "flex w-full flex-wrap-reverse md:flex-nowrap" >
< BackButton
on:click={() => {
step = "initial"
2024-03-04 15:31:09 +01:00
< Tr t = { Translations . t . general . cancel } / >
< / BackButton >
2024-04-13 02:40:21 +02:00
< NextButton
clss={( $splitpointsNotEmpty ? "" : "disabled " ) + "w-full primary" }
on:click={() => doSplit ()}
2024-03-04 15:31:09 +01:00
< Tr t = { t . split } / >
< / NextButton >
< / div >
< / div >
{ :else if step === "has_been_split" }
2024-04-13 02:40:21 +02:00
< Tr cls = "thanks" t = { t . hasBeenSplit . Clone (). SetClass ( "font-bold thanks block w-full" )} / >
2024-03-04 15:31:09 +01:00
< button on:click = {() => downloadWay ()} >
2024-04-13 02:40:21 +02:00
< Scissors class = "h-6 w-6" / >
2024-03-04 15:31:09 +01:00
< Tr t = { t . splitAgain } / >
< / button >
{ /if }
< / LoginToggle >