463 lines
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463 lines
17 KiB
import Histogram from "./Histogram";
import Utils from "./Utils";
import {ChangeSetData} from "./OsmCha";
import OsmUserInfo from "./OsmUserInfo";
import Config, {MapCompleteUsageOverview} from "./Config";
import MastodonPoster from "./Mastodon";
import Overpass from "./Overpass";
import ImageUploader from "./ImageUploader";
type ImageInfo = { image: string, changeset: ChangeSetData }
export class Postbuilder {
private static readonly metakeys = [
private readonly _config: MapCompleteUsageOverview;
private readonly _globalConfig: Config
private readonly _poster: MastodonPoster;
private readonly _changesetsMade: ChangeSetData[];
constructor(config: MapCompleteUsageOverview, globalConfig: Config, poster: MastodonPoster, changesetsMade: ChangeSetData[]) {
this._globalConfig = globalConfig;
this._poster = poster;
this._config = config;
// Ignore 'custom' themes, they can be confusing for uninitiated users and give ugly link + we don't endorse them
this._changesetsMade = changesetsMade.filter(cs => !cs.properties.theme.startsWith("http://") && !cs.properties.theme.startsWith("https://"))
public async buildMessage(date: string): Promise<void> {
const changesets = this._changesetsMade
let lastPostId: string = undefined
if (this._config.report) {
const report = this._config.report
const overpass = new Overpass(report)
const data = await overpass.query()
const ids = data.elements.map(e => e.type + "/" + e.id)
const total = new Set<string>(ids).size
const date = data.osm3s.timestamp_osm_base.substring(0, 10)
lastPostId = (await this._poster.writeMessage(
report.post.replace(/{total}/g, "" + total).replace(/{date}/g, date),
{spoilerText: this._config.contentWarning}
const perContributor = new Histogram(changesets, cs => cs.properties.uid)
const topContributors = perContributor.sortedByCount({
countMethod: cs => {
let sum = 0
for (const metakey of Postbuilder.metakeys) {
if (cs.properties[metakey]) {
sum += cs.properties[metakey]
return sum
const totalStats = this.getStatisticsFor()
const {
} = await this.prepareImages(changesets)
const imageUploader = new ImageUploader(randomImages, this._poster, this._globalConfig)
let timePeriod = "yesterday"
if (this._config.numberOfDays > 1) {
timePeriod = "in the past " + this._config.numberOfDays + " days"
if (this._config.showTopContributors && topContributors.length > 0) {
const singleTheme = this._config?.themeWhitelist?.length === 1 ? "/" + this._config.themeWhitelist[0] : ""
const toSend: string[] = [
`${perContributor.keys().length} people made ${totalStats.total} changes ${timePeriod} to #OpenStreetMap using https://mapcomplete.org${singleTheme}`,
// We group contributors that only contributed to 'etymology' as they otherwise spam the first entry
const {
} = await this.GroupTopcontributorsForTheme("etymology", topContributors, perContributor)
if (message?.length > 0) {
for (const topContributor of topContributors) {
const uid = topContributor.key
if (alreadyMentioned.has(uid)) {
const changesetsMade = perContributor.get(uid)
try {
const userInfo = new OsmUserInfo(Number(uid), this._globalConfig)
const {nobot} = await userInfo.hasNoBotTag()
if (nobot) {
const overview = await this.createOverviewForContributor(uid, changesetsMade)
if (MastodonPoster.totalLength(overview, toSend) > 500) {
} catch (e) {
console.error("Could not add contributor " + uid, e)
lastPostId = (await this._poster.writeMessage(toSend.join("\n"),
inReplyToId: lastPostId,
mediaIds: await imageUploader.attemptToUpload(4),
spoilerText: this._config.contentWarning
const perTheme = new Histogram(changesets, cs => {
return cs.properties.theme;
const mostPopularThemes = perTheme.sortedByCount({
countMethod: cs => this.getStatisticsFor([cs]).total,
dropZeroValues: true
if (this._config.showTopThemes && mostPopularThemes.length > 0) {
const toSend = []
for (const theme of mostPopularThemes) {
const themeId = theme.key
const changesetsMade = perTheme.get(themeId)
const overview = await this.createOverviewForTheme(themeId, changesetsMade)
if (MastodonPoster.totalLength(overview, toSend) > 500) {
lastPostId = (await this._poster.writeMessage(toSend.join("\n"), {
inReplyToId: lastPostId,
mediaIds: await imageUploader.attemptToUpload(4),
spoilerText: this._config.contentWarning
const images = await imageUploader.attemptToUpload(4)
const authors = Array.from(new Set(imageUploader.getCurrentAuthors()))
if (authors.length > 0) {
let imageCount = totalImagesCreated === 1 ? "one image" : totalImagesCreated + " images"
let contributors = totalImageContributorCount === 1 ? "One contributor": totalImageContributorCount+" contributors"
let contributorCountMultiple = `${contributors} uploaded ${imageCount}.`
let thankYou = (this._config.showThankYou ?? true) ? "\nA big thanks to everyone who is contributing!\n\n" : ""
await this._poster.writeMessage([
contributorCountMultiple + "\n",
"Images in this thread are randomly selected from them and were made by: ",
"All changes were made on " + date + (this._config.numberOfDays > 1 ? ` or at most ${this._config.numberOfDays} days before` : "")
].join("\n"), {
inReplyToId: lastPostId,
mediaIds: images,
spoilerText: this._config.contentWarning
private getStatisticsFor(changesetsMade?: ChangeSetData[]): {
total: number,
answered?: number,
created?: number,
addImage?: number,
deleted: number,
moved?: number,
summaryText?: string
} {
const stats: Record<string, number> = {}
changesetsMade ??= this._changesetsMade
let total = 0
for (const changeset of changesetsMade) {
for (const metakey of Postbuilder.metakeys) {
if (changeset.properties[metakey]) {
stats[metakey] = (stats[metakey] ?? 0) + changeset.properties[metakey]
total += changeset.properties[metakey]
let overview: string[] = []
const {answer, move, create} = stats
const deleted = stats.delete
const images = stats["add-image"]
const plantnetDetected = stats["plantnet-ai-detection"]
const linkedImages = stats["link-image"]
const poi = this._config.poiName ?? "point"
const pois = this._config.poisName ?? "points"
if (create) {
if (create == 1) {
overview.push("added a " + poi)
} else {
overview.push("added " + create + " " + pois)
if (answer) {
if (answer == 1) {
overview.push("answered a question")
} else {
overview.push("answered " + answer + " questions")
if (images) {
if (images == 1) {
overview.push("uploaded an image")
} else {
overview.push("uploaded " + images + " images")
if (move) {
if (move == 1) {
overview.push("moved a " + poi)
} else {
overview.push("moved " + move + " " + pois)
if (deleted) {
if (deleted == 1) {
overview.push("deleted a " + poi)
} else {
overview.push("deleted " + deleted + " " + pois)
if (plantnetDetected) {
if (plantnetDetected == 1) {
overview.push("detected a plant species with plantnet.org")
} else {
overview.push("detected " + plantnetDetected + " plant species with plantnet.org")
if (linkedImages) {
if (linkedImages == 1) {
overview.push("linked an image")
} else {
overview.push("linked " + linkedImages + " images")
let summaryText = Utils.commasAnd(overview)
return {
total: total,
addImage: stats["add-image"],
deleted: stats.delete,
answered: stats.answer,
moved: stats.move,
private async createOverviewForContributor(uid: string, changesetsMade: ChangeSetData[]): Promise<string> {
const userinfo = new OsmUserInfo(Number(uid), this._globalConfig)
const inf = await userinfo.getUserInfo()
const themes = new Histogram(changesetsMade, cs => cs.properties.theme)
let username = await userinfo.GetMastodonUsername(this._poster) ?? inf.display_name
const statistics = this.getStatisticsFor(changesetsMade)
let thematicMaps = " with the thematic maps " + Utils.commasAnd(themes.keys())
if (this._config?.themeWhitelist?.length === 1) {
thematicMaps = ""
} else if (themes.keys().length === 1) {
thematicMaps = " with the thematic map " + Utils.commasAnd(themes.keys())
return username + " " + statistics.summaryText + thematicMaps
private async createOverviewForTheme(theme: string, changesetsMade: ChangeSetData[]): Promise<string> {
const statistics = this.getStatisticsFor(changesetsMade)
const contributorCount = new Set(changesetsMade.map(cs => cs.properties.uid)).size
let contribCountStr = contributorCount + " contributors"
if (contributorCount == 1) {
contribCountStr = "a contributor"
return `${contribCountStr} ${statistics.summaryText} on https://mapcomplete.org/${theme}`
* Creates a new list of images, sorted by priority.
* It tries to order them in such a way that the number of contributors is as big as possible.
* However, it is biased to select pictures from certain themes too
* @param images
private selectImages(images: ImageInfo[]):
ImageInfo[] {
const themeBonus = {
climbing: 1,
rainbow_crossings: 1,
binoculars: 2,
artwork: 2,
ghost_bikes: 1,
trees: 2,
bookcases: 1,
playgrounds: 1,
aed: 1,
benches: 1,
nature: 1
const alreadyEncounteredUid = new Map<string, number>()
const result: ImageInfo[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
let bestImageScore: number = -999999999
let bestImageOptions: ImageInfo[] = []
for (const image of images) {
const props = image.changeset.properties
const uid = "" + props.uid
if (result.findIndex(i => i.image === image.image) >= 0) {
let score = 0
if (alreadyEncounteredUid.has(uid)) {
score -= 100 * alreadyEncounteredUid.get(uid)
score += themeBonus[props.theme] ?? 0
if (score > bestImageScore) {
bestImageScore = score
bestImageOptions = [image]
} else if (score === bestImageScore) {
const ri = Math.floor((bestImageOptions.length - 1) * Math.random())
const randomBestImage = bestImageOptions[ri]
const theme = randomBestImage.changeset.properties.theme
themeBonus[theme] = (themeBonus[theme] ?? 0) - 1
const uid = randomBestImage.changeset.properties.uid
alreadyEncounteredUid.set(uid, (alreadyEncounteredUid.get(uid) ?? 0) + 1)
console.log("Selecting image", randomBestImage.image, " by ", randomBestImage.changeset.properties.user + " with score " + bestImageScore)
return result
private async GroupTopcontributorsForTheme(theme: string, topContributors: {
key: string;
count: number
}[], perContributor: Histogram<ChangeSetData>, maxCount = 3): Promise<{
alreadyMentioned: Set<string>;
message: string
}> {
const alreadyMentioned = new Set<string>()
const etymologyContributors: { username: string }[] = []
for (const topContributor of topContributors) {
const uid = topContributor.key
const changesetsMade = perContributor.get(uid)
if (changesetsMade.find(cs => cs.properties.theme !== theme)) {
// This is an etymology-only contributor
const userInfo = new OsmUserInfo(Number(uid), this._globalConfig)
const {nobot} = await userInfo.hasNoBotTag()
if (nobot) {
const info = await userInfo.getUserInfo()
const username = await userInfo.GetMastodonUsername(this._poster) ?? info.display_name
let message: string
if (etymologyContributors.length <= 1) {
return {
alreadyMentioned: new Set<string>(),
message: undefined
if (etymologyContributors.length <= 4) {
message = `${Utils.commasAnd(etymologyContributors.map(c => c.username))} contributed with thematic map ${theme}`
} else {
message = `${etymologyContributors.slice(0, 3).map(c => c.username).join(", ")} and ${etymologyContributors.length - 3} others contributed with thematic map ${theme}`
return {
private async prepareImages(changesets: ChangeSetData[]): Promise<{
randomImages: { image: string, changeset: ChangeSetData }[],
totalImagesCreated: number,
totalImageContributorCount: number
}> {
const withImage: ChangeSetData[] = changesets.filter(cs => cs.properties["add-image"] > 0)
const totalImagesCreated = Utils.Sum(withImage.map(cs => cs.properties["add-image"]))
const images: ImageInfo[] = []
const seenURLS = new Set<string>()
for (const changeset of withImage) {
const userinfo = new OsmUserInfo(Number(changeset.properties.uid), this._globalConfig)
const {nobot} = await userinfo.hasNoBotTag()
if (nobot) {
console.log("Not indexing images of user", changeset.properties.user)
const url = this._globalConfig.osmBackend + "/api/0.6/changeset/" + changeset.id + "/download"
const osmChangeset = await Utils.DownloadXml(url)
const osmChangesetTags: { k: string, v: string }[] = Array.from(osmChangeset.getElementsByTagName("tag"))
.map(tag => ({k: tag.getAttribute("k"), v: tag.getAttribute("v")}))
.filter(kv => kv.k.startsWith("panoramax"))
for (const kv of osmChangesetTags) {
if (seenURLS.has(kv.v)) {
images.push({image: kv.v, changeset})
const randomImages: ImageInfo[] = this.selectImages(images)
return {
totalImageContributorCount: new Set(withImage.map(cs => cs.properties.uid)).size
} |