/** * Asks to add a feature at the last clicked location, at least if zoom is sufficient */ import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"; import Constants from "../../Models/Constants"; import {TagUtils} from "../../Logic/Tags/TagUtils"; import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement"; import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; import Toggle from "../Input/Toggle"; import UserDetails, {OsmConnection} from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; import CreateNewNodeAction from "../../Logic/Osm/Actions/CreateNewNodeAction"; import {OsmObject, OsmWay} from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmObject"; import PresetConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/PresetConfig"; import FilteredLayer from "../../Models/FilteredLayer"; import Loc from "../../Models/Loc"; import LayoutConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig"; import {Changes} from "../../Logic/Osm/Changes"; import FeaturePipeline from "../../Logic/FeatureSource/FeaturePipeline"; import {ElementStorage} from "../../Logic/ElementStorage"; import ConfirmLocationOfPoint from "../NewPoint/ConfirmLocationOfPoint"; import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer"; import Loading from "../Base/Loading"; import Hash from "../../Logic/Web/Hash"; /* * The SimpleAddUI is a single panel, which can have multiple states: * - A list of presets which can be added by the user * - A 'confirm-selection' button (or alternatively: please enable the layer) * - A 'something is wrong - please soom in further' * - A 'read your unread messages before adding a point' */ export interface PresetInfo extends PresetConfig { name: string | BaseUIElement, icon: () => BaseUIElement, layerToAddTo: FilteredLayer, boundsFactor?: 0.25 | number } export default class SimpleAddUI extends Toggle { /** * * @param isShown * @param resetScrollSignal * @param filterViewIsOpened * @param state * @param takeLocationFrom: defaults to state.lastClickLocation. Take this location to add the new point around */ constructor(isShown: UIEventSource, resetScrollSignal: UIEventSource, filterViewIsOpened: UIEventSource, state: { featureSwitchIsTesting: UIEventSource, layoutToUse: LayoutConfig, osmConnection: OsmConnection, changes: Changes, allElements: ElementStorage, LastClickLocation: UIEventSource<{ lat: number, lon: number }>, featurePipeline: FeaturePipeline, selectedElement: UIEventSource, locationControl: UIEventSource, filteredLayers: UIEventSource, featureSwitchFilter: UIEventSource, backgroundLayer: UIEventSource }, takeLocationFrom?: UIEventSource<{lat: number, lon: number}> ) { const loginButton = new SubtleButton(Svg.osm_logo_ui(), Translations.t.general.add.pleaseLogin.Clone()) .onClick(() => state.osmConnection.AttemptLogin()); const readYourMessages = new Combine([ Translations.t.general.readYourMessages.Clone().SetClass("alert"), new SubtleButton(Svg.envelope_ui(), Translations.t.general.goToInbox, {url: "https://www.openstreetmap.org/messages/inbox", newTab: false}) ]); takeLocationFrom = takeLocationFrom ?? state.LastClickLocation const selectedPreset = new UIEventSource(undefined); selectedPreset.addCallback(_ => { resetScrollSignal.ping(); }) isShown.addCallback(_ => selectedPreset.setData(undefined)) // Clear preset selection when the UI is closed/opened takeLocationFrom.addCallback(_ => selectedPreset.setData(undefined)) const presetsOverview = SimpleAddUI.CreateAllPresetsPanel(selectedPreset, state) async function createNewPoint(tags: any[], location: { lat: number, lon: number }, snapOntoWay?: OsmWay) : Promise{ const newElementAction = new CreateNewNodeAction(tags, location.lat, location.lon, { theme: state.layoutToUse?.id ?? "unkown", changeType: "create", snapOnto: snapOntoWay }) await state.changes.applyAction(newElementAction) selectedPreset.setData(undefined) isShown.setData(false) state.selectedElement.setData(state.allElements.ContainingFeatures.get( newElementAction.newElementId )) Hash.hash.setData(newElementAction.newElementId) } const addUi = new VariableUiElement( selectedPreset.map(preset => { if (preset === undefined) { return presetsOverview } function confirm(tags: any[], location: { lat: number, lon: number }, snapOntoWayId?: string) { if (snapOntoWayId === undefined) { createNewPoint(tags, location, undefined) } else { OsmObject.DownloadObject(snapOntoWayId).addCallbackAndRunD(way => { createNewPoint(tags, location, way) return true; }) } } function cancel() { selectedPreset.setData(undefined) } const message = Translations.t.general.add.addNew.Subs({category: preset.name}, preset.name["context"]); return new ConfirmLocationOfPoint(state, filterViewIsOpened, preset, message, takeLocationFrom.data, confirm, cancel, () => { isShown.setData(false) }) } )) super( new Toggle( new Toggle( new Toggle( new Loading(Translations.t.general.add.stillLoading).SetClass("alert"), addUi, state.featurePipeline.runningQuery ), Translations.t.general.add.zoomInFurther.Clone().SetClass("alert"), state.locationControl.map(loc => loc.zoom >= Constants.userJourney.minZoomLevelToAddNewPoints) ), readYourMessages, state.osmConnection.userDetails.map((userdetails: UserDetails) => userdetails.csCount >= Constants.userJourney.addNewPointWithUnreadMessagesUnlock || userdetails.unreadMessages == 0) ), loginButton, state.osmConnection.isLoggedIn ) } public static CreateTagInfoFor(preset: PresetInfo, osmConnection: OsmConnection, optionallyLinkToWiki = true) { const csCount = osmConnection.userDetails.data.csCount; return new Toggle( Translations.t.general.add.presetInfo.Subs({ tags: preset.tags.map(t => t.asHumanString(optionallyLinkToWiki && csCount > Constants.userJourney.tagsVisibleAndWikiLinked, true)).join("&"), }).SetStyle("word-break: break-all"), undefined, osmConnection.userDetails.map(userdetails => userdetails.csCount >= Constants.userJourney.tagsVisibleAt) ); } private static CreateAllPresetsPanel(selectedPreset: UIEventSource, state: { featureSwitchIsTesting: UIEventSource; filteredLayers: UIEventSource, featureSwitchFilter: UIEventSource, osmConnection: OsmConnection }): BaseUIElement { const presetButtons = SimpleAddUI.CreatePresetButtons(state, selectedPreset) let intro: BaseUIElement = Translations.t.general.add.intro; let testMode: BaseUIElement = new Toggle(Translations.t.general.testing.SetClass("alert"), undefined, state.featureSwitchIsTesting); return new Combine([intro, testMode, presetButtons]).SetClass("flex flex-col") } private static CreatePresetSelectButton(preset: PresetInfo) { const title = Translations.t.general.add.addNew.Subs({ category: preset.name }, preset.name["context"]) return new SubtleButton( preset.icon(), new Combine([ title.SetClass("font-bold"), preset.description?.FirstSentence() ]).SetClass("flex flex-col") ) } /* * Generates the list with all the buttons.*/ private static CreatePresetButtons( state: { filteredLayers: UIEventSource, featureSwitchFilter: UIEventSource, osmConnection: OsmConnection }, selectedPreset: UIEventSource): BaseUIElement { const allButtons = []; for (const layer of state.filteredLayers.data) { if (layer.isDisplayed.data === false) { // The layer is not displayed... if(!state.featureSwitchFilter.data){ // ...and we cannot enable the layer control -> we skip, as these presets can never be shown anyway continue; } if (layer.layerDef.name === undefined) { // this layer can never be toggled on in any case, so we skip the presets continue; } } const presets = layer.layerDef.presets; for (const preset of presets) { const tags = TagUtils.KVtoProperties(preset.tags ?? []); let icon: () => BaseUIElement = () => layer.layerDef.mapRendering[0].GenerateLeafletStyle(new UIEventSource(tags), false).html .SetClass("w-12 h-12 block relative"); const presetInfo: PresetInfo = { layerToAddTo: layer, name: preset.title, title: preset.title, icon: icon, preciseInput: preset.preciseInput, ...preset } const button = SimpleAddUI.CreatePresetSelectButton(presetInfo); button.onClick(() => { selectedPreset.setData(presetInfo) }) allButtons.push(button); } } return new Combine(allButtons).SetClass("flex flex-col"); } }