import DetermineLayout from "./Logic/DetermineLayout" import ThemeViewState from "./Models/ThemeViewState" import SvelteUIElement from "./UI/Base/SvelteUIElement" import ThemeViewGUI from "./UI/ThemeViewGUI.svelte" import { FixedUiElement } from "./UI/Base/FixedUiElement" import Combine from "./UI/Base/Combine" import { SubtleButton } from "./UI/Base/SubtleButton" import { Utils } from "./Utils" import Download from "./assets/svg/Download.svelte" import Constants from "./Models/Constants" function webgl_support() { try { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas") return ( !!window.WebGLRenderingContext && (canvas.getContext("webgl") || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl")) ) } catch (e) { return false } } async function getAvailableLayers(): Promise> { try { const host = new URL(Constants.VectorTileServer).host const status = await Utils.downloadJson("https://" + host + "/summary/status.json") return new Set(status.layers) } catch (e) { console.error("Could not get MVT available layers due to", e) return new Set() } } async function main() { // @ts-ignore try { if (!webgl_support()) { throw "WebGL is not supported or not enabled. This is essential for MapComplete to function, please enable this." } const [layout, availableLayers] = await Promise.all([ DetermineLayout.GetLayout(), await getAvailableLayers(), ]) console.log("The available layers on server are", Array.from(availableLayers)) const state = new ThemeViewState(layout, availableLayers) const main = new SvelteUIElement(ThemeViewGUI, { state }) main.AttachTo("maindiv") } catch (err) { console.error("Error while initializing: ", err, err.stack) const customDefinition = DetermineLayout.getCustomDefinition() new Combine([ new FixedUiElement(err).SetClass("block alert"), customDefinition?.length > 0 ? new SubtleButton(new SvelteUIElement(Download), "Download the raw file").onClick( () => Utils.offerContentsAsDownloadableFile( DetermineLayout.getCustomDefinition(), "mapcomplete-theme.json", { mimetype: "application/json" } ) ) : undefined, ]).AttachTo("maindiv") } } main().then((_) => {})