import { Client } from "pg" import { Tiles } from "../../src/Models/TileRange" import { Server } from "../server" /** * Just the OSM2PGSL default database */ interface PoiDatabaseMeta { attributes current_timestamp db_format flat_node_file import_timestamp output prefix replication_base_url replication_sequence_number replication_timestamp style updatable version } /** * Connects with a Postgis database, gives back how much items there are within the given BBOX */ class OsmPoiDatabase { private static readonly prefixes: ReadonlyArray = ["pois", "lines", "polygons"] private readonly _client: Client private isConnected = false private supportedLayers: Set = undefined private supportedLayersDate: Date = undefined private metaCache: PoiDatabaseMeta = undefined private metaCacheDate: Date = undefined constructor(connectionString: string) { this._client = new Client(connectionString) } async getCount( layer: string, bbox: [[number, number], [number, number]] = undefined ): Promise<{ count: number; lat: number; lon: number }> { if (!this.isConnected) { await this._client.connect() this.isConnected = true } let total: number = 0 let latSum = 0 let lonSum = 0 for (const prefix of OsmPoiDatabase.prefixes) { let query = "SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(geom))) FROM " + prefix + "_" + layer if (bbox) { query += ` WHERE ST_MakeEnvelope (${bbox[0][0]}, ${bbox[0][1]}, ${bbox[1][0]}, ${bbox[1][1]}, 4326) ~ geom` } const result = await this._client.query(query) const count = Number(result.rows[0].count) let point = result.rows[0].st_astext if (count === 0) { continue } total += count if (!point) { continue } point = point.substring(6, point.length - 1) const [lon, lat] = point.split(" ") latSum += lat * count lonSum += lon * count } return { count: total, lat: latSum / total, lon: lonSum / total } } disconnect() { this._client.end() } async getLayers(): Promise> { if ( this.supportedLayers !== undefined && new Date().getTime() - this.supportedLayersDate.getTime() < 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) { return this.supportedLayers } const q = "SELECT table_name \n" + "FROM information_schema.tables \n" + "WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name LIKE 'lines_%';" const result = await this._client.query(q) const layers = => r.table_name.substring("lines_".length)) this.supportedLayers = new Set(layers) this.supportedLayersDate = new Date() return this.supportedLayers } async getMeta(): Promise { const now = new Date() if (this.metaCache !== undefined) { const diffSec = (this.metaCacheDate.getTime() - now.getTime()) / 1000 if (diffSec < 120) { return this.metaCache } } const result = await this._client.query("SELECT * FROM public.osm2pgsql_properties") const meta = {} for (const { property, value } of result.rows) { meta[property] = value } this.metaCacheDate = now this.metaCache = meta return this.metaCache } } class CachedSqlCount { private readonly _cache: Record< string, Record< number, { date: Date entry: { count: number; lat: number; lon: number } } > > = {} private readonly _poiDatabase: OsmPoiDatabase private readonly _maxAge: number constructor(poiDatabase: OsmPoiDatabase, maxAge: number) { this._poiDatabase = poiDatabase this._maxAge = maxAge } public async getCount( layer: string, tileId: number ): Promise<{ count: number; lat: number; lon: number }> { const cachedEntry = this._cache[layer]?.[tileId] if (cachedEntry) { const age = (new Date().getTime() - / 1000 if (age < this._maxAge) { return cachedEntry.entry } } const bbox = Tiles.tile_bounds_lon_lat(...Tiles.tile_from_index(tileId)) const count = await this._poiDatabase.getCount(layer, bbox) if (!this._cache[layer]) { this._cache[layer] = {} } this._cache[layer][tileId] = { entry: count, date: new Date() } return count } } const connectionString = "postgresql://user:password@localhost:5444/osm-poi" const tcs = new OsmPoiDatabase(connectionString) const withCache = new CachedSqlCount(tcs, 60 * 60 * 24) new Server(2345, { ignorePathPrefix: ["summary"] }, [ { mustMatch: "status.json", mimetype: "application/json", handle: async (path: string) => { const layers = await tcs.getLayers() const meta = await tcs.getMeta() return JSON.stringify({ meta, layers: Array.from(layers) }) }, }, { mustMatch: /[a-zA-Z0-9+_-]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\.json/, mimetype: "application/json", // "application/vnd.geo+json", async handle(path) { const [layers, z, x, y] = path.split(".")[0].split("/") let sum = 0 let properties: Record = {} const availableLayers = await tcs.getLayers() let latSum = 0 let lonSum = 0 for (const layer of layers.split("+")) { if (!availableLayers.has(layer)) { continue } const count = await withCache.getCount( layer, Tiles.tile_index(Number(z), Number(x), Number(y)) ) properties[layer] = count.count if (count.count !== 0) { latSum += * count.count lonSum += count.lon * count.count sum += count.count } } properties["lon"] = lonSum / sum properties["lat"] = latSum / sum return JSON.stringify({, total: sum }) }, }, ]) console.log( ">>>", await tcs.getCount("drinking_water", [ [3.194358020772171, 51.228073636083394], [3.2839964396059145, 51.172701162680994], ]) )