import Script from "../Script" import fs from "fs" import LinkedDataLoader from "../../src/Logic/Web/LinkedDataLoader" import { Utils } from "../../src/Utils" import { Feature, FeatureCollection, Point } from "geojson" import { BBox } from "../../src/Logic/BBox" import { Overpass } from "../../src/Logic/Osm/Overpass" import { RegexTag } from "../../src/Logic/Tags/RegexTag" import { ImmutableStore } from "../../src/Logic/UIEventSource" import Constants from "../../src/Models/Constants" import { MaprouletteStatus } from "../../src/Logic/Maproulette" class VeloParkToGeojson extends Script { constructor() { super( "Downloads the latest Velopark data and converts it to a geojson, which will be saved at the current directory", ) } private static exportGeojsonTo(filename: string, features: Feature[], extension = ".geojson") { const file = filename + "_" + /*new Date().toISOString() + */ extension fs.writeFileSync( file, JSON.stringify( extension === ".geojson" ? { type: "FeatureCollection", features, } : features, null, " ", ), ) console.log("Written", file, "(" + features.length, " features)") } private static async downloadDataFor(url: string): Promise { const cachePath = "/home/pietervdvn/data/velopark_cache_refined/" + url.replace(/[/:.]/g, "_") if (fs.existsSync(cachePath)) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cachePath, "utf8")) } console.log("Fetching data for", url) const linkedData = await LinkedDataLoader.fetchVeloparkEntry(url) const allVelopark: Feature[] = [] if (linkedData.length > 1) { console.log("Detected multiple sections in:", url) } for (const sectionId in linkedData) { const sectionInfo = linkedData[sectionId] if (Object.keys(sectionInfo).length === 0) { console.warn("No result for", url) } if (!sectionInfo.geometry?.["coordinates"]) { throw "Invalid properties!" } allVelopark.push(sectionInfo) } fs.writeFileSync(cachePath, JSON.stringify(allVelopark), "utf8") return allVelopark } private static async downloadData() { console.log("Downloading velopark data") // Download data for NIS-code 1000. 1000 means: all of belgium const url = "" const allVeloparkRaw= (await Utils.downloadJson<{ url: string }[]>(url)) // Example multi-entry: let failed = 0 console.log("Got", allVeloparkRaw.length, "items") const allVelopark: Feature[] = [] const batchSize = 50 for (let i = 0; i < allVeloparkRaw.length; i += batchSize) { await Promise.all( Utils.TimesT(batchSize, (j) => j).map(async (j) => { const f = allVeloparkRaw[i + j] if (!f) { return } try { const sections: Feature[] = await VeloParkToGeojson.downloadDataFor(f.url) allVelopark.push(...sections) } catch (e) { console.error("Loading ", f.url, " failed due to", e) failed++ } }), ) console.log("Batch complete:", i) } console.log( "Fetching data done, got ", allVelopark.length + "/" + allVeloparkRaw.length, "failed:", failed, ) VeloParkToGeojson.exportGeojsonTo("velopark_all", allVelopark) return allVelopark } private static loadFromFile(maxCacheAgeSeconds = 24 * 60 * 60): Feature[] | null { const path = "velopark_all.geojson" if (!fs.existsSync(path)) { return null } // Millis since epoch const mtime: number = fs.statSync(path).mtime.getTime() const stalenessSeconds = (new Date().getTime() - mtime) / 1000 if (stalenessSeconds > maxCacheAgeSeconds) { return null } return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, "utf-8")).features } private static exportExtraAmenities(allVelopark: Feature[]) { const amenities: Record = {} for (const bikeparking of allVelopark) { const props = if (!props["fixme_nearby_amenity"]) { continue } if (props["fixme_nearby_amenity"]?.endsWith("CameraSurveillance")) { delete props["fixme_nearby_amenity"] continue } const amenity = props["fixme_nearby_amenity"].split("#")[1] if (!amenities[amenity]) { amenities[amenity] = [] } amenities[amenity].push(bikeparking) } for (const k in amenities) { this.exportGeojsonTo("velopark_amenity_" + k + ".geojson", amenities[k]) } } private static async fetchMapRouletteClosedItems() { const challenges = [""] const solvedRefs: Set = new Set(); for (const url of challenges) { const data = await Utils.downloadJson>(url) for (const challenge of data.features) { const status = const isClosed = status === "Fixed" || status === "False_positive" || status === "Already fixed" || status === "Too_Hard" || status === "Deleted" if(isClosed){ const ref =["ref:velopark"] solvedRefs .add(ref) } } } console.log("Detected", solvedRefs,"as closed on mapRoulette") return solvedRefs } /** * Creates an extra version where all bicycle parkings which are already linked are removed. * Fetches the latest OSM-data from overpass * @param allVelopark * @private */ private static async createDiff(allVelopark: Feature[]) { console.log("Creating diff...") const bboxBelgium = new BBox([ [2.51357303225, 49.5294835476], [6.15665815596, 51.4750237087], ]) const alreadyLinkedQuery = new Overpass( new RegexTag("ref:velopark", /.+/), [], Constants.defaultOverpassUrls[0], new ImmutableStore(60 * 5), false, ) const alreadyLinkedFeatures = (await alreadyLinkedQuery.queryGeoJson(bboxBelgium))[0] const seenIds = new Set( =>["ref:velopark"]), ) this.exportGeojsonTo("osm_with_velopark_link", alreadyLinkedFeatures.features) console.log("OpenStreetMap contains", seenIds.size, "bicycle parkings with a velopark ref") const features: Feature[] = allVelopark.filter( (f) => !seenIds.has(["ref:velopark"]), ) VeloParkToGeojson.exportGeojsonTo("velopark_nonsynced", features) const synced =await this.fetchMapRouletteClosedItems() const featuresMoreFiltered = features.filter( (f) => !synced.has(["ref:velopark"]) ) VeloParkToGeojson.exportGeojsonTo("velopark_nonsynced_nonclosed", featuresMoreFiltered) const featuresMoreFilteredFailed = features.filter( (f) => synced.has(["ref:velopark"]) ) VeloParkToGeojson.exportGeojsonTo("velopark_nonsynced_human_import_failed", featuresMoreFilteredFailed) const allProperties = new Set() for (const feature of featuresMoreFiltered) { Object.keys( => allProperties.add(k)) } allProperties.delete("ref:velopark") for (const feature of featuresMoreFiltered) { allProperties.forEach((k) => { if(k === "ref:velopark"){ return } delete[k] }) } this.exportGeojsonTo("velopark_nonsynced_nonclosed_id_only", featuresMoreFiltered) } public static async findMultiSection(): Promise { const url = "" const raw = await Utils.downloadJson<{"@graph": {}[], url: string}[]>(url) const multiEntries: string[] = [] for (const entry of raw) { if(entry["@graph"].length > 1){ multiEntries.push(entry.url) } } return multiEntries } async main(): Promise { // const multiEntries = new Set(await VeloParkToGeojson.findMultiSection()) const allVelopark = VeloParkToGeojson.loadFromFile() ?? (await VeloParkToGeojson.downloadData()) console.log("Got", allVelopark.length, " items") VeloParkToGeojson.exportExtraAmenities(allVelopark) await VeloParkToGeojson.createDiff(allVelopark) console.log( "Use vite-node scripts/velopark/compare.ts to compare the results and generate a diff file", ) } } new VeloParkToGeojson().run()