import ChartJs from "../Base/ChartJs"; import TagRenderingConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/TagRenderingConfig"; import {ChartConfiguration} from 'chart.js'; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import {TagUtils} from "../../Logic/Tags/TagUtils"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import {OsmFeature} from "../../Models/OsmFeature"; export interface TagRenderingChartOptions { groupToOtherCutoff?: 3 | number, sort?: boolean } export class StackedRenderingChart extends ChartJs { constructor(tr: TagRenderingConfig, features: (OsmFeature & { properties: { date: string } })[], options?: { period: "day" | "month", groupToOtherCutoff?: 3 | number }) { const {labels, data} = TagRenderingChart.extractDataAndLabels(tr, features, { sort: true, groupToOtherCutoff: options?.groupToOtherCutoff }) if (labels === undefined || data === undefined) { console.error("Could not extract data and labels for ", tr, " with features", features) throw ("No labels or data given...") } // labels: ["cyclofix", "buurtnatuur", ...]; data : [ ["cyclofix-changeset", "cyclofix-changeset", ...], ["buurtnatuur-cs", "buurtnatuur-cs"], ... ] for (let i = labels.length; i >= 0; i--) { if (data[i]?.length != 0) { continue } data.splice(i, 1) labels.splice(i, 1) } const datasets: { label: string /*themename*/, data: number[]/*counts per day*/, backgroundColor: string }[] = [] const allDays = StackedRenderingChart.getAllDays(features) let trimmedDays = => d.substr(0, 10)) if (options?.period === "month") { trimmedDays = => d.substr(0, 7)) } trimmedDays = Utils.Dedup(trimmedDays) for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { const label = labels[i]; const changesetsForTheme = data[i] const perDay: Record = {} for (const changeset of changesetsForTheme) { const csDate = new Date( Utils.SetMidnight(csDate) let str = csDate.toISOString(); str = str.substr(0, 10) if (options?.period === "month") { str = str.substr(0, 7); } if (perDay[str] === undefined) { perDay[str] = [changeset] } else { perDay[str].push(changeset) } } const countsPerDay: number[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < trimmedDays.length; i++) { const day = trimmedDays[i]; countsPerDay[i] = perDay[day]?.length ?? 0 } let backgroundColor = TagRenderingChart.borderColors[i % TagRenderingChart.borderColors.length] if (label === "Unknown") { backgroundColor = TagRenderingChart.unkownBorderColor } if (label === "Other") { backgroundColor = TagRenderingChart.otherBorderColor } datasets.push({ data: countsPerDay, backgroundColor, label }) } const perDayData = { labels: trimmedDays, datasets } const config = { type: 'bar', data: perDayData, options: { responsive: true, legend: { display: false }, scales: { x: { stacked: true, }, y: { stacked: true } } } } super(config) } public static getAllDays(features: (OsmFeature & { properties: { date: string } })[]): string[] { let earliest: Date = undefined let latest: Date = undefined; let allDates = new Set(); features.forEach((value, key) => { const d = new Date(; Utils.SetMidnight(d) if (earliest === undefined) { earliest = d } else if (d < earliest) { earliest = d } if (latest === undefined) { latest = d } else if (d > latest) { latest = d } allDates.add(d.toISOString()) }) while (earliest < latest) { earliest.setDate(earliest.getDate() + 1) allDates.add(earliest.toISOString()) } const days = Array.from(allDates) days.sort() return days } } export default class TagRenderingChart extends Combine { public static readonly unkownColor = 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2)' public static readonly unkownBorderColor = 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2)' public static readonly otherColor = 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2)' public static readonly otherBorderColor = 'rgba(128, 128, 255)' public static readonly notApplicableColor = 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2)' public static readonly notApplicableBorderColor = 'rgba(255, 0, 0)' public static readonly backgroundColors = [ 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)', 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)', 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)', 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)', 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)', 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)' ] public static readonly borderColors = [ 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)', 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)', 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)', 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)', 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)', 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)' ] /** * Creates a chart about this tagRendering for the given data */ constructor(features: { properties: Record }[], tagRendering: TagRenderingConfig, options?: TagRenderingChartOptions & { chartclasses?: string, chartstyle?: string, includeTitle?: boolean, chartType?: "pie" | "bar" | "doughnut" }) { if (tagRendering.mappings?.length === 0 && tagRendering.freeform?.key === undefined) { super([]) this.SetClass("hidden") return; } const {labels, data} = TagRenderingChart.extractDataAndLabels(tagRendering, features, options) if (labels === undefined || data === undefined) { super([]) this.SetClass("hidden") return } const borderColor = [TagRenderingChart.unkownBorderColor, TagRenderingChart.otherBorderColor, TagRenderingChart.notApplicableBorderColor] const backgroundColor = [TagRenderingChart.unkownColor, TagRenderingChart.otherColor, TagRenderingChart.notApplicableColor] while (borderColor.length < data.length) { borderColor.push(...TagRenderingChart.borderColors) backgroundColor.push(...TagRenderingChart.backgroundColors) } for (let i = data.length; i >= 0; i--) { if (data[i]?.length === 0) { labels.splice(i, 1) data.splice(i, 1) borderColor.splice(i, 1) backgroundColor.splice(i, 1) } } let barchartMode = tagRendering.multiAnswer; if (labels.length > 9) { barchartMode = true; } const config = { type: options.chartType ?? (barchartMode ? 'bar' : 'doughnut'), data: { labels, datasets: [{ data: => l.length), backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth: 1, label: undefined }] }, options: { plugins: { legend: { display: !barchartMode } } } } const chart = new ChartJs(config).SetClass(options?.chartclasses ?? "w-32 h-32"); if (options.chartstyle !== undefined) { chart.SetStyle(options.chartstyle) } super([ options?.includeTitle ? (tagRendering.question.Clone() ?? : undefined, chart]) this.SetClass("block") } public static extractDataAndLabels }>(tagRendering: TagRenderingConfig, features: T[], options?: TagRenderingChartOptions): { labels: string[], data: T[][] } { const mappings = tagRendering.mappings ?? [] options = options ?? {} let unknownCount: T[] = []; const categoryCounts: T[][] = => []) const otherCounts: Record = {} let notApplicable: T[] = []; for (const feature of features) { const props = if (tagRendering.condition !== undefined && !tagRendering.condition.matchesProperties(props)) { notApplicable.push(feature); continue; } if (!tagRendering.IsKnown(props)) { unknownCount.push(feature); continue; } let foundMatchingMapping = false; if (!tagRendering.multiAnswer) { for (let i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) { const mapping = mappings[i]; if (mapping.if.matchesProperties(props)) { categoryCounts[i].push(feature) foundMatchingMapping = true break; } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) { const mapping = mappings[i]; if (TagUtils.MatchesMultiAnswer(mapping.if, props)) { categoryCounts[i].push(feature) foundMatchingMapping = true } } } if (!foundMatchingMapping) { if (tagRendering.freeform?.key !== undefined && props[tagRendering.freeform.key] !== undefined) { const otherValue = props[tagRendering.freeform.key] otherCounts[otherValue] = (otherCounts[otherValue] ?? []) otherCounts[otherValue].push(feature) } else { unknownCount.push(feature) } } } if (unknownCount.length + notApplicable.length === features.length) { console.log("Returning no label nor data: all features are unkown or notApplicable") return {labels: undefined, data: undefined} } let otherGrouped: T[] = []; const otherLabels: string[] = [] const otherData: T[][] = [] const sortedOtherCounts: [string, T[]][] = [] for (const v in otherCounts) { sortedOtherCounts.push([v, otherCounts[v]]); } if (options?.sort) { sortedOtherCounts.sort((a, b) => b[1].length - a[1].length) } for (const [v, count] of sortedOtherCounts) { if (count.length >= (options.groupToOtherCutoff ?? 3)) { otherLabels.push(v) otherData.push(otherCounts[v]) } else { otherGrouped.push(...count); } } const labels = ["Unknown", "Other", "Not applicable", ...mappings?.map(m => m.then.txt) ?? [], ...otherLabels] const data: T[][] = [unknownCount, otherGrouped, notApplicable, ...categoryCounts, ...otherData] return {labels, data} } }