import Combine from "./Base/Combine" import { FixedUiElement } from "./Base/FixedUiElement" import BaseUIElement from "./BaseUIElement" import Title from "./Base/Title" import { RenderingSpecification, SpecialVisualization, SpecialVisualizationState, } from "./SpecialVisualization" import { HistogramViz } from "./Popup/HistogramViz" import { MinimapViz } from "./Popup/MinimapViz" import { ShareLinkViz } from "./Popup/ShareLinkViz" import { UploadToOsmViz } from "./Popup/UploadToOsmViz" import { MultiApplyViz } from "./Popup/MultiApplyViz" import { AddNoteCommentViz } from "./Popup/Notes/AddNoteCommentViz" import { PlantNetDetectionViz } from "./Popup/PlantNetDetectionViz" import TagApplyButton from "./Popup/TagApplyButton" import { CloseNoteButton } from "./Popup/Notes/CloseNoteButton" import { MapillaryLinkVis } from "./Popup/MapillaryLinkVis" import { ImmutableStore, Store, Stores, UIEventSource } from "../Logic/UIEventSource" import AllTagsPanel from "./Popup/AllTagsPanel.svelte" import AllImageProviders from "../Logic/ImageProviders/AllImageProviders" import { ImageCarousel } from "./Image/ImageCarousel" import { VariableUiElement } from "./Base/VariableUIElement" import { Utils } from "../Utils" import Wikidata, { WikidataResponse } from "../Logic/Web/Wikidata" import { Translation } from "./i18n/Translation" import Translations from "./i18n/Translations" import OpeningHoursVisualization from "./OpeningHours/OpeningHoursVisualization" import { SubtleButton } from "./Base/SubtleButton" import NoteCommentElement from "./Popup/Notes/NoteCommentElement" import List from "./Base/List" import StatisticsPanel from "./BigComponents/StatisticsPanel" import AutoApplyButton from "./Popup/AutoApplyButton" import { LanguageElement } from "./Popup/LanguageElement/LanguageElement" import FeatureReviews from "../Logic/Web/MangroveReviews" import Maproulette, { MaprouletteTask } from "../Logic/Maproulette" import SvelteUIElement from "./Base/SvelteUIElement" import { BBoxFeatureSourceForLayer } from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/TouchesBboxFeatureSource" import { Feature, GeoJsonProperties } from "geojson" import { GeoOperations } from "../Logic/GeoOperations" import CreateNewNote from "./Popup/Notes/CreateNewNote.svelte" import AddNewPoint from "./Popup/AddNewPoint/AddNewPoint.svelte" import UserProfile from "./BigComponents/UserProfile.svelte" import LayerConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig" import TagRenderingConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/TagRenderingConfig" import { ExportAsGpxViz } from "./Popup/ExportAsGpxViz" import WikipediaPanel from "./Wikipedia/WikipediaPanel.svelte" import TagRenderingEditable from "./Popup/TagRendering/TagRenderingEditable.svelte" import { PointImportButtonViz } from "./Popup/ImportButtons/PointImportButtonViz" import WayImportButtonViz from "./Popup/ImportButtons/WayImportButtonViz" import ConflateImportButtonViz from "./Popup/ImportButtons/ConflateImportButtonViz" import DeleteWizard from "./Popup/DeleteFlow/DeleteWizard.svelte" import OpenIdEditor from "./BigComponents/OpenIdEditor.svelte" import FediverseValidator from "./InputElement/Validators/FediverseValidator" import SendEmail from "./Popup/SendEmail.svelte" import UploadImage from "./Image/UploadImage.svelte" import { Imgur } from "../Logic/ImageProviders/Imgur" import Constants from "../Models/Constants" import { MangroveReviews } from "mangrove-reviews-typescript" import Wikipedia from "../Logic/Web/Wikipedia" import NearbyImagesSearch from "../Logic/Web/NearbyImagesSearch" import AllReviews from "./Reviews/AllReviews.svelte" import StarsBarIcon from "./Reviews/StarsBarIcon.svelte" import ReviewForm from "./Reviews/ReviewForm.svelte" import Questionbox from "./Popup/TagRendering/Questionbox.svelte" import { TagUtils } from "../Logic/Tags/TagUtils" import Giggity from "./BigComponents/Giggity.svelte" import ThemeViewState from "../Models/ThemeViewState" import LanguagePicker from "./InputElement/LanguagePicker.svelte" import LogoutButton from "./Base/LogoutButton.svelte" import OpenJosm from "./Base/OpenJosm.svelte" import MarkAsFavourite from "./Popup/MarkAsFavourite.svelte" import MarkAsFavouriteMini from "./Popup/MarkAsFavouriteMini.svelte" import NextChangeViz from "./OpeningHours/NextChangeViz.svelte" import NearbyImages from "./Image/NearbyImages.svelte" import NearbyImagesCollapsed from "./Image/NearbyImagesCollapsed.svelte" import MoveWizard from "./Popup/MoveWizard.svelte" import { Unit } from "../Models/Unit" import Link from "./Base/Link.svelte" import OrientationDebugPanel from "./Debug/OrientationDebugPanel.svelte" import MaprouletteSetStatus from "./MapRoulette/MaprouletteSetStatus.svelte" import DirectionIndicator from "./Base/DirectionIndicator.svelte" import Img from "./Base/Img" import Qr from "../Utils/Qr" import ComparisonTool from "./Comparison/ComparisonTool.svelte" import SpecialTranslation from "./Popup/TagRendering/SpecialTranslation.svelte" import SpecialVisualisationUtils from "./SpecialVisualisationUtils" import LoginButton from "./Base/LoginButton.svelte" import Toggle from "./Input/Toggle" import ImportReviewIdentity from "./Reviews/ImportReviewIdentity.svelte" import LinkedDataLoader from "../Logic/Web/LinkedDataLoader" import SplitRoadWizard from "./Popup/SplitRoadWizard.svelte" import DynLink from "./Base/DynLink.svelte" import Locale from "./i18n/Locale" import LanguageUtils from "../Utils/LanguageUtils" import MarkdownUtils from "../Utils/MarkdownUtils" import ArrowDownTray from "@babeard/svelte-heroicons/mini/ArrowDownTray" import Trash from "@babeard/svelte-heroicons/mini/Trash" import NothingKnown from "./Popup/NothingKnown.svelte" class NearbyImageVis implements SpecialVisualization { // Class must be in SpecialVisualisations due to weird cyclical import that breaks the tests args: { name: string; defaultValue?: string; doc: string; required?: boolean }[] = [ { name: "mode", defaultValue: "closed", doc: "Either `open` or `closed`. If `open`, then the image carousel will always be shown", }, { name: "readonly", required: false, doc: "If 'readonly', will not show the 'link'-button", }, ] docs = "A component showing nearby images loaded from various online services such as Mapillary. In edit mode and when used on a feature, the user can select an image to add to the feature" funcName = "nearby_images" needsUrls = NearbyImagesSearch.apiUrls svelteBased = true constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tags: UIEventSource>, args: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { const isOpen = args[0] === "open" const readonly = args[1] === "readonly" const [lon, lat] = GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(feature) return new SvelteUIElement(isOpen ? NearbyImages : NearbyImagesCollapsed, { tags, state, lon, lat, feature, layer, linkable: !readonly, }) } } class StealViz implements SpecialVisualization { // Class must be in SpecialVisualisations due to weird cyclical import that breaks the tests funcName = "steal" docs = "Shows a tagRendering from a different object as if this was the object itself" args = [ { name: "featureId", doc: "The key of the attribute which contains the id of the feature from which to use the tags", required: true, }, { name: "tagRenderingId", doc: "The layer-id and tagRenderingId to render. Can be multiple value if ';'-separated (in which case every value must also contain the layerId, e.g. `layerId.tagRendering0; layerId.tagRendering1`). Note: this can cause layer injection", required: true, }, ] needsUrls = [] svelteBased = true constr(state: SpecialVisualizationState, featureTags, args) { const [featureIdKey, layerAndtagRenderingIds] = args const tagRenderings: [LayerConfig, TagRenderingConfig][] = [] for (const layerAndTagRenderingId of layerAndtagRenderingIds.split(";")) { const [layerId, tagRenderingId] = layerAndTagRenderingId.trim().split(".") const layer = state.layout.layers.find((l) => === layerId) const tagRendering = layer.tagRenderings.find((tr) => === tagRenderingId) tagRenderings.push([layer, tagRendering]) } if (tagRenderings.length === 0) { throw "Could not create stolen tagrenddering: tagRenderings not found" } return new VariableUiElement( (tags) => { const featureId = tags[featureIdKey] if (featureId === undefined) { return undefined } const otherTags = state.featureProperties.getStore(featureId) const otherFeature = const elements: BaseUIElement[] = [] for (const [layer, tagRendering] of tagRenderings) { elements.push( new SvelteUIElement(TagRenderingEditable, { config: tagRendering, tags: otherTags, selectedElement: otherFeature, state, layer, }) ) } if (elements.length === 1) { return elements[0] } return new Combine(elements).SetClass("flex flex-col") }, [state.indexedFeatures.featuresById] ) ) } getLayerDependencies(args): string[] { const [, tagRenderingId] = args if (tagRenderingId.indexOf(".") < 0) { throw "Error: argument 'layerId.tagRenderingId' of special visualisation 'steal' should contain a dot" } const [layerId] = tagRenderingId.split(".") return [layerId] } } /** * Thin wrapper around QuestionBox.svelte to include it into the special Visualisations */ export class QuestionViz implements SpecialVisualization { funcName = "questions" needsUrls = [] docs = "The special element which shows the questions which are unkown. Added by default if not yet there" args = [ { name: "labels", doc: "One or more ';'-separated labels. If these are given, only questions with these labels will be given. Use `unlabeled` for all questions that don't have an explicit label. If none given, all questions will be shown", }, { name: "blacklisted-labels", doc: "One or more ';'-separated labels of questions which should _not_ be included", }, ] svelteBased = true constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tags: UIEventSource>, args: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { const labels = args[0] ?.split(";") ?.map((s) => s.trim()) ?.filter((s) => s !== "") const blacklist = args[1] ?.split(";") ?.map((s) => s.trim()) ?.filter((s) => s !== "") return new SvelteUIElement(Questionbox, { layer, tags, selectedElement: feature, state, onlyForLabels: labels, notForLabels: blacklist, }).SetClass("w-full") } } export default class SpecialVisualizations { public static specialVisualizations: SpecialVisualization[] = SpecialVisualizations.initList() public static DocumentationFor(viz: string | SpecialVisualization): string { if (typeof viz === "string") { viz = SpecialVisualizations.specialVisualizations.find((sv) => sv.funcName === viz) } if (viz === undefined) { return "" } const example = viz.example ?? "`{" + viz.funcName + "(" + => arg.defaultValue).join(",") + ")}`" return [ "### " + viz.funcName,, viz.args.length > 0 ? MarkdownUtils.table( ["name", "default", "description"], => { let defaultArg = arg.defaultValue ?? "_undefined_" if (defaultArg == "") { defaultArg = "_empty string_" } return [, defaultArg, arg.doc] }) ) : undefined, "#### Example usage of " + viz.funcName, "" + example + "", ].join("\n\n") } public static constructSpecification( template: string, extraMappings: SpecialVisualization[] = [] ): RenderingSpecification[] { return SpecialVisualisationUtils.constructSpecification(template, extraMappings) } public static HelpMessage(): string { const helpTexts: string[] = => SpecialVisualizations.DocumentationFor(viz) ) const firstPart = new Combine([ new Title("Special tag renderings", 1), "In a tagrendering, some special values are substituted by an advanced UI-element. This allows advanced features and visualizations to be reused by custom themes or even to query third-party API's.", "General usage is `{func_name()}`, `{func_name(arg, someotherarg)}` or `{func_name(args):cssClasses}`. Note that you _do not_ need to use quotes around your arguments, the comma is enough to separate them. This also implies you cannot use a comma in your args", new Title("Using expanded syntax", 4), `Instead of using \`{"render": {"en": "{some_special_visualisation(some_arg, some other really long message, more args)} , "nl": "{some_special_visualisation(some_arg, een boodschap in een andere taal, more args)}}\`, one can also write`, new FixedUiElement( JSON.stringify( { render: { special: { type: "some_special_visualisation", argname: "some_arg", message: { en: "some other really long message", nl: "een boodschap in een andere taal", }, other_arg_name: "more args", }, before: { en: "Some text to prefix before the special element (e.g. a title)", nl: "Een tekst om voor het element te zetten (bv. een titel)", }, after: { en: "Some text to put after the element, e.g. a footer", }, }, }, null, " " ) ).SetClass("code"), 'In other words: use `{ "before": ..., "after": ..., "special": {"type": ..., "argname": ...argvalue...}`. The args are in the `special` block; an argvalue can be a string, a translation or another value. (Refer to class `RewriteSpecial` in case of problems)', ]) .SetClass("flex flex-col") .AsMarkdown() console.log(">>> ", helpTexts.join("\n\n")) return firstPart + "\n\n" + helpTexts.join("\n\n") } // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols public static renderExampleOfSpecial( state: SpecialVisualizationState, s: SpecialVisualization ): BaseUIElement { const examples = s.structuredExamples === undefined ? [] : s.structuredExamples().map((e) => { return s.constr( state, new UIEventSource>(, e.args, e.feature, undefined ) }) return new Combine([new Title(s.funcName),, ...examples]) } private static initList(): SpecialVisualization[] { const specialVisualizations: SpecialVisualization[] = [ new QuestionViz(), { funcName: "add_new_point", docs: "An element which allows to add a new point on the 'last_click'-location. Only makes sense in the layer `last_click`", args: [], constr(state: SpecialVisualizationState, _, __, feature): BaseUIElement { const [lon, lat] = GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(feature) return new SvelteUIElement(AddNewPoint, { state, coordinate: { lon, lat }, }).SetClass("w-full h-full overflow-auto") }, }, { funcName: "user_profile", args: [], docs: "A component showing information about the currently logged in user (username, profile description, profile picture + link to edit them). Mostly meant to be used in the 'user-settings'", constr(state: SpecialVisualizationState): BaseUIElement { return new SvelteUIElement(UserProfile, { osmConnection: state.osmConnection, }) }, }, { funcName: "language_picker", args: [], docs: "A component to set the language of the user interface", constr(state: SpecialVisualizationState): BaseUIElement { return new VariableUiElement( => { const languages = showTranslations ? LanguageUtils.usedLanguagesSorted : state.layout.language return new SvelteUIElement(LanguagePicker, { assignTo: state.userRelatedState.language, availableLanguages: languages, preferredLanguages: (ud) => ud.languages ), }) }) ) }, }, { funcName: "logout", args: [], needsUrls: [Constants.osmAuthConfig.url], docs: "Shows a button where the user can log out", constr(state: SpecialVisualizationState): BaseUIElement { return new SvelteUIElement(LogoutButton, { osmConnection: state.osmConnection }) }, }, new HistogramViz(), new StealViz(), new MinimapViz(), { funcName: "split_button", docs: "Adds a button which allows to split a way", args: [], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource> ): BaseUIElement { return new VariableUiElement( tagSource .map((tags) => .map((id) => { if (id.startsWith("way/")) { return new SvelteUIElement(SplitRoadWizard, { id, state }) } return undefined }) ) }, }, { funcName: "move_button", docs: "Adds a button which allows to move the object to another location. The config will be read from the layer config", args: [], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { if (feature.geometry.type !== "Point") { return undefined } return new SvelteUIElement(MoveWizard, { state, featureToMove: feature, layer, }) }, }, { funcName: "delete_button", docs: "Adds a button which allows to delete the object at this location. The config will be read from the layer config", args: [], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { if (!layer.deletion) { return undefined } return new SvelteUIElement(DeleteWizard, { tags: tagSource, deleteConfig: layer.deletion, state, feature, layer, }).SetClass("p-0 m-0") }, }, new ShareLinkViz(), new ExportAsGpxViz(), new UploadToOsmViz(), new MultiApplyViz(), new AddNoteCommentViz(), { funcName: "open_note", args: [], needsUrls: [Constants.osmAuthConfig.url], docs: "Creates a new map note on the given location. This options is placed in the 'last_click'-popup automatically if the 'notes'-layer is enabled", constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature ): BaseUIElement { const [lon, lat] = GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(feature) return new SvelteUIElement(CreateNewNote, { state, coordinate: new UIEventSource({ lon, lat }), }) }, }, new CloseNoteButton(), new PlantNetDetectionViz(), new TagApplyButton(), new PointImportButtonViz(), new WayImportButtonViz(), new ConflateImportButtonViz(), new NearbyImageVis(), { funcName: "wikipedia", docs: "A box showing the corresponding wikipedia article(s) - based on the **wikidata** tag.", args: [ { name: "keyToShowWikipediaFor", doc: "Use the wikidata entry from this key to show the wikipedia article for. Multiple keys can be given (separated by ';'), in which case the first matching value is used", defaultValue: "wikidata;wikipedia", }, ], needsUrls: [...Wikidata.neededUrls, ...Wikipedia.neededUrls], example: "`{wikipedia()}` is a basic example, `{wikipedia(name:etymology:wikidata)}` to show the wikipedia page of whom the feature was named after. Also remember that these can be styled, e.g. `{wikipedia():max-height: 10rem}` to limit the height", constr: (_, tagsSource, args) => { const keys = args[0].split(";").map((k) => k.trim()) const wikiIds: Store = => { const key = keys.find((k) => tags[k] !== undefined && tags[k] !== "") return tags[key]?.split(";")?.map((id) => id.trim()) ?? [] }) return new SvelteUIElement(WikipediaPanel, { wikiIds, }) }, }, { funcName: "wikidata_label", docs: "Shows the label of the corresponding wikidata-item", args: [ { name: "keyToShowWikidataFor", doc: "Use the wikidata entry from this key to show the label", defaultValue: "wikidata", }, ], needsUrls: Wikidata.neededUrls, example: "`{wikidata_label()}` is a basic example, `{wikipedia(name:etymology:wikidata)}` to show the label itself", constr: (_, tagsSource, args) => new VariableUiElement( tagsSource .map((tags) => tags[args[0]]) .map((wikidata) => { wikidata = Utils.NoEmpty( wikidata?.split(";")?.map((wd) => wd.trim()) ?? [] )[0] const entry = Wikidata.LoadWikidataEntry(wikidata) return new VariableUiElement( => { if (e === undefined || e["success"] === undefined) { return wikidata } const response = e["success"] return Translation.fromMap(response.labels) }) ) }) ), }, new MapillaryLinkVis(), new LanguageElement(), { funcName: "all_tags", docs: "Prints all key-value pairs of the object - used for debugging", args: [], constr: ( state, tags: UIEventSource>, _, __, layer: LayerConfig ) => new SvelteUIElement(AllTagsPanel, { tags, layer }), }, { funcName: "image_carousel", docs: "Creates an image carousel for the given sources. An attempt will be made to guess what source is used. Supported: Wikidata identifiers, Wikipedia pages, Wikimedia categories, IMGUR (with attribution, direct links)", args: [ { name: "image_key", defaultValue: AllImageProviders.defaultKeys.join(","), doc: "The keys given to the images, e.g. if image is given, the first picture URL will be added as image, the second as image:0, the third as image:1, etc... Multiple values are allowed if ';'-separated ", }, ], needsUrls: AllImageProviders.apiUrls, constr: (state, tags, args) => { let imagePrefixes: string[] = undefined if (args.length > 0) { imagePrefixes = [].concat( => a.split(","))) } return new ImageCarousel( AllImageProviders.LoadImagesFor(tags, imagePrefixes), tags, state ) }, }, { funcName: "image_upload", docs: "Creates a button where a user can upload an image to IMGUR", needsUrls: [Imgur.apiUrl], args: [ { name: "image-key", doc: "Image tag to add the URL to (or image-tag:0, image-tag:1 when multiple images are added)", required: false, }, { name: "label", doc: "The text to show on the button", required: false, }, ], constr: (state, tags, args) => { const targetKey = args[0] === "" ? undefined : args[0] return new SvelteUIElement(UploadImage, { state, tags, targetKey, labelText: args[1], image: args[2], }) }, }, { funcName: "rating", docs: "Shows stars which represent the average rating on mangrove.", needsUrls: [MangroveReviews.ORIGINAL_API], args: [ { name: "subjectKey", defaultValue: "name", doc: "The key to use to determine the subject. If the value is specified, the subject will be tags[subjectKey] and will use this to filter the reviews.", }, { name: "fallback", doc: "The identifier to use, if tags[subjectKey] as specified above is not available. This is effectively a fallback value", }, ], constr: (state, tags, args, feature) => { const nameKey = args[0] ?? "name" const fallbackName = args[1] const reviews = FeatureReviews.construct( feature, tags, state.userRelatedState.mangroveIdentity, { nameKey: nameKey, fallbackName, }, state.featureSwitchIsTesting ) return new SvelteUIElement(StarsBarIcon, { score: reviews.average, }) }, }, { funcName: "create_review", docs: "Invites the contributor to leave a review. Somewhat small UI-element until interacted", needsUrls: [MangroveReviews.ORIGINAL_API], args: [ { name: "subjectKey", defaultValue: "name", doc: "The key to use to determine the subject. If specified, the subject will be tags[subjectKey]", }, { name: "fallback", doc: "The identifier to use, if tags[subjectKey] as specified above is not available. This is effectively a fallback value", }, ], constr: (state, tags, args, feature, layer) => { const nameKey = args[0] ?? "name" const fallbackName = args[1] const reviews = FeatureReviews.construct( feature, tags, state.userRelatedState?.mangroveIdentity, { nameKey: nameKey, fallbackName, }, state.featureSwitchIsTesting ) return new SvelteUIElement(ReviewForm, { reviews, state, tags, feature, layer }) }, }, { funcName: "list_reviews", docs: "Adds an overview of the mangrove-reviews of this object. Mangrove.Reviews needs - in order to identify the reviewed object - a coordinate and a name. By default, the name of the object is given, but this can be overwritten", needsUrls: [MangroveReviews.ORIGINAL_API], example: "`{reviews()}` for a vanilla review, `{reviews(name, play_forest)}` to review a play forest. If a name is known, the name will be used as identifier, otherwise 'play_forest' is used", args: [ { name: "subjectKey", defaultValue: "name", doc: "The key to use to determine the subject. If specified, the subject will be tags[subjectKey]", }, { name: "fallback", doc: "The identifier to use, if tags[subjectKey] as specified above is not available. This is effectively a fallback value", }, ], constr: (state, tags, args, feature, layer) => { const nameKey = args[0] ?? "name" const fallbackName = args[1] const reviews = FeatureReviews.construct( feature, tags, state.userRelatedState?.mangroveIdentity, { nameKey: nameKey, fallbackName, }, state.featureSwitchIsTesting ) return new SvelteUIElement(AllReviews, { reviews, state, tags, feature, layer }) }, }, { funcName: "import_mangrove_key", docs: "Only makes sense in the usersettings. Allows to import a mangrove public key and to use this to make reviews", args: [ { name: "text", doc: "The text that is shown on the button", }, ], needsUrls: [], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, _: UIEventSource>, argument: string[] ): BaseUIElement { const [text] = argument return new SvelteUIElement(ImportReviewIdentity, { state, text }) }, }, { funcName: "opening_hours_table", docs: "Creates an opening-hours table. Usage: {opening_hours_table(opening_hours)} to create a table of the tag 'opening_hours'.", args: [ { name: "key", defaultValue: "opening_hours", doc: "The tagkey from which the table is constructed.", }, { name: "prefix", defaultValue: "", doc: "Remove this string from the start of the value before parsing. __Note: use `&LPARENs` to indicate `(` if needed__", }, { name: "postfix", defaultValue: "", doc: "Remove this string from the end of the value before parsing. __Note: use `&RPARENs` to indicate `)` if needed__", }, ], needsUrls: [Constants.countryCoderEndpoint], example: "A normal opening hours table can be invoked with `{opening_hours_table()}`. A table for e.g. conditional access with opening hours can be `{opening_hours_table(access:conditional, no @ &LPARENS, &RPARENS)}`", constr: (state, tagSource: UIEventSource, args) => { const [key, prefix, postfix] = args return new OpeningHoursVisualization(tagSource, state, key, prefix, postfix) }, }, { funcName: "opening_hours_state", docs: "A small element, showing if the POI is currently open and when the next change is", args: [ { name: "key", defaultValue: "opening_hours", doc: "The tagkey from which the opening hours are read.", }, { name: "prefix", defaultValue: "", doc: "Remove this string from the start of the value before parsing. __Note: use `&LPARENs` to indicate `(` if needed__", }, { name: "postfix", defaultValue: "", doc: "Remove this string from the end of the value before parsing. __Note: use `&RPARENs` to indicate `)` if needed__", }, ], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tags: UIEventSource>, args: string[] ): SvelteUIElement { const keyToUse = args[0] const prefix = args[1] const postfix = args[2] return new SvelteUIElement(NextChangeViz, { state, keyToUse, tags, prefix, postfix, }) }, }, { funcName: "canonical", docs: "Converts a short, canonical value into the long, translated text including the unit. This only works if a `unit` is defined for the corresponding value. The unit specification will be included in the text. ", example: "If the object has `length=42`, then `{canonical(length)}` will be shown as **42 meter** (in english), **42 metre** (in french), ...", args: [ { name: "key", doc: "The key of the tag to give the canonical text for", required: true, }, ], constr: (state, tagSource, args) => { const key = args[0] return new VariableUiElement( tagSource .map((tags) => tags[key]) .map((value) => { if (value === undefined) { return undefined } const allUnits: Unit[] = [].concat( ...(state?.layout?.layers?.map((lyr) => lyr.units) ?? []) ) const unit = allUnits.filter((unit) => unit.isApplicableToKey(key) )[0] if (unit === undefined) { return value } const getCountry = () => return unit.asHumanLongValue(value, getCountry) }) ) }, }, { funcName: "export_as_geojson", docs: "Exports the selected feature as GeoJson-file", args: [], constr: (state, tagSource, tagsSource, feature, layer) => { const t = return new SubtleButton( new SvelteUIElement(ArrowDownTray), new Combine([ t.downloadFeatureAsGeojson.SetClass("font-bold text-lg"), t.downloadGeoJsonHelper.SetClass("subtle"), ]).SetClass("flex flex-col") ) .onClick(() => { console.log("Exporting as Geojson") const tags = const title = layer?.title?.GetRenderValue(tags)?.Subs(tags)?.txt ?? "geojson" const data = JSON.stringify(feature, null, " ") Utils.offerContentsAsDownloadableFile( data, title + "_mapcomplete_export.geojson", { mimetype: "application/vnd.geo+json", } ) }) .SetClass("w-full") }, }, { funcName: "open_in_iD", docs: "Opens the current view in the iD-editor", args: [], constr: (state, feature) => { return new SvelteUIElement(OpenIdEditor, { mapProperties: state.mapProperties, objectId:, }) }, }, { funcName: "open_in_josm", docs: "Opens the current view in the JOSM-editor", args: [], needsUrls: [""], constr: (state) => { return new SvelteUIElement(OpenJosm, { state }) }, }, { funcName: "clear_location_history", docs: "A button to remove the travelled track information from the device", args: [], constr: (state) => { return new SubtleButton( new SvelteUIElement(Trash).SetClass("h-6"), Translations.t.general.removeLocationHistory ).onClick(() => { state.historicalUserLocations.features.setData([]) state.selectedElement.setData(undefined) }) }, }, { funcName: "visualize_note_comments", docs: "Visualises the comments for notes", args: [ { name: "commentsKey", doc: "The property name of the comments, which should be stringified json", defaultValue: "comments", }, { name: "start", doc: "Drop the first 'start' comments", defaultValue: "0", }, ], needsUrls: [Constants.osmAuthConfig.url], constr: (state, tags, args) => new VariableUiElement( tags .map((tags) => tags[args[0]]) .map((commentsStr) => { const comments: any[] = JSON.parse(commentsStr) const startLoc = Number(args[1] ?? 0) if (!isNaN(startLoc) && startLoc > 0) { comments.splice(0, startLoc) } return new Combine( comments .filter((c) => c.text !== "") .map( (c, i) => new NoteCommentElement(c, state, i, comments.length) ) ).SetClass("flex flex-col") }) ), }, { funcName: "add_image_to_note", docs: "Adds an image to a node", args: [ { name: "Id-key", doc: "The property name where the ID of the note to close can be found", defaultValue: "id", }, ], needsUrls: [Imgur.apiUrl], constr: (state, tags, args) => { const id =[args[0] ?? "id"] tags = state.featureProperties.getStore(id) console.log("Id is", id) return new SvelteUIElement(UploadImage, { state, tags }) }, }, { funcName: "title", args: [], docs: "Shows the title of the popup. Useful for some cases, e.g. 'What is phone number of {title()}?'", example: "`What is the phone number of {title()}`, which might automatically become `What is the phone number of XYZ`.", constr: ( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagsSource: UIEventSource>, _: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ) => new VariableUiElement( => { if (state.layout === undefined) { return "" } const title = layer?.title?.GetRenderValue(tags) if (title === undefined) { return undefined } return new SvelteUIElement(SpecialTranslation, { t: title, tags: tagsSource, state, feature, layer, }) .SetClass("px-1") .setSpan() }) ), }, { funcName: "maproulette_task", args: [], needsUrls: [Maproulette.defaultEndpoint], constr(state, tagSource) { const parentId = if (parentId === undefined) { console.warn("Element ",, " has no mr_challengeId") return undefined } const challenge = Stores.FromPromise( Utils.downloadJsonCached( `${Maproulette.defaultEndpoint}/challenge/${parentId}`, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) ) return new VariableUiElement( => { const listItems: BaseUIElement[] = [] let title: BaseUIElement if (challenge?.name) { title = new Title( } if (challenge?.description) { listItems.push(new FixedUiElement(challenge.description)) } if (challenge?.instruction) { listItems.push(new FixedUiElement(challenge.instruction)) } if (listItems.length === 0) { return undefined } else { return [title, new List(listItems)] } }) ) }, docs: "Fetches the metadata of MapRoulette campaign that this task is part of and shows those details (namely `title`, `description` and `instruction`).\n\nThis reads the property `mr_challengeId` to detect the parent campaign.", }, { funcName: "maproulette_set_status", docs: "Change the status of the given MapRoulette task", needsUrls: [Maproulette.defaultEndpoint], example: " The following example sets the status to '2' (false positive)\n" + "\n" + "```json\n" + "{\n" + ' "id": "mark_duplicate",\n' + ' "render": {\n' + ' "special": {\n' + ' "type": "maproulette_set_status",\n' + ' "message": {\n' + ' "en": "Mark as not found or false positive"\n' + " },\n" + ' "status": "2",\n' + ' "image": "close"\n' + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "```", args: [ { name: "message", doc: "A message to show to the user", }, { name: "image", doc: "Image to show", defaultValue: "confirm", }, { name: "message_confirm", doc: "What to show when the task is closed, either by the user or was already closed.", }, { name: "status", doc: "A statuscode to apply when the button is clicked. 1 = `close`, 2 = `false_positive`, 3 = `skip`, 4 = `deleted`, 5 = `already fixed` (on the map, e.g. for duplicates), 6 = `too hard`", defaultValue: "1", }, { name: "maproulette_id", doc: "The property name containing the maproulette id", defaultValue: "mr_taskId", }, { name: "ask_feedback", doc: "If not an empty string, this will be used as question to ask some additional feedback. A text field will be added", defaultValue: "", }, ], constr: (state, tagsSource, args) => { let [ message, image, message_closed, statusToSet, maproulette_id_key, askFeedback, ] = args if (image === "") { image = "confirm" } if (maproulette_id_key === "" || maproulette_id_key === undefined) { maproulette_id_key = "mr_taskId" } statusToSet = statusToSet ?? "1" return new SvelteUIElement(MaprouletteSetStatus, { state, tags: tagsSource, message, image, message_closed, statusToSet, maproulette_id_key, askFeedback, }) }, }, { funcName: "statistics", docs: "Show general statistics about the elements currently in view. Intended to use on the `current_view`-layer", args: [], constr: (state) => { return new Combine( state.layout.layers .filter( (l) => !== null && l.title && state.perLayer.get( !== undefined ) .map( (l) => { const fs = state.perLayer.get( console.log(">>>",, fs) const bbox = state.mapProperties.bounds const fsBboxed = new BBoxFeatureSourceForLayer(fs, bbox) return new StatisticsPanel(fsBboxed) }, [state.mapProperties.bounds] ) ) }, }, { funcName: "send_email", docs: "Creates a `mailto`-link where some fields are already set and correctly escaped. The user will be promted to send the email", args: [ { name: "to", doc: "Who to send the email to?", required: true, }, { name: "subject", doc: "The subject of the email", required: true, }, { name: "body", doc: "The text in the email", required: true, }, { name: "button_text", doc: "The text shown on the button in the UI", required: true, }, ], constr(__, tags, args) { return new SvelteUIElement(SendEmail, { args, tags }) }, }, { funcName: "link", docs: "Construct a link. By using the 'special' visualisation notation, translations should be easier", args: [ { name: "text", doc: "Text to be shown", required: true, }, { name: "href", doc: "The URL to link to. Note that this will be URI-encoded before ", required: true, }, { name: "class", doc: "CSS-classes to add to the element", }, { name: "download", doc: "Expects a string which denotes the filename to download the contents of `href` into. If set, this link will act as a download-button.", }, { name: "arialabel", doc: "If set, this text will be used as aria-label", }, ], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, args: string[] ): BaseUIElement { let [text, href, classnames, download, ariaLabel] = args if (download === "") { download = undefined } const newTab = download === undefined && !href.startsWith("#") const textStore = => Utils.SubstituteKeys(text, tags)) const hrefStore = (tags) => Utils.SubstituteKeys(href, tags).replaceAll( / /g, "%20" ) /* Chromium based browsers eat the spaces */ ) return new SvelteUIElement(DynLink, { text: textStore, href: hrefStore, classnames: new ImmutableStore(classnames), download: => Utils.SubstituteKeys(download, tags)), ariaLabel: => Utils.SubstituteKeys(ariaLabel, tags)), newTab: new ImmutableStore(newTab), }).setSpan() }, }, { funcName: "multi", docs: "Given an embedded tagRendering (read only) and a key, will read the keyname as a JSON-list. Every element of this list will be considered as tags and rendered with the tagRendering", example: "```json\n" + JSON.stringify( { render: { special: { type: "multi", key: "_doors_from_building_properties", tagrendering: { en: "The building containing this feature has a door of width {entrance:width}", }, }, }, }, null, " " ) + "\n```", args: [ { name: "key", doc: "The property to read and to interpret as a list of properties", required: true, }, { name: "tagrendering", doc: "An entire tagRenderingConfig", required: true, }, { name: "classes", doc: "CSS-classes to apply on every individual item. Seperated by `space`", }, ], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, featureTags: UIEventSource>, args: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ) { const [key, tr, classesRaw] = args let classes = classesRaw ?? "" const translation = new Translation({ "*": tr }) return new VariableUiElement( => { let properties: object[] if (typeof tags[key] === "string") { properties = JSON.parse(tags[key]) } else { properties = tags[key] } if (!properties) { console.debug( "Could not create a special visualization for multi(", args.join(", ") + ")", "no properties found for object", ) return undefined } const elements = [] for (const property of properties) { const subsTr = new SvelteUIElement(SpecialTranslation, { t: translation, tags: new ImmutableStore(property), state, feature, layer, }).SetClass(classes) elements.push(subsTr) } return elements }) ) }, }, { funcName: "translated", docs: "If the given key can be interpreted as a JSON, only show the key containing the current language (or 'en'). This specialRendering is meant to be used by MapComplete studio and is not useful in map themes", args: [ { name: "key", doc: "The attribute to interpret as json", defaultValue: "value", }, ], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { return new VariableUiElement( => { const v = tags[argument[0] ?? "value"] try { const tr = typeof v === "string" ? JSON.parse(v) : v return new Translation(tr).SetClass("font-bold") } catch (e) { console.error("Cannot create a translation for", v, "due to", e) return JSON.stringify(v) } }) ) }, }, { funcName: "fediverse_link", docs: "Converts a fediverse username or link into a clickable link", args: [ { name: "key", doc: "The attribute-name containing the link", required: true, }, ], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { const key = argument[0] const validator = new FediverseValidator() return new VariableUiElement( tagSource .map((tags) => tags[key]) .map((fediAccount) => { fediAccount = validator.reformat(fediAccount) const [_, username, host] = fediAccount.match( FediverseValidator.usernameAtServer ) const normalLink = new SvelteUIElement(Link, { text: fediAccount, href: "https://" + host + "/@" + username, newTab: true, }) const loggedInContributorMastodon = state.userRelatedState?.preferencesAsTags?.data?.[ "_mastodon_link" ] console.log( "LoggedinContributorMastodon", loggedInContributorMastodon ) if (!loggedInContributorMastodon) { return normalLink } const homeUrl = new URL(loggedInContributorMastodon) const homeHost = homeUrl.protocol + "//" + homeUrl.hostname return new Combine([ normalLink, new SvelteUIElement(Link, { href: homeHost + "/" + fediAccount, text: Translations.t.validation.fediverse.onYourServer, newTab: true, }).SetClass("button"), ]) }) ) }, }, { funcName: "braced", docs: "Show a literal text within braces", args: [ { name: "text", required: true, doc: "The value to show", }, ], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, args: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { return new FixedUiElement("{" + args[0] + "}") }, }, { funcName: "tags", docs: "Shows a (json of) tags in a human-readable way + links to the wiki", args: [ { name: "key", defaultValue: "value", doc: "The key to look for the tags", }, ], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { const key = argument[0] ?? "value" return new VariableUiElement( => { let value = tags[key] if (!value) { return new FixedUiElement("No tags found").SetClass("font-bold") } if (typeof value === "string" && value.startsWith("{")) { value = JSON.parse(value) } try { const parsed = TagUtils.Tag(value) return parsed.asHumanString(true, false, {}) } catch (e) { return new FixedUiElement( "Could not parse this tag: " + JSON.stringify(value) + " due to " + e ).SetClass("alert") } }) ) }, }, { funcName: "giggity", args: [ { name: "giggityUrl", required: true, doc: "The URL of the giggity-XML", }, ], docs: "Shows events that are happening based on a Giggity URL", needsUrls: (args) => args[0], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { const giggityUrl = argument[0] return new SvelteUIElement(Giggity, { tags: tagSource, state, giggityUrl }) }, }, { funcName: "gps_all_tags", docs: "Shows the current tags of the GPS-representing object, used for debugging", args: [], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, _: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { const tags = (( state )) (features) => features[0]?.properties ) return new Combine([ new SvelteUIElement(OrientationDebugPanel, {}), new SvelteUIElement(AllTagsPanel, { state, tags, }), ]) }, }, { funcName: "favourite_status", docs: "A button that allows a (logged in) contributor to mark a location as a favourite location", args: [], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { return new SvelteUIElement(MarkAsFavourite, { tags: tagSource, state, layer, feature, }) }, }, { funcName: "favourite_icon", docs: "A small button that allows a (logged in) contributor to mark a location as a favourite location, sized to fit a title-icon", args: [], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { return new SvelteUIElement(MarkAsFavouriteMini, { tags: tagSource, state, layer, feature, }).SetClass("w-full h-full") }, }, { funcName: "direction_indicator", args: [], docs: "Gives a distance indicator and a compass pointing towards the location from your GPS-location. If clicked, centers the map on the object", constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { return new SvelteUIElement(DirectionIndicator, { state, feature }) }, }, { funcName: "qr_code", args: [], docs: "Generates a QR-code to share the selected object", constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, argument: string[], feature: Feature ): BaseUIElement { const smallSize = 100 const bigSize = 200 const size = new UIEventSource(smallSize) return new VariableUiElement( tagSource .map((tags) => .map( (id) => { if (id.startsWith("node/-")) { // Not yet uploaded return undefined } const [lon, lat] = GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(feature) const includeLayout = window.location.pathname .split("/") .at(-1) .startsWith("theme") const layout = includeLayout ? "layout=" + + "&" : "" const url = `${window.location.protocol}//${}${window.location.pathname}?${layout}lat=${lat}&lon=${lon}&z=15` + `#${id}` return new Img(new Qr(url).toImageElement( `width: ${}px` ) }, [size] ) ).onClick(() => { if ( !== bigSize) { size.setData(bigSize) } else { size.setData(smallSize) } }) }, }, { funcName: "direction_absolute", docs: "Converts compass degrees (with 0° being north, 90° being east, ...) into a human readable, translated direction such as 'north', 'northeast'", args: [ { name: "key", doc: "The attribute containing the degrees", defaultValue: "_direction:centerpoint", }, ], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, args: string[] ): BaseUIElement { const key = args[0] === "" ? "_direction:centerpoint" : args[0] return new VariableUiElement( tagSource .map((tags) => { console.log("Direction value", tags[key], key) return tags[key] }) .mapD((value) => { const dir = GeoOperations.bearingToHuman( GeoOperations.parseBearing(value) ) console.log("Human dir", dir) return Translations.t.general.visualFeedback.directionsAbsolute[dir] }) ) }, }, { funcName: "compare_data", needsUrls: (args) => args[1].split(";"), args: [ { name: "url", required: true, doc: "The attribute containing the url where to fetch more data", }, { name: "host", required: true, doc: "The domain name(s) where data might be fetched from - this is needed to set the CSP. A domain must include 'https', e.g. ''. For multiple domains, separate them with ';'. If you don't know the possible domains, use '*'. ", }, { name: "readonly", required: false, doc: "If 'yes', will not show 'apply'-buttons", }, ], docs: "Gives an interactive element which shows a tag comparison between the OSM-object and the upstream object. This allows to copy some or all tags into OSM", constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, args: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { const url = args[0] const readonly = args[3] === "yes" const externalData = Stores.FromPromiseWithErr(Utils.downloadJson(url)) return new SvelteUIElement(ComparisonTool, { url, state, tags: tagSource, layer, feature, readonly, externalData, }) }, }, { funcName: "login_button", args: [], docs: "Show a login button", needsUrls: [], constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource>, args: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ): BaseUIElement { return new Toggle( undefined, new SvelteUIElement(LoginButton, { osmConnection: state.osmConnection }), state.osmConnection.isLoggedIn ) }, }, { funcName: "linked_data_from_website", docs: "Attempts to load (via a proxy) the specified website and parsed ld+json from there. Suitable data will be offered to import into OSM", args: [ { name: "key", defaultValue: "website", doc: "Attempt to load ld+json from the specified URL. This can be in an embedded